MTL - Peerless Emperor System-v3 Chapter 230 The opportunity to break through!

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"Pong ping pong!"

Wukong chased the canopy from Gao Lao Zhuang into the Fuling Mountain, and all the way, the mountains continued to sound the sound of weapons. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

This road opened, and the eyes on the face of the canopy were getting more and more dignified.

Of course, this is not because Wukong is difficult to deal with. On the contrary, Tianpeng discovered that this Wukong is really weak at this time!

If you don't know something, Tianpeng would have thought that this Goku was fake.


With a heavy blow, the two finally separated.

Wukong: "Where are the monsters coming, it is hard to deal with!"

The canopy frowned. "You really don't know me?"

"How can you know this stupid pig?"

When he heard Wukong, the brow's brow wrinkled deeper.

At this moment, the canopy has finally confirmed that the memory of Wukong is absolutely passive, otherwise it is impossible to recognize himself at this time.

Thinking of something, the canopy said: "Are you an apprentice?"

"Well? How do you know?"

"I am the captain of the canopy, and I am waiting for the people to spend a lot of time!"

Just a few months ago, Guanyin found a canopy, and already said 11 things to learn.

"Hey? It turned out to be the command of the Goddess of Mercy. I know, I will take you there."


Soon after, the canopy worshipped Tang Yi as a teacher, was given the name of the Eight Commandments, joined the team.


The twists and turns on the road are constantly changing, but there are all kinds of gods and Buddhas, and the road to the west has never had any problems.

With the addition of the Eight Rings, the team of the Westbound has grown stronger. Today, the Westbound team has already gathered.

Just a little different from the original, the white dragon horse is the three princesses.

Today, Tang Yan is just a mortal. He stops and stops along the way. In a blink of an eye, a few years have passed.


In the past few years, the Eight Precepts have not been fully prepared, and most of them look at the development of the West Bank in a bystander's attitude.

And as time went by, the Eight Precepts also saw something.

First of all, although this western team seems to be a whole, it actually looks like a god.

First of all, on the side of the heavenly court, although the Eight Precepts have been separated from the heavens, but after all, they have been the people of heaven. They did not dare to say that they could escape the calculations of those people.

Then there is Sha Wujing, and the Eight Precepts have been able to confirm that Sha Wujing is the mother of the Queen. The Eight Precepts have seen the Satay and the Queen’s mother several times.

And after Wang’s mother...


Then Goku...


With these years, the Yaozu also carried out some plans.

Although in this process, many Yaozu sacrificed, but the Eight Precepts also found that Wukong's memory seems to be slowly recovering.

After the white dragon horse Tang Yan.

Ba Jie had to admit that he had a little underestimated the reincarnation of the golden scorpion of this flesh.

Recently, Ba Jie found that he gradually could not understand Tang Yan.


Just as the Eight Rings thought about these things, Tang Yan, who was sitting on the white dragon horse, suddenly said: "Wukong, where is it now?"

When I heard Tang Yin’s words, Wukong raised his eyelids.

"Back to the master... I don't know specifically, but I heard someone talking outside of ten miles just now. I mentioned something like 'Yinfengling' and 'Baigudong'."



"Hey? Monkey, how come you? Well? You have already taken that step?"

Looking at the curved people who came out of the water curtain hole, they laughed and opened their mouths.

Compared with five hundred years ago, today's curved people are more like a Taoist, and they also have a style of Taishan collapse in front of their eyes.

When I heard the soil, the curved person smiled and turned to look in a certain direction.

When I saw the movement of the curved person, I opened my eyes with doubt: "What happened?"

The curved man licked the goatee on his chin and his eyes lifted slightly.

"I was on the way to retreat, and my heart suddenly realized..."

"Where... there should be something waiting for me... I can feel that the opportunity for my breakthrough is there."


When I heard the bender, the apple with the earthen hand suddenly fell to the ground!

Then, a sharp voice sounded.

"What? What you said is true!"

With the soil dead and seized the collar of the bender, his face was full of incredulous look.

With hundreds of years passed, the Shenluo Empire has also broken through, and many people have reached the ninth order.

Today, the talented person has reached the peak of the 9th and 8th grades, and the former **** is also the realm.

In fact, as early as 50 years ago, the soil has reached the 9th and 8th level, but in the final step, there is no way to get out of the soil.

Not only with soil, but also for several people.

Stepping out of that step is the existence of the saint!

But this step, no one can step out, because the road ahead has been broken!

Originally, the soil was just a joke with a curvy person, but the **** said that he really found a breakthrough opportunity...

How can this be brought to the fore?

Take another step, that is the saint!


At this moment, the soil suddenly has a clear understanding of why Luo Tian is so concerned about Wukong.


"It turned out to be like this... I understand... Since your chance is there... then let go and do it... If you are in trouble... we will help you!"

When you heard the soil, the curved person stunned.

Then, the **** suddenly laughed.

"I was the man of the Imperial Empire, isn't it?"



Looking at the direction of the bender, the soil slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Sage? If the Shinra Empire really has a saint, presumably...and..."

"Your Majesty should be almost back... The time of the prophecy is coming soon..."


"Wokong, telling the teacher to you, playing and killing is not good, those goblins are also a small life, why don't you put them in a way? You see... the last time the butterfly was a teacher, there was nothing malicious, she was just ......"

"Cut! Master, are you not a spring heart?"

"you you you!!!"

Tang Yan trembled and pointed at Wukong, his face full of anger.

Recently, Wukong has become more and more disobedient, and the killing is getting heavier and heavier!

At this moment, Tang Yi can't wait to read the tens of thousands of spells, but when he thinks of Goku's painful torture before the Tang dynasty, Tang Yan still can't go.

"But it..."

Said, Tang Yan stepped into the forest and walked in.

"Where are you going?"



Looking at the disappearing figure of Tang Yan, Sha Wu net frowned.

"Master, you are not afraid of the master calling the monster?"

Wukong sneer: "The best call is to collect a wave of merit... If it is like this two months, I am afraid that it will not be enough for the West to become a Buddha!"