MTL - Pirates: Doflamingo Stands In the Sky-Chapter 211

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This cost him at least two years of life! !

Everyone is fighting to the fullest!

But he didn't find the big pit made by Whitebeard.

The magma left by Sakaski, the bright red light is getting bigger and bigger.

Like water that is about to boil, it is boiling more and more.

time flies.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Huge pillars of flame emerged from the ground.

Run through the island and reach the sky!

236 Are you going to challenge Lao Tzu?

"Oh lolo lolo!"

The green dragon roared and flew out of the hole penetrated by the heat.

Beast Kaido!

Stand in the sky again!

This shocking appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The faces, necks, and backs of the sailors were covered with cold sweat, and they were terrified.

"Kai... Kaido!!"

"He's not dead!"


There is no doubt that this giant dragon is the Beast Kaido who thought he was dead!

The navy closest to Kaido.

Kuzan, Polusalino, and Sakalski.

The fighting figure paused, big trouble!

Some fear, others rejoice.

The remaining Beast members are cheering, their boss is indeed not dead! !

The so-called strongest man in the world can't be killed.

This is the real strongest creature in the world! !

And the world's strongest man, White Beard, was panting heavily.

I wonder if I cut it crookedly before, he should not be so old that he can't even cut it with a knife.

Roger would have died from such a blow to his body.

How did Kaido recover so quickly.

"Big Fork!!"

The faster and stronger shock wave interrupted Whitebeard's thoughts.

Sengoku's face was as dark as ink.

Kaido is not dead, their current strategy is mostly ruined.

At this moment, only by quickly taking down Whitebeard can the loss be made up for.

"Fufufufu, Mr. Kaido, I thought your funeral was going to be held."

Doflamingo felt a little weird.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

He always feels cute and vaguely thinner.

It seems that the recovery of the cuteness is not without cost.

Could it be that he is half-disabled like Whitebeard is now?

"Oh lolo lolo, you brat who can't talk! I'm just a little hungry!"

Qinglong turned into a seven-meter Angzang man.

Stepping on the flame cloud, clutching his stomach and looking at the battlefield.

Searching for the eight fasts that just followed the eruption of the flame fountain.

"Brother Kaito!! Help, help,!"

Quinn's face was full of desire to survive, and he ran over scrambling.

He really didn't want to take the secret medicine anymore, he would have to play less with the courtesans.

"Oh lolo lolo. It's ugly, Quinn, who did it!"

Seeing Quinn's current state clearly, Kaido laughed again.

At this moment, Quinn's head looks like a traveler who has been invaded by monkeys on Mount Emei, with bumps and hollows.

The fat stored in the whole body has been squeezed out, and the huge belly has shrunk back.

If the original Quinn was still a funny character, now he can only be turned into a wretched person like Polusalino.

"That wretched dead monkey of Polusalino!!"

Quinn's voice was full of resentment, and he pointed at the flashing man who was slowly approaching.


"What a useless idiot!"

Jhin also fell behind Kaido, and directly scolded the pig teammate Quinn.

The face behind the mask was also a little more excited.

He knew that this man would not die so easily.

"Brother Kaito!"

"Jin, thank you for your hard work!"

Responding casually, Kaido found his beloved eight fasts.

Reach out. Manipulate the gust of wind to roll up the eight fasts that have fallen to the side.

Kuzan, surrounded from the other side.


On the other side, Virgo and Sakaski fought each other.

Turning into a black dragon, he leaned towards Doflamingo.

Dover only asked him to help, allowing Kaido to have a peaceful rest.

Now that Kaido is awake, it's his own business!

In an instant.

Polusalino, Kuzan, and Sakalski formed an encirclement!

"Oh lolo lolo! Are you going to challenge me?"

237 Triggered the 100 grant mode?

"Oh lolo lolo! Are you going to challenge me?"

Looking at the three people approaching, Kaido's eyes brightened.

It's good to wake up to a fight!

Fierce, domineering, crazy domineering.

They swarmed out and rushed towards the three of them.

The earth is moaning, and the thunder and lightning are surging.

The domineering arrogance of the overlord looks like a substantive gust of wind pressing on all directions!

Astronomical phenomenon, change!

At this moment, Kaido is like a demon king who wants to destroy the world.

"Plop plop!"

The soldiers who had managed to survive on both sides fell to the ground one by one with white eyes, and fell into a state of being slaughtered.

Sweat dripped from the foreheads of the three Sakaskis who were the first to bear the brunt.

Even though Kuzan once witnessed the Walter naval battle between Shiji the Golden Lion and Roger the Pirate King from a long distance.

But it was the first time for the three of them to face the emperor of the sea.

The terrifying pressure spread in my heart!

"Do it!"

With a low shout, Sakaski, who lowered his hat, began to charge.

Now is the best time to send this damned Pirate Emperor to prison for his seriously injured body! !

But the fastest is not him!

It was Polusalino, the flash ability user.

Its figure appeared photonized at high altitude.

The photon energy is condensed into a mirror between the hands, and the dazzling brilliance seems to be the second sun between heaven and earth.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

The laser light gushes out from the mirror, like the divine sword shot by the gods to the mortal world.

Unreserved bombardment on Kaido's chest!

"It hurts a bit!"

Kaido's body was pushed away.

Backing away unstoppably, it seemed completely powerless to fight back.

Wait until the laser light stops.

The high temperature approached Kaido.

Akainu shot out magma from the lower body.

I am like the first spark from a volcanic eruption, extremely fast!

"The dog gnaws the red lotus!!"

The head of the magma dog pierced Kaido's chest fiercely, biting wantonly.

Trying to kill Kaido completely.

Then the whole arm exploded like a volcanic eruption,

Give this punch a second burst of power again.

A terrifying impact erupts!


Kaido's chest exploded, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the next moment he was carbonized under high temperature.

The body is like a fighter plane under attack.

It fell to the ground under this terrifying impact.
