MTL - Perfect Superstar-Chapter 833 Real martial arts style

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"so hot!"

Just as Wang Pu was full of joy and admired the first poster of "Swordsman", there was a crisp voice coming from the side: "Is this a new movie by Lu Chen?"

Wang Pu turned his head and couldn't help but see the girl sitting next to him looking curiously on his computer screen, shining in the sparkling eyes.

The age of the girl in her twenties is not so beautiful, she is barely good-looking, but her youthful atmosphere still makes Wangpu a little stunned.

Hearing the other party's inquiry, he quickly said: "Yes, it is Lu Chen's poster of "Swordsman", just came out this evening..."

The girl smiled and said: "I am a fan of Lu Chen. I have heard of "Swordsman", which seems to be a martial arts novel, is about to be released?"

Even if it is a fan, I am afraid it is just a road powder?

Wang Pu silently spit in his heart, but the more enthusiastic and polite: "On October 1st National Day, the original novel is also very good-looking. Lu Chen plays the role of Linghu Chong..."

He wants to introduce the story of the story in "Swordsman", but the girl is not interested at all. What really attracts her is the beautiful poster displayed on the screen.

Moved her ass, she posted it and picked up the mouse on the table, and directly opened the next poster.

Wang Pu closed his mouth and his attention was drawn to the past.

The protagonist of the second poster was replaced by Chen Feier, a white Chinese costume that set off her natural fragrance. The sword was like a flying wind, and it was like a fairy in the background. The breath is coming!

Ren Yingying!

The speed of Wang Pu’s heartbeat has suddenly increased by a factor of two. This is his favorite Ren Yingying in his mind!

"Chen Feier is so beautiful..."

The girl sitting beside him was sincerely admired, and Wang Pu actually heard a bit of envy and even awkward taste.

Unlike the female stars who rely on facelift, make-up and ps to maintain their image, Chen Feier is a true natural beauty. Her beauty is enough to kill a vote. Now the image in "Swordsman" is her. The temperament once again pulled up a lot.

This poster must be saved as a computer desktop!

The girl next door did not appreciate it on Chen Fei's poster for a long time, and opened the third one.

The third poster is Liu Gangsheng, who plays the role of asking for heaven.

In "Swordsman", Xiangtian is also the role that Wangpu likes. The male character is second only to Linghuchong. He thinks that although he is not a decent person, Wugong is a strong and powerful trait, and he is resourceful and full of personality.

Liu Gangsheng, played by Liu Gangsheng, gave Wang Pu a surprise.

Unknowingly, he had a great expectation for the "Swordsman" that will be officially released on October 1. Originally, he must definitely go to see it. Now it is necessary to get support from the cinema.

If you are good enough to look good, then watch it twice or three times!

Five movie posters were quickly read, and people feel that the intimate is that the "Swordsman" official v actually provides high-resolution image file download.

"Can you send me this URL?"

The neighbor girl asked Wang Pu: "I want to download these posters."

"I am preparing to do it..."

Wang Pu suddenly blessed the soul and said: "You tell me the Feifei number, I will send it to you now, you can save it directly in the Feixin network disk, you can watch the download at any time."

The girl grinned, but still told her the Feifei number very generously.

Wang Pu quickly added, and downloaded the poster image on the blog, and then sent it to the other party.

The girl, as Wang Pu said, saved the picture file in the Fetion network disk, and after saying thank you to him, he left the machine and let him have a cold water splashed.

I got a chance to get the Fetion number...

Wang Pu comforted himself, and he continued to look at the stills released by the official v.

There are hundreds of movies in this official essay, which shows the style of this upcoming movie to a large extent. The excellent picture of the scene makes Wang Pu feel very annoying.

After browsing all of it, he couldn't wait to open his own flight group.

At this time, it is the most lively moment in the Fetion group. As the fan base of "Swordsman", the most discussed ones are undoubtedly the movie posters and stills released by the official v.

"Lu Chen is so handsome, it is exactly what I think of the fox, and I have to go to the cinema on October 1!"

"This is the real martial arts style. What was the previous "Youth Rivers and Lakes"? There is no way to compare it. Let's live at the box office!"

"Ren Yingying is high, Chen Feier is so beautiful!"

"I was very worried about it. I was afraid that "Swordsman" was made into the appearance of those martial arts films. It was not a bad thing to ruin the classics. Now I am relieved."

"Who knows when the movie ticket starts to be pre-sold? My Fetion account is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Reassured +1..."

Looking at these speeches in the group, Wang Pu could not help but reveal a smile.

It seems that everyone's opinions are exactly the same. The posters and stills released by the "Swordsman" official v are really great, completely killing the previous ticket to follow the imitators.

Think about the characters of "Youth Rivers and Lakes" and "The Lakes and the Prodigal Sons". Where are the martial arts characteristics? They are completely copied from the fantasy fantasy, and the decorative appearance is glamorous. It is not like a real character. Selling a face, there is no temperament at all.

You are welcome to say that compared with "Swordsman", the so-called martial arts films have been **** in the character shape, although the movie is not released now, it is not easy to say the specific quality, but at least this is a The department is loyal to the original, quality-oriented film.

Wang Pu is looking forward to the National Day.

On the evening of September 20th, "Swordsman" wave blogger v released movie posters and stills, officially opened the martial arts blockbuster prelude, immediately attracted countless fans and industry circles.

The next night, at the same time, the official v released the first official trailer again!

On the evening of the 22nd, the second trailer was released.

Since the 21st, there have been propaganda posters of "Swordsman" in major theaters across the country, subway stations and bus stops in several major cities, and the advertisements of "Swordsman" have appeared.

Not only that, Chenfei Media also announced that "Swordsman" will participate in the Huhai International Film Festival next month, and at the same time at the Capital Animation Festival at the end of next month to hold the "Swordsman" osplay contest!

Such a series of intensive publicity campaigns made this martial arts movie that had been quiet for a long time suddenly reappear in the eyes of everyone. ——