MTL - Peerless White Emperor-Chapter 1246 sleeping Beauty

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"You invited everyone, but I didn't invite me. Even these three were invited." The black robe witch said that she felt deeply insulted and smiled. "No need to be nervous, I am coming." Presenting a gift to the little princess."

The king and queen frowned.

"The little princess is really beautiful and has a beautiful singing voice, but..." The witch tone began to hysterically "She will puncture the finger of the spinning wheel at the age of sixteen, and then die! Hahaha!! !"

"Catch the witch!!" The king was so angry that the witch disappeared.

The third fairy turned the blessing into a curse weakening, from death to sleep.

However, everything happened, the hand was broken, the curse was fully effective, and the people of the entire kingdom fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Cang is watching the princess who is sleeping now. The secret, I seem to know that this fairy tale, sleeping beauty, as the name suggests to sleep, she will wake up, hey, no way.

Ye Cang thought about it or went to see it, so that if someone came, it would be bad. I came upstairs and looked around. I was stunned. It was all desert, I couldn’t see the end of the desert, and no one could come here. In the story, I remember that she finally woke up, but through the scenes of her mind, the world has become a desert. The people in the kingdom have long turned into white bones, and she has been sleeping there forever, and may wait forever. Not everyone, it seems that I am waiting for my prince.

Going back to the bed, hesitated and kissed him with a heart of self-sacrificing, but at this time, the back was cold, and he looked down at the dagger from his chest and looked back at the woman in the black robe. It was the witch who pushed him slowly and sat down on the bed and gently stroked the princess's cheek. "I didn't expect someone to come, but I won't let you tarnish her. She will always sleep here for her. It is the best. Never woke up to think about what happened to you, traveller."

Ye Cang’s injured place ignited a blue fire and soon burned together with the curse and began to heal.

The witch was not too surprised, just put away the dagger. "Leave here, continue your journey. I will always guard her here... forever..."

"Why?" Ye Cang stood up and he could see that the witch was really guarding the princess.

"You just saw her story, the perfect life, the blessing of the fairy, and I am like that messy.. Right..." The witch stroked the princess's hair and fell into memories.

"if not.."

"Indeed, I was very annoyed at the time, the ignorant king, the ignorant queen, did not invite me to such a beautiful and powerful witch. What made me even more unbearable was that they invited the three idiots to invite me. "The witch said that she paused here. "But you... want to know what happened next?"

"Otherwise, why am I standing here?" Ye Cang was also directly, sitting on the window vine.

"I did curse her, but my purpose is to make them afraid, and then come to me, my face is also good, who knows that the fat fairy actually changed my curse, became asleep, and the curse became more powerful, Xianli and Wu Li twisted together, making this curse into a sphere, even if it is difficult for me to lift the curse again." The witch said silently.

"With or with me, I often go to the palace to see her situation, look for ways to get rid of the curse, plan to find it and then tell them, then ask them to ask me, and because of this, day after day, I I found that she is really an angel, a gift from God to the world, gentle and kind, both inside and outside are so perfect, even I will feel that my beauty is completely inferior to her, she is really perfect, can talk to her, Looking at her is a kind of happiness from the heart. Gradually, I forgot my purpose, became her friend, a friend who has nothing to say, and saw a vicious existence more than my vicious witch. More evil existence, when I was very happy to find the material that the curse broke, and made the props, after two years, when I once again incarnate into the palace, the angel I saw, there is no soul, only one The outer shell, looking out of the window without a god, I saw through the crystal ball through her, is a father lost beauty because of beauty / violence her daughter, wife gave birth to her daughter because of resentment The child made the chef smash and made the food for the daughter to eat. Finally, the father burned his wife and continued to vent to the body that had lost his soul."

The witch gently touched her forehead. "Perhaps the curse I gave her at that time was a real relief for her."

"Then you." Ye Cang did not know how to do it. He looked down at the sleeping beauty and slept his head.

"I ruined the cursed material and turned into an old woman. On the 16th birthday of her, she put the spindle in her hand, ending all her pain, and finally can sleep forever." The witch lowered her body. I stayed with the princess.

"Our story, finished, traveler, can you go?" the witch smiled.

Ye Cang slowly nodded, the witch turned into a vine around the princess, and the dark red rose flower cluster set off the woman who would sleep forever.

Ye Cang suddenly woke up and looked at a dark red rose in his hand. Perhaps it was the best for the sleeping beauty. A woman who completely lost hope, did not expect the evil witch to be the most human inside.

The dark red rose did not enter the body of Ye Cang, leaving a dark red flower bud on the tree, with the vines, the mushroom on the tree in the gods matured, and at the same time, Ye Cang felt a strange The power, the power that can't be said, should be the power of the big messy pieces of the sleeping beauty and the witch, carefully explored and decomposed? I didn’t take much care of it, I ate the mushrooms in my hand, and my cell division changed again. My self-healing power now doesn’t know how far it is. I slowly open my eyes, take out a few empty reagent tubes, and take out the dark red. Reagents, thrown to the mandolin a "your..".

Then I lost it to Linsen. "This is Lele."

Linsen took the reagents and looked at it, then seriously looked at Ye Cang’s thoughts, "I can’t tell anyone outside about the tree genus."

Ye Cang just nodded, and Mandu looked at Ye Cang with a complicated look. "Then I am gone."

The fan flew into the void and disappeared into the pool.

Mushroom forest.

Ye Cang puts the spores of the mushroom into it, and the dark green mushroom begins to grow quickly and matures. Lin Sen takes off a piece of the bone that is put into the mouth, "a rare and good thing, and can even change the self-healing ability." ""

"Linson's predecessor, would you always guard Lele like this?" Ye Cang suddenly asked.

"Of course not! This kid is so annoying, if you can, I want to go now!!" Linsen did not have a good air, but the hand could not help but stretched out and knocked his head, sighing "he I can all hear that I am talking about him when I am asleep."

Ye Cang smiled and said, "I want to eat 明 明, Linsen predecessor, I will give you!!"

"Forget it, your craft, get a cold salad, okay, if you want to say it, copy your hand. Spicy." Lin Sen remembered a morning, the gentle hand of a bowl of hand-to-hand, himself Love to eat spicy.

"Oh, I will come tomorrow morning!!" Ye Cang smiled and took Linsen's shoulder "Go back."

"Little devil." Linsen is not annoyed with Ye Cang's move because he knows that Ye Cang is a trustworthy person and a person worthy of a lifetime. The reagents he made are always happy. but. . Such people, I hate myself. "Although I can't guard the artificial blood, you always keep my blood in it, so I don't want you to hurt yourself too much. It is not good for anyone. It is painful to suppress pain. Finally, . . ."

"I know." Ye Cang's smile made Linsen slightly raise his lips. "I understand it, drink two glasses. What's the problem? I know, I can answer you."

"Exactly, I also have a lot of questions about debris and trees."

The two walked toward the manor.