MTL - Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet-v2 Chapter 2417 No one can take my grandma away.

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These days, Yin Yuerong's life is like a dream. Although she is relaxed and happy, she has always been trembled. She is always afraid that such a day is only an illusion, and she disappears in a blink of an eye.

Now that she is finally fulfilled, she has the peace of mind that the dust settles.

Sure enough, such a beautiful thing is definitely a price to pay.

Yin Yuerong: "Do it."

Since it is a hope, then then...

Seeing that Yin Yuerong did not resist, Minister Liu sighed with relief. The two hands on the side greeted him and left her, and held her up, "take away!"

At this moment, Yin Yuerong had not had time to leave the door, and suddenly there was a voice of milk and milk: "Slow!"

Although the voice of the little guy is somewhat immature, the momentum is extremely strong.

He walked quickly to Yin Yuerong and stopped her with a small body. "No one can take my grandmother away."

Yin Yuerong changed his face and subconsciously covered the chain on his wrist with his sleeves. He looked awkwardly toward the child who suddenly appeared. "Dynamic..."

When Minister Liu saw a child coming out suddenly, he couldn’t help but look at the child. After a glance, he was a little surprised.

Huh? This child... looks like a director...

It turned out that this is the child who was rumored to be deducted by Yin Yuerong.

Doesn't it mean that Yin Yuerong hates the mother of this child, and has the child been detained for daily torture?

Because of this matter, the senior officials of the arbitration committee were quite vocal about her, and thought that her practice affected the reputation of the arbitration conference and was preparing to jointly denounce her.

But now, it seems that it is not like the rumor?

If Yin Yuerong tortures the child every day, how can the child stand up and defend her at this time?

Yin Yuerong did not expect that the hall would suddenly appear, and it was there for a while...

A small little corps stood firmly in front of Yin Yuerong and said directly: "This red wooden box was put into my grandmother's study this morning, and it has nothing to do with my grandmother!"

Joe heard this and was surprised.

I heard that the box said that the box was put by him, Yin Yuerong’s face was like a white snow, like the last temperature of the bottom of my heart also dissipated in the cold wind...

It’s really a grandiose...

However, since it has already been done, why should we come out and admit it now?

At this moment, the heart of Yin Yuerong is like a cold river in half and a flame in half.

Ah Zhong saw that Yin Yuerong was about to be taken away. I didn’t expect this little scorpion to suddenly come out and make troubles. He walked to the side and said, "Little Master, you must not talk about it. How can you be a child? Do these things? I understand that you don't want them to take the lady away, but, hey, it doesn't matter if you say that..."

Because no one will believe it.

Obviously, the attitude of Minister Liu looking at the hall is also just looking at a child who is noisy.

I looked at A Zhong, "I am a child, naturally I will not put this thing into my grandmother's study, because you let me put it."

When I heard the words of the court, Yin Yuerong’s eyes looked like AZ.

A Zhong let the hall go in?

Just now she was uneasy and completely lost her ability to think. She did not even think of A Zhong. She only thought that the hall was the only place that could go in.

Probably care is chaos, her first thought is to be disgusted with herself, so to do so, but never thought that the church may be deceived...