MTL - Peng Lie on the Great Way-Chapter 32

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Chapter 84 Persuasion

Join Peng Lie?

To be honest, this is a very good choice, and Jinbei is also a little excited.

Why do you say this is a good choice?

In addition to the benefits to themselves, there is also the entire Fishman Island. Although the Fishman Island is protected by Whitebeard, there are still some people who take risks. After all, the profit of catching mermaids and selling them is very high.

But if he became a member of the Penglae ​​family, although Pengellie would not publicly announce the protection of Fishman Island, because that would be provocative of the Whitebeard Pirates. However, everyone will know that the murloc Jinping of Fishman Island is a member of Peng Lie, and those who plan to take the risk will have to think more about it.

On the surface, the attack on Fishman Island is to provoke Whitebeard, but in the dark, even if there is no evidence, he can ask the family to take action to solve those scumbags.

the perpetrator. After all, I heard that the Pengele family also has a lot of influence in the dark world. In recent years, the independent special assassination unit has become famous in the dark world!

In other words, joining Peng Lie by yourself is regarded as the second layer of 837 protection for Fishman Island.

Under the premise of being sheltered by the Whitebeard Pirates and the most powerful mafia in this new world, with the existence of both, how many people dare to attack Fishman Island?

But there is a problem, the other party is a human being, and the Pengele family is also a mafia composed of human beings. Is it really good to join it as a murloc?

"What are you worried about, Jinpei? There is no racial prejudice in Pengele! Listen clearly to Jinpei, if you decide to become a member of my family, please remember and respect this creed..."

Giotto suddenly thought of a sentence, which can be used to persuade the fat man Jinbei, and this sentence is in a game. After he took a deep breath, he continued to speak the following words: "Race does not represent honor, I know many murlocs, they are as honorable as the most noble knights; I also know some human beings, who are like The most ruthless **** are as evil. In my eyes, race and birth mean nothing, and the only respectable thing is what you do in the future, isn't it?"

In fact, Giotto originally wanted to say that some human beings (agag) are like disgusting Tianlong people, but it feels inappropriate to say it in this place. God knows what he will say.

It won't spread, and when the time comes, the world government will come to find trouble with Peng Lie all day long, and he will probably be bored to death.

Jinping who heard this sentence, even Aaron, who fell to the ground, and Xiao Xia Li, who had just run over and planned to "save" Giotto, have stayed in place at this moment, and they didn't know what to do. What kind of reaction to make, and what kind of words to reply Giotto with.

This sentence directly hit the depths of their hearts!

Yes, many murlocs and mermen are very kind. They live and work in peace and contentment on the murloc islands in the deep sea. Sometimes they will lend a helping hand to those who are shipwrecked when they go out. There are actually many kind people on the human side, such as the Whitebeard Pirates who are willing to shelter their Fishman Island. Although they are pirates, they are worthy of his lifetime respect.

It's just those villains who destroy the relationship between humans and murlocs. And those human nobles, especially those damn...Dragonians!

It is because of their existence that the world has become like this!

"Your Excellency Penggli I, thank you very much for what you said just now, if all the people in this world can feel it, then I think many things will

changes happened. "

Jinbei bowed deeply to Giotto, and then said with a serious face: "I'm very surprised at one point, why would your Excellency want me to join the Vengali family? To be honest, I don't particularly understand, because I'm just a person who hasn't walked out of the fishmen's street... It's called a **** to put it poorly. Compared with Big Brother Tiger, no one knows my name in this sea, so what is your Excellency?"

He really didn't understand that he was a nameless rat to the sea. He didn't have any reputation, and he didn't have any strength. Why was he valued by the other party?

"Then I ask you, Jinping."

Giotto had already figured out how to answer, and he still had that faint smile on his face: "Have you heard of the names of Nakel and Chaoli Yuyue before?"

When asked this suddenly, Jinping shook his head in disbelief. It was true that there were no two people, Chaoli Yuyue and Nakel, in the sea before. They were obviously powerful guys, but they didn't have any names. . It was not until they appeared as the guardians of the Pengele family that they became famous in the sea!

