MTL - Pass Through 80s: A Notoriety-Chapter 417 punishment

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  Chapter 417 Sanctions

  Zhu Weidong didn't speak.

  Lian Qizhen's chest was tight, she walked over, without the force just now, "Okay, can I apologize to you?"

  Zhu Weidong looked back at her, "I'm not the one you should apologize."

   "Does it have to be so extreme? I am really not sincere."

  Zhu Weidong looked at her quietly, his cold eyes shining directly into Lian Qizhen's heart like probe lights.

  Lian Qizhen pursed her lips, "If I go and admit my mistake to Director Yuan, can you not leave?"

   Still unable to get an answer from Zhu Weidong, Lian Qizhen gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go and confess my mistake to Director Yuan right now."

  Leave the words, Lian Qizhen left.

  Director Yuan turned pale when he saw Lian Qizhen came back so soon, knowing that there was no result, but after hearing what Lian Qizhen said, he couldn't close his mouth in astonishment.

   What Lian Qizhen was talking about was that during the two days when Zhu Weidong was away, she deliberately made a mistake and stopped the project.

  Lian Qizhen's selfish intention was to bring Zhu Weidong back, and in the end it was indeed the case. Zhu Weidong didn't stay with his wife for too long.

  But she didn't expect her selfishness, Zhu Weidong saw it, and even wanted to leave directly.

  The reasons mentioned by Lian Qizhen and Director Yuan were certainly not for Zhu Weidong's return.

She said, "When I first discussed this line with Zhu Weidong, I wanted to follow my own ideas. I never believed that Zhu Weidong would cause any problems when he said what I thought. After he left, I wanted to prove myself. I didn’t expect such a big mistake to happen.”

Yuan Sheng finally came back to his senses, slowly closed his mouth, looked at Lian Qizhen silently, and said after a long time, "Engineer Lian, this matter is very serious. You know that after repairing more than 1,000 meters, there will be losses in manpower and materials. If it was not intentional, of course we will not pursue responsibility, but if you caused this loss due to your personal reasons, it depends on how the higher-ups deal with it, and I will report this matter to the higher-ups."

  Lian Qizhen guessed it would be like this, she said, "Director Yuan, I'm sorry."

   "The engineer Zhu"

   "Zhu Weidong will not leave."

"That's good." Director Yuan watched Lian Qizhen leave, turned around and sat back behind the desk with a smile, and muttered, "Zhu Weidong is young and promising, he won't cover up the other party because of his personal feelings, he is not in the pool. "

  Recalling that Xiao Gao was right, if Xiao Gao hadn't reminded him, he would have found this kind of thing when he found Lian Qizhen again.

Yuan Sheng quickly reported Lian Qizhen's matter to the higher-ups. After the higher-ups held a meeting to study it, they only gave Lian Qizhen a contribution to the country and came back. review.

  During the weekly meeting at the camp, Lian Qizhen stepped forward to criticize her, and what she did spread in the camp.

  She herself said that it was to prove herself, but one thing will always arouse everyone's suspicion in a certain period of time.

  Especially women are very sensitive, guessing that Lian Qizhen did this just to get Zhu Weidong back, and he didn't want to see Zhu Weidong accompany his wife.

  As soon as such rumors spread, everyone didn't like Lian Qizhen's character, and they didn't want to find any kind of person, so they insisted on pestering other people's husbands.

  Lian Qizhen happened to go to the accounting office that day, and happened to hear several male accountants talking about this, so Lian Qizhen rushed in angrily, pointed at the accountants and slapped them.

   Men talk behind their backs about women being smashed, and they also feel ashamed, so they endure it.

  But how could this kind of thing be kept secret? After it got to Yuan Sheng's side, several accountants were also punished, and the rumors were suppressed.

  Gu Baoshan came in from the outside and saw that Chi Fangping's cushion was wet, so he said politely, "Water sprinkled again?"

   "Yeah, I've been careless these days." Chi Fangping nodded and went out.

  Gu Baoshan didn't take this matter to heart, but in the next few days, he found that Chi Fangping got wet every day, and he felt that something was wrong.

  One day he deliberately stared at the accounting room, and then caught the person who was pouring water on Chi Fangping's cushion.

   "Why are you doing this?"

  Han Zhonghe has a square face with dark skin and a mustache under his nose. He is less than forty years old. He has a good temper and smiles at everyone.

  But such an honest person, who would think of doing such a thing behind his back.

  Han Zhonghe sneered, "What's none of your business? Take care of your class."

   "I'll take care of it when I see it." Gu Baoshan also remembered that he was one of the accountants beaten by Lian Qizhen a few days ago.

Han Zhonghe sneered, "Do you still want to be a hero? That also depends on whether you are protecting a good person? Why did the three of us say that even the engineer? It wasn't Chi Fangping who told us, but we were stupid and were used by her as a weapon gone."

   "Impossible, why did Accountant Chi do this?" Gu Baoshan was astonished.

   "Who knows, maybe she is jealous of Engineer Lian. If you want to know, ask Chi Fangping." Han Zhonghe snorted coldly, "We wet her things every day, do you think she dares to show off? She is not guilty."

  Gu Baoshan stopped talking, thinking back over the past few days Chi Fangping did say that she did it by accident.

  Han Zhonghe poured water on the cushion, put down the tea mug, turned around and went out, and gave Gu Baoping a piece of advice.

   "You came late, maybe you didn't know that Chi Fangping and Zhu Weidong had sex, but everyone in the Railway Administration knew about it."

  Gu Baoshan's eyes gradually enlarged, and there was such a thing in it, so that means that Accountant Chi was jealous of Engineer Lian, so he spread rumors behind his back, and then used others as gunmen, and the result is now like this.

  The justice in Gu Baoshan's heart collapsed again.

  As Han Zhonghe said, he thought he was just because he saw injustice, but what he saw was only the surface, and he didn't see the essence behind things at all.

  Looking at the soaked cushion, he hesitated again and again, walked over to pick it up, and put it on the radiator, but before he left his hand, Chi Fangping walked in.

  Gu Baoshan withdrew his hand in embarrassment, "Accountant Chi."

  Chi Fangping's eyes fell on the radiator, and then said, "I know you didn't do it."

  Gu Baoshan: "Accountant Chi, you know who made it, why don't you question them?"

"Only children do such naive tricks. The other party has no morals. If I find it, I will only lower myself. It's not that I don't have to sit." Chi Fangping carried another cushion with her and smiled, "You Is there nothing else to ask? Like why are they doing this?"

  Gu Baoshan shook his head, "No."

   Chi Fangping smiled, "It's good not to have so much curiosity. You have just entered work, and you will encounter many things in the future. Judging by your current appearance, you will definitely not be wrong in the future."

   "Thank you Accountant Chi for the compliment, then it seems that I have to work harder." Gu Baoshan was also joking.

  Neither of them mentioned the cushion anymore.

  (end of this chapter)