MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 5 will

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Whether it's good intentions or malicious intent, it may be a high probability event to encounter a shipwreck after going to sea in the new world, but the possibility of encountering a swordsman of Ryoma's level is not very high anyway.

So Qiubai naturally won't give up certain opportunities. His intention is simple and direct, and what he has to do is quite simple: he just needs to show what he has learned in swordsmanship so far.

The rest depends on probabilistic choices, and the initiative of this choice is not in his own hands.

After the seven swords of "Chong Ying" (named from an inspiration), he has another seven swords, but the only move that he has really completed is "Riju".

And judging from the results, this move has obviously had the desired effect.

From the perspective of a non-participant third party, Qiu Bai's sword-drawing technique was mediocre, even a little too slow, not as dazzling as the attack just now.

In terms of the speed of unsheathing that "Slasher, Blunt" is famous for, Qiubai's moves seem to be far from the level of "Zero Dodge", but in fact it is not so, his attack is not that simple, and simple. Compared with the pursuit of speed, what he does is much more complicated.

So compared to the calm response just now, Ryoma took a step back for the first time since the fight.

The so-called soul, heart, mind, eyes, and shape are the same in swordsmanship. For many swordsmen, the attack trajectory of the sword has been determined the moment the sword is unsheathed, and it is even more so for the sword-drawing technique that pursues instantaneous attack speed. in this way.

Because the pursuit of attack speed is too paranoid, the moment the knife is unsheathed, its attack trajectory has been solidified. Most of the time, what the swordsman pursues is nothing more than fast on this determined trajectory. Some, faster, so fast that the opponent can't react at all.

But as long as this "trajectory" exists, it means that the attack has a trace to follow, and for a swordsman like Ryoma, it is not difficult to make a pre-judgment based on the opponent's actions.

Especially under the premise that the difference in strength is huge, the simple word "fast" is meaningless.

Through the test just now, Qiu Bai has already understood this. All simple and direct attacks with insufficient changes are ineffective attacks, so he came up with the most changeable move among all his swordsmanship.

Riju, the biggest feature of this move is that the entire trajectory changes only after the sword is unsheathed. Whether it is the choice of the attack landing point within the three-dimensional attack range, or the speed of the sword moves, they are all within the range that can be changed. .

On different trajectories, Qiubai's sword can constantly move from extreme motion to extreme stillness, and then from extreme stillness to extreme motion. This combination seems to be able to go on indefinitely, and such an attack will also become unpredictable.

This is more difficult to deal with than simply being fast, and making moves is much more difficult to handle than simply "fast".

And using such a move is not a simple matter. It not only has extreme requirements for the control of the swordsman, but even that this requirement is still in a secondary position. The more prerequisite than this is... wrist strength. .

In the end, no matter how the power was used, the starting point was still the power itself.

When the change is subtle, it is difficult to mobilize the power of the whole body to control it, because it is impossible to do such a thing within that time and range of movement, so for "Rigaku", the arm, even talking The strength of the forearm will take all the changes.

To put it simply, this is a move that is extremely dependent on the quality of the wrist and even the skill of using it. Without such support, there would be no so-called Riku.

Even due to the need for restraint and even use of inertia, the knife in Qiubai's hand at this time weighed thousands of pounds.

That's why this move made Ryoma take a step back... If a swordsman of the same level used such a move in the process of fighting with him, then his first reaction would be like this.

Compared with tough defense, choosing to withdraw from the opponent's attack range, and then waiting for an opportunity to counterattack is the most correct decision.

But this time, Ryoma didn't need to counterattack. After this move was used up, Qiubai no longer had the will...and ability to attack.

To put it bluntly, for him, although this kind of move is invaluable, it is only for the purpose of "performing" for Ryoma to see.

Qiubai let go of the sword in his hand, and then began to clench his fist and smash his wrist... Although the move was completed, it seemed that he was still a step away from being able to retract it freely.

However, as Qiu Bai himself said, such attacks can indeed be classified within the scope of sword skills.

Unfortunately... there is still no way to pose a substantial threat to a swordsman like Ryoma. Qiubai is a little dissatisfied, but he has already used all his strength as a swordsman.

Well, he thought too much, and things shouldn't have ended.

Even the current Ryoma is the top swordsman in this world, want to threaten the opponent?

A simple assessment of Qiu Bai's overall strength... He can't even release his sword energy, and he can only stare blankly at mid-range attacks like the "hundreds of trouble wind" of so and so.

After Qiubai let go, the battle was over.

After exiting from that state, Ryoma first retracted the knife into the sheath, and then coughed lightly. Even Qiu Bai, at this time, can understand that there seems to be a problem with the other's physical condition.

After a short period of time, Longma calmed down a little. At this time, he did not comment on Qiubai's swordsmanship, but asked again, "Qiubai... What is your purpose of going to sea?"

Qiubai lowered his head slightly, covering his eyes with his eyes—the other party asked a question that he had already explained at first.

"A person chooses to go to sea, the reason is nothing more than that..."

He didn't answer according to the other party's wishes. He didn't want to say such obvious things a second time.

"Indeed, maybe I'm a little old..." Ryoma shook his head and said, those who dare to sail a boat and create new world seas at the age of fifteen will probably not lack such things as "determination".

"What if, if one day you encounter an invincible enemy?" he asked again.

This is not what if, if the target is a vertex, this situation will come across sooner or later.

However, Qiubai said, "There won't be such a day. Those who can't win the first time will definitely win the second time, but if they can't do this... When a swordsman stops moving, That is when 'death' comes.

What kind of words a person says, the truth or the lie, the more serious it is, the more different it is. With Qiubai's current appearance, although he seemed very casual when he said this, it gave the impression that what he said was true. One hundred percent fact.

There is no shortage of determination or determination. Perhaps it is a rebound from the repressed past life. In this world, what he has to do is not ordinary.

"That is to say...Even if it's me, will you win sooner or later?"

Qiubai didn't answer.

It would be arrogant to say "yes", but to say "no" would go against his heart... Neither too confident nor too humble, this is Qiubai's attitude, he will take this step by step. Going down, maybe it will be many years later to win a swordsman of the level of Ryoma, but he never thought about the three words "can't win".

In a completely unfamiliar world, the guy who can tease the "master" who manages everything is his own... Either he has a big heart, or he is mentally retarded.

"...Hehe, this kind of thinking is very similar to when I was young." After saying this, Ryoma suddenly ended the topic and returned to the swordsmanship itself, "From the perspective of the short fight, even including the final Including the move you call 'Riju', the way you use the sword is simple and violent, and seems to focus more on the power itself than the pursuit of skills. Of course, this is not bad. If there are other advantages, there will be no problem in the end... It's just that compared to the former, this method seems to require talent, but in fact it requires more famous teachers."

"So... Qiubai, before going to sea again, are you willing to relearn how to use a sword?"

In Ryoma's view, Qiubai, who is "self-taught", can be regarded as a piece of rough jade, but this is not the main factor for him to make such a decision... Over the years, he has seen people who can be called swordsmanship geniuses There are countless, but before Qiubai, he never had such a thought.

The more important reason is... In the last years of life, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is more meaningful to finish the last piece than to be obsessed with something else.

"Of course, it just so happens that we have lost the ship that went to sea now."

What else can Qiubai say?

From the first moment he learned the identity of the other party, he had such an idea, so things went smoothly to such an extent that he had no reason to refuse.

"In the next month, I will teach you how to use the sword again, but how much you can learn depends on your ability."

"One month?"

It's already gratifying to have a month, but Qiubai still wonders why he set such an accurate deadline.

Ryoma glanced at Qiubai and told the facts that did not need to be concealed, "I originally planned to return to my hometown Wano immediately next, because there is a certain custom in our country... But now I have changed my mind, in At the end of my life, I really still tend to finish the last sword..."

The reason for setting this time limit is that Ryoma only has about a month to live.

Fundamentally speaking, all swords come from the hand of the swordsmith, and so do all swordsmen. Regardless of whether it is out of pure inheritance or a little utilitarian use of "famous tools" to save themselves from being forgotten, many swordsmen in the end will eventually embark on the road of new swordsmiths, which can even It's called "rules".

Ryoma is not immune from this, and now he has also gone the same way:

Use the last moment of his life to forge the last weapon... No matter whether it is successful or not, there is nothing to regret for him, but... I just hope that in the end, if I can really create a "famous sword" , it couldn't be better.