But what does this have to do with me? He is not as powerful as the guardian of the Pengele family!

"I can see people's eyes very accurately. Although you are not famous in the sea now, and even your strength is much worse, I believe that your future achievements will never be worse than Fisher Tiger, even will be stronger!"

Giotto watched Fatty Lan being fooled...

No, he was almost persuaded. He also stood up slowly and stretched out his hand to Jinbei: "So now back to the first topic, are you willing to join the Pengele family? Would you like to be our family? I'll give you an answer, Jinping, you don't need to care about everything, and you don't need to care about anything about race, it's just whether you want to, and make the decision in your heart according to your own will!"

Hearing such words, Jinping couldn't help showing a smile on his face. This kind of recognition feels good. It has nothing to do with race or strength, just care about himself?

Peng Li I, is really a very good leader!

"If you are willing to accept it, then I am willing to be a member of the Pengele family!"

At this moment, Jinping knelt down on one knee to Giotto, his face full of respect: "But my joining may bring a lot of trouble to Peng Lie, because no matter what, I can't give up my compatriots on Fishman Island!"

"If you give up your compatriots, then I should look down on you, Jinping!"

Giotto grabbed Jinbei's hand and pulled it up: "Although this island is sheltered by Whitebeard, it is also the home where you were born and raised. Do you know why Pengele's base camp is on Seiken Island? Just because it is my home, I don't want the chaos of the Great Pirate Era to have any impact on it, so I established Pongle to protect the people of Seiken Island!"

"And you, since you are our family, your compatriots, will inevitably have Peng Lie to guard, if there is any trouble, let them taste Peng Lie's anger!

Chapter 85: Coming to Chambord

Hearing the other party's sincere words, Jinping also showed a smile on his face. He recognized the man in front of him, not because of his strength, but because of his character.

Although this was their first contact, he felt that he knew each other very well, and someone who could say the words "race does not represent honor" was definitely a person worthy of respect.

"Mission: Recruit local world powerhouses and form outside advisors (1/5

Hearing the sound of the system, Giotto was also sure that someone like Jinbei who had enough achievements in the future also matched the word "strong" mentioned by the system.

In this case, it is easy to say. Many people who have not yet developed are much easier to recruit than those who have become famous in the sea.

"Thank you, but I can't leave Fishman Island yet. Big Brother Tiger handed over this place to me. We have to protect this place." Jinping was also a little embarrassed at this time, and he had already decided to become a member of Pengele, but But could not leave.

"It doesn't matter, no matter where you are, it will not change the fact that you are now a member of our Pengele. If you need help, just use this phone bug to contact Reborn!"

With that said, Giotto handed over a phone bug that had been prepared a long time ago to Jinpei, and then continued: "But I suggest you go to Seiken Island earlier, after all, to protect your homeland, you must have enough strength. Fine?"

Indeed, in this sea, everything is about strength. As long as you have enough strength, no matter where you want to be sheltered, it can be anywhere.

"Yes, I know. When Big Brother Tiger comes back, I will immediately go to Seiken Island. Until then, please allow me to contribute to the homeland!" Jinping nodded, he also wanted to improve With his own strength, he has also heard about the teaching level of the babies in suits, but now that Fisher Tiger is not on Fishman Island, he is naturally not good - leave.

As for believing in Ryu-Miyagi's guards...

Forget it, if the guards at Ryugu Castle are really worth being careful, then the island doesn't need the shelter of Whitebeard.

After a simple exchange with Jinpei, Giotto turned around and left: "See you next time Jinpei, I have other things to deal with. As for you, remember what I said just now, whether it's in the face of What kind of difficulty, or what a formidable enemy, the Pengele family will always be behind you!"

Not just for Jinbei, but for everyone in the family!

Looking at Giotto's figure leaving, Jinbei still maintained the respect in his eyes, watching it disappear from his field of vision.

