MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-Chapter 20 The eccentricity of Xuanyuanmu (

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(female literature)

"Haha, everyone, the old man is the city's owner, Xuanyuanmu, and also the elder of Shenzong."

Xuanyuanmu wore a silver robe and stood proudly on the high platform. It was quite a sacred wind. It was even plain and could not feel the slightest strength. This kind of strength made Lin Feng feel vaguely wrong, half a step of the emperor. It is impossible to be without breath.

However, compared with the strength of Xuanyuanmu, Lin Feng cares more about the identity of the old man. The owner of the transit city does not mention it for the time being. The old man is the elder of the Shenzong. The Shenzong is the direct sect of the temple of the gods. The Temple of the Gods is not difficult.

Lin Feng has a series of happy plans in his heart.

"This city's annual platoon contest is hosted today by the old man. This contest is extraordinary. It is the most important event of my gods, because of the Temple of God and the Temple of the Winds, the Temple of the Silver Field, and the Three Temples. There will be a test after a year, so our Shenzong will select outstanding disciples and enter the Temple of the Divine, so everyone must work hard."

"The Temple of the Gods knows that it is one of the greatest forces in our gods. Except for the demon world and the emptiness, it is the vastest of our temples, so we can enter the gods and enter the temple of the gods." I am honored to wait, and I must go all out."

"Okay, the game will start right away. Everyone who plays the game is ready to go, Yan Qing, this game is up to you."

Xuanyuan Wood said to the man in a green robe next to him.

Yan Qing heard the words, nodded lightly, and then robbed a glimpse, lightly located in the top of the platform, Xuanyuanmu is sitting on a rosewood chair with a bottle of wine.

Yan Qing stood on the high platform, and a half-step of the emperor's breath floated out. Lin Feng couldn't help feeling, and it was a half-step holy emperor. This half-step of the gods is so much, the so-called self. The master is now more common.

However, this also shows that there are some things, the martial arts are big, the endless, the pursuit of supreme supreme, is the wish of each warrior, and now he also has his wife and children, even the grandson has, what is the concern?

With one heart to mind, what do you want to see in the end, what is the martial arts? Can I return to Earth in my lifetime? Lin Feng himself is now more and more skeptical that the Earth may be an independent world like Shen Lu, but his current strength cannot go.

Falling leaves return to the roots, Lin Feng is no exception. Although the Jiulong continent is good, but his hometown is the earth, perhaps one day, Lin Feng will bring his wife and children as he wishes, and his parents will return to the earth to see, although there is no martial arts, but But there is a world of high-tech.

Lin Feng thought about it, and this time, Yan Qing also announced the start of the contest! !

Humble and bang, hundreds of celestial cannons condensed with Yuanli trembled in the heavens and the earth, and Qiankun was shocked. Everyone was shocked and shocked. He saw this big event with his own eyes and did not live this life.

"The participants are 31 people, including 16 Fengjia, 10 Ma, and 5 family members."

Yan Qing sighed and sighed, and then a wave of robes, I saw the array of stars inscribed below the high platform turned, and as time progressed, the more rapid, and finally vacated, straight into the sky, shrouded the entire transit city Even a fly can't fly in.

Lin Feng frowned, watching the stars bursting, the entire transit city was chilled, this is a star smashing big array, it seems that this assessment is not simple.

Sure enough, Lin Feng’s thoughts were not lost, and Qing Qing was screaming: “Everyone will step into the sky of the stars, and there will be a big squad, one hour is limited, and everything will come out intact after an hour. You can go to the next level, well, the game begins."

When Yan Qing’s voice fell, the 31 people who entered the competition went straight to the college entrance examination. Lin Feng was no exception. When he flew into the sky, Luo Ze swept his eyes coldly, and he sneered: “Wait for you. Yunxiao, I will let you die without a place to bury, oh."

Lin Feng looked at Luo Ze strangely, and then could not help but sigh, this Luo Ze was not reconciled, but thought that his strength is not as good as him?

Ridiculous, there are such ridiculous and sad people.

Lin Feng temporarily ignored Luo Ze, and took a step in the footsteps. He went straight into the sky above the clouds. The whole array showed a circular structure. It was a hundred miles away, and there was a big array under his feet. Lin Feng saw the faint flashing spell above. Lin Feng carefully read it again and remembered it silently.

