MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1691 Fish and snakes are mixed!

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If you let this tsunami land, you have to turn most of China into a country, and you don’t know how many people will die!

Lin Feng quickly released the enchantment and protected the coastline for hundreds of miles. The floods of the sky flooded the coast and rushed to the height of 100 meters. It was like being given a huge glass. Blocked outside!

People close to the coast have been frightened by the sights in front of them. Looking at the tens of meters high water wall hanging overhead, they are scared to flee, for fear that the water wall suddenly collapsed and drowned them all!

Just when Lin Feng had just taken a sip of his mouth, he saw that there were many grotesque and fierce beasts outside the water wall. This is obviously not the species that should be in this era!

They all smashed into the enchantment formed by Lin Feng, trying to tear a gap in this enchantment. What surprised Lin Feng most was that among these monsters there were dinosaurs that had been extinct for hundreds of millions of years!

Although they can't break through this enchantment, but it makes Lin Feng's heart linger, Lin Feng hurries to the outside of the enchantment, hangs over the height of a hundred meters to observe the scene above the sea. In this wave of waves, countless Only the fishermen are rushing towards the land in the rush!

Lin Feng looked at it and felt that something was wrong, because these fish did not seem to intentionally attack this enchantment, but it was like escaping. Is it because they are threatened?

Lin Feng looks in the direction of their swim, it is a glimpse!

However, I saw a black line appearing in the sea level far away. Lin Feng hurriedly flew toward the black line, and finally saw what these black lines are. It turned out to be a dragon!

Kie Fuqiu, after the ball, cold, Qiu Yu, ghost

The reason why they recognized them as dragons rather than water snakes is because they have horns on their heads!

Lin Feng’s heart burst into tears. What is going on here? How did these dragons appear? Was it also influenced by the pattern of their own breakthrough?


Suddenly a long shout came from the sea, a black dragon screamed in the sky, and rushed toward Lin Feng, and opened his mouth to Lin Feng.

After the Department of Science and Technology, the Ghosts and the Ghosts

This dragon is huge and full of a hundred meters. Lin Feng is just like a fly in front of him, but Lin Feng has attracted their attention, because the energy that Lin Feng exudes is attracting their attention!

Lin Feng took out the Xuanyuan sword and stood on the sword. When the black dragon rushed over, a sword swung out. The sword directly smashed the black dragon into two sections. The black blood was sprayed into the sea, and suddenly it blackened a piece of water!

When the dragon's dead body returned to the sea, the other black dragons immediately rushed up. You rushed to grab the black dragon directly, and it took less than a few seconds to eat even the bones. !

Seeing these black dragons is definitely not a good class, even their own kind can be self-sufficient, but fortunately these black dragons are just swimming in the water, if they really fly for nine days like the legendary That's really a little trouble!

However, while Lin Feng was secretly glad, he suddenly found a bad situation. The dragons that had just eaten the dead dragon actually swelled for a few laps, and the skin of the body was cracked. The skin inside actually sent out a faint glow!

Lin Feng immediately understood that they were actually in the skin, and as the skin retreated day by day, the momentum on them was completely different from the previous one. Although Lin Feng was above 100 meters, he also noticed a strong breath!


A shout, a freshly-frozen Qinglong twisted the huge body, and even a little bit out of the water, even so twisted and twisted into the air, it will fly like this!

Lin Feng’s most worrying thing happened in front of her eyes, but she saw that the blue dragon was flying more and more comfortable, and the more flying, the more skilled, the more than half a meter long on the body, the body was full of blue scales, and the toenails on the giant claws The tip is long and long, half a meter long!

Lin Feng immediately realized a serious problem. If he did not kill it as soon as possible, it would become an uncontrollable air killer!

Lin Feng immediately gave up hesitation, a sword stabbed to the green dragon, Qinglong saw Lin Feng to go to it, immediately twisted his body and flashed out a hundred meters away, Lin Feng willing to let it go, fly again to catch up with it Swing out and cut off its way!

This sword was still hidden by it, but it was still cut in its corner, and the dragon was cut off by a living!

This Qinglong was suffering from pain, and the screaming screaming fierce hair, the mammoth dragon tail pumped to Lin Feng!

Its tail is not a joke, the tail feathers are more than two meters long sharp scales, if it is cut on something, you have to cut into pieces!

Lin Feng’s sword swayed, and the volley slammed the dragon tail, and the bang banged. The dragon tail was directly cut off by the giant sword. The black dragon instantly turned into a bald tail, and the pain was in the air. I rushed for two laps and wanted to escape!

It also realized that this person in front of him was not very irritating, so he had the meaning of escape, but Lin Feng did not want to let it go. If it is now a close to the hand, isn’t it equal to the previous work? !

