MTL - Paradise of Demonic Gods-~ 1268 Eye of the End

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When Fang Xingjian came back again, he had already appeared in a secluded field of grass.

In his mind, the picture of the battle that has just been played is still vivid, and the cultivation method of the quantum organ is also in his mind, but the place that makes him feel shocked most...

"Zuo Qingcang is relying on one person to fight against the other twelve demon gods?" Fang Xingjian’s heart was shocked and thought that his mind was still the last back left by Zuo Qingcang, and that it was falling from the sky, boundless, and could not be seen. Twelve powers.

In fact, after seeing the battle between Li Anping and Yuhuang's disaster, Fang Xingjian has a clear understanding of the strength of the demon god, and the intensity of the battle center is personally experienced.

It can be said that fighting with any one of the devils is already an amazing thing, let alone twelve together.

"Do not worry, there is no certainty to me, Zuo Qingcang will not shoot, not to mention the white blessing, he can at least die, worry about him, it is better to worry about yourself." The voice of Parosus in the mind of Fang Xingjian It rang.

"You!" Fang Xingjian's brows are picking up, and suffocating appears in his eyes. For this mysterious strong man who has left a secret door in his own knowledge of the sea, his heart is very alert.

"You don't want to know why Zuo Qingcang wants to do this?"

Fang Xingjian frowned and asked: "Do you know?"

"He thinks you can let him get rid of the erosion and control of white." Parosus said with a smile: "But obviously, the other twelve devils don't think so. They think that your existence will not let Zuo Qingcang’s mastery of whiteness will have some bad influence on white.

After all, your blood and consciousness come from Li Anping and Zuo Qingcang. If Bai will completely absorb you, it is very likely that Li Anping will have some kind of connection that other devils do not want. ”

Parosus touched his chin and said: "On the contrary, even if you are really successful, let the left engine Cang disconnect the connection with the white, I am afraid that other devils are not willing to see.

So your kid is lucky, the most horrible, top-ranking, twelve human beings like a nightmare, all staring at you now. After that, Parosus issued a series of sneers that were not good intentions.

Upon hearing this, Fang Xingjian’s face was heavy and he felt heavy pressure.

The attention of the twelve devils may be the biggest crisis in the multiverse.

At the same time, he slightly checked the status quo of the body, but found that the martial arts will still maintain the previous 1.2 million, and unconsciously, he has been able to perfectly grasp the 1.2 million martial arts will.

‘Is the side effect of the parallel universe that Li Anping possessed me... What are the side effects? ’

In the next moment, the 1.2 million-point martial arts will be shot from his body, and in the blink of an eye, the whole planet will be covered. He must first look at the situation of this planet.

But with such a slight sweep, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

The planet in front of him is a miracle world that he left before. Not only that, but he also jumped directly into the miracle world of the future.

At this moment, only the last day of the period is left from the last five years.

The power of the heavenly palace, even the sorcerer, and the Holy See of the entire planet has been lost. It is obvious that the connection between the power of the demon gods and the world has been cut off. This is obviously the means of Zuo Qingcang.

Perceived this information, Fang Xingjian’s mind also flashed a hint of insight.

"I cultivated into a quantum organ within one day. It turns out that if it is more than one day, Zuo Qingcang also thinks that I have no hope of success, so I will erase it directly, so as not to become white nutrients?"

"Quantum organ..." Thought of this, Fang Xingjian also looked at the content of the method of quantum organ cultivation.

"To fight against the devil, you must first master the ability of the timeline to shuttle, and you can jump freely regardless of the past."

"The shuttle of the timeline is divided into three realms, information, energy, and material. The starting point is to be able to transmit information on the timeline, followed by energy, then matter. After that, you will be free in time. Going up the line, detached from the existence of causality."

"The method of cultivation that Zuo Qingcang gave me is to combine it with 1024 forces left by him and turn it into a quantum organ. After the quantum organs are made, the ability to shuttle through the timeline can be gradually acquired."

"So... the cultivation of quantum organs."

Fang Xingjian quickly swept the cultivation method of quantum organs. The 1024 kinds of power that Zuo Qingcang planted in his body, called the life bundle, is a special biological organ that can be cultivated by absorbing various energies in the universe. And has a variety of temperature control, gravity, current, invisibility, absorption, and so on.

When the plexus grows to a certain extent, it can be combined with each other to form a quantum organ through the superposition of various abilities.

The process of the first step is very simple. With Fang Xingjian's current 1.2 million martial arts will, he took a little bit of the power of the entire planet and the surrounding universe vacuum, and the life began to grow rapidly.

I saw that the 1024 points in Fang Xingjian quickly flashed, and they grew to their respective limits. Then they only need to be combined with each other in a specific way to achieve quantum organs.

And this method of specific combination of quantum organs, Zuo Qingcang also passed into the mind of Fang Xingjian, called the end of the eye.

Fang Xingjian repeatedly read more than 5,000 times in a minute, and determined that there was no problem, he began to move the body of 1024 kinds of life, and began the combination of the end of the eye.

"The virtual engine that needs to extract power..."

"The spare pair destroys the power furnace..."

"Space-time curvature detection..."

"Timeline swinger..."

1024 kinds of life plexes with various special abilities, they have a variety of singular abilities after they are combined with each other. These singular abilities are combined again and again, and new abilities are created.

After six rounds of combination, an eyeball like a diamond, a gemstone, crystal clear, and a faint fluorescent light appeared on the forehead of Fang Xingjian, just like the third eye, exuding inexplicable electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves.

This is the end of the eye, Zuo Qing Cang specially designed for the Fang Xingjian quantum organs.

Fang Xingjian can even see all the incomprehensible images from time to time. It seems to be the information of the parallel universe that the terminal eye has inadvertently obtained.

Everything went smoothly. It was almost two hours. Fang Xingjian completed the end of the eye, but when he tried to start the eyes of the end, get other parallel universe, other timeline information, but there was no success.