MTL - Peerless Demonic Lord-Chapter 17 Hey, my little girl is a mistress?

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At night, the stars are empty.

"Mom egg, Qin private rain that gimmick, it is really enough." Qin Shi turned up, looked at the wound that was wrapped in the chest, fangs, said: "If it is not a practice of the star, he is afraid I have been to Huangquan for a long time."

"Look, I have to teach her well!"

Qin Shi felt pain and aggrieved haiku in her heart.

"Stone, your grandfather, it is good for you!" When Qin Shiyi was filled with indignation, the book said in a jade.

"My grandfather?"

Hearing the words in the book, Qin Shi frowned and said: "You said that he is good to me? I am really huh!"

In the book, Yu Huangyou flew out from the waist of Qin Shi, sitting on the edge of the bed, saying: "Well, you can wake up, thanks to the spiritual power he instilled in you, to help you heal."

"Otherwise, such a heavy injury, even if you have cultivated a star-studded body, I am afraid that you will also be in a coma for three days and three nights." The book jade lifted the hand sleeves and helped Qin Shi wipe the sweat from his forehead.


Qin Shi squatted, some strange: "He helped me heal?"

"Hey, the cat is crying and the mouse is miserable!" He thought for a moment and didn't take it for himself: "Now I have strength in Qin Shi. He knows to take care of me. Why have you gone early?"

"A year ago, when my spirit was abolished, where was he? When I was suffering from it, where was he?" Qin Shi whispered.

Even today, he returned to the Qin family.

But the hatred of the Qin family has not been reduced.

"End? No, this is just the beginning!" Qin Shi's mouth, picking up, said: "There is a day in the morning, I will change the Qin family to dare to look straight."

In a word, it falls in the ear of the book.

In the book, Yu Yu’s teeth clenched her lower lip and looked at the wind-stained frost in front of her eyes. She was a teenager who should not bear the vicissitudes of this age. She was silent.


The door suddenly rang.

I heard the sound, and under the jade in the book, I went back to burning the book.

At this time, Qin’s father pushed the door. He stood at the door and saw Qin Shi woke up, kneeling down, saying: "Shier, are you awake? How about the wound recovery?"

"Not in the way!" Qin Shi's tone is somewhat blunt.

Qin’s father fell down and smiled: “Shier, are you still angry with your grandfather? A year ago, Grandpa really felt a bit guilty, but you also know that it is my Qin’s mission to defend the demon.”

Hearing this, Qin Shi did not agree with the grin.

"At the time, the demon was in the world, killing many people."

"You don't know, Grandpa is doing this, but he is forced to help." Qin Laozi shook his head and sighed: "At that time, because of the evil demon. Yang family took the opportunity to constantly press the Qin family and ask Qin to give To explain, and to force the Qin family, you must eradicate you and your parents!"

Qin Shi frowns: "Yang family?"

Yang Jia, he knows. It is also one of the three people in the desert town.

The three major families of the desert town, Qin family, Yang family, Nie family.

The heritage of the three families is very strong. Has a thousand years of precipitation. The most important thing is that the patriarchs of the three families are masters who have reached the spiritual level.

Just this is not the ordinary family can win.

"Well, that's right." Qin sighed: "In order to protect you, I will drive you out of the house. I just didn't expect that the burning Tianzong would intervene, and the evil spirits will be broken. These are me. Wrong..."

"This year, in fact, I have placed people in the gravel street, and have always protected your parents. How to say, Tianqing is also my own flesh and bones!" Qin Laozi shook his head.

Hearing these words, Qin Shi smashed.

Before he did not know these things, he said: "There is still such a thing? Grandpa drove my parents out of the house, it was for them. Is it because I misunderstood him?"

Qin Shi will be suspicious of the question: "What is the Yang family?"

"Hey, it’s a long story!" Qin’s father shook his head and said: "You also know that a mountain can't be two tigers. The rivers and mountains must be divided for a long time, and the long-term must be combined. The three towns have been standing for a long time."

"Original, on the qualifications, on the strength, my Qin family in the desert town, is definitely the most honest family. Even if he is Yang family, it can not be embarrassed."

"But after the demon, the strength of the Qin family was weakened a lot. Therefore, Yang Jiacai sneaked in and wanted to annex the Qin family."

"In the past year, they have drawn many small families, and they have been constantly suppressing the Qin family for various reasons!" When it comes to this, Qin’s father is obviously weak.

"Is there such a thing?"

Knowing these things, Qin Shi was angry.

In his heart, even the 18th generation of the ancestors of the Yang family greeted him, and he said with indignation: "Is it really deceiving people, wanting to annex my Qin family? I want to be jealous, how much appetite he has."

Qin’s father shook his head and said: “If the light is Yang’s family, my Qin family may not be afraid of him. It’s just because of the evil demon, the Qin family lost their hearts. Now many forces in the desert town tend to be Yang’s.”

"Now, they still force you to aunt, let your little aunt marry their Yang family, and give Yang family boss Yang Hanhan a small sister!" Qin said that this is so angry: "It is a small sister, actually a mistress, even No points are given."


Qin Shi was furious and cold: "Forcing my little girl to be a mistress? Just rely on them Yang family? My little girl, even if they go to their Yang family, they are also their ancestors."

Qin Shi's little aunt: Qin Yueling.

For Qin Shi, among the few people in the Qin family, Qin Yueling is undoubtedly ranked first.

From small to large, in the Qin family, the person who loves him the most is Qin Yueling. Qin Shi still remembers that when his parents were busy with family chores when he was a child, Qin Yueling took him to the big hand.