"Brother Aaron, what about that **** human?" At this moment, a group of murlocs rushed over, looking at the fallen compatriots, their faces were also full of anger.

But at this time, Aaron glared at them unexpectedly, and then said coldly: "Humans are all **** bugs, I have never changed this idea. But ah Jinpei, that guy just now is indeed different. where even I have to agree with his words and demeanor..."

"Aaron, you...have you ever recognized human beings?" Jinping looked at Aaron strangely. He had known each other for a day or two, and he never thought that there would even be a human who could make Aaron agree with him. .

This is an unexpected bonus!

"Don't misunderstand Jinpei, I only agree with what he said about the noble murlocs, everything else is bullshit!" After dropping these words, Aaron turned and left.

But I don't know if it was an illusion. Jinbei always felt that when Aaron left just now, there seemed to be a hint of envy in his eyes when he looked at him?

The Pengele family is really a special existence!

Can you suggest that Aaron be included in it? If you can change Aaron's mind in this way, that's really good.

However, it seems that it is difficult, and Lord I, it is estimated that he will not agree with Aaron, right?

Forget it, these things will be taken one step at a time. If there is such a chance, it is not impossible to make Aaron work hard.

After leaving Fishman Street, Giotto did not stay on the island too much. After all, at this time, there are not many people who can interest Giotto on Fishman Island, except for

Besides Jinhei and Fisher Tiger, who has not yet returned, there is only one princess Otohime who hopes to coexist peacefully with human beings.

0.....For flowers 0......

But it's not enough to let Giotto go to King Neptune and tell him directly, I'm here for your wife, right?

Whatever the reason, it just doesn't feel right.

Although she is a great woman, she is not suitable to be a member of the Pengele family.

Soon after leaving Fishman Island, Giotto set foot on the Chambord Archipelago again. This island has not changed in any way from when he came a few years ago, but it will not change in itself.

What I have to say is that there are many more pirates on this island than in previous years, and those guys who went to sea because of the opening of the era of the great pirates, more and more as time goes by.

The powerful people among them naturally want to enter the new world, so they naturally come to the Chambord Archipelago, preparing to coat and continue their voyage through the route of Fishman Island.

I don't know what is so attractive about the treasure left by Roger, or what these people want, is the title of One Piece?

"Long time no see, Senior Xia Qi, if you can, just give me a glass of the cheapest wine here."

Since I came to Chambord, the only place that suits me is this tavern. Although Senior Xia Qi will continue to knock on his bamboo poles 120%, it is much more comfortable to stay here than outside.

Especially now that if you go outside by yourself, you will be recognized if you are not sure, and then...

Trouble just ensues!

There is another reason why Giotto doesn't want to take it outside, that is, there are often Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands. Those disgusting guys who want to be hammered directly at a glance, Giotto can't guarantee that he can bear it. Live without hands.

And once you start...

The Admiral would have to come to his own trouble, and then the trouble would grow, and that was not what Giotto wanted to happen.

"It turned out to be little Giotto, why did he come to me again? Or is there any news to buy? But even so, it won't make the famous Peng Lie I go there in person, right?"

Xia Qi also smiled when she saw Giotto, and immediately said: "So, you are here to find that old man Rayleigh?" Six.

Chapter 86 Selling Yourself Has Already Started

"Well, in a sense, it's okay, but I don't have any expectations. I think I know a lot about the Rayleigh tree."

After Giotto sat down, he said casually.

Coming to Rayleigh is basically like meeting and saying hello. There are no superfluous thoughts, and it is completely with the mentality of giving it a try.

"Then you probably have to wait for a while, otherwise, go to the auction house to find him. It's not the first time he has done this kind of thing." .

But the imagination is also, who can be satisfied with a person who sells himself when he has nothing to do!

Giotto didn't even think that Uncle Rayleigh had already started to dabble in this unfunded business so early. After thinking about it carefully, it might be quite profitable to sell himself and then escape after "837"...

I don't understand at all, what kind of brain circuit can come up with this method of making money...

