MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1863 Ruthless

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  In the early morning, Wang Hong took some things bought from the European duty-free airport and sent small gifts to the leaders in the office, "Dean Yan, this is a small gift from Zhang Yuan. The chocolate is delicious."

  When Zhang Fan passed by, he listened to it, and he was filled with emotions. Wang Hong really came out of experience, and Zhang Fan never explained this matter. This is the manifestation of subjective initiative.

  As soon as he entered the office, Ouyang came, with a legal look on his face.

"what happened?"

   "Hey, it's all caused by the skill competition!" Ouyang pinched his forehead, looking very tired.

  ‘What happened? When Zhang Fan heard that it was a skill competition, he felt relieved. As long as there is no major problem in the patient's treatment, for him, there is nothing serious at present.

  “In the past, the Frontier Skills Competition was organized by several affiliated hospitals every year, but it has been discontinued for two years.”

  Zhang Fan smiled, "They are afraid that they won't be able to come to the stage. If you organize it, the skills competition will still be held. This is a training and promotion for young doctors and nurses."

  「I thought so too. A few days ago, I asked Xiao Chen to send a document to each department, and then asked the Department of Health to send a notice of a skills competition to the whole border province.

   "Oh, a good thing. The Department of Health didn't cooperate?" Zhang Fanxin said, this nima doesn't use books as a cadre anymore?

  'It's not other people's problem, but something happened on our side. "


  「I’m too embarrassed to say it.」

   "Hi!" Zhang Fan smiled, made a cup of tea for the old lady, and then sat beside the old lady, "What big storms and waves have you never experienced, and the hospital still has something wrong with you?"

  「I’ve really never seen this before. Now the hospital is large in size, full of talents, and all kinds of masters have come. I didn’t see it before. After the notification of the skills competition, young people in various departments are very enthusiastic.

   It turned out that something happened to the urology department. It wasn’t an accident. It was a new urologist who came last year with a master’s degree and performed a circumcision on himself.

   Then he didn't know what to do, so he reported this to the hospital. After I read it, there was nothing I could do. "

   Zhang Fan was stunned for a long time when he heard this.

  「Which day happened? How are you doing? Is there anything wrong?」

"What happened yesterday, I'm fine. I didn't call you when you first came here! But this is too scary, it's an operation after all, he put himself under local anesthesia, performed the excision, and then sutured himself, even They were all electrocoagulated, and when the head nurse of the urology department came into the treatment room to tidy up, he had already started suturing.

  The head nurse was so frightened that she covered her mouth at the time, afraid that something would happen to this kid if she made a sound. "

   "!" Zhang Fan only had a shocked expression, and he didn't even know what to say.

   "Let's go and have a look, don't make a big fuss, I'll go first, and you will come later, first look at the people and then talk."

"Well, that's what I meant too! Afterwards, I specifically asked Li Xiong, and Lao Li told me that this young man usually performed very well, and his surgery was also good. This time, he probably wanted to participate in a skills competition, and he was a little bit crazy. "...

  Zhang Fan nodded. He still doubted what the director of the department said. It is very common in the medical industry to protect the calf, unless the person is really not good in the department, or the director of the department relies on his relatives to get the position.

   Moreover, what Zhang Fan was worried about was that there was something wrong with the doctor's psychology. If this was the case, once a young doctor had psychological problems, he would not be able to do this job.

  As soon as Zhang Fan went out, Wang Hong saw Zhang Fan's expression was not good, she thought for a while, "Zhang Yuan wants to bring..."

   "No, don't follow me. The small gift I gave you this morning is very good. I will go to the finance department to reimburse myself later. I can't let you pay for it."

   After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan went down from the administration building with a sullen face, and the nurses on the way greeted him, but Zhang Fan didn't respond very well. After walking past, the little nurses murmured behind their backs: "What's wrong with Heimaimaijiang, it's early in the morning, and I won't answer when I say hello, with a stinky face."

  While passing by the Department of Orthopedics, Wang Yanan and Xue Fei also came to say hello, "Zhang Yuan, we have a knee replacement surgery today, would you come to stand on the stage?"

   "Stand up!" Zhang Fan replied angrily.

  Wang Yanan rolled his eyes and cursed in a low voice, but Xue Fei felt that Zhang Fan was scolding Wang Yanan.

  Many people may not understand this kind of mentality, because this kind of thing is a big thing compared to individuals. In the medical system of Huaguo, the biggest rule for doctors is not a legal system.

   Instead, the certificate of qualification is revoked.

  A doctor, counting from university, five years of undergraduate and three years of master's degree, three-year rotation. It took 11 years of hard work to get a department, and now if a doctor revoked his certificate because of this shit, Zhang Fan would feel bad.

   Entering the urology department, Li Xiong greeted him in a rare way, enthusiastic like a pug, and there is no tail, otherwise he would definitely be swinging under the white coat.

   "Here comes Zhang Yuan. This trip to Geneva has really refreshed our doctors in Huaguo, and he is also the first chief of Huaguo..."

   "Okay, you're so bummed about flattery, you don't mean it at first sight, go to your office first." Zhang Fan will definitely not give him face.

  If on weekdays, the dean still has to give face to the director of the department, it's like the head of the department has to give face to the district chiefs of each district. They work for you.

  But today is different. If you say that he has failed to do a good job as a superior doctor, if you say that he has not fulfilled the responsibility of a department director.

   "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I'm not ambiguous at all when you dismissed and investigated and reported criticism, Xiao Hu is a good doctor."

"What if something happens to this? This is anesthesia. Once the frenulum is accidentally cut off, it is considered suicide or medical malpractice. Also, why do you still have an electric knife in the treatment room of your department? How many times have I emphasized that it can no longer The treatment room is doing surgery privately, are you running a small treasury again?"

  If Zhang Fan didn't seize the opportunity to punish Li Xiong, he would be sorry for Ouyang's training in the past few years.

   Zhang Fan scolded, saying that Li Xiong was covered in white sweat.

  When Ouyang entered the door, Li Xiong felt a kind of grievance in his eyes and wanted to confide.

"Tell me, talk about Dr. Hu." Zhang Fan sat on the director's seat, Ouyang sat on the reception sofa, and Lao Li went to the doctor's office to move in a stool and sat on the bottom, as if he was being held accountable. like a prisoner. …

  「The young man is in a good mental state, and handles interpersonal relationships well, and has never shown any abnormal side.」

   "Can you be a guarantee? What you say now, you have to be responsible." Ouyang interrupted Li Xiong, Li Xiong gritted his teeth and nodded.

  「I can vouch for it!」

  Zhang Fan's face was full of indignation, but he was happy in his heart.

  Ouyang’s generation has a lot of problems, unreasonable, protective, and clique-forming, but when it comes to taking responsibility, they will never shirk it, which Zhang Fan appreciates very much.

   After getting a general idea of ​​Dr. Hu's condition, he asked Lao Li to bring the medical records of the patients that Dr. Hu had handled. After Zhang Fan read it once, he felt a little more at ease.

   "Doctor Hu, please come here." Zhang Fan lowered his head and did not raise his head, but Li Xiong was already nodding and bowing diligently just like the servant.

   After a while, Dr. Hu followed Li Xiong into the director's office.

   "Why didn't you take a break? As a doctor, don't you know you need to rest after surgery?" Zhang Fan glanced at it with a smile.

   "No, I made a mistake, Zhang Yuan and European Yuan, I know I was wrong, I don't blame the director, I did it secretly, the director didn't know the situation, and when the director found out, he severely criticized me, I..."

   "I didn't ask about your director's affairs. You should not endorse me. It seems that you did a lot of inspections when you were in school. Now I ask you, why don't you take a break."

  「Ah, I…」

  “Since you treat yourself as a patient, you need to follow the regular medical doctor’s orders for treatment. Do you still have the warning line of medical regulations in your mind? Do you feel unconvinced and feel that you don’t have

   Violating medical regulations? Just a private doctor, I can deduct your license. "

   Zhang Fan looked at the young man, and after chatting with him for a few more words, he understood that this guy is normal and has no psychological problems. He just wanted to show off. This is not enough, Zhang Fan's face changed instantly as soon as he changed his smiling face.

   "Starting tomorrow, stop the operation first, and go to the medical office to learn the rules. When do you learn the rules, let's talk about it."

  Seeing the young man with his legs crossed went out, Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing.

   As long as the young man is not mentally ill, this is not a problem.

  Seeing that Zhang Fan smiled, Li Xiong was also relieved, and handed over a folder with both hands, "This is a pain paper he wrote himself after the operation. He thinks that the local anesthesia method may need to be improved."

   "This nima is really a unique talent, the doctors trained by Director Li still like to take a slanted edge," Zhang Fan said angrily.

  Ouyang pretended not to understand.

  After Zhang Fan took the paper, he opened it and read it.

  Huo, this boy wrote well, from the time of pain, to the way of pain, electric shock type, spasm type, heart rate and blood pressure at that time, and the time when anesthesia took effect, all of them were clearly recorded.

   I really can't think of it, doesn't this product hurt?

   "He's the only one in your department's technical competition, but I hope Director Li can let people in the department understand that he was selected not because he gave himself a knife."

   After speaking, Zhang Fan ignored Lao Li and left the urology department with Ouyang.

  As soon as he left the door of the department, Ouyang let out a long sigh. "Young people these days are becoming more and more incomprehensible, am I really old?"

   "It's because we have relaxed the discipline requirements in the past two years. European Academy, in the weekly study meeting, you must emphasize the medical regulations in the same way as you used to. This is nothing. If something happens, it will be too late to regret it."

   Zhang Fan is lying when he says that he is not afraid.

  However, you have to admit this dedication to medicine.

  The skill competition selection inside the hospital is in full swing. It is said that some people have used Sun Tzu's Art of War.

  Because of the current scale and level of the Chasu Hospital, it is becoming more and more difficult to get the staffing. Although Zhang Fan works hard every year to apply for an excess staffing with his superiors, compared to before, this staffing is really much more valuable.

   Moreover, it cannot be expanded by one person, just like the number one hospital in the universe. Their one-year scientific research results are not as many as that of other people's gsmn, but gsmn only has a few doctors and a few nurses.


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