"Where is the scorpion?" Lin Feng directly throws Xuanyuan sword, a sword is inserted in the neck of this dragon, directly through a big hole!

Lin Feng controlled the giant sword directly to a big maneuver of 360 degrees. The faucet of the room was directly smashed. The dragon's body struggled in the air for a few times, and turned to the sea!

Sun Yuan is not far from the cool ship hate


I haven't waited for the dragon to fall into the sea. A few blue dragons have already flown away from the water, tearing the dragon into a few paragraphs. One is carrying a large dragon to start swallowing, minced meat. The smashing smashed into the sea, the dragons below all rushed to fight for it!

After the hatred of the land, I learned the place

Lin Feng understands that these dragons will eat the bodies of other dragons to speed up the growth process. If they let them swallow each other like this, I am afraid that some particularly terrible dragon kings will be born!

Two screams, the few green dragons began to molt at the same time, they swayed the huge body in the air, and smashed the fallen dragon skin from the body, and this time the dragon body presented again It has changed color again, and it has turned into a golden color!

Lin Feng is entangled at this time. Do you want to continue to kill them? Killing one has become the food of other snakes. Although it is less in number, it makes other snakes more powerful. If the opportunity is so smothered, then these surviving black dragons are not getting stronger and stronger?

At this time, the few dragons who had eaten the dragon corpse have all become golden dragons, but they have not looked like they have yet to eat, and they all look at Lin Feng!

This dragon is violent, and hey, the jagged teeth in the giant mouth make people look chilling, they can sense the energy of Lin Feng, which is the best food for them, just eat it. Lin Feng, their repairs will then advance by leaps and bounds!

Lin Feng does not hurt it, but they do not want to let Lin Feng, a few gold dragons seem to have produced a sense of intelligence, even know how to cooperate, I will Lin Feng to the group, suddenly and Lin Feng battle in one place!

Although it has only improved one level with Qinglong, but the combat power is more than doubled. They kept spurting a group of thunder and lightning fires toward Lin Feng. They played on Lin Feng’s armor and had to turn Lin Feng. A blow to the commandment!

At this time, the black dragons in the sea began to guilty, and they continued to fight each other. This is the energy that they devour each other with each other. With this fratricidalism, there are new ones. Qinglong and Jinlong appeared, and more and more Jinlong joined the siege Lin Feng!

"Kill!" Lin Feng fiercely screamed, and it was better to be enemies in such a belly, so it would be better to kill it!

Lin Feng understands that even if they don't kill them, they will kill each other and will continue to upgrade. Therefore, they have no more scruples in their hearts. They waved Xuanyuan's sword and pierced the encirclement. A fierce glimpse, immediately put a dozen golden dragons into two paragraphs!

The singularity of the enemy

This Xuanyuan sword was injected into the fire of Jiayan by Lin Feng. It was like a huge torch that volleyed. The golden dragon that was stained by it immediately burned a flame, and the pain was not enough. This immediately surrounded Lin Feng. The Golden Dragons are scared to run away!

Perhaps it was threatened by the fierce and brutal scenes in the air. The dragons in the water all plunged into the deep water and never showed up again, and the golden dragons in the air fled in different directions. Lin Feng struggled for a while, but still let most Jinlong become a fish. (

Lin Feng looked helplessly at the gradually lower sea level. At this time, the calm has been restored, and the various monsters inside have disappeared at this time!

Lin Feng did not accept the enchantment of the seaside. This enchantment is also time-limited. Naturally, it will disappear automatically after three or five hours.

"Lin Feng, I think the situation is very bad now!" The sound of a worry sounded. "I am afraid that Chiyou has become another time-space **** besides you. This is the same on the earth." The Lord God, this battle of life and death is inevitable again!"

Lin Feng nodded solemnly. The appearance of these ancient creatures indicates that time and space have been disordered. The collision between civilization and barbarism has already begun!

At this time, Wang Yuan still had a large number of integrated Chinese monks finally arrived, Wang Yuanyi saw Lin Feng with an expression of anxiety: "Lin Feng, what happened here?"

Lin Feng said roughly what happened before. When it comes to the legendary dragon, all the monks are horrified, a monk said: "The dragon is our Chinese totem, we all claim to be dragons. The descendants, are they still bad for our Chinese people?"

Someone immediately retorted: "This may not be the case. After all, the dragons are ancient creatures. They don't have any knowledge of the Chinese people of our time. In their eyes, they are just like ants, but they are just some food..."

Another person said: "What do we do?"

People express their opinions from a slap in the face, but they are also unconcerned. They don’t know how to deal with this new chaos!

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(four library books)