MTL - Peak Strength-v4 Chapter 247 Hide into Zhao's house

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"Fuklu, how are you!"

世 Zhao Shiyan sat up from the back row and looked at Zhou Fulu who was driving a bit surprised.

"Head, I just happened to go back to get the documents, but my colleagues in the office were all poisoned. I thought of rushing to find you. I didn't expect to see the scene just now." Zhou Fulu said as he drove.

"Did you bring your phone?" Zhao Shiyan climbed to the front row and asked after sitting down.

"The signals have been blocked."

Zhou Fulu said, "I tried it just now, and the mobile phone couldn't get out at all. It seems they have planned this for a long time. Chief, where are we going now?"

"I can't go by the door."

Zhao Shiyan frowned, "Since Wang Weiguo has been planning for so long, the doorway must have been blocked, and the people on my hands have been killed and killed by the battle dragon. Now in Zhongnanhai, I have no way to fight against it ... Fu Lu, You, send me to Zhaofu immediately. "

"Zhao House?"

Zhou Fulu was a bit mistaken. Under such a critical situation, Zhao Shiyan actually bet on the Zhao family instead of the old people in the depths of Zhongnanhai.

Although surprised, Zhou Fuluo drove to Zhao Fu.

与 此 At the same time, several troop trucks entered the Zhongnanhai.

This is a soldier dispatched by the Military Commission of the Capital Military Region to hand over soldiers in the military control area.

The 30th year of each year is the time when the military control zone and the capital military zone are handing over the soldiers. The new soldiers need to serve in the military control zone in Zhongnanhai for one year and wait until the 30th year of the second year. go away.

After these troop-transporting trucks entered Zhongnanhai, one truck stopped at the entrance of Zhongnanhai, and then easily took over the security task at the entrance of Zhongnanhai. The other troop-transporting trucks quickly drove to the military control area. .

"Now the entire Zhongnanhai has been blocked. Please ask the chief to show it." An officer in military uniform saluted Wang Weiguo.

If Zhao Gangzhen is here, he will definitely recognize the person in front of him.

The person in front of me is the name of the kingdom competing with Liang Zi's Lao Tzu for the position of Minister of Defense.

"Let your people go to block Zhao's house. I'll pass right away." Wang Weiguo said in a deep voice.


King nodded, turned and led his soldiers away.

"Lin Zhi, immediately take your people to squatting around Zhao House, if you see him, take him down, remember, you can't kill him." Wang Weiguo said.

"I see, my master."

Zhe Linzhi answered with a smile, and then took people away as well.

"If the people in Zhaofu don't hand them over, you go to Zhaofu."

Wang Guoguo said to Bai Yufan, "Kill them and force them to surrender."


Bai Yufan just briefly hummed, and then walked away.

"Go to soothe those inside."

Wang Guoguo turned around and said to Lu Jinhui beside him, "Tell them that this time has nothing to do with any of them."

"I understand."

Pu Lu Jinhui nodded and turned into the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, the senior officials who came to the dinner were already under control, and a group of soldiers with rifles stood around them.

士兵 These soldiers were expressionless, no matter how noble the identity of the people sitting in front of them was.

"My colleagues, you are shocked."

Tong Lu Jinhui walked in from the outside and said with a smile.

"You traitor!"

A man in his sixties slammed the table and stood up angrily, "You dare to betray the chief!"

"Lao Song, don't get excited."

Lu Jinhui walked to the old Song with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Anyway, I'm also a national leader. So excited, isn't I lost identity?"

"I urge you to jump on the cliff immediately, otherwise, even if you really control Lao Zhao, we people cannot be with you!" Lao Songyi said with a voice.

"Lao Song, what do you say, who is the head of this country, in fact, what does it have to do with us?" Lu Jinhui said with a smile, "whatever we do, in the final analysis, is for the good of this country, isn't it? What if you change heads? Couldn't Wang Weiguo spoil this country? Old Song, now it's no better than a feudal society. A person cannot harm a country. "

"Don't cover your ugly faces with sounding excuses!"

Lao Song angered, "You, and Wang Weiguo, haven't done things like this today for your own personal gain. Your actions will definitely be spurned by the people of the country!"

"Who knows the truth?" Lu Jinhui shrugged and said, "Lao Song, it's not that I didn't tell you in advance. If you continue to maintain the current state, then when Wang Weiguo goes up, your end, It's not necessarily good, I'm here to advise you. "

"Even if I am dead, I cannot succumb to those of you who harm the country!" Lao Song said with gritted teeth.

"Lu Jinhui, even if we are dead, we will not help you."

