MTL - Part-Time Taoist Priest-Chapter 43 Buried bone

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Xie Lingya was making a joke. Liu vv had a dream the next night, dreaming of his grandfather Zhu Chengmei.

Zhu Chengmei wore a new dress that Liu Vv burned to him last night. He smiled and looked loving. He said, "I didn't want to give you a dream. You didn't like it, and I was afraid of scaring you."

Liu vv cried again in her dreams.

Zhu Chengmei said: "It's okay, but it's been hungry for a few years. Was it not full last night? It hurts you to burn a lot of things."

Liu Vv cried: "How is your grandfather doing below?"

"I am waiting in line to wait for a reincarnation. I have inquired about it. It is very likely that I will vote again." Zhu Chengmei shook his head and said, "The grandfather is fighting for early vote, maybe we can see it on the human side."

Liu vv broke into laughter. "Really?"

Zhu Chengmei said with a smile: "Really, don't let Wang Yu's kid's kid give me a dojo. I made a dodge and extradite me to heaven. I just want to re-enter the world."

"I can't say it for too long, vv, you find a booklet in the box where I packed the old things. That is the note I took to study Lushan Law during my lifetime, and I handed it over to Xie Lingya." Zhu Chengmei said, "You told him this. I haven't found a passer-by for a lifetime. If I stay there, I will keep it. I will give it to him. I will repay it."

Liu vv nodded, and took time to say a few words with Zhu Chengmei. After waking up, I found myself covered with tears.

Liu vv thought of the grandfather's words in the dream, went back to the old house to find a bit, and surely saw the book under the bottom in a box, in addition to some artifacts.

So, Liu Vv and Huang Bin moved things together to Baoyang Temple, handed them to Xie Lingya, and told his grandfather.

Xie Lingya took Zhu Chengmei to study the book of Lushan Law. He felt that the pressure was big and said: "The elders give me a gift. Although Zhu said that he is sending me, I only do this part-time, but I will find it in the door." The right person passed down the Lushan Law and prevented his efforts from being lost."

He admired Zhu Chengmei's virtue, especially in Zhu Chengmei's body.

"Thank you." Liu vv was very moved, and the grandfather had given up, but Xie Lingya took the initiative to promise that although he is part-time, he will pass it on to others.

"I will also set up a card in the view, let his old man enjoy the incense with the ancestors every day." Xie Lingya said.

Liu Vv is now very concerned about these things behind him and asks: "Mr. Xie, you said, if my ancestors and grandfathers are as successful as they are, they have already reborn, then I will burn the sacrifices...?"

She decided to sacrifice ancestors to her ancestors every year, and to burn those offerings to the sinister soldiers, but because she did not understand, she could not help but have some doubts.

"Because many people don't know where their ancestors are, they have the premise that they have not yet reincarnation. If he is still there, they can live better. For us, it is also a method of grief."

Xie Lingya thought about it and said: "Someone once felt sleep in the mouth and felt food in the mouth. I woke up and the fragrance was still there. After asking the Master to know, this is the loved one of the past life who is still offering him, because the belief is too strong, so he still feels Although there is no previous memory, he can't help but feel very moved. After so many years of sacrifice, he has found a past life and sent a gift. This is the continuation of the forefront. ”

Liu Vv thought of his grandfather’s jokes, saying that maybe he would vote early, but he could see each other again. At this time, the words with Xie Lingya seem to have been confirmed. There is a hint of excitement. “Thank you, I know.”

Xie Lingya provided Zhu Chengmei's tablet and called him a gentleman. Although the two did not have the name of mentor and apprentice, they never even met. However, Zhu Chengmei gave Xie Lingya the method of blasphemy, and Mr. Sheng was not too much.

Lushan Law has a lot of research on all kinds of goblin ghosts. They ask the soldiers to ask for the Three Realms and Five Battalions, that is, whether they are Tianbing, Yinbing, and Demon soldiers, there are many scientific instruments in this area.

After Xie Lingya looked at it, he said, "Hey, let’s say, the relationship between me and Ding Aima is very similar. It’s just a verbal agreement. There is no pledge. You see, I will give them incense, they usually help me. patrol……"

Zhang Daoyu asked him: "Ting Ai Ma, if he is not good, he will always be a Yin soldier."

"Yeah." Xie Lingya said, he has inquired about it. When it is over, there is no pain, just wash away your sin.

And if the Master's mana is sufficient, you can even extradite the heavens and enjoy the joy in the East Palace.

This is another good place besides reincarnation, but unfortunately not everyone can succeed.

If you go to the six reincarnations, it is not that every soul can be reincarnation after death. If there is no merit, the next life is likely to be a dog, an ant, and so on. The team of the year.