This kind of formation is so powerful, the people who arrange it must be incomprehensible. Although Qi Qing is a half-step sacred emperor, it is absolutely impossible to arrange such a delicate array, fearing that only the Xuanyuan wood in the chair is arranged.

Lin Feng looked at the direction of Xuanyuanmu, but found that the latter was also looking at himself, and with an inexplicable smile in his eyes, nodded to Lin Feng, Lin Feng doubts the eyes, Xuanyuan wood is so weird?

Lin Feng did not understand the profound meaning of this strange smile of Xuanyuanmu, but let Lin Feng feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Scorpio's white robe flew into the side, Lin Feng squinted at the scorpion, and Scorpio looked at Lin Feng, and the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Woodwind, I know that last time I played against Luo Ze, you helped him, otherwise how could he play against me? I hope this time, we can meet."

Scorpio said, a look of fun and smile, when it comes to Luo Ze, with a strong sarcasm.

Lin Feng smiled lightly. Without replying to the Scorpio, Scorpio was not angry and was ready to leave.

Before the departure of Tianzhu, Luo Ze was very bold and walked to the side of the two people. Luo Ze looked down on Lin Feng with a cold face, and then looked at the Tianzhu, and screamed: "Scorpio, can you dare to fight with me?" ”

Scorpio, can you dare to fight me?

Luo Ze’s bold declaration of war made everyone shocked. He looked at Luo Ze with a dull look. He didn’t understand where Luo Ze’s confidence came from.

Nan Gongzi also came to the side of Tianzhu, holding an iron fan, and looked at Tianzhu with a smile: "Oh, even the cat and the dog dare to challenge you, Scorpio, it seems that the more you live, the more you go back."

"Hey, Nangongzi, my strength, you should know, so ridiculous, what is the significance?" Tianzhu snorted and squinted at Nangongzi, but the latter was unmoved, still looking at Luo Ze with a smile.

Luo Ze thought that the match with Tianzhu had become a draw, and he was arrogant and thought that he and Tianzhu’s strength were similar. It’s so ridiculous, I really don’t know how to die.

Scorpio regained his gaze, blinked at Luo Ze, saw the coldness and sarcasm on Luo Ze’s face, couldn’t help but laugh, and jokingly asked: “Roze, you really thought that I can only win with you. draw?"

"Haha, that is nature. You and I played against each other that day, and everyone witnessed it." Luo Ze replied arrogantly, so that the smile on the face of Tian Hao became more and more intense, and could not help but look at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is a faint smile, not saying anything.

"Oh, well, since you are so confident that you can play against me, then you and I bet?"

Scorpio suddenly had a great interest in playing with Luo Ze, and Luo Ze thought that he had a strong talent and he did not hesitate to agree. He patted his chest and said: "How to gamble, tell you?"

"You and I bet, if you lose, how do all five of the family members automatically quit the game?"

Scorpio is quite interested in talking to Luo and then watching Lin Feng, he wants to see, Lin Feng how to shoot?

Lin Feng looked at the banter on the face of Scorpio, and his heart was not good. Luo Ze was afraid to fall into the scheme of Scorpio.


"Well, bet on gambling, I want to lose, five of us, all quit, you have to lose, you have to quit."

Luo Ze was cold and proud, and smiled confidently.

The smile on Scorpio's face suddenly increased, and this idiot was fooled.

"Well, let's say a word, can the test start?"

"Yes, you come first."

Luo Ze faintly sighed and pointed to the scorpio.

Scorpio's face suddenly stunned, really gave the other face a little face, Luo Ze would like to smash, this ignorant, really do not know how to die.

"Dragon kills, go."

The scorpio faintly drank, the robes glimpsed, and a dragon-shaped plaque engraved with a scorpion went straight to the top of Luo Ze.

Luo Ze sneered and sneered, his hands screaming in the sky, angered a voice: "eight squares."

"The eight squares of the district, also match me, roll!!".

When Luo Ze’s platoon came out, he exchanged the sarcasm of Tianzhu, a robes, and the horrible killing went straight to Luo Ze.

When Luo Ze began to conceit, he suddenly became pale, and the cold sweat ran down. He only felt that his array was swallowed up in an instant, and the horrible killing went straight to him.

"Impossible!! What happened? How could I be defeated so easily?"

Luo Ze's face was pale, and his face was unwilling.

Nan Gongzi sneered at the side, and others were ridiculed.

Scorpio is a hearty smile, and he yelled at Lin Feng: "Woodwind, you can't shoot at this time, or you can't even fight."