Qin Yueling said to him, the first half of the mother.

Now it is good, Yang family actually hit Qin Yueling's mind. Qin Shi's hot temper, suddenly unbearable, screamed: "This Yang family, really deceiving too much, Grandpa, you will not promise right?"

Seeing Qin Shi’s anger, Qin’s father sighed: “I certainly won’t promise, but you Xiaogu... She chose acquiescence for the safety of the Qin family, and she has promised privately!”

"Small aunt promised?"

Indignant, Qin Shi touched, punched the wall and shouted: "Well, I am going to swear, who dares to marry me, I will kill him!"

"If you want to stop this wedding, there is a way."

"What method, Grandpa, you said!" Qin Shi was very firm and bluntly said: "For the sake of Xiaogu, let me go to the mountain of Qin Shi, and under the fire, I have no complaints!"

Hearing this, Qin’s father laughed.

What he said is also a person who is over half a year old. After living for a hundred and eighty years, I walked more than Qin Shi’s bridge. All of a sudden, I heard the meaning of Qin Shi’s words.

For the little girl.

These four words, Qin Shi deliberately increased the tone. In other words, this is to look at Qin Yueling's face. Otherwise, he may not be in charge.

"This stinky boy..."

Qin’s father laughed and laughed, but he did not poke. He shook his head and said: “Not long ago, in the back mountain of the barren town, there was an ancient mystery.”

“Ancient mystery?”

Qin Shi was the first to hear that the ancient town had an ancient mystery.

You must know that in this world, as long as you bring the ancient characters, it is definitely a treasure. The so-called thing is rare, can be left from ancient times, and where can it be bad?

"Well, that's right."

Qin Laozi nodded and said: "In this mysterious environment, it is full of fierce wild animals and precious heavenly treasures. But unfortunately, this secret environment has enchantment, and eight people who are above the quenching spirit will be rejected by the enchantment. outer."

"Is there still such a thing?"

"Well, although this is the case, but for my Qin family, it is a chance!" Qin said, this time, he paused and said: "The Qin family lost the backbone because of the evil spirits, but it is not comparable to the younger generation. His Yang family is poor!"

"Grandpa, you mean..."

"Well, if you can achieve excellent results in this secret, the Qin family can also restore the prestige in the desert town." Qin said this, showing the majesty of the king: "When that time, the district Yang family, Why are you hanging your teeth?"

For a moment, Qin Shi squatted.

He can clearly feel the strong pressure from the Qin Laozi. That kind of pressure is the pressure of the strong, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

"Is this the power of the spiritual world?"

"It's just a slight anger, there is such an oppressive oppression..." Qin Shi's heart, inexplicably excited: "Feng Lingjing, sooner or later, I have to reach this height!"

Qin Shi body, burning up fighting spirit.

Feeling Qin Shi’s fighting spirit, Qin’s father caressed his beard and smiled gratifiedly. Immediately, he took out a jade bottle from his arms and handed it to Qin Shi: "Shier, inheriting the big ratio, you are the best. This inherits the blood, it is given to you!"

"Thank you grandfather!"

Looking at the jade bottle, Qin Shi was overjoyed.

He is also welcome, picking up the jade bottle. This inherits the essence of blood, which is what belongs to him.

"Okay! Shier, take good care of the wound. Another half a month or so, the ancient mystery will be opened." Qin Laozi nodded and turned and walked away.

Looking at the figure of Qin’s father, Qin Shizheng is getting up.

His boxing heart is tight and cold: "Yang family, dare to beat my little girl's attention, but also to be a mistress for you? See if I don't even know you, even your wife."

"This is the inheritance of blood?"

Qin Shi’s indignant snoring, his eyes fell on the jade bottle in his hand. When he saw the jade bottle, he got excited and thought, "Now, I finally got it."

"Huh ~! Suffocate me, this old man is gone!"

In the book, Jade floated out, she sat on the edge of the bed, and she gasped a few gas, and her eyes were suddenly attracted by the jade bottle in Qin Shi’s hand: "Good spirit!"

"Jade sister, what do you notice?"

See the reaction of jade in the book Qin Shi asked questions.

"Well, in this jade bottle, the blood is full of profound spiritual power..." Yu said in the book, and immediately he licked his mouth and said: "The most important thing is that this jade bottle has a knot. boundary?"


Hearing this, Qin Shi squatted.

He had long known that inheriting blood is not simple, and it is reasonable to be full of generosity. But the enchantment, he heard the first time, curiously asked: "What enchantment?"

"Bring me up!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shizhen, will be suspicious of the jade bottle handed to the jade in the book, curious: "Jade sister, you will break the enchantment?"

"Cut, what am I not?"

The jade in the book is arrogant and blinks, and the result is a jade bottle. After she took the jade bottle, she gathered the spiritual power with one hand. After the spiritual force touched the jade bottle, there was a mysterious enchantment on the jade bottle.

"Oh, very interesting!" Seeing the enchantment, the book jade is serious. She condensed her spirits on the index and middle fingers, like a sharp pair of scissors, and quickly crossed the enchantment outside the jade bottle.


In the book, Yu Miao’s hand waved, and after three to five divisions, the enchantment was broken. After breaking the enchantment, she confidently returned the jade bottle to Qin Shi: "Hey, untied!"


But at this time, the enchantment broke open and the jade bottle ‘fuck’ exploded.

The jade bottle blasted, and the blood in it swayed and rushed toward Qin Shi. After plunging into Qin Shi, the blood is moving closer to the demons of his left arm.