MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 209 hands-on

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Four eyes facing each other.

At this moment, the banquet hall was chilling, and everyone was shocked by Link's tough attitude.

They didn't expect that today's banquet would turn out to be so ups and downs, as if it was going to turn into an embarrassing situation where a battle broke out.

Especially Link, the death star of Qiwuhai, is too daring!

How dare he!

She was so **** Charlotte Lingling's face and refused directly.

Didn't he know that the one standing in front of him was King's Landing in the New World, the sea emperor recognized by the entire New World.

The real peak level combat power, are there any top powerhouses in the world?

Not to mention that their location at the moment is still Cake Island, which is the center of the world and the core island of the Big Mom Pirates.

At the banquet at this moment, the aunt's sons and daughters are all there!

There are dozens of these people alone. How did you, Qiwuhai, have the courage to be tough and positive?

Broken brain?

For a while!

The whole banquet hall looked nervously at the two people who were looking at each other, and no one dared to speak.

Their hearts were beating fast, and they were almost jumping to the throat. They really felt that there might be a big battle next.

At that time, even the big pirates who are watching the battle may not be able to get it, and it is possible for them to be included by the Big Mom Pirates.

It's not just these big pirates who are so worried.

When Link made it clear that he refused.

The cadres and children of the Charlotte family all looked serious, watching Link and his party alertly, ready to act at any time.

Katakuri frowned even more and clenched his fists secretly. He was the most tangled one.

He was undoubtedly the one in the Charlotte family who didn't want to see a war. After all, his two younger sisters, Melize and Garrett, were still standing behind Link.

If Link can agree to his mother's conditions, joining the Big Mom Pirates and becoming his mother's son-in-law is definitely the best option.

He knew his brother well, Perospero had secretly contacted Kaido of the Beast Pirates, and Kaido was already on his way to Ten Thousand Kingdoms with his men.

If Link is really sensible, then he will become a bargaining chip in the hands of his mother, and give it to Kaido in exchange for the opponent's alliance, and fight against the naval fleet together.

He even knew that Perospero was a strong advocate, taking advantage of the opportunity of this war to completely defeat the naval fleet and take the opportunity to collect all these big pirates at this banquet.

Just as my mother said at the banquet before, become the master of the new world.

Drive the navy out of the new world, share the territory of the new world with Kaido, and completely turn this sea area into a paradise for pirates, belonging to their kingdom!

But what worries Katakuri is.

He saw the group of people who followed the other party to Cake Island after Link refused. Yamato, Lilith, San Xiaozhi, and even his two stupid sisters broke away from their sisters and stood there. Behind Link,

They all had serious expressions on their faces, and they were obviously ready to fight if Link turned against him and others.

Looking at this scene, Katakuri is even more helpless.

These two sisters are really crazy. As mother's daughters, don't they know how powerful mother is?

The fate of Link's annoyed mother is absolutely miserable and there is no other possibility.

Why they are still following each other so stubbornly, this is simply too stupid.

That kid Link is really so worthy of your trust. Could it be that he can really be his mother's opponent?

Katakuri's mind was spinning, thinking about how to keep his two stupid sisters after the battle broke out.

On the other side, Moonlight Moriah and Murloc Tiger looked at Link and Charlotte Lingling with flickering eyes.

this conflict.

Link had greeted both of them early on.

Even Link told them that if a battle really broke out, just wait and see.

There was no thought of asking them both to help.


If Link asked them to help, Zhen and the Big Mom Pirates would still do it.

It just couldn't achieve the result Link wanted. At most, it was to help Link and his party escape from Cake Island and avoid the capture of the Big Mom Pirates.

This is not what Link wants.

That's why he had this inevitable conflict with Charlotte Lingling.

He Link just wanted to use Charlotte Lingling's strength to be a stepping stone for himself, and officially tell everyone in this gathering place!

He already has the power to fight against the peak-level powerhouses and fight against the Pirate Emperor.

Announce to the world!

He Link officially stepped onto the stage of the top of the world.

At the same time, it also gave Moria and Tiger enough confidence that everything was based on his ideas, and they could better cooperate with his arrangements in the next war.

Even more subtle, because the location where Link and his party are now is Cake Island, the real center of the world.

Once a conflict breaks out, the war begins.

Then the impact will be huge.

It is impossible to say that the entire palace of Cake Island was completely destroyed, and when Link really showed his strength that was comparable to Charlotte Lingling.

Do the Big Mom Pirates really dare to continue fighting with Link?

The casualties caused by that time will not be easily compensated, and they will soon face the attack of the naval fleet.

Such a huge risk is not just a matter of taking it.

This is also where Link's confidence lies in his true self-confidence.

In his view, conflict is inevitable.

Fighting is inevitable, but when he has shown enough strength, the rational choice is to truce and let him leave.

It's a pity that Link didn't think of it either.

Charlotte Lingling had invited the Beast Pirates and Kaido to come to Myriad Kingdoms. As long as they could defeat Link and seize the other party as a bargaining chip, Kaido's alliance could not make up for the loss of the war.


Without knowing this, the conflict between Charlotte Lingling and Link finally broke out completely and intensified.


Listening to Link's natural tone, Charlotte Lingling seemed to be extremely angry and laughed, her mouth wide open and a stern smile, her eyes extremely cold.

Zeus and Prometheus, the two Hormezes surrounding her, began to swell, and lightning and flames flashed ready to enter into battle, mode.

"Mom, mom! This kid dares to provoke your majesty, let me set him on fire and let him feel the embrace of the sun!" Flame Prometheus said.

"Humph!" Thundercloud Zeus snorted coldly, and the thunder crackled and flashed, "Stupid pirate, can you provoke your mother's majesty? Get ready to bear your mother's anger!"

