MTL - Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend-Chapter 228 Huang Yuan checked the bank card, Robin said why

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Naval Headquarters, Marin Fand.

Huang Yuan, one of the three generals, suddenly woke up.

His back was covered in cold sweat, as if he had dreamed of something very important. In the next moment, he turned into a ray of light and came to his bedroom. Then he looked around and found that there was no one around.

Carefully taking out a bank card from under the heels of the bottom pair of leather shoes in the shoe cabinet, looking at the bank card, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

Then he asked Marshal Zhan Guo for a leave of absence, changed into ordinary clothes, put on a certain black top hat, black sunglasses, and then quietly came to the Chambord Islands, the headquarters of the World Economic Bank.

"Miss! Please help me see how much money is in this card?"

At the headquarters of the World Bank, the lady in uniform looked at this unattractive man in front of her, and she had a bad first impression, because this man looked rather wretched.

But in the next moment, her face changed drastically, because the person in front of her handed over a black card, a top-level card that had issued no more than 200 since the establishment of the World Economic Bank.

A sweet smile immediately appeared on her face, but unfortunately, how could these expressions escape the scrutiny of a general!

Huang Yuan has seen too much of this look of exaggeration and respect. If he didn't want to cause a sensation, he would have changed someone else.

But at this moment, his domineering aura of knowledge and knowledge was also turned on to the maximum in an instant, and he looked at the display screen of the machine.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion!!"

Counting the lady's small cherry mouth opened into an O shape, then rubbing her eyes, she couldn't help counting again.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million, one billion!!"


She couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva!

Then she raised her head and carefully looked at the unconventional man in front of her. Well, at this moment, for Qian's sake, she suddenly felt that this man was not too bad-looking, and his attire was even more unconventional.

"Sir, this card of yours has ~"

"5,638,500,000 Baileys!"

After taking two breaths in the middle, the lady from the bank said this beautiful number. Her heart was still beating hard just after she finished speaking!

Hearing the other party's words, Huang Yuan narrowed his small eyes.

"When was the last payment??"

The young lady turned around again, looked at the machine, and almost screamed, she quickly covered her mouth!

The line-by-line items are all deposited in a sum of money every other day, one million Baileys a day, and remitted regularly!

She couldn't help but wonder what kind of job this guy in front of her was doing?

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the other party's tone of displeasure, she hurriedly said: "Sir, the remittance was at 8 o'clock this morning, one million Baileys, and the other remittances were also at 8 o'clock in the morning. This has been the case for nearly a month. No matter how far away we are Facha!"

Hearing the other party's words, Huang Yuan couldn't help but let out a wry smile, good guy, that wasn't a dream!

"Okay! Today's matter is kept secret, don't tell anyone! If it threatens your life, you will be ashamed!"

Hearing the other party's calm voice, but with a trace of irresistible majesty, the bank lady shuddered, and her mouth seemed to be involuntary: "Yes! Sir!"

Huang Yuan curled his mouth, nodded slightly, took the card in his hand, and walked out of the bank.

Gu Qi

When the lady came back to her senses, she found that the strange person just now had disappeared.

She was a little weird in her heart, what happened to herself just now, how could she agree to the other party unconsciously!

In the Chambord Islands, a stream of light quietly rushed to the sky, and disappeared in a flash.

Thinking of what the bank lady said before, Huang Yuan felt mixed feelings. The last sum of money was remitted today, which means that the kingdom still exists.

What happened today is really unbelievable. I actually joined that person many years ago. What the **** is going on.

Why didn't I have the slightest impression of this matter before?

"TMD, what a shock!"

Huang Yuan spat and put the bank card away, but there was a gloomy and strange look in his eyes, which disappeared in a flash.

"Hey! The old man has to go paddling again!"


In the first half of the great voyage, Robin stepped on the moon and shaved back to the boat. Looking at the eyes of everyone, she shrugged and smiled quietly.

"If you have any questions, just ask! I can't promise to say everything! But I promise I won't harm you!"

Hearing Robin's assurance, the eyes of the Straw Hats couldn't help but brighten.

Nami didn't take two steps, came to Robin's side, and hugged her, her eyes were still a little red and swollen, presumably she must have cried before.

"Sister Xiaoyi!"

"Nami~~It's okay!"

"Hey! Xiaoyi, who are you??"

Usopp hid behind Luffy, his legs were still swinging, and he hid behind Luffy after saying this.

Seeing this scene, Robin couldn't help giggling, the long-nosed Usopp was surprisingly timid.

"You can call me Xiaoyi, of course I have another name, Nicole Robin, who is the only survivor of O'Hara! But this name has never been mentioned by the World Government!"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, there seemed to be something else hidden in it.

Luffy asked, "Hey! Xiaoyi, what is your relationship with that sword emperor Dongze? Why did that Aokiji say that? Also, Zoro and I saw something about you on Gaya Island before." There is a reward of three billion Baileys!"


Upon hearing Luffy's words Usopp, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper almost didn't jump up.

Good guy, three billion Baileys, this is the grave of the world government, have you seen their ancestors?

Robin was silent for a moment, and then said: "Before, O'Hara wanted to fill in that blank space for the world because of studying the 800-year blank history of the world, but was not allowed by the world government, so the other party sent a navy , and launched the Demon Slaughter Order! The entire island of O'Hara was sunk! My mother, relatives, and many scholars were all killed there!"

"Aokiji was also there at the time, and he spared my life! I was only seven years old at the time, but the world government did not intend to let me go, and issued a wanted arrest warrant with a full reward of 79 million Baileys. Survive, I have started a wandering life!"

"Because of my special status, those pirates plan to use me in order to gain fame, but unfortunately they can't stop the fangs of the world government..."

"Until I met that man, who is what you call the Sword Emperor Dongze~~"