Several other people at the same table also said in unison.

Although the real leaders of these countries are over sixty years old, at this moment, everyone has shown a very tough attitude, which makes it difficult for Lu Jinhui to do it. Killed? If it really kills, then this country will be more than half finished. According to the previous plan with Wang Weiguo, these people can slowly clean up a little bit later in the future. Location, these people are essential.

It is impossible for Chief Executive No. 1 to have a stroke.

Looking at the strong waist of these people, Lu Jinhui had to order his men to take care of these people, then turned and walked away.

at the same time.

Zhou Fulu's jeep stopped outside Zhao's door.

Zhou Fulu got out of the car and wanted to open the door for Zhao Shiyan, only to find that Zhao Shiyan had jumped off the car.

Although he is over sixty years old, Zhao Shiyan's skill is quite strong.

Zhao Fu's door was still open at this time, because Zhao Gangyu went out to do things, so Zhou Captive and Zhao Shiyan went directly into Zhao Fu.

灯 The lanterns in Zhao House were decorated with colorful lights.

The people in Zhaofu were decorating the things in Zhaofu. Several security guards saw someone coming in from the gate and rushed straight up.

As soon as I saw someone, these security guards were frightened.

"Head, Chief!"

Several security guards looked at Zhao Shiyan in horror.

"Is Gang Gang back?"

Zhao Shiyan asked as he walked.

"Yeah, not yet, the owner hasn't come back yet." A bodyguard said a little tremblingly.

"Let the people who are in charge of the Zhao family come out."

世 Zhao Shiyan said that he had reached the position of the hall.

没有 He didn't stay much in the lobby and went directly to the back room of Zhao's house.

At this time, Xu Jiyuan, who received the news, has also greeted him.

"Hello Chief!"

Xu Jiyuan bent down respectfully.

"Call out all those in Zhao's house who are in charge," Zhao Shiyan said.


Xu Jiyuan nodded and turned back.

Not long after, Huang Lingling and other women came to the back room.

"Head!" Huang Lingling and others looked at Zhao Shiyan in surprise, not knowing what Zhao Shiyan was doing at Zhao Fu at this time.

"Let your people close the door of Zhao's house, and no one is allowed in, except for the steel cymbals." Zhao Shiyan said.

Although she didn't know what Zhao Shiyan meant, but because they were the No. 1 head, Huang Lingling ordered Zhao Shiyan's order.

A bang.

The gate of Zhao's Mansion was locked.

"Is there any way to contact Gang 镚, I mean, there is a way to break the shield." Zhao Shiyan said.


Guo Furong asked in wonder, "What shield?"

"The entire Zhongnanhai signal was blocked just now."

Zhao Shiyan said.

Guo Furong quickly picked up the mobile phone and looked at it, and found that, as Zhao Shiyan said, there was no signal on the mobile phone.

Several other women also picked up their phones and found that there was no signal.

"Break the shield, I have a way."

Nami standing aside suddenly said.

哦 "Oh? What method?" Zhao Shiyan asked.

"I can stand a simple launcher, but I need the relevant password to access the network." Nami said.

"Fu Lu?" Zhao Shiyan looked at Zhou Fulu.

"I remember it all in my head!" Zhou Fulu nodded.

"That line, I'll get ready."

Su Nami turned and left.

I was shortly after she left.

夫 "Husbands, there are many people outside the house!"

继 Xu Jiyuan walked in from outside ~ ~ said respectfully.

"what happened?"

Lin Lin asked, frowning.

"We also don't know. They just surrounded Zhao's house, but said nothing." Xu Jiyuan shook his head.

"Sure enough!"

世 Zhao Shiyan's complexion was very gloomy. He said, "Now things are very complicated. They should not dare to rush in. Let your people be ready. As long as someone rushes in, hit."


Huang Lingling asked, puzzled, "Head, why should you fight?"

"Someone is going to catch me." Zhao Shiyan said, he didn't want to say such things, but the situation is helpless at the moment. He doesn't say that people in Zhao's house will be inexplicable. Certainly difficult.

"What? Who dares to catch you!" Lin Shuya asked incredulously.

"It's a long story."

世 Zhao Shiyan shook his head and did not continue.

At this time, Nami had come in with a lot of things from the outside, and then Nami sat on the ground and began to assemble those things.

Those things haven't been put together yet, Huang Lingling's cell phone suddenly rang.

This sudden voice surprised everyone at the scene.

Looking at the empty caller ID, Huang Lingling answered the call.

"Give someone away, I'll keep Zhao's family okay."

On the other side of the phone, there was a low voice of a cricket male.