Ding Aima listened at the time and shook his head. "Xie teacher, I listen to you telling the instrument. When this is overtime, I will finally tell the dead soul to enlighten, and then the soul will go to the palace of the door. It is not to obey. The commandments of the gates, and there is no entertainment in the world."

Xie Lingya: ", haven’t the free movies been enough?"

Ding Aima: "..."

Ding Aima really admitted: "It can be a moment to watch."

Xie Lingya took him helpless, and the ghosts were aspiring. Like Qin Limin, he wants to reincarnate, and eat more delicious food in the afterlife.

Ding Aima said: "That, Teacher Xie, if you have a granddaughter in the future, I will not divide your incense, I will help you protect her..."

Xie Lingya said straight: "Go to yours to go to yours!"

At the fifteenth of the first month of the first month, the view was not so lively. Many people resumed work in the eighth day. At this point, the students are about to start school.

Xie Lingya statistics, their activities to send blessings, sent thousands of blessings every day, the number is very impressive.

On this day, he was on the account. The legal supplies consumed on this day saw a family of three coming in to the Taoist Temple. "Is there a long way to go?"

Other Taoist priests are receiving the believers, and the volunteers have something to do. Xie Lingya looks at it and replies: "Busy, a few can wait a little later or come later."

"Oh, then..." the family asked. "Can you sign up for the Lantern Festival tonight?"

"It has already been closed." Xie Lingya said that this Yuanfa Association is to prepare for the registration of the letter, butter lamps and other things in advance.

The couple are very young and lead a little girl of seven or eight years old. There is a bracelet on the mother's hand. The middle is a telephone cord and the other is in the hands of the little girl. I don't know if I am afraid of the Spring Festival. Scattered. However, the little girl has been bowing her head and following her mother. It is not like running around.

The father said: "Can we understand, we only heard that the law of Baoyangguan is very effective, and money is not a problem."

"This is nothing, two hundred one, a unified price, there should be more lights." Xie Lingya said. In fact, he is all ready to organize, and he will go back and add a essay.

The couple sighed and said: "Two hundred? Is it not expensive?"

Xie Lingya laughed and said: "How expensive are you?"

The husband yelled: "I looked at other Taoist temples before, there are one hundred and eighty ones..."

“Is it gold?” Xie Lingya asked without hesitation. “We don’t have it here.”

The two of them looked at each other. "Okay, little brother, trouble you, give us a supplement."

"Well, come over at eight o'clock tonight." Xie Lingya gave them a formal procedure. When I saw the registered name, the original man was called Qi Liang, the woman was named Meng Siyu, and the daughter was Qi Xiaomei.

Xie Lingya talked more about their daughters, and always felt that this Xiaomeimei child was a bit dull, not as lively as a child of this age.

"Right, little brother, where do you want to ask for it? We want to ask for another character." Qi Liang and his wife said.

"The sale is over." The New Year's Eve is in short supply. He and Fang and the two can't draw, especially Fang Fang will not draw the spiritual amulet.

"No?" They were disappointed.

"Wait, I went to find a long picture." Xie Lingya always felt that their daughter didn't look right. For a moment, I was not sure. I put down the books, went to the backyard, put a stroke, and then took it out. .

When the couple saw it, the cinnabar imprint did not work, and it was really painted!

Meng Siyu was straightforward and asked: "Is there anything wrong with the Taoist leader?"

Xie Lingya smiled: "Yes, take time to draw while doing things."

"Oh... well, thank you, please thank you for your kindness." The two men paid the money again, folded the characters and folded them, and asked the daughter to take them.

Xie Lingya is thinking about how to ask a question, because he just feels ugly, but can't identify it. If the manager stays on it, it will be fine. But at this time, Xie Lingya saw his daughter's hand stick out from the thick cotton coat and wiped his nose.

I saw the little white hand, and there were a few bruises.

Xie Lingya stared at the bruise. "What is going on?"

Qi Liang and Meng Siyu look very unnatural, a pair of words and words.

At this time, Zhang Daoyu was busy, and came to the front to see them. "What's the matter? Hey, what happened to the little girl's hand, fell?"

"Dao Chang." When they saw Zhang Daoyu, they were willing to say, "My daughter has encountered some strange things recently."

Xie Lingya sat down on the side and held his face to listen to them.

Qi Liang looked at him and saw that the Taoist did not say anything. He said: "At first, one night, my daughter's toy slipped under the sofa, and she reached for it. It felt like a hand holding her. At that time, my daughter cried and yelled. My wife and I came over and took her out, and took the mop stick to the bottom. But nothing happened. It took a lot of effort to get out - the hand almost dislocated. It is."

Therefore, it left a bruise on the hand.

Zhang Daoyu heard the scalp blow up, but it is hard to say. Zhang Daoyu feels that he has to leave a shadow. Who has no experience of falling under the sofa. When he thinks that he can't see it in his eyes, when his hand is groping in the lower part of the dark furniture, suddenly one hand holds his hand and tries hard. Hey!

