MTL - Pirate: Seeing My Proficiency, I Became a Legend-Chapter 272 The battle begins, Doflamingo trembles

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"What arrogance!"

"After so many years, this is the first time that this old man has been looked down upon so much!"

"A girl doll actually has the courage to face the three of us at the same time. Who gave you the courage?"

"Gema, don't underestimate her. Don't you have any impression of these flying swords?"

"Three years ago, that man in Holy Land Mary Joa, didn't use these flying swords!"

"Zade, are you saying that these people have something to do with Sword Emperor-Dongze?"

"It's really hard to say, but this sword box is the weapon of Sword Emperor Dongze, that's for sure!"

"Hey! You three, if you don't make a move, then I will be rude!"

Seeing that Kuina stretched out her hand to grab it, Feijian Binghe slipped into her hand.

She twisted her figure, and a pink sword energy directly broke through the thick clouds and slashed at the three of them.

moon eve flower morning

The sword intent changed from emptiness to reality, and the petals in the sky bloomed again. Unlike the moon and evening flower morning that Bista used before, this sword of Kuina is more graceful in posture, but the sword energy and sword intent are even more fierce Full of charm.

Just this one strike sent a chill down the spines of the three of them.

The man named Gele suddenly became short and bent down to press the void.

A barrier suddenly appeared in front of the three of them, just in time to block Yuexi Huachen's extremely fierce blow.

But at the next moment, Kuina stood in mid-air, holding another long sword in her hand, but it was the wooden sword named Peach Blossom.


After a low shout, the sword intent distorted the void, and countless lightsabers quickly took shape within tens of meters of her body, as if opening a field of unlimited sword control.


There was another low shout.

These countless lightsabers burst out of the sky as if they had found their target.

It's like countless lasers trying to penetrate the void in front of you.

After one lightsaber hit the barrier, another lightsaber formed again and again in this special field, as if there was no limit.

Infinite sword and infinite calamity.

This is exactly the horror of the Infinite Sword, as long as one's own sword intent is not exhausted, the lightsaber will not be cut off.

Under the bombardment of thousands of sword lights, the barrier began to shake. In just a few tens of seconds, the barrier felt a little unsupported, and it became crumbling, which made Gele's face change drastically. This kind of attack is too terrifying. up.

Guina smiled coldly.

"Watch me smash your turtle shell!"


A crisp sound resounded through the sky.

The lightsabers condensed in mid-air, and in a blink of an eye, a huge lightsaber appeared above the heads of the three of them.

Kuina swung her arms like an arm, raised her right arm high, and swiped forward fiercely.

As if the lightsaber had been ordered, it ruthlessly slashed at the already overwhelmed barrier, only to hear a bang and the barrier shattered.

At this moment, Zade and Siler, who hadn't made a move just now, suddenly made a move.

I saw the green mist above Zade's palms, which made people shudder from a distance. That layer of green mist was obviously not a good thing.

The next moment, a green spear shot out.

The nearby sky was stained with a layer of dark green.

Kuina felt a chill in her heart, as if she had already guessed the ability of the other party. The person who shot should be a devil fruit ability user. She seemed to have seen the same fruit ability user in the long river of history.

The other party called their fruit the "Black Widow" fruit.

The main direction is poison, and this spear wrapped in green is called poisonous terrier by him.

It contains a special toxin that numbs the nerves. As long as it is hit a little, it will lose the ability to control the limbs in an instant, and can only be slaughtered.

"Hey~~ I really can't underestimate you, if this happens, I can't keep my hands anymore,"

"Sword Intent Domain! Open!"

The five flying swords turned around, escaped into the void, and appeared directly a thousand meters away in the next moment.

It directly fixed the space with a radius of one kilometer.

The barrier that appeared in mid-air, as well as the poisonous thorn weed, turned into nothingness.

The faces of the three people who were fighting changed immediately.

Yes, the three of them are indeed fruit capable users.

Relying on his fruit ability, he overwhelmed others and reached the mid-term level of a general.

If they don't have the fruit ability, they are only at the level of generals in the early stage! Feeling their own situation, the three exclaimed in surprise:

"This is impossible!"

"How could you do this trick!"

"Forbidden field!"

"Extreme moves of Sword Emperor Dongze!"

Kuina, without speaking, directly flew up, the void under her feet did not tremble slightly, and her whole body disappeared in mid-air. The index finger and **** of her right hand were covered by a thick layer of domineering armed color, and finally turned into colorful colors.

"Top-level armed color domineering!"

The hearts of the three shuddered. On the basis of mastering the two sword intents, the other party also possessed such an armed domineering aura. The fighting power she showed has far exceeded the level of a general in the middle period! "

"Royal grade!"

A name popped into their minds, making the scalps of the three of them tingle. And it is still an emperor in the field of forbidden law.

How could this seemingly insignificant woman in front of her have such terrifying strength?

The other two battles also shocked the eyes of the whole place

The radiant sword energy reproduced the sword intent of the sea one by one.

It once again showed the fierceness and terror of the sword intent to the whole world.

Hawkeye and Rayleigh were both surprised and shocked. The reason why sword intent is considered to be an ability that can surpass devil fruits is not only because of its powerful power, but also because the difficulty of his comprehension far exceeds that of devil fruits. development.

Unexpectedly, in one day, they actually saw three people at the same time, and they all comprehended far more than a scene of sword intent, which made them a little hard to accept for a while.

It's outrageous!

Gion, who was fighting Vista in the distance, couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

Are these three people the same as me?

Warring States suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness on the execution platform, and he asked, "Could this be the realm of forbidden law?"

Dongze didn't deny it, but just nodded slightly.

What the Forbidden Law Domain only restricts is the ability of the Devil Fruit! There is no suppression of domineering and physique, and it is very useful against those with fruit abilities, but it is not very effective against those who specialize in physical skills and swordsmanship.


Near the Moby Dick was another terrifying space crack.

Akainu was blindfolded and flew out, facing Whitebeard alone was still very difficult.

After all, this guy is Edward Newgate, the earthquake man who is known as the strongest man in the world, who has the ability to shake the fruit.

And the other three top fighters of the world government beside him were also wounded all over their bodies. Facing Roger's fierce slashing and elusive sword intent, they could not benefit at all.

At the moment, the navy seems to be in trouble

Doflamingo turned his attention from the battlefield to Xingtai, UU Reading He wanted to see what Marshal Warring States and Tekken Garp were thinking at this time?

The next moment, he seemed to be in a state of epilepsy, and his whole body shook like chaff, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

On that Xingtai, he saw a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiarity is because of that figure, which he will never forget in his whole life, and unfamiliarity is because the other party has completely disappeared in the sea for three years, and many people have no memory of this person's existence.

Seeing Doflamingo's strange behavior, Boa Hancock, who is the same empress, and Moonlight Moriah, who has not yet made a move, couldn't help being stunned. When was there another person on the execution platform, and Sengoku and Garp were actually indifferent.
