MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 247 Transaction (below)

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Just like those with abilities in the nature department are superstitious about their own strength, the murlocs always have a blind self-confidence of "I'm invincible" when they are in the sea. Previously, King Neptune chose to attack Qiubai because of this factor. They felt that A person who can split islands on land has no chance of using this ability in the sea.

Therefore, even if he knew that Bai Xing might be in the hands of Qiwuhai, Vander Duncan would still chase after him. Although he was a capable person and lost the physical ability of a murloc in the sea, his subordinates were all pure fish. people.

Qiubai's group slowly sightseeing while waiting for the pursuit of the undersea ghost ship "Flying Dutchman".

Traveling with Lily is a matter of information, but if there's one thing that disappoints Shirahoshi the most, it's that she can't bring her pet shark out this time...

Qiubai already has orangutans, cows, rhinos, koalas, zebras, and Linna. If you add a shark... The zoo and aquarium don't need to be so complete. Besides, in the sea of ​​the new world, Linna has the ability to protect herself, but the shark can't. It might be eaten by the water, which would be too miserable.

So Princess Baixing has now lost her mount, and Ellen wants to design a bubble for Baixing that will not burst no matter how far it is from here as a means of transportation... After all, Baixing is not old enough to have long legs. If the lower body is a tail It would be too inconvenient to move around on a boat or on land.

Considering that each boatman is half a scientist or 1.5 scientists, this shouldn't be too difficult for Ellen.

The Balubatos waited and waited, and Qiubai had to wait until he was anxious, and a huge figure gradually appeared from behind them.

The pufferfish-shaped giant mermaid and the bald sea monster chased after a large boat with a terrifying momentum... This boat really has the feeling of a ghost ship. In the silent deep sea, this kind of appearance is enough to create a terrifying atmosphere, but do not Don't compare anyone with Qiubai to be more terrifying, otherwise you will know how terrifying it is to be truly terrifying.

"Hurry up, hurry up, everyone is here, don't wait, Luo, it's up to you next." The much-anticipated Vander Duncan finally appeared, and at this time Qiubai directly called the handy little expert Luo.

"Do you want me to do this kind of thing every time?" Although he was used to being dominated by all kinds of things, Luo still couldn't help complaining.

"It's hard work for those who are capable. Your ability is too convenient, and if I do it, although the effect is similar to that of yours, the people who are broken by me will not be able to fight again." Work, but the key is that he always likes to command blindly, Luo has to operate according to his command, and this kind of operation... Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it hurts and it hurts.

The combat power of the two pirate groups is not at the same level at all, even if they are trampled to death, there is no point, so Qiu Bai is left to toss. First, Lot cut off Vander Duncan's right hand, After taking off the glove and touching something casually, it is considered a breach of the ring.

It is precisely because this hand touched Bai Xing many years ago and he has maintained the good habit of not washing his hands for many years, that his target fruit can only run after Bai Xing, but after touching anything else casually, I am sorry, Bai Xing is even. Get rid of N years of harassment.

Then Luo returned the useless hand, and then he used his own "transplant" to "exchange the soul" between Vander Duncan and his beloved subordinate, the bald sea monster... Captain Duncan didn't always rely on it. His fruit ability, right? Sorry, this ability was confiscated and given to someone else.

So Vander Duncan IX became the bald sea monster, and the bald sea monster became Vander Duncan... This exchange of souls can be regarded as almost permanent, in this case, even " Almost" both words can be dropped.

If Luo hadn't taken the initiative to remove the ability, even if he died, the exchanged soul would not be able to be exchanged again.

If the rest of the people are cut up and put together, this group of murlocs will no longer have the ability to pursue them, and Qiubai's group can float to the new world with peace of mind.

There is a saying how to say... The wicked have their own grind.


New World, Dressrosa.

Back then, due to a small accident that happened, King Doflamingo was forced to leave here, and he had only one chance to become a king. After the world government noticed his intention, he could not do the same thing. Successful second time.

And because Doflamingo's departure from the throne was like that, which made King Liku unable to restore by defeating the wicked, so since Dove left here, this island has become the master of the citizens themselves. Autonomous city, after going through all kinds of things, the people of Dressrosa finally understand a truth: tyranny suffers, long live Min Zhu, cherish life, stay away from dictatorship.

Putting aside the happy new life of the people, in the north of Dressrosa, there is an isolated island called "Green Bit". The island is densely forested, and it is inaccessible to ordinary people, because there is a ferocious creature called Douyu. Fishes surround the island, and their fierce personalities will attack any ships that try to approach the island until they sink.

But that's just a general situation. There are always some ships that can come to this island without incident. On this day, a small brig docked.

Although this ship is small, the pirate flag on it is the kind that used to deter one side, and now the remnants still carry out activities with this flag.

"Marko, are we really going to make a deal with someone like that? Maybe we shouldn't be here in the first place. Maybe this deal is just a trap set by the Navy to catch us all."

"No, I don't think so. From the recent news, the other party is now 'maintaining order' on Fishman Island. Even if we want to set up traps, it is impossible. , it is impossible to set any traps just for us, that will leave a lot of precious combat power vacant."

"Besides, now that we have what he wants, and he has what we want, why can't we exchange it if it is of equal value?"

"So in terms of rationality and possibility, what the other party said should be true. Even if there is an emergency, we have already arrived ahead of schedule. If there is any trouble, we can leave without hesitation."

Marco is still mature and calm, but after the war, although there is nothing wrong with him, his temperament has changed a lot.

There is no doubt that wars and tragedies can make people grow.