Facing the provocation of two Hormiz.

Link didn't even look up.

An invisible wave unfolded directly, and the realm poured out of him and began to try to control this space.


Charlotte Lingling, who was the closest, was the first to notice something was wrong.

The tyrannical arrogance burst out, and the terrifying coercion emanated from her tall body, directly hitting Link's realm head-on, trying to smash the opponent's realm.

"Sword Comes"

With Charlotte Lingling's domineering outbreak.

The whole banquet was covered with a layer of heavy pressure in an instant, and the big pirates present felt a strong pressure hitting them.

Some people with weak strength were directly impacted by this powerful domineering, and fainted without saying a word.

There were only big enough pirates, frowning hard to block Charlotte Lingling's tyrannical attack, but even so, they were extremely uncomfortable.

But it was in such an uncomfortable situation that something even more unexpected happened to them.

The two blade lights seemed to flash out of the invisible space, and cut off the two Homitz floating around Auntie neatly.

The thundercloud of Zeus and the flame of Prometheus were cut into two pieces.

The two Homitz are still alive, but whenever they want to be spliced ​​together, the Homitz, which is obviously formed by energy, seems to be divided into two individuals and cannot be recovered.

Let them also scream in such a state.

"Ah! What's going on! Mom, my body was cut in two!"

"It's that kid, it must be that kid! Damn bastard!"

They shouted angrily, but no matter how hard they tried, their bodies couldn't recover. The thunderclouds and flames shone more and more intensely, and they could feel the scorching spread of waves of heat and thunder breaking through the air.

But no matter what they do, they are nothing but incompetent fury.

Here's Link's little lesson for them.

Link's sudden action made Charlotte Lingling frown. Naturally, she felt Link's action, and she even broke out with a tyrannical and domineering resistance.

But the ability of the realm is so amazing that even she didn't expect that she would still be plotted by Link to Xiaoxiao.

But as the New World Pirate Emperor, how could she be able to make things difficult for Link's small tricks.

I saw Charlotte Lingling raised her hand and grabbed the two halves of Prometheus in her hand, and rubbed it hard, and after letting go again, Hormiz, who had been divided into two halves, recovered.

"Boy, it seems that you really don't care about my mother!"

As Charlotte Lingling spoke, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Zeus in the same way, her eyes fixed on Link in front of her: "Do you really think that with a little power, you can provoke the majesty of the emperor of the sea? "

"If that's the case, then calculate the old accounts and the new accounts together, let Mommy see how much progress you have made in the past two years, and let you have the courage to run wild on Cake Island!

! "

The voice fell!

Charlotte Lingling's eyes widened, Ling Ran's domineering arrogance suddenly condensed, and they gathered together to release Link directly.

At the same time, the right hand was raised high, and the dark armed color covered it with domineering, and the advanced winding technique used domineering lightning to flash between her arms.

The huge fist seemed to be carrying a huge meteorite with the potential of thunder, and it crashed down with a terrifying sonic boom.

The action is fast and almost no afterimage can be seen.

A punch hit Link!





A loud pop came from the fist, and Charlotte Lingling's fist collided with Link's raised right foot.

The dark domineering lightning exploded at the place where the two clashed, bursting with dazzling flashes.

At this moment, the ground of the courtyard could not bear such a forceful impact. It exploded and splattered the gravel and soil, forming a shock wave that spread around the two men towards the outer circle, and the turf ground directly cracked several deep cracks, spreading to the distance.

The whistling shock wave swept away the surrounding guests, and these big pirates jumped directly away from the battlefield where the two started.

They are innocent spectators, and they have no intention of being affected by the battle.

"Haha. Auntie is an aunty, and she has entered menopause, and her strength has become a lot weaker!"

After the smoke was dispersed by the shock wave, the big pirates saw that Link was relaxed and free, and it seemed that there was no effort at all to raise his foot to block Charlotte Lingling's huge fist.

The two of them have a giant-like body, and the collision of a normal-height fist and long legs, in contrast, gave everyone a stronger sense of impact on the picture.

Listening to Link's words, they couldn't help but shake their minds imperceptibly.

"Bastard boy!"

But their swaying has just risen, Charlotte Lingling shouted angrily, and the powerful pressure rising into the sky from the hideous face caused the air to twist.

The terrifying power that belongs to the world's top powerhouses at the peak level is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Even if they were watching Charlotte Lingling's aura, their faces changed greatly and they felt their heartbeats quickening and nervous.

"Death to me!

Prometheus! "

The aunt, who had no results with one punch, raised her fist again, but this time, the raised left hand was not only domineering and armed, but directly held a sun!

Prometheus is transformed into a battle mode, and the original lovely style has been transformed into an angry sun.

The sun burned with a scorching flame, and just held high in Charlotte Lingling's palm, it exuded an extremely terrifying high temperature, which instantly scorched the ground.

Charlotte Lingling just held the sun like this, and smashed it hard at Link, who looked so tiny below.

this moment!

Charlotte Lingling seemed to be a real god, holding the sun in her palm and became her weapon.

Facing the falling sun!

Under the terrifying high temperature, Link couldn't help but look serious.

Aunt's strength is not only as simple as having the Soul Soul Fruit to create a powerful weapon like Hormiz, but also the attack that contains her giant power, which should not be underestimated.

But this is all just an appetizer, the battle has just begun!

If Charlotte Lingling can't show her full strength to fight against him, how can he show his strength?

Seeing the Sun Fist rushing towards him, the corners of Link's mouth twitched slightly.

His hand grasped the handle of the autumn water knife at his waist.


The sound of Qingyue's knife rang in the ears of everyone in the field.

The long knife is out of the sheath!

Cut out!