MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1265 is endless

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The information in the singularity, along with the explosion, is still moving in all directions along with the expansion of the universe.

The new universe, five billion years after the big bang, is on a certain life planet of the celestial galaxies.

To the Tianmen contemporary door master deputy, looking up at the starry sky, behind him is falling, tripping over a piece of masters of the rivers and lakes, everyone looking at the front of the door to heaven is a horror, worship, shock.

"If you want to lose, you can't get it, you mourn, the world is invincible, and you are so lonely."

"In the world today, can you be an enemy with me, is this God only?"

The next moment, in the vacuum of the universe, a yellow ray instantly covers the entire planet, and too much radiant radiation can directly evaporate the life of the entire planet.

And just as they were evaporated, almost all of them had the information contained in this radiation.

"Li Anping, who allowed you to grab my things?"


Ten billion years later, the Milky Way, the water blue star.

Inside the Astronomical Observatory, a blond man shouted in surprise: "What is this? Guys, I seem to have received a radiation from the Big Bang."

"What a joke."

"How can this be?"

"Let it out and see."

"Wait, I will release the results of my analysis."

The next moment, a voice came from the computer.

"The disaster of glory, you are looking for death."

The person who heard the words looked at each other. After a while, one person said: "Idiot, you are receiving which radio or radio signal."


15 billion years after the Big Bang.

Countless cosmic fleets float in a dark vacuum.

Twenty years ago, the Fish Star Government detected a strong radiation that was heading in the direction of their parent star. According to scientists, this strong radiation will rupture all life in the entire star system.

In order to counter this strong radiation, the entire government of the fish star has united to form a joint government of the planet, in order to promote technology at full speed and fight against this natural disaster.

In the past 20 years, all the fishermen on the planet lived according to the schedule, and went out early and late every day, working six days a week.

All materials are allocated on demand, and finance, entertainment, and art all fall into the lowest valley of history. Everything is moving toward simple and practical development.

At this moment, the three motherships took away one million elites and rushed into space, and the remaining fishermen could only wait for the mother to die.

There are countless automatics that have been streamed in an attempt to resist this strong radiation.

But in the next moment, with a burst of yellow light sweeping across the planet, half an hour later swept the escaped mothership, a heart sound in everyone's mind.

"Haha, is someone angry and ruined?"

At the same time of hearing this sentence, the cells in countless people changed in a while, the genes in the body evolved under the stimulation of strong radiation, and various flames, electro-optic, and air currents appeared on their bodies, and the fish swimmers ushered in super powers. era.


Li Anping, the demon of silver, and the catastrophe of the **** of Huang, the light collision between the two directly triggered the disaster of the Big Bang. When the original universe was destroyed, a new universe was created.

It has created a tens of billions of old timelines, a tens of billions of older futures.

For the devil, the moment when the timeline was born, the past and the future have already appeared in their eyes. Not only are the information they left echoing in the new universe, they can even come directly to this timeline. Time point.

For example, at the beginning of the big bang, they can directly reach the end of the universe after tens of billions of years.

It is like a snake lying on the timeline.

With the confrontation between the two sides causing the Big Bang, the consciousness of Fang Xingjian disappeared again and then recovered.

At the moment of his recovery, he once again felt his condition, and he returned to the moment he was just concerned.

At the same time, his knowledge of the sea rose sharply, and he felt that endless information poured into his brain, which was a message that spanned the timeline and came from other parallel universes.

He also finally understood that a ** attack, repeated fights, repeated deaths, is indeed not the effect of time back.

What he saw, what he experienced, the scenes that were remembered by the moment, the attacks that were repeated, and even the last creation of the new universe were not illusions, nor time-lapses, but countless other timelines. His experience.

'When the two sides watched this place, from this point of time, with the emergence of the two sides, there are countless possibilities, and countless timelines have been born. On each timeline, the two sides of the match show different. The means have also produced different results, creating a different future. ’

'Because of my high-dimensional perception ability, from the moment I was watched, countless time lines were simultaneously attacked, and the time space was still drastically changed in countless dimensions, which made me inadvertently get other timelines. information. ’

‘The battles that cover countless timelines are the devils who are shooting? ’

‘But so many timelines, how do they decide the final result? ’

Too many timelines, too many probabilities, too many possibilities, as long as the two sides do not win or lose on one of the timelines, then the other wins and losses on the timeline have no meaning.

More and more information has poured into the mind of Fang Xingjian. There are various scenes of the end of the universe. There are also various kinds of time and space interventions, attacks by material interference, and even the forces such as Yan Feibai, Doomsday Fortress, and Fortune Gate are directly Enhance, manipulate and fight.

There is even a scene in which his mind is assimilated and brainwashed.

Just when he guessed the direction of the war, he felt that the whole body was tight and seemed to be controlled by a certain powerful force. The consciousness and the flesh were constantly sublimating.

"what happened?"

"Don't move." A sound like a million-year-old ice appeared in the mind of Fang Xingjian: "Someone wants to smash the table..."

Fang Xingjian only felt that his body and consciousness seemed to cross a myriad of dimensions in an instant. At the end of the day, he even could not fully feel his body and consciousness.

Only one chaos can be seen, and an infinitesimal point comes to him.

A kind of enlightenment appeared in the mind of Fang Xingjian.

'Singular point? ’

'return to the past? Did I come before the big bang of this universe? Come to an era where time and space are not there? ’

Fang Xingjian can't understand the current state, but without waiting for him to understand the current state, the big bang will come.

In the midst of chaos, the singularity suddenly releases infinite light, and the big bang is coming.

Looking at this thrilling scene, Fang Xingjian’s mind is full of the birth of a universe, and is shocked by the miracle.

But in the next moment, a big hand stretched out from the chaos, pinching the singularity of the upcoming explosion into the hands, directly relying on one's own power to directly annihilate the big bang that should have occurred.

Seeing Fang Xingjian here immediately reacted: "This is to stop the big bang of the universe and annihilate all the future of the universe."

The words of the cold voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Is this the table?"

Fang Xingjian was still thinking about it. At one point in time, there were countless probabilities because of the interaction between the two. There were countless timelines and countless results, so that the two sides could hardly be divided, so how can the two sides fight and decide.

Then he saw this scene in front of him. Even before one came directly to the universe, he came to the chaos without the concept of time. The singularity was wiped out in one breath, which was equivalent to destroying all the future of the universe. It is the table.

Then there was another white light coming in, and the white light suddenly appeared, like a long-awaited peerless assassin.

Jianguang directly stabbed the big hand that pinched the singularity. With the appearance of white light, the palm of the hand holding the singularity was slightly shocked, and it was directly released and then disappeared.

Losing the **** of the giant hand, the Big Bang continued, and all the timelines that had disappeared, the ruined parallel universe was born again.