- Zhang Daoyu can almost feel the tension of the atmosphere, I hope that Xie Lingya can stand up and say something, destroy the atmosphere.

But at this time, the little girl who had been dumbfounded heard the words of her father, and her face immediately showed fear.

Meng Siyu hurry to hold the little girl's wrist, but the little girl immediately turned away like a touch of electricity.

The mother's hand was a little bit cold, and she remembered that after she reached into the dark sofa that night, she was stunned by an invisible, cold hand, and she refused to let it go...

Qi Liang immediately woke up and repented on the premise of the daughter, let Meng Siyu take Qi Xiaomei out.

Xie Lingya only knows why they only tied the daughter's hand with a rope, and made a look to Zhang Daoxuan, followed. Just now the couple thought he was a volunteer, and left it to Zhang Daoyu to explain it. He said that it might be useful.

Xie Lingya picked a flower in the pot in the yard and placed it in Qi Xiaomei's hand.

Qi Xiaomei glanced at him and took over the flowers.

"Thank you, little brother." Meng Siyu smiled at him.

Xie Lingya hand-knoted the bureaucrat, and took a few shots on Qi Xiaomei's back. The little girl felt that the shady body seemed to be dispelled by a burst of warmth, and the fear wrapped around her heart faded a lot.

Qi Xiaomei took the initiative to reach out and hugged Xie Lingya's arm.

Meng Siyu looked at Xie Lingya with surprise. Her daughter had never been close to them since she met the incident.

"Nothing." Xie Lingya took Qi Xiaomei's hand and looked at it. He took some ointment and it was made by Haiguanchao himself. He gave Qi Xiaomei a good medicine and Qi Xiaomei's look became more and more relaxed. .

Inside, Zhang Daoqi and Qi Liang have been talking. Outside Xie Lingya, he quietly appease Qi Xiaomei, and by the way, he gave Qi Xiaomei the pulse and calculated it with the Taisu pulse method.

When Qi Liang came out from the temple, Qi Xiaomei had been helped by Xie Lingya to step on the flower bed, and her face showed a long-lost smile.

Qi Liang also showed a surprised look and looked at Meng Siyu. "Zhang Daochang said that he would ask his brother to go out..."

Just inside, he and Zhang Daoyu, he said, Zhang Daoyu was shivering, causing him to look inexplicable. He had not had time to recall the fear himself, and Zhang Daoyu was afraid.

Then Zhang Daoyu quickly explained that the profession had a specialization, and his brothers specialized in this, just to go out.

Qi Liang did not think that they mistakenly thought that it was the little brother who had been mixed up. The effect was so fast, and the spirit of Qi Xiaomei was much better.

"This is this, this is my brother." Zhang Daojun hurryed and reached out to Xie Lingya.

Meng Siyu: "..."

She thought that this little brother was a miscellaneous person. I didn't expect to be professional. I just didn't know why I didn't dress up as a Taoist. Meng Siyu felt that it was no wonder that he and his daughter said a few words, and her daughter immediately improved a lot.

"I was rude, Master, thank you." Meng Siyu was busy.

Xie Lingya shook his head. "Nothing."

He didn't go everywhere to say that he was catching ghosts. People who knew it knew it, so the characters were avoided. Later, when Qi Xiaomei was scared, he first came out to appease, and Zhang Daoyi explained it anyway.

Zhang Daoyu summed up Xie Lingya. After that night, Qi Xiaomei often encountered such a thing at night. As long as it was a dark corner, it seemed as if there would be a cold hand to marry her at any time.

Under the bed, under the table, the hand seems to be everywhere. The bruises on Qi Xiaomei's hands are getting heavier and heavier.

Qi Liang and Meng Siyu did not dare to let her alone. The lights in the house were all open at night, and then went to ask God to ask the Buddha. I have already asked the monk to do a ritual. Today, I ran to the view of Baoyang.

Xie Lingya asked Qi Xiaomei's birthday character, and he speculated that Shi Changhang was not there. He tried to ask: "Your home... Is it new to move?"

"No, the old house of our family." Qi Liang said, "My mother-in-law left it to my wife, because the child had to go to school, he renovated it and went back."

"That is moving through the soil, is the bungalow right?" Xie Lingya is more determined, he counted Qi Xiaomei's life, the variable should be related to the soil.

"Yes! We have re-created the patio!" Qi Liang was breaking the sound. "Do you mean that there is a problem with the house?"

Qi Xiaomei was taken to drink with Zhang Daoyu. Meng Siyu untied the rope and stood by. At this time, he said: "My grandmother told me before that the object will become fine. Is it something old in our family? It is my home. The tub, or my rolling pin??"

