MTL - Pirates Make Memes: Get Eight Magic Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 166

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"Must win!"

Chapter 241

Wano country, the capital of flowers.

"It makes no sense!"

"Too much deceit!"

Accompanied by angrily cursing, a short, middle-aged man threw the information scroll in his hand to the ground, and stomped on it a few times to vent his frustration and anger.

This middle-aged man has all the physical characteristics of a Wano man. He is short, ugly, and wretched. His head is like a big taro, his face is slightly square, and the top of his head is bald like the Mediterranean Sea. A bun is tied on one side, and there are sparse short purple hairs on both sides of the head. The beard is slightly upturned. When he opened his mouth, he could clearly see a row of jagged teeth.

A large yellow kimono set off his bloated figure. There are many black crescent-shaped pentagonal patterns on the kimono, which are the family emblem of the Heitan clan, and a black cloak with patterns is draped on the back.

For those who don't know, just seeing the face and clothes of this middle-aged man, I'm afraid even the dogs in the village will ignore him, thinking that this guy is a poor bachelor who can't even marry a woman.

But the reality is often so unreasonable. This middle-aged man is a black charcoal snake that is in full swing in the Wano country today!

In Wano Country, which is an acre of land, apart from the Hundred Beasts Pirates, as long as Heitan Orochi stomped his feet, the whole Wano Country would tremble three times.

Heitan snake couldn't fill his anger, the beard on his mouth trembled, he turned his head suddenly to look at Kuangshilang, who was lying on the ground, and said with a bit of chill in his voice:

"Kangshiro, if I order you to immediately go to Oden City to assassinate the old man Kozuki Sukiyaki, how sure are you?"

Kuangshilang raised his head slightly, glanced at the information scroll on the ground out of the corner of his eye, and inadvertently twitched the corner of his mouth.

In this intelligence scroll, it is recorded that Kozuki Sukiyaki led the rebel army to capture Oden Castle, and announced the obituary that the Kuri area was separated from Wano country's rule.

It's no wonder that Heitan snake is so angry.

"Report to the general."

Kuangshilang thought for a while, and he had an idea in his heart, saying:

"According to the information I went to Niigasa Village to investigate, all of them show that the Asura General stands behind Kozuki Sukiyaki. It is easy to kill a Kozuki Sukiyaki, but to offend that Shura General, It will lead to dire consequences, and unless Master Kaido takes action, we simply cannot bear the consequences." Kanshula

Hearing this, the black charcoal snake's face turned black.

If Kaido of the Beasts could be invited to take action, he wouldn't be incapable of being furious here.

Recently, the Revolutionary Army has been engaged in disputes in the Baiwu area in the southeast corner of Wano Country, and on the surrounding islands within the sphere of influence of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. I have fought several times.

If not, Kaido of Beasts would not be afraid of the General Shura, and let the other party stir up a rebel army in Wano Country. It is true that the Beasts Pirates are also stretched now, and they can't get out for a while.

Heitan Orochi is an idiot in itself, it's okay to let him do some shady plots behind his back, but if you let him solve difficult problems, his true colors will be revealed at once, and he only feels that one head and two big ones.

He sat down on the tatami, without any general dignity or image, and said:

"Kuangshilang, you are the smartest person around me. I have always admired you. If you have any countermeasures, please tell me in detail."

Kuangshi Lang sneered secretly in his heart, his half-closed eyes revealed a bit of slyness like a fox, and said:

"Returning to the general, since that General Shura did not directly attack, but supported Kozuki Sukiyaki to come out, he obviously had some scruples, and he was unwilling to directly tear the face off with Master Kaido. A lot of manpower and material resources are involved in the matter of the army, and relying on our people alone, does the general think he has a chance of defeating that rebel army?"

"There is no chance of winning."

Heitan Orochi looked dull, obviously his family knew about his family affairs.

The entire Wano country was almost hollowed out by him, and everyone under his command was talented and well-spoken, but none of them could do business. On the contrary, there were many people who boasted and sycophants, and only Kuangshiro had some ability.

Just relying on this group of sensual dogs and horses, they have already been hollowed out by wine and sex, and when they are sent to the battlefield, their legs are not weak, they just snicker. A big joke.

