MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 183 Link's new abilities

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Consciousness manipulation!

This ability was a strong idea that Link had had when he got the decomposition ability from the very beginning!

It's a pity that the decomposition ability was extremely powerful at the beginning, and it was able to decompose and reconstruct energy and matter, but it had great restrictions on the human body.

Decomposing the human body and tampering with the other's consciousness requires extremely surprising operations, and Link's ability to decompose and reconstruct is not enough!

It's not like Link hasn't tried!

But every time he activates the ability on animals, these animals die directly with the decomposition of consciousness, and there is no chance for Link to reconstruct the operation at all!

This also made him realize a very important point. In the face of living creatures, his decomposition ability is too overbearing!

That's why Link's thirst for the fruit of surgery is born!

Facts have proved everything!

With the assistance of the surgical fruit, Link's ability was further strengthened, not only to achieve the control of the field, but also to further apply the decomposition ability to the level of research on living creatures.

With the ability of the fruit of surgery, maintaining biological activity is not only physical transformation, but can even involve the transformation of mind, character, and consciousness like a plot.

The two abilities complement each other, forming a fusion situation that far exceeds ordinary abilities!

This also gave Link the possibility of conscious manipulation!

Following Link's movements, Gage sensed that something was wrong under his ability, and he struggled to shout:

"Wait! What are you doing, what are you doing to me? Let me go Link!"

"Let go of me... Yes, I will surrender to you! As long as you let me go, Link, our kingdom of Germa can become your most loyal subordinate!"

"Also, don't you want to know the plans of the World Government against you? They...they...ahah!"

"Hehe, it's too late... Besides, I will personally get your allegiance!"

Facing Gage's cry and pleading, Link chose to ignore it and looked at the other's head in his hands. The upper part began to disintegrate, spreading out like pixel blocks, floating in the air.

Not only does everything not look scary, but it looks very sci-fi, as if Gage is not a real human being, but a person composed of digital pixels.

Jiazhi's consciousness also began to change in this small square-like fragment, and his consciousness fell silent and his eyes were tightly closed.

This is not the first time Link has used consciousness manipulation, but it is the first time he has tried to use it on humans!

Fortunately, the ability to use it went smoothly, and just a moment later, Gaji's panicked expression calmed down.

As Link stopped, Gage also woke up from his absence, opened his eyes, and watched Link speak.


"The Vinsmoke family, Gage is allegiance to you!"

"Well, it looks good."

Link nodded with satisfaction, and threw Jiazhi's head back with a hand, and his body scattered on the ground like building blocks in the field began to reassemble accordingly, and finally turned into a complete Jiazhi humanoid.

Just after regaining control of his body, Gage took a step forward, knelt down on one knee and fell in front of Link, and shouted frantically:

"Patriarch, your loyal servant is deeply sorry for the offense you have done before! I ask your forgiveness!!"

This scene watched everyone present.

Before, he was a mortal enemy who faced each other with swords, but in the blink of an eye, he became the opponent's subordinate.

Gaji's words hit Iji, Yuji, and Reiju who were still alive like a thunderbolt from the blue, making them all icy cold as they watched all this with trembling.

They can't believe it's true!

"Father...Father, what are you doing?"

"You, you devil, what did you do to your father!!"

Ichi watched in horror as Link screamed, waved his hands and burst into flames, and shouted at the surrounding replica soldiers like crazy: "Kill him! You bastards, hurry up, kill this demon!"

"No, I don't want to die yet! This is not the father, the devil! I don't want to die yet!"

Yuji next to Iji was even more unbearable. He got up in a panic, only to feel powerless, struggling to run out of the field.

They were frightened by Link's powerful and even bizarre methods, and they completely collapsed without the courage to confront them.

They couldn't imagine how Link could change their father in the blink of an eye.

However, Link ignored the noisy Iji and Yuji. He was more concerned about his first experiment to manipulate the situation of his subordinates than the human beings transformed by the two "devil factors".

With Jiazhi kneeling in front of him, Link asked, "How much memory do you have, is there any damage or amnesia?"

"Report to the Patriarch, the subordinates have not noticed any problems for the time being. The memory is sound!"

"It seems that the experiment was successful."

"Yes, Patriarch!"

At this point, Link finally determined that his experiment was a success, and his ability to manipulate consciousness truly meant success.

The next step is to let Jiazhi cooperate with him to conduct research and check the follow-up situation of this ability.

Of course, these are things to come later. What we need to do now is to clean up the mess.

The Kingdom of Germa should now be returned to the Venusian family.


The battle was soon over.

It was like a farce that was anticlimactic and ended in a hurry.

After Link took control of Jiazhi on the spot, everything was doomed, and with the strengths of Iji and Reiju, they couldn't make any waves at all.

Not to mention those replica soldiers who only follow orders and do not have any autonomy.

In the end, in the face of Link's powerful crushing pressure and Jiazhi being controlled, Reiju couldn't do anything the whole time, and the girl just watched everything happen quietly.

There was such an inexplicable glimmer of joy and fantasy in her heart, maybe her future was going to be changed!

Of course, the same as her.

Lilith and Yamato who followed Link, aside from the chaos at the beginning, watched the entire battle when the battle broke out, or it wasn't even a battle at all.

Because everything came to an abrupt end!

It's over under Link's understatement and under the control of the whole process without injury!

Under Link's new ability 'consciousness manipulation', Gage became the most loyal subordinate of the Qixing family, and all the replica soldiers dispersed quickly under his order.

The castle of the Kingdom of Germa was just opened in front of Link and his party. When everything was cleaned up, everyone had already started a meal in the banquet hall of the castle and enjoyed the food.

While eating, everyone talked about what happened just now.

There is always a wonderful sense of unreality, are they already so powerful?

A so-called world government member country, it was incorporated and controlled by the Qixing family in less than a day.

"Brother Link, what is your trick? How did you do it!" Luo excitedly asked Link how he controlled Jiazhi.

"It really feels like a trip, it's over without doing anything?" Perona said in disbelief, chewing pizza in her mouth.

"Yes, at first I saw that the people of Germa Kingdom were so arrogant, they even dared to bombard the Xiunuo Palace, I thought there would be a fight!"

Yamato bit off the meat in his hand in dissatisfaction, and looked at Link with resentment: "Who would have thought that Link would solve the matter alone, and I wouldn't have a chance to do it!"

"Well... It's not good that things can be resolved quickly." Lilith smiled and handed the juice in her hand to Yamato, soothing the other party.

"That's right, haha! After all, we're here to travel. Link, what are we going to do next? Do you want to go on a walk in Beihai?"

Saying that, Yamato turned his head to look at Link in a hurry and asked, "Before, we went to Beihai with the Venusian Caravan, so why don't I take you to other places to play!"

"Not urgent."

Link shook his head and rejected Yamato's proposal, "We haven't finished our affairs in Shuno Kingdom, Germa is not our target, they are just minor characters. We still have to stay in Shuno Kingdom for a while. ."

Germa is not our target?

Isn't the reason why we came to Beihai to help the Shunuo Kingdom and solve the troubles of the Germa Kingdom?

Why is it not a target anymore.

Having said that, Link saw everyone's confused expressions, and took the initiative to explain:

"It's not just because of Germa's troubles that we are here to help Xiunuo Kingdom. The real opponent is the world government behind them."

When it came to the World Government, everyone was immediately attracted.

After all, they had heard Gage mention the world government before, and then they suddenly came back to their senses, and their relaxed faces began to become serious.

At this moment, Gage took Reiju into the banquet hall and came to Link's side.

"Patriarch, everything has been handled properly. The transformation technology for the 'devil factor' has been completely packaged and sent to the Charlotte sisters of the Shunuo Kingdom."

"Excuse me, what else is there to order?"


Link nodded, Germa was too weak, and the only thing he could see was Gage's research on the 'Demon Factor', as well as his own scientific research ability.

Of course, even if Link looked down on Germa again, as a kingdom joined by the World Government, he still had value in various senses.

However, there is no hurry now. Link looked at Jiazhi and said, "Since you are here, let's talk about the situation of the World Government in detail. You mentioned that they were going to deal with me. What's going on?"

"Yes, master."

Hearing the words, Jiazhi glanced at the people present, and said with a serious expression:

"Although the World Government has not issued an arrest order this time. However, the agents of the cp organization have gathered a special action team and acted secretly. They have now arrived in the Xiunuo Kingdom, and the purpose is to specifically target the Qixing family!"

"The subordinates received news that Germa would assist them in the next operation, and the opponent would take the initiative."

Speaking of this, Jiazhi paused for a moment, bowed his head and said, "Of course! Now my subordinates have deeply understood their own stupidity and arrogance, please forgive me!"

Jiazhi's respectful attitude made everyone look at each other in dismay, Luo was even more tongue-tied, this consciousness manipulation ability is too strong.

The people who were brutally trying to kill them before, didn't expect such a big change in their attitude in the blink of an eye. If they didn't know Link's character, I'm afraid they would be afraid of themselves.

Link's "consciousness manipulation" is simply a powerful bug-level ability, which can turn an enemy into a friend in a blink of an eye!

Become his loyal subordinate!

Link waved his hand, "Don't worry about that, let's talk about the situation of this special team."

"According to the information obtained by the subordinates, the number of people who arrived in the Xiunuo Kingdom this time is unknown, but it is said that each of them is a terrifying powerhouse. Among them, there are even those who are specially prepared to suppress the ability of the Patriarch!"

"Of course, because they know the strength of the Patriarch, they don't dare to take action in person. The insidious plan is to defeat them one by one, and the first goal is..."

Saying that, Gaji swept the target to Yamato and others.

"Ah? It turned out to be us! Damn, these guys are too sinister!" Yamato slapped the table angrily when he saw Jiaji's gaze, he didn't understand what he meant.

Not only her, but everyone's faces darkened.

Gage's words, let them realize the seriousness of the matter!

They didn't expect that the agents of this group of CP organizations were so despicable, and they paid attention to them, obviously to threaten Link by catching them.

"Huh! Brother Link, we will kill all the agents of this CP organization if they dare to come!" Luo said with his fist clenched.

"Damn world government, as annoying as those draconians. Brother Link, what are we going to do now?" shouted baby-5.

If they didn't know the news in advance, they would have become Link's soft underbelly, and they would be caught by the people of the World Government, and the consequences would be unimaginable!

Link also realized this, and his eyes showed cold killing intent!

CP organizes agents, it doesn't matter if the lackeys of the Tianlong people set their sights on him, Link doesn't mind playing with them, but when he hears that they plan to do something to the people around him, Link is finally provoked!

"Did they have a specific plan?" Link asked Gage with a sullen face.

Seeing Link's expression, Gage did not dare to neglect, and told what he knew.

Gage doesn't really know much, but because the World Government team wants to use Reiju's abilities, he knows a little. UU reading www.

Yes, because of Reiju's ability to use the poison, Hughes took a fancy to it!

I want to use the ability of this poisonous gas to quietly control several people in the Qixing family, and then use this to coerce Link into their traps and fight against them to capture them!

Link's ability was too powerful, and Hughes, the team leader, knew this, so he directly designed a step-by-step arrangement to limit and weaken the opponent's strength.

All of this is for the purpose of finally being able to capture Link smoothly.

After all, what the Five Old Stars want is a living person, not a dead body that has lost its fruit ability and whose secrets can no longer be detected!

After listening to Gage's remarks, Link understood the plan of the special agent team in his heart, so he turned his attention to the girl standing beside Gage - Reiju!

This girl with the ability to manipulate poison may be the key.

Since you guys want to set a trap to catch me, let's have a good time!