"I can't wait that long. I'd better go to the auction to find him. Anyway, it's just a matter of one sentence. After that, I should go to the next place. Goodbye, Senior Xia Qi!"

Giotto stood up and walked straight away.

Just when he was about to walk out of the tavern, Xia Qi naturally put away the empty cup, and then said plainly: "Chenghui 10 million Bailey, I will directly ask Li Baoen for this money. "

The sudden demand for a debt made Giotto stunned for a moment, and even his footsteps stopped in mid-air. After a while, he continued to walk, his face was full of helplessness.

Sure enough, it would be abnormal to come to Senior Xia Qi's bar without being ripped off.

After leaving the bar, Giotto went directly to the island where the auction house was located. While looking for Uncle Rayleigh, he might be able to see if there was anything good in the auction house. Of course, he didn't have much hope for this either. After all, the owner of the auction is not Doflamingo, nor does he belong to an emperor in the dark world.

As for the auction houses hosted by other little people, there is not much means to get good things, and it is also due to luck that occasionally appears.

Soon he walked into the auction hall, found a random place to sit down, and propped his head diagonally with one hand, waiting for the auction to start with a dull look on his face.

To be honest, he was quite interested in the slave Rayleigh.

At this time, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind. In ancient times, Zhuge Kongming captured Meng Huo, so now he wants to buy Rayleigh in a wave of seven? Guess it's not allowed to buy and buy, this One Piece's deputy, the famous Pluto, was really bought into his own family?

And the price of buying Rayleigh is not expensive, because no one knows that this person is the Hades who once traversed the sea!

"This, this... Isn't this Zog Sheng? Why did you suddenly come to our store, and no one notified the villain in advance. If you let Zog Sheng sit with these civilians, how can the villain take the blame! "

The owner of the auction ran over immediately, showing his loyalty beside the Tianlong people like a dog.

It is already a habit for them to please the Tianlong people. If they do this kind of business in Shampoo, 80% of them will be related to the Tianlong people. If they don't learn to please these "creatures"

descendants of the Lord", then their business would not be able to go on.

"Is it not a long time to drive away the civilians? It's an honor for them to drive away all the people in the two rows and make way for this saint!"

The Tianlongren stretched out his hand and pointed to the two rows, and then said in an arrogant tone.

He never regarded these pariahs as human beings, or in other words, he regarded the pariahs as human beings and himself as gods!

After hearing the order of the Tianlong people, the auction house owner immediately ran to the two rows pointed by Zog just now, and then with a condescending look, he shouted loudly: "You all get out of the way now! There is no need for what the situation is now. I have said more, if anyone is slow, don’t blame me for being rude!”

He also saw some small nobles in these two rows. If it was normal, he would naturally be kind to them, but now there are world aristocrats from Tianlong. The nobles did not dare to say a word.

That's the truth. Even before the boss spoke, when he realized that the direction Tianlong was pointing was in the two rows he was in, these people immediately ran away. They didn't offend the world's noble Tianlong. Human courage 0…

"Hey, are you deaf! Can't you hear what Lao Tzu said just now?" The auction house owner's face instantly turned ugly, because after he spoke just now, there was another person sitting in the seat, and there was no Not wanting to leave at all.

"My God, is this person looking for death? Or do you know that the Tianlong people are here?"

"It's over, it's over, he's over!"

At this moment, the Tianlong people also saw the figure with one hand supporting his head, which also made him a little irritable: "How come there are untouchables still sitting in my place? What a mean **** who doesn't understand etiquette, still Don't hurry up and let him get out of the way, drag it away and kill it!"


At this moment, Giotto let out a long sigh, then stood up slowly: "I thought I could hold back and not cause trouble. After all, if I get into trouble here, it will be inconvenient to do anything. But Ah, it's really not an easy thing to endure a stinking meerkat that has to be constantly exchanged in your ear!"

That's right, the person who has been sitting in his seat is Giotto, and I don't know if it's because of his bad luck, or because the Tianlong person is a little too right.

It's where you sit.