"Since that's the case, it's a death anyway. Why don't the general decentralize the power in his hands and allow the aristocratic families and powerful families in other regions to form guards?"

There was a trace of coldness in Kuangshi Lang's smile, and said:

"In order to protect their own lives and wealth, these aristocratic families and tyrants will definitely actively respond to the general's call and spend a lot of manpower and material resources to form guards, so that they can effectively block the pace of the rebel army and delay their arrival in the capital of flowers."

"As long as we can wait until Lord Kaido solves the disease of the revolutionary army, and wait for the new force of the Beasts Pirates to arrive, we will naturally be able to attack and defend Yishi and bring the situation back!"

Hearing this, the black charcoal serpent's eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh violently.

"This is a good way, just do as you say!"

Kuangshilang backed away slowly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Anyone who is familiar with history knows that once the local government controls military power, very bad things will happen.

Smart as Kuangshilang understands this even more. Although he did not take refuge in Yang Ming, after knowing the existence of Guangyue Sukiyaki, he is now in Cao Ying with his heart in Han, secretly playing a beautiful assist for the rebel army.

Kuri area, Oden Castle.

The black Oden Castle and the surrounding snow-capped mountains form a set of interesting contrasts. Now it is just in time for the clear winter sunset. The ebony Oden Castle glows golden in the last direct light, and the cold snow-capped mountains in the distance The clouds and mist are symmetrical, revealing a bit of beauty.

After the rebel army took over the management of Oden Castle, everything was changing in an orderly manner.

According to Yang Ming's instructions, as soon as Kozuki Shoukiyaki entered Oden City, he arranged for the rebel army to thoroughly investigate the rich and unkind people, those who oppressed the people, those who committed crimes, and those who committed crimes, and thoroughly investigated the ownership of the land. , Property ownership, after the thorough investigation is completed, those who should be arrested and those who should be killed should be killed, and one should be decisive in killing.

Yang Ming was walking on the wide road in Yutian City, Xiaoyu was holding Yang Ming's hand, and the other free hand was tightly grasping the balloon string.

The road seemed deserted, and pedestrians could occasionally be seen passing by. Most of the common people were obviously wary of the arrival of the rebel army. Even if the leader of the rebel army was the former Wano country general Kozuki Sukiyaki, these people were conservative and xenophobic. The ordinary people also have doubts and dare not fully trust the rebel army.

If it were someone else who was the leader of the rebel army, I am afraid that no one would dare to take to the streets.

From time to time, a rebel army rushed into a mansion, accompanied by the sound of fighting and howling ghosts and wolves, and escorted a high-class man dressed in a luxurious dress to a prison car.

These people are sure criminals, using their own power and status to crazily oppress the people at the bottom, but when they put their hands in shackles and were imprisoned in a prison van, these people still did not want to repent, but shouted "wronged".

Hearing the movement outside, the curious people quietly opened the windows and looked around from the inside of the house. When they saw those villains who used to ride on the heads of the people fall to the current field, it was like drinking a bowl of food in the hot summer. Sour plum soup, the whole body feels refreshed.

Some ordinary people even hated this group of rich and unkind people from the bottom of their hearts. They took out rotten eggs and bricks from their homes and smashed them in the face when the prison car passed by their door.

"Kill you bastards!"

"If it weren't for you, my family wouldn't starve to death!"

"The rebel army did a great job, I have long since disliked these grandchildren!"

When someone takes the lead, someone will follow.

People who had doubts about the insurgents at first, when they saw this scene, they immediately took to the streets with the same hatred, and took all available things around them as hidden weapons, calling on the sinners in the prison car one after another.

All of a sudden, the criminals in the prison car were beaten to the point of bleeding.

Xiaoyu was young and kind-hearted. She didn't want to see such a thing. She subconsciously grabbed Yang Ming's hand and said:

"Big brother, is this really good for those people? Isn't it a bit cruel?"


Yang Ming paused slightly. Seeing Xiaoyu's puzzled face, he knew that she had little experience and could only see the surface of things. He couldn't see the whole thing. He didn't blame her, but pointed at the crowd who were throwing things, and asked:

"Look, what do they all have in common?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyu looked up.

