MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1099 impact

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Intense violence descends from the sky, and countless substances begin to evaporate directly in the void.

The power of men emerged directly in the form of high-dimensional strikes, and the traces of countless Fangxing swords in this world were obliterated.

An official just opened the door and was taken aback. The wooden bench looked at the empty study room.

Wang Gonggong bowed his head and pondered for a while, turned his head and looked at it, and found that his secret book did not know when it disappeared.

In the study room, the prince's brow was picked, and he watched a large number of books, and the newspapers and letters dissipated in the void.

The power of high-dimensional strikes is invisible and invisible, and there is no visible light and fluctuation. At the moment, on the whole planet, I am afraid that only the Prince can discover the changes. Only the woman with high-dimensional perception still retains the past three years. The memory of time.

In the starry sky, two electromagnetic fluctuations slammed and then superimposed together, and countless ideas completed the intersection in an instant.

Fang Xingjian: "Only destruction, no creation, because even if you can't complete the editing of all the facts in just a few days?"

Destruction is much simpler than creation. Destruction only needs to destroy the traces of the existence of the Fangxing sword. If you want to create it, if you want to cover up the traces of existence, you must weave countless lies and illusions.

The material of the whole world is interconnected, and an illusion requires 10,000 illusions to cover up.

If a man wants to change the facts about Fang Xingjian in a letter, he needs to change the changes in all the people, places, and events involved.

And destruction, as long as it directly evaporates all the media that records Fang Xingjian.

Invisible man: "Oh, although rude, but effective, isn't it?"

Fang Xingjian: "Roughness is rude, effective but not necessarily. You are like to continue to cover with a paint on a piece of paper. The result will only be blackened."

After the conversation between the two was completed in an instant, and the records of all the square swords were evaporated, the invisible man began to erase the memory of everyone again.

Fang Xingjian’s counterattacks continue, and countless people keep recording their experiences and recording lost information during the time interval between material evaporation and memory obliteration.

The more influential is the etheric martial arts and high-tech equipment arranged by Fang Xingjian.

This kind of knight martial arts has far more cultivation power than the local scorpio martial arts. Therefore, in the past two or three years, the spread of the martial arts has been very wide, and the high-tech equipment has been smashed by countless people because of its ease of use and great power.

Now Fang Xingjian resists the invisible man's erasing, while relying on the influence of his emperor's identity, he continues to create all kinds of big events.

The knight martial arts created by today's sons were spread freely in the world, and high-tech equipment was released every few dozen days. A branch of the army was equipped with various high-tech armed forces.

In a short period of time, people have forgotten what happened in the past three years. It seems that the court has never been confused, and there is no rebellion in the princes.

But today, the Son is still an unprecedented saint, because he not only created the Knights' martial arts, but also the ancestors of countless warriors throughout the world. The advanced weapons he invented and created are the cornerstones of the country's rule, and countless people envy the gods.

"If that's the case, then it's completely wiped out."

In an instant, the entire Tianjing became a fly ash, and countless court forces were directly evaporated by the invisible forces, and the whole world seemed to be in a turmoil again.

At the top of the mountain, the winds of the road are constantly colliding, and it seems to be mixed with a lot of sound waves.

Invisible man: "Is it seen? My strength is far superior to you. No matter what changes you make, I can kill him instantly. You can never control the world."

Fang Xingjian: "Is it?"

With the destruction of the dynasty, the entire land of Middle-earth re-entered the war, and hundreds of surnames were also involved in the war.

But even so, Fang Xuan is still not forgotten, because the imperial court was destroyed and the technology armed forces were destroyed, but the invisible man did not kill or kill all the human beings who practiced the etheric martial arts in the world.

With the spread of the martial arts, Fang Xuan and Fang Xingjian may be forgotten, but he will have another Wuzu identity to be remembered by the whole world.

In the high time and space, the nine-life spiral seems to start to deep into the group consciousness.

The invisible man's sneer spreads freely in the vacuum outside the atmosphere: “What makes sense? No matter how you struggle, the absolute gap in power still exists, and I can easily smooth out all your little moves.”

In an instant, the absolute power once again enveloped the entire planet, and everyone’s memory was directly wiped out ten years ago.

However, the clues of Fang Xingjian still fall in the operation of the Knights' martial arts. As long as the people of the world are still alive and still cultivate the Knights' martial arts, they will gradually discover the existence of Fang Xingjian.

In the scene, love and hate and hatred, the family's grievances are constantly staged under the interference of the two, and history continues to twist and turn under the interference of both sides.

In the twinkling of an eye, the battle between the two has lasted for two years, and for them, everything seems to have just happened.

In a series of battles, the two used the heavens and the earth as the chessboard, and the sentient beings as the chess pieces. By constantly interfering with the present, changing the past, guiding the changes of the whole world, and constantly robbing this control of the world.

At this moment, Fang Xingjian’s mind seems to have flashed a bit of insight: ‘Is this feeling also true? But they are not mastering a world, but a myriad of worlds, unlimited time and space.

Then, when I grew up to the moment, how much did the power of the demon interfere? Just like I interfered with the might of the world. ’

On the other hand, the invisible man's eyes pierced the future and seemed to see the future results.

‘Unless his martial arts are completely obliterated, his spirit will eventually spread. ’

Although he can continue to interfere, even in the secular, the result of the ban on the military, completely killing all the knight martial arts.

However, this is equivalent to asking him to change his own system of scorpio, otherwise the martial system that healed for him will obviously compete with the martial arts in the stage of mortal cultivation.


Therefore, the invisible man did not do this. He intends to directly kill all the human beings in the world and let him come from other parallel worlds.

This is like restarting the whole world, completely eliminating the traces of Fang Xingjian.

"You want to erase everyone?" Fang Xingjian's idea is passed back and forth in the void.

The invisible man smiled and said: "So can you stop it?"

"Your strength has penetrated countless worlds and time and space, and the resources are more than my imagination." Fang Xingjian said calmly: "But if I were you, I would not do that... because the world is no longer It belongs to you."