MTL - Pirate: Earning One Trillion Yuan Before Retirement is Not Too Much!-Chapter 17 If you don't have strength, you're just a bastard!

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  Chapter 17 If you have no strength, you are a bastard!

   Smoker's face flushed a little.

   Kahn was the first person to say so about him.

   "You are just a veteran who has forgotten his original intention!" Smoker roared.

  A veteran who has forgotten justice, what qualifications do you have to say about him.

  But the next moment, Kahn's domineering fist directly beat the unsuspecting Smoker away.

   "Justice? This old man will tell you now, what is justice in this nonsense world!"


  Before Smoker even reacted, Kahn's figure had already arrived in front of him, and his domineering big foot stepped on Smoker's chest.

  The powerful force made Smoker feel severe pain.

   Smoker's face was full of disbelief.

  The smoke fruit he is proud of has no resistance in the face of Kahn's domineering.

   But he can't give up directly.

  The Hailoushi weapon in his hand swept towards Kahn's feet in an instant.

   Kahn had a sneer on his face.

   Domineering instantly covered his right foot, let go of Smoker, and kicked towards Hailoushi's weapon.

   Under Smoker's incredulous gaze, Hailoushi's weapon snapped off.

  Kahn was not idle either, his right hand pinched Smoker's neck like lightning, and lifted him up.

  Smogg wanted to smoke, but Kahn's palm was full of arrogance, and he couldn't break free at all.

   "With your strength, come to talk to me about justice?" Kahn was very disdainful!

  The strength gap between the two sides is really too big.

  Kan then exerted force with his right hand, Smoker's face turned red instantly, and the cigar in his mouth fell to the ground.

  Kan stepped on it and crushed the cigar.

   What was trampled together was Smoker's pride!

   "It is said that the old man has quit smoking, but you still insist on smoking!"

   Smoker is angry, humiliated, and powerless.

  The strength of Kahn in front of him is beyond his imagination.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, what are you doing?" Da Siqi was dumbfounded.

  The battle between the two ended so quickly that the sailors didn't react.

   But it is not so much a battle as a unilateral ravage!

  Maybe after hearing what Da Siqi said, Kahn also felt a little emotional.

   Mainly Smoker's words reminded him of some bad memories.

  He then lets Smoker go.

"Smoker boy, now you know what justice is! Your so-called justice is worthless in front of your fists. It has no strength, and everything is nonsense. It's just the barking of the incompetent. If you want to uphold your so-called justice, you must The fist is stronger than your opponent, as for me, when your strength surpasses mine, come and talk to me about justice! You are far from qualified now!"

   Smoker fell silent after hearing this.

   Seeing him like this, Kahn ignored him.

   "Pochi, let's go!"

   "Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn!"

   Then Kahn and his party left directly.

  Da Siqi ran up.

   "Colonel Smoker, are you all right?"

   Smoker didn't answer Da Siqi.

   Instead, he looked at Kahn, who was fading away, with an ugly expression on his face.

   Kahn seems to have taught him a truth.

   "Fist is justice."

   But this is nonsense, he absolutely does not recognize such justice.

   "Damn old man!"

   "Colonel Smoker!"

  Da Siqi's shout brought him back to his senses.

  In the end, he gradually calmed down

   Seeing him like this, Da Siqi also breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Colonel Smoker, who was Lieutenant General Kahn just now? Why haven't I heard of it?"

  "A veteran who has forgotten the justice in his heart, but he is right in one sentence."

  Da Siqi was also a little absorbed.

   "That is, if you want to implement the justice in your heart, you must have strong strength. Damn old man, one day, I will surpass you."

   Kahn and the others were walking forward, their expressions unchanged.

  At this moment, he is already thinking about how to make money.

  As for what happened just now, Kahn didn't take it to heart at all.

   Once upon a time, he was like this too, but the reality is that if you don't have the strength, you're just a bastard!

   At this moment, a figure in a black cloak blocked Kahn and the others.

   "Who are you? Why are you blocking us?" Pochi asked.

   "Pochi, step back."

   "Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn."

   Kahn looked at the person in front of him with surprise in his eyes.

   Then he showed a smile that was not a smile.

   "Aren't you afraid that the old man will catch you?"

   "I believe you won't, but the naval captain should have understood what you meant just now."

"I don't have any deep meaning, it's just pure displeasure. Whether he understands or not has nothing to do with me, and don't say he understands me so well. The reason why you say that is because of your strength! I think the old man can't catch it. you?"

  The cloaked man was taken aback, and was interrupted by Kahn just as he was about to explain.

   "Hurry up, what are you looking for? You can't just talk about this! You shouldn't be so free."

  He didn't speak, but turned his gaze to Pochi and the others behind Kahn.

   It's just that because of the cloak, Pochi and the others didn't see his specific appearance.

   "Boqi, you guys go first, I'll come later."

   "Yes, Lieutenant General Kahn."

  Pochi didn't hesitate at all.

   Wait until the sailors leave.

   "Let's talk! I have millions of dollars every minute, time is precious! I don't have time to chat with you here! Dragon!"

  That's right, the person who appeared was Karp's son and the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long.

  Long was a little surprised when he heard this!

  What is this called?

   But he quickly became serious.

   "Lieutenant General Kahn, I'll just say it straight, I want to invite you to join the Revolutionary Army!"

  After Long finished speaking, he looked at Kahn with some expectation.

  In his opinion, the reason why Kahn has been like this these years is also because he is tired of the rule of the Tianlong people and completely disappointed with the navy, so that he doesn't care about the transfer of the high-level navy, unlike his own father.

  That's why he responded negatively, but even so, Kahn didn't go on the wrong path, so Long wanted to invite him a long time ago.

   It's just that there has been no chance.

   Now that he realizes that the person in front of him has such great strength, Long naturally wants to try it even more.

  The most important point is that there is no loss if you fail.

   "Are you kidding me, the old man is in the Navy, why did you join the Revolutionary Army?"

   "Our revolutionary army needs people like Lieutenant General Kahn who are full of justice. Only when there are more people like this can we overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people and make this world a better place."

  Long showed a confident smile on his face.

   Kahn rolled his eyes upon hearing this.

   "Don't worry about it, the old man is not interested."

  Long frowned slightly.

   "Mr. Kahn, why don't you think about it, the people of this world need you."

   "I'm already old, I just want to enjoy life."

   "Then why did Lieutenant General Kahn hide his strength? Since he hid it, why did he choose to expose it? How can you who can wound the world's number one swordsman just want to retire?"

  Kan was taken aback.

  It seems that his identity has been exposed.

   But this is also within Kahn's expectations.

  (end of this chapter)