The ordinary people are dressed plainly, with traces of mending on their bodies, which contrasts sharply with the luxurious attire of the sinners on the prison cart.

In addition, the bodies of ordinary people are not complete. Some people have broken limbs and limbs, which were all interrupted by ronin who were raised by sinners.

If it is cruel, these sinners are even more cruel.

It's just that when these sinners do cruel things, they are outside the eyes of people who can't see them, so they can't intuitively feel this cruelty and crime.

These people and these things are not only the tip of the iceberg in Wano Country, but also the tip of the iceberg in this world.

"When people are hurt, people will hold grudges. Conversely, when they hurt others, they will be hated and tortured by guilt. However, it is precisely because of the understanding of this pain that people will become kinder. , this is human beings.”

Listening to Yang Ming's eloquence, Xiaoyu nodded with a vague understanding.

In her line of sight, the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the handsome young man in front of her, as if she had put a robe on him, showing different colors in the gradually dimming sky.

Chapter 242 Bucky the Clown: Please Call Me Brother Daxiu

Let the innocent be innocent and the guilty receive a fair trial.

This is not only the standard for the rebel army to act, but also Yang Ming's code of conduct.

As the ancients said, those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

In order to reassure the common people, the rebel army even escorted the captured criminals to the vegetable market, read out the numerous evils committed by these criminals in front of countless common people, and sentenced them to death on the spot.

Suddenly, the head fell to the ground.

Xiaoyu was by Yang Ming's side. At first, she felt uncomfortable, and even felt a little disgusted. But when she saw the expression on other people's faces, she seemed to recall the days when she was hungry. Gifted by the family.

If it weren't for the cruel exploitation of these aristocratic families, how could they live in such a humble and painful life?


"Congratulations to the host for speaking the classic lines in Naruto and getting a chance to draw a lottery. Do you want to start the lottery roulette?"

Yang Ming's attention fell on the lottery roulette, which was invisible to others.

Summon characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi...

Ninjutsu/Tejutsu: Jutsu of Fireball, Jutsu of Water Dragon, Jutsu of Darkness…

Blood Successor Boundary: Ice Escape, Magnetic Escape, Melting Escape, Explosive Escape...

[Skill of Transformation]: It can transform into anything, and once it encounters a strong blow, the transformation effect will be canceled.

Withdrawing his attention from the lottery roulette, Yang Ming saw that the rebel army behaved well and no one took the opportunity to take advantage of it, so he nodded secretly in his heart. It seems that although Kozuki Sukiyaki is old, he is also quite strict in governing the army. Sure enough, the **** is still old and spicy.

Compared to this point, both Binz and Xiu En seemed immature, and they were placed in the rebel army, just for them to learn from Kozuki Sukiyaki.

Yang Ming's goal has never been limited to Wano Country, but to focus on the whole world. As his power gradually expands in the future, he will inevitably be short-handed. He can take advantage of this time to cultivate more of his cronies and generals. Only in the future will he be able to send them out with confidence and boldly, and take the lead alone.

The situation in Wano Country is changing, and it is unpredictable for a while.

With the promulgation of a series of new policies by the current general of Wano Country, Kurotan Orochi, the powerful families in the four major regions of Nozomi, Tuwan, Lingo, and Baiwu responded to the call one after another. The rich donated money, and some people donated people. A guard to resist the revolutionary army and the rebel army.

Among them, some characters are especially represented.

In the Rabbit Bowl area, Dazheng known as "Blood Word" formed a guard of more than 200 people.

In the Baiwu area, Tsunagoro, who is known as "Po Li", formed a ronin organization of 100 people.

In the Linghou area, Adie, who is known as "Xi Yan", formed a demon girl team of dozens of people.

In the Ximei area, Mi Taibei, known as the "Snake Eye", formed a 100-man warrior army.

Those who are familiar with the situation in Wano country will know that these four characters are the leaders of the local underground world, and they are also the white gloves of the aristocratic families. .

Now, they are just taking advantage of the east wind of the New Deal promulgated by the black charcoal snake, so as to turn from the secