MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v7 Chapter 1786 Marry 11

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Fang Fu was quite satisfied with his daughter’s words and his face was slowed down. “It’s just that my mother and I have been doing a lot of heart for you. If you don’t repay your parents, then you’re like a beggar, you said is not it"

Su Jing and laughed: "Of course it is"

He doesn't like this father-in-law and step-in-law at all.

"Father, it's time to tea." Fang Qing smiled and said: "Bring some gifts, the carriage is on hold, and I will move in later."

I heard that there is a gift, and listening to Fang Qing’s tone, the gift should be quite a lot, and the father’s mood is better. “Well, respect tea and respect tea”

Fang Yao rushed to the kitchen and asked for four cups of tea.

Fang Qing and Su Jinghe first took the tea and gave it to the father.

Fang Fang saw the young masters and daughters of the Su family in front of themselves, and they were in a good mood. They couldn’t help but straighten themselves. They drank the tea quickly and gave a red envelope. Each red envelope was a few A copper plate.

Su Jing and I touched it, and secretly laughed: This father-in-law, can you?

"After the son-in-law wants to treat my daughter well, don't bully her." Fang Fang said with a face: "We are at home, and there are people who can't let anyone bully my daughter."

Fang Fang said this, but it does not mean that Wan Fangqing will have anything to do in the future. He will support her for the sake of her, but she will have an addiction in front of the son-in-law.

Su Jing and Xiao Xiao said: "The father-in-law is reassured, Xiao Xiao remembers that Xiao Yan will not bully her wife, she will treat her well."

Fang Fen feels that the reason why the son-in-law has this confession is under her own preaching. The mind feels more comfortable and smiles. "It’s very good. If you say this, I will be relieved."

It’s really good to have a good taste.

Especially in front of people who have high status and who can't catch up with their own horses.

In the heart of Yu’s heart, he began to be sore and sullen.

I can't help but hate Su Jing and have no temper: I don't mean that this young master is a second-generation ancestor. Is it best to fight and fight?

How can such a person honestly listen to people and teach him how to not violently jump up and hit it?

Even if you don’t jump, you should be black.

I couldn’t help but hate Fang Qing’s eyes: this little monk didn’t know what to do, but looked down on her.

Looking at Su Jinghe and Fang Qing got up, he gave a fake smile: "He doesn't even say that you are a son-in-law, you are married to someone else's house, so don't do it again. Things are squatting and ignoring before, everything is not a good thing, there must be rules in front of your mother-in-law, don’t be as big or small as before us, no matter what, what should be said, what should not be said, you want I figured out there is still"

“Mother said everything,” Fang Qing said with a smile. “When I will give my mother a tea, my mother will not be too late. Now, let’s go and give my mother a cup of tea.”

Fang Fu and Yu’s face are all stiff.

He lived with anger, and he was angry and looked at his father.

"How did your child talk like this?" Fang Fang frowned and reprimanded Fang Qing: "How can you hit your mother in the past few years without your mother doing housework, raising and working, can you have today?"

"Father-in-law," Su Jing and Xiao Xiao said: "My wife, she said the truth is true. How can we go to the mother-in-law to pay homage to the tea, and then come back to listen to the lessons of my mother-in-law, isn’t it good to follow my mother-in-law. How long does it take to learn a lesson? We all listen to it, huh, huh"

He listened to Su Jing and the heavy bite of the word "following", and even hated his teeth. He attributed everything to Fang Qing, and she decided that she had challenged Su Jinghe.

Fang Qing’s heart is also secretly funny, where is this strange name, but it’s very appropriate.

Moreover, it is very good and wonderful.

I saw that the gas of the pig's liver became the color of the pig liver.

Fang Qing was grateful to Su Jing and glanced at it.

She did not expect Su Jinghe to help her.

She did not know, Su Jing and this person are tempered, and the most short-sighted.

It’s okay for his people to bully, but others can’t bully.

Since Fang Qing has already married him, he is his wife. Of course, he is already his person. How can he tolerate others who bully themselves in front of their own faces?

Even if it’s a father-in-law, that’s not the case.

The father was stunned and looked at Su Jinghe with his eyes wide open, but he did not know what to say.

He puts on the shelf, and the premise is that Su Jing and his willingness to accept it. Su Jinghe does not accept, what can he do?

阮 岂 岂 甘 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I am so good, I don’t have a good report. God, you open your eyes and see if there is any heaven."

"Let's go, let's go to the mother-in-law to scent the tea." Su Jing and the roots of the eyes are not inclined to the squatting, ignoring the crying of Yu's, the sound is extremely loud, and Fang Qing left.

Fang Qing's low-browed eyebrows, the corner of his mouth gently pulled, and went with him.

阮 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯 疯I have been mad at her in the past few years. Then I climbed the high branch and dared to face it back. It was still there."

Fang Fang heard the ignorance of the fire of three thousand feet, his face was cold, and he gnawed his teeth: "This is a miscellaneous thing."

Busy with Yu, said that he would wait for Fang Qing and Su Jing and His Majesty to apologize for her.

This is the time when Yu’s swallowed and stopped crying.

In the small room dedicated to the mother's tablet, Fang Qinggong respected the incense, took the tea, and squatted in front of the mother's tablet. He looked at the faint smoke and swayed the words on the tablet, and the eyes gradually became a little moist.

Niang, my daughter has married and married the best people in Shuangliu County. My father-in-law is very good for her daughter. Your son-in-law is also very protective of his daughter. From now on, my daughter will no longer have to worry about her future being held in the palm of her hand, no longer have to be careful to guard her mother day and night. Under Jiuquan, you can rest assured.

Fang Qing solemnly smashed three heads.

Su Jinghe had already stunned her for a long time, looking at the stunned look on her face, watching the pair of scorpions that should have been bright and dazzling, and faintly, somehow, his heart was very uncomfortable.

He doesn't like to see her like this.

He likes her who hates his teeth and hates that he just wants to press her under her body.

He thinks she should be like that

Not just like this.