In her memory, these are things that have been around for a long time, and they were there when they were young.

"Old objects may be spiritual, but this time it should be awakening the bones of the ground, the patio, I look at the photos." Xie Lingya looked at their trimmed patio and said, "The patio is too big, the area is too large, The wind is condensed in water, and it is uncomfortable to lie down." He remembered something. "Yes, dragging your daughter's hand, they all appear from below."

Both Qi Liang and Meng Siyu have a feeling of fainting, especially Meng Siyu, who lived there since she was a child. "So, is there a bone in the ground?"

"Don't be afraid, human development has been for so many years. There are bones in many places underground, but the difference is buried deep or shallow. Your home may just be in the same place as the others, and the earth has changed some feng shui, so the deceased Woke up, to say, people may live there for a longer time." So Xie Lingya can't say who is wrong, "and this should be just a reminder, otherwise you can't drag your daughter back alone. ""

Then there is the child's weak yang, so I chose Qi Xiaomei to start.

Xie Lingya was so comforted, Qi Liang and Meng Siyu did not feel much good, bitterly and happily looked at Xie Lingya: "Master, what should I do now, change the house back?"

"Wait for me." Xie Lingya said, turned his back and started to check the phone.

Qi Liang and Meng Siyu: "??"

Why did you suddenly start playing with your phone?

Zhang Daojun quickly led the topic: "Maybe someone is looking for, my brother is very busy."

Recently I am still busy preparing for the postgraduate re-examination... I have to go back to the test in a few days.

After a while, Xie Lingya turned confidently and turned around. "When I go to your home, I will find out where the bones are buried, and dig them out for burial, so that I will never suffer."

When Qi Liang did not notice, Zhang Daojun wiped the sweat.


Xie Lingya went to Qi Liangjia and used the technique of acupoint to measure the specific buried bone. It was the corner of Qi Liang’s bedroom. From this place, he dug four or five meters, and it really came out with a white bone and the soil was very moist. .

The old house of Meng Siyu’s home was also one meter when the foundation was used. When I built the house, I didn’t know that there were bones underneath.

Xie Lingya wiped the white bones with white wine and yellow paper, and then put them into the container, and read a few deadly curses, called Qi Liang to find a cemetery buried. I have to spend money to buy a cemetery this year, but when I align it with their home, I spend money to eliminate it.

Including his bedroom to dig such a big hole, after refilling, it has to be renovated.

At this time, it has already passed the time of the Shangyuan Fa Conference, but before Xie Lingya wrote them to the essays, as long as the Daochang is on the behalf.

Xie Lingya looked at the bright and uneasy, and knew in his heart, "Forget it, I will bring back the concept of the Tao, and when you want to bury it, come back."

Qi Liang was grateful, and he had to wait for the day to find the cemetery. He really didn't dare to share a room with this bone.

"In fact, you used to live upstairs and downstairs, and you have nothing to worry about." Xie Lingya said with a smile.

Qi Liang: "..."

Qi Liang hardened his head and said: "Don't tell me, I can't live here anymore."

"People must move, don't be afraid." Xie Lingya said, "Today's light is also provided. This evening, the Yuan Dynasty blessed the heavenly officials, and your family will be safe and smooth."

"Take your words." Qi Liang was finally a little comfortable.

Xie Lingya and their farewell, Qi Xiaomei still reluctantly led him.

"Hands should be well coated." Xie Lingya touched Qi Xiaomei's head.


Xie Lingya’s return to the Yangguan view was more than 11 o'clock in the evening. There are many lanterns hanging on the pedestrian street. This is a traditional custom.

On the Yuan Festival, the heavens and officials are happy, so the point lights.

There are red lanterns hanging in the market, and a trace of the Spring Festival is filled with enthusiasm, and the Taoist lights are also used in the Taoist Temple to complement the stars in the sky. For the lights to make their own lights, the blessings are deep.

Xie Ling Ya stepping the door, the door is only with the gate. When he pushed the door, he saw the stars on the table in the courtyard. The main point of the lamp was seven days and nights, so the end of the puja was also confiscated.

At this time, between the lights and the light, faintly illuminate the shadow of the chanting of the first chanting.

Xie Lingya faintly recognized, coughing: "Is the cute little and cute owner back?"

After finishing the ritual so late, I came back to see that the door was not closed. People were independent. There was a feeling that some people were waiting for him to go home, and they didn’t feel a smile.

Shi Changhang looked up and saw Xiao Xingya standing in the same place and smiling at himself. A pair of lying silkworms smiled and was very vivid. The eyes that fell in the eyes did not know whether they were starry or burning.

He did not know how to speak for a while.


A few years later, Shanglu Shen recalled and said with a fork: "At the time, this cute read a poem!"

When I look back, the man is in a dim light.