MTL - Pirates Make Memes: Get Eight Magic Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 164

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They recalled that in the novels published by Guangming Newspaper during this period, it was Kozuki Oden who was assassinated by Beast Kaido and Heitan Orochi that led to their miserable lives for so many years.

At that moment, just like this moment!

But this time, it's different!

The common people picked up the items around them and shouted in their mouths:

"Protect Lord Yang Ming!"

"Smash to death those **** of Orochi Yuting Fanzhong!"

The common people share the same hatred and high morale!

If these black-clothed ninjas are really members of Orochi Imperial Court, I am afraid there will be a **** massacre next.

Fortunately, Tina and the others who were guarding Yang Ming's side immediately winked at the black-clothed ninjas pretending to be navy soldiers. Tina seemed to be a small number of people, but they actually led the people to achieve a shocking reversal. In the "hard and arduous" struggle, drive out these hateful gangsters who murdered Yang Ming!

"Brother Yang Ming!"

After repelling the ninja in black, Xiaoyu and a group of ordinary people immediately surrounded Yang Ming, watching Yang Ming lying in Xiao Zi's arms, his eyes tightly closed, his face was extremely ugly, his lips were purple and black, Feeling anxious for a while, she turned her head to look at Tina, tightly grasping the corner of her clothes with her two little hands, and said with tears in her eyes:

"Sister Tina, you must save Big Brother Yang Ming!"

Tina patted the back of Xiaoyu's hand lightly to express comfort.

She showed a far-fetched smile, and anyone could see her exhaustion and reluctance.

Tina immediately picked up Yang Ming, turned around and walked into the building.

A group of ordinary people did not leave, but stood at the entrance of the building one after another. As long as they did not hear that Yang Ming had recovered, they did not intend to leave.

They didn't realize that after entering the building, Yang Ming stopped pretending and opened his eyes suddenly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.


"Congratulations to the host for uttering the classic lines in the spell return battle, and getting a chance to draw a lottery. Do you want to start the lottery roulette?"

In the lottery roulette, there are only three types of prizes, spells, spell spirits and spell tools.

Spells: no lower limit spells, six eyes, ten shadow spells...

Mantra Spirits: Mantra Embryo Daitian, Tuogen, Daoist...

Spell tools: Youyun, Tiannihoko...

[True Man]: The super-level mantra, the field of expansion is "self-closing and complete", the wise mantra is born of the species of hatred and fear among human beings...

The curse spirit is a bit like a so-called weird existence. Once it appeared in Yang Ming's body, it was swallowed alive by the gourmet cells in less than a blink of an eye, leaving no residue.

A force surged in Yang Ming's body, and he could feel that the engulfment of gourmet cells this time was not to enhance his physical strength, but to increase the skill of speechless fear.

Tina put Yang Ming on the bed, which is close to the window. From the window sill, you can see the scenery downstairs, and you can also see the common people below.

Seeing that Yang Ming was wiping off the makeup on his face, Tina said:

"Captain, is this really useful?"

Tina has always preferred to fight the enemy with real knives and guns on the battlefield. She doesn't like to use her brain to plan strategies and tactics. She really doesn't understand Yang Ming's painstaking layout.

Wouldn't it be better to single-handedly go to the enemy's lair and chop off the head of Kaido of the Beasts after doing so many things in circles?

In fact, among the generals under Yang Ming's command, no more than five people could understand his intentions.

If Yang Ming's think tank, Jonathan, was still by his side, he would definitely be able to understand his painstaking efforts.

Simply defeating Beasts Kaido, Beasts Pirates and Heitan Orochi is nothing more than the feat of using a young dragon to slay a dragon.

Once the evil dragon falls, the young dragon slayer will eventually become a new evil dragon one day.

In the past countless years of history, people have already shown this kind of fateful reincarnation.

Yang Ming doesn't want to rely on personal force to overthrow the rule of the Hundred Beasts Pirates and Heitan Orochi. What he wants is to wake up the sleeping people, wake them up from their insensitivity, and inspire their blood and courage , Come to a revolution that changes the world.

All of this is inseparable from the support of the people.

It may be difficult for everyone to understand.

Give an example so everyone can understand.

When rich people chase girls, they usually take them into and out of high-end communities first, so that girls can experience what it is like to ride in a luxury car, and then take girls by the hand to buy in shopping malls, but they never say anything. Make other requests.

When girls get used to the life of the rich, they will become dependent and can no longer live without the rich.

Once a rich man plans to break up with a girl, it will make the other party lose his mind, and it is difficult for other ordinary boys to fall into the girl's eyes again.

Yang Ming took root in the Jiuli area of ​​Wano Country, centered on Bianli Village, and led the common people out of poverty and became rich, just like that scumbag rich man who brought girls around to buy and buy, all the common people couldn't do without him, and they treated him well. produce a strong dependence.

But if Yang Ming were to die now, what would you make these ordinary people think?

What's more, during this period of time, the Guangming Newspaper chaired by Bermer continued to publish novels. The story of Kozuki Oden being assassinated by Kaido the Beast and Orochi Kurotan has long become a well-known story. No one knows.

When Yang Ming was assassinated by the "Orochi Yuting Fanzhong", all the common people immediately turned their anger on the Hundred Beasts Pirates and Heitan Orochi.

Yang Ming opened the curtains and stared at the moonlight. An old man walked onto the stage, took off the tengu mask on his face, and revealed the true face of Kozuki Sukiyaki. With his back to Tina, he said:

"In my hometown, there are so few words."

"Some people, if they live, others can't."

"Some people, he lives to live better for the majority."

"He lives a person that others cannot live, and his fate can be seen."

"He lives for the sake of the majority, and the people lift him up very high, very high."

Tina's beautiful eyes were rippling, and she felt that Yang Ming's words were very philosophical and full of profound thoughts.

Under the starlight, Ming Ming looks like a young man, but his eyes seem to be able to span a thousand years of history and see the future of human beings forging ahead.

In his body, there is incredible power condensed, and he can always create incredible achievements.

Presumably this time, there will be no exception.

For a moment, Tina was completely bewildered.

In front of the building.

Xiao Zi looked at the old man walking towards the center of the stage in shock. If she hadn't lost her memory, this old man was her grandfather.

Kozuki Sukiyaki overlooked the common people, and many people recognized his identity, but they didn't say anything at the moment, and everyone waited with bated breath, wanting to see what the former Wano country general wanted to say Said.

Recalling Yang Ming's confession in his mind, Kozuki Sukiyaki said slowly:

"Fathers and elders, you must all recognize who I am?"

"That's right, I am the former Wano Country Shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki!"

"Back then, Heitan Orochi, the white-eyed wolf, took advantage of my son Yutian going to sea and I was sick in bed, confining me in a house, and ordered people to pretend to be me, and announced that he was in Heitan Orochi. There is an obituary that I have died of illness!"

"It's pitiful to God. If the old man hadn't survived a catastrophe, he escaped from the Big Snake City all the way to Bianli Village, where he changed his appearance and lived in seclusion. I am afraid that the old man would have been killed in those years."

As soon as Kozuki Sukiyaki said this, it immediately caused an uproar.

At this moment, Ashura Doji also stepped onto the stage and stood silently beside Kozuki Sukiyaki.

Although Asura Boy didn't say anything, his appearance itself was a kind of evidence.

Ordinary people in the Jiuli area may not recognize Kozuki Sukiyaki, but they definitely recognize Ashura Boy.

With the combination of the two, the common people believed it immediately.

Kozuki Sukiyaki's tone sank, and said:

"Now, the black charcoal snake is planning to use its tricks again to assassinate Lord Yang Ming again. Are you willing to watch yourself live in poverty again?"

Everyone clenched their fists and shouted:

"I don't want to!"

Kozuki Shoukiyaki nodded secretly, clenched his five fingers into a fist, and pounded heavily on his chest, saying: .

"Master Yang Ming once said that we defend our glory with blood!"

"I am not talented, I have been mediocre for most of my life, I would like to follow the example of Master Yang Ming with my broken body, and be the first to light the torch for this decadent country, and light the way forward in the dark night!"

"Arise, you hungry and cold!"

"Get up, suffering people of Wano Country!"

"My blood is already boiling, and I want to fight for glory!"

"Don't say we have nothing, we want to be the masters of the new world!"

At this moment, the common people raised their heads and punched their chests one after another, as if a fire was lit in their eyes.

Chapter 239 As long as you don't lose your nobility, the whole world will be open to you

If unity is sought through struggle, unity will survive; if unity is sought through concession, unity will perish.

When Yang Ming ignited the fire in the hearts of the people in the Jiuli area by taking the assassination of himself by the "big snake royal family" as a breakthrough point, a mighty uprising kicked off.

In Mikasa Village, Kozuki Sukiyaki, as the village head, was the first to rise up.

"We defend glory with blood!"

This slogan originally came from Yang Ming's mouth, but its connotation has changed in the uprising army. It is the glory of ordinary people defending their rights to be born as human beings and the right to survive!

No one has the qualifications and power to deprive the people of their freedom and right to life, and no one can ride on the necks of the people and wantonly exploit their wealth!

When the rebel army swept across, villages and ports such as Toushan, Boro Town, Jianlou Village, and Date Port in the Kuri area of ​​Wano Country responded to the call of Kozuki Sukiyaki, the former general of Wano Country, Join the ranks of the rebel army.

A single spark had already been ignited, and in the entire Jiuli area, only Yutian City remained motionless without any response, which was in stark contrast. .

Kozuki Oden used to be the daimyo of the Kuri area. This city named after Kozuki Oden is the capital of the entire Kuri area. Now it has not responded to the call of the rebel army. It has to be said that this is a rather funny black humor.

Yang Ming retreated behind the scenes and commanded the rebel army of Kozuki Shoukiyaki remotely.

Under Yang Ming's instruction, the rebel army would rather be short than excessive, and implement strict screening of those who sign up to join the army, eliminating candidates with insufficient willpower and poor physical fitness, and requiring these new recruits to join the army to train during the day, attend classes at night, and accept Thought remolding.

At the same time, Yang Ming transferred Binzi, Xiu Zuo, and Xiu En back to the rebel army. Although they did not lead the army, they served as instructors and were responsible for sorting out the rebel army's training outline and ideological remolding. Work.

Weaving Kasa Village.

That night, Xiao Zi had already shed her old kimono, put on a dusty military uniform, and accepted ideological remolding with other rebel soldiers.

Xiao Zi did not recognize the leader of the uprising army, Kozuki Sukiyaki, nor did he pick up the name of Kozuki Rihe again, and he still joined the army in the name of Xiao Zi. A very exciting thing.

In the eyes of the common people, oh, look, even the well-deserved number one oiran of our country has joined the rebel army. Obviously our rebel army has won the hearts of the people!

On the podium, Binz put on a simple dress and put on a serious face, but he was a little flustered.

Since joining Yang Ming's command, Binz's performance cannot be compared with Ain's. Most of the time he is a grassroots commander, and he is rarely entrusted with important tasks by Yang Ming.

Before Binz took office this time, Yang Ming had already confessed to them that ideological reform would be the most important task of the rebel army, and it must not be sloppy at all.

"Be confident and work harder, I will definitely not disappoint the expectations of my predecessors!"

Binz silently clenched his fists, cheering for himself from the bottom of his heart.

He opened the textbook compiled by Yang Ming and began to explain it to the rebel soldiers present.

"In the old society of the Wano country, the family and the samurai group carried out cruel economic exploitation and oppression on the common people, making the common people live in dire straits, unable to eat enough, unable to wear new clothes, unable to raise children, and to buy They cannot afford housing, and the common people are busy every day, and most of their daily income will flow into the hands of aristocratic families and samurai groups through direct and indirect means, and only a small half stays in the pockets of the common people, who can barely make ends meet.”

"The arrival of the Hundred Beasts Pirates did not improve this situation. On the one hand, it disintegrated the samurai group and used the pirates as a guarantee of violence; Continue to brutally exploit and oppress ordinary people."

This textbook compiled by Yang Ming dissected Wano Country's society from shallow to deep, and displayed it bloodily in the eyes of the rebels.

Xiaozi's heart was touched. She had seen all kinds of men these years, and she thought she knew the situation in Wano Kingdom very well, but at this moment, she suddenly understood that Kozuki, whom she was so proud of, The family is also a rentier class riding on the necks of ordinary people.

In the society of Wano Country, ordinary people are not regarded as people, but as a tool, a consumable, or even a fuel.

The common people are the main force to create social wealth, but they live a humble and worthless life, and it is extremely difficult for them to even survive.

The wealth they created is always searched by various names.

Even their existence itself is a bonus.

In the social atmosphere of Wano Country, kindness and innocence are regarded as fools, and only by abandoning morality and chasing money is the master.

"Our uprising is just and correct. We not only want to overthrow the rule of Beast Pirates and Black Charcoal Orochi, but also want to overthrow the old and backward family, and create a society where everyone is equal, everyone has food, and everyone A new world where everyone has clothes to wear and everyone has access to education!"

When Binz finished the last sentence in the textbook, Xiao Zi was the first to stand up and applaud.

All the rebels stood up one after another, and the applause sounded like thunder.

Looking at the young faces full of expectations for the future, Binz also felt a surge of enthusiasm in his heart, secretly thinking:
