MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 236 3 No pirates

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Domineering and domineering are different. With the level of domineering with red hair, even Qiubai's crew can't resist all of them. fastest update

Although Qiubai advertises the elite line, the elites are not completely pointed in the direction of combat power. For example, Perona, you can't expect her to resist the domineering red hair.

Fortunately, at this time, I can see who the captain is. Qiubai resisted the red-haired overlord's attack in front... Although overlord's domineering is not something rare, but someone like Qiubai can use it if he thinks it can be used. It is bound to be rarer that it can be used.

According to his description, it seems that this kind of power that represents rare aptitude is no different from Bianyi. If it feels like it can come out, it can come out... This must be said to be a man who can be the protagonist. The awakening of the overlord's color reveals such a thing. A sense of comfort.

Perhaps all the power is used to shock and awe, the visual effect brought by the red-haired overlord color impact is not as good as the golden lion's imperial scroll, the latter still staged an image of the dragon and tiger fight, the former is the third place. From the angle of view, nothing too terrifying has been formed, or the power of the overlord has disappeared without being revealed.

For Qiubai's comrades, his reaction to blocking the red-haired domineering was just "Huh? Oh...", it's not a big deal, anyway, he has always been such a person; but to the red-haired pirate For the rest of the regiment, this is rather surprising. You must know that the domineering red hair can properly resist the white beard. Why is it ineffective here?

While this group of people was stunned, Ain suddenly took a step forward... That's right, she didn't want to make a big move, she just wanted to touch Shanks' boat.

...This lady is one of the fastest and strongest dismantling workers in the world, and is especially good at performing various dismantling operations. If she encounters this Redford, why would the redhead want to go to Marlin?

Yes, but please swim on two legs and one arm.

But at this time, the difference between the four emperors was shown, and what Ain wanted to do was naturally impossible to achieve so easily.

"Don't move around, your intentions are too obvious, little girl." Ben Beckman, a pirate known for his calmness and wisdom, the vice-captain of the Red-haired Pirates, pointed to this side with a long firearm.

As the red-haired vice-captain, Ben Beckman's strength is beyond doubt, but his most important significance to this pirate group is not in strength... He is the think tank of the red-haired pirates.

Although Qiubai, the enemy captain, has always been too conspicuous since he appeared, he has been paying attention to other people on the Balubatos from beginning to end instead of paying attention to Qiubai, because Ben Beckman knows that no matter what the captain has No matter how awesome, there is always his own captain staring at him, and seemingly harmless other enemies can really inadvertently produce a powerful and unpredictable threat.

Not only Ain, Ben Beckman knows that Qiubai includes all the abilities of his comrades, the fruit of surgery, the fruit of regression, the fruit of ghosts, all of them are very troublesome... A pirate group that has reached the level of Qiwuhai is already worth his visit. Gathering intelligence, and he did the same. When Qiu Bai and his group came into view, he knew instinctively that they might pose a considerable threat.

After jumping for a while and making a few big moves, the abilities of Qiu Bai's group have also been exposed to a certain extent. As long as you take the time to investigate, you will definitely gain something, and Ben Beckman must have this aspect. Ability.

Facts also proved that his idea was right, and the two sides had already clashed in the first half of the great route.

Qiubai stretched out his hand and made a gesture backward, indicating that everyone should not act rashly. Ain was a little anxious, but this was understandable. She didn't think that there would be a character like Ben Beckman staring at her.

I want to throw the red-haired pirates into the sea in an instant... It is undoubtedly a good idea, but it seems a little difficult to operate now. Although this ship is too big, it seems a little impossible to start.

Qiubai's gaze passed the red hair and fell on Ben Beckman, "There is a girl in a small town, holding up an umbrella to cross the rainy alley, the corners of her skirt are provoking lilac, and she looks back step by step... Why does such a lovely person point a gun at What about her? What if she gets into trouble? Is there still Wang Fa?"

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little annoyed.

The forefoot lightly tapped on Lina's head, and the power stored in the snake's huge body and tight muscles exploded instantly like a taut force, and the next moment its head was like a huge warhead. The same goes for red hair.

Of course, Qiubai wouldn't be reckless enough to control a snake to directly attack the Four Emperors, Linna's brain stopped not far in front of Shanks.

It seems that this kind of "miscellaneous fish" does not need the boss's shot at all. Several red-haired crew members crossed the captain's side, jumped high and attacked its head with various weapons.

After a sound of impact, Linna fell back into the sea as if she had been severely injured, but in fact, her head, which was used to resist the impact of the epidemic, was unscathed and unscathed.

However, at this time, Qiu Bai had disappeared from the time he was standing, and his figure flashing with electric light appeared directly above Ben Beckman, and then smashed the head of the deputy captain with one foot like a knife.

Even if there is a magical thing called seeing, hearing, and seeing, Qiubai's speed is still a bit unpredictable, and Ben Beckman reluctantly took a step back to escape the blow.


The thick ship board in front of him was dented in a large area by a kick, and then a sword was cut down towards Ben Beckman's shoulder!

Qiubai has already seized the opportunity, and this sword is more severe than the previous one. If he is not careful, the red-haired right arm will lose his own right arm in an instant.

Because Qiubai's sword was pressing down, Beckman squatted while dodging to one side, but at this time he suddenly noticed another sword light coming from below!

Qiubai slashed down with the sword in his left hand, and wrapped his right hand behind him, very concealedly going around his left shoulder and under the armpit to pick up the sword, and the two blades of the swords closed together, like a pair of scissors stuck on Beckman's arm. .

The deadly scissor hand Qiu Dehua made Beckman sweat slightly on his forehead, but he didn't want the captain and co-captain of the Red Hair Pirates to become one-armed... I can't emphasize my personality. He stepped on his feet quickly, and his dashing dodge turned into a lazy donkey rolling. At the same time, the long fire gun in his hand also let However, he suddenly stopped the rolling body. At this time, he felt that there was a Something wiped his body and stabbed him, and then there was a "tuk" sound from behind him... Qiubai's sword rubbed his body and stabbed into the mast behind him.

It turned out that Qiubai let go of the middle sword in his right hand, caught the fire gun thrown by Beckman with one hand, and at the same time hit the hilt of the sword with his right heel and kicked it out just like that.

It all happened in an instant, and the red-haired crew didn't realize the enemy had invaded their ship until the co-captain had finished rolling.

So one by one, the pirates rushed up and surrounded Qiubai.

Qiubai glanced at the dense array of enemies and the various weapons in their hands. He looked at Beckman, and then at Shanks, who was a little further away, and then inserted the sword in his left hand on the deck, using the empty space The hand that came out covered his left ear, and at the same time he held Beckman's spear in his right hand and raised it straight above his head, and then he pulled the trigger.


The muzzle of the gun spewed fire, and the crisp gunshots echoed on the red-haired boat, followed by the smell of smoke and gunpowder.

Qiubai still held the gun, but let go of his left hand. At this time, he realized that he had covered the wrong ear. Sister, it was time to cover the right one, doesn't matter.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"Robbery! Hand over the money and beauties!"

This person really has a hole in his head, don't you know that this is the ship of the Four Emperors? Still talking like that? The word "robbery" uttered from someone else's mouth has not been heard by Red Hair for many years...

Well, Qiubai has a hole in his brain, because he knows that this is the ship of the Four Emperors, and he only said that, because he is such an unorganized, undisciplined, and lawless pirate.

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