MTL - Pirate in Naruto World-v4 Chapter 249 : Come to the shampoo islands

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The surrounding wind frost is still whistling, and the ice cone is not reduced at all. Under the wall of the mountain top, a blue figure quickly rushes out from below.

"Hey! Chiba kid! Outside can give me lose face ah! Someday if people see you get caught, I Beware of gas to beat you!"

Incarnate as a thunder element, Chiba stayed in the air on the 'moon step', letting the wind and ice cones pass through his body: "Haha, rest assured! There are forty pieces in the ice under your ass." The murderer 'with the 20-grain weakened 'crime', how to use it on the note, hahaha!! Say goodbye to Luffy! Goodbye!"

"What? Under my ass...."

After half a second, a scream of endless anger came from the mountain.

"Chiba ~~~ You roll me down~~~~Not only less than ten!! Little devil!!!!"

Forcing the impulse to laugh at "two one seven", Chiba turned around and fell straight from the sky to the edge of the island. With a wave of hand, a small, skate-like ice boat appeared on the sea, and Chiba stood on it. There is a flame in the right hand.

"Haha... walk!"

The right hand slammed backwards, and a thick flame rushed out. With this powerful recoil, Chiba suddenly rushed out.

Finally, I looked back at the small island that had been waiting for five months. A smile appeared in the corner of Chiba.

"Hey, Luffy, we will definitely meet again, but you must not let me down when you arrive!"

A huge sea king slowly emerged from the sea and gradually stood up on the sea. The 100-meter-long body covered with cyan cyan scales, like a house-sized red erect with a bloodthirsty glow. , the death and death locked the Chiba that galloped away.

"Hey, it’s a big fish." Chiba said with surprise, and at the same time, 'Mura Yumaru’ appeared in his hands: "Hey, don't know... what will happen when you make a barbecue!!"

The hot flame rushed out of Chiba, and he glided again several times faster.

The giant fish seemed to be irritated by Chiba’s move. It opened the huge mouth that was almost ten meters high, and the three-ring tooth like a dagger slowly sprung in its scarlet mouth.

The sea beast blocked the big mouth in front of the Chiba sailing.


"Oh... three paragraphs.....flame!"

The whole arm is turned into a flame, and the flame in the hands of Chiba is shining.

As the flames in Chiba's hands rose, there were three hundreds of meters of horror flames.

The flame flashed, the blood was shining, and the sea kings only had time to make a half-sound scream, and they were smashed into three petals from the beginning to the end of Chiba.

Three hundred meters of long blood in the square fell into the sea, set off a wave of snow, the knife into the sheath, Chiba stepped on the ice boat from the blood, all the blood is hot in the range of more than ten meters near Chiba The flame burned into nothingness.

Gently falling on the surface of the sea, Chiba laughed, and by the huge waves of the death of the sea beast, his boat accelerated again.

"Now! Go to the new world!!!"

The crystal clear boat crossed the surface of the water, and a tens of meters long white waves with splashing sea water would confuse the sea like a mirror.

"Hey, go, go, where is your world!"

On the ice and snow island, Raleigh's hearty laughter came out from the cold wind of the mountains.


One day later, the shampoo island, Chiba gently stepped on the long-lost ground.

"Hey, I still feel good here, I am back! Shampoo Island!"

In the strange eyes of the people around him, Chiba walked into the shampoo island with his hands on his hands.

Looking at the bustling crowd, various snack vendors screamed and screamed into the ears, and spent more than five months in the ice and snow, gradually getting back to the civilized society.

With two huge barbecues in his hands, Chiba looked around the environment: "Ah, oh... ah... This time, there will never be five old stars and generals."

Chiba, which has disappeared for five months, is not a general, and even his bounty orders are no longer hanging on the wall.

The most indispensable part of the pirate world is a variety of people who are shocked and brilliant. The dead will be quickly overwhelmed by the sea and forgotten by the world, and Chiba is killed by one of the 'four emperors', 'Aunt'. The sight of most people has long since faded out.

When I came to the island of Champa, Chiba was mainly looking for a phone bug. I haven’t contacted Robin for a long time, and I don’t know how they are.........

A few months ago, after telling them that they had to follow Reilly’s seclusion for a while, they told them that they had never called Hancock.

"But it seems that there is no big thing happening. Is their plan not finished yet?" Chiba muttered as he chewed the barbecue with various spices.

Looking at a few wanted orders in front of them, those who are Robin Bonnie's four-man wanted, Austria, and Luo and his big white bear, that is, Bepo.

Chiba whispered: "Hey, five months have not seen, the bounty is much higher, four people are more than 300 million, haha, Qiao Ba can finally pat his chest and say that he is a big pirate! Luo, hey, 700 million, hehe.... What did he do to hurt the world?"

Just as Chiba looked at the order, there was a sudden riot behind him.

"Quickly avoid! Avoid it! Which **** **** is coming!!"

"Come on! Don't stop in front of them!"

"Damn, why did the Tianlong people appear in this place? How can they appear in the area 1~29? Isn't this illegal?"

"What illegal land? The transfer of the navy headquarters, the island has almost become an illegal zone!"

The transfer of the naval headquarters? Tianlong people?

Chiba frowned and looked back. Sure enough, a few hundred meters away saw a disgusting man with a bubble helmet and a nose on his face.

He sat down as a skinny man with huge chains on his limbs and neck. He looked at the height of Chiba and he was definitely a big man.

2.4 There are still a few men around the Tianlong who have an explosion collar around their necks. They are also kneeling on the ground, crawling face down. From their dark faces, they are just caught, they have not yet The person who 'succumbs'.

There was a disgusting nose on the nose, and the Tianlong people shouted like no one: "Come on, you don't climb, if you don't climb, the pets crawling contest will be delayed. See how I pack you up. And the garbage around you! Don't be in my way!"

In his hand, a black pistol has been smashed.

The surrounding civilians have turned their heads down and dared to speak out.

The Chiba in the distance also frowned, and then avoided the ugly Tianlong people, picked up a newspaper from the side of the road and looked up.

However, his heart is still vacillating.

An ugly guy, really arrogant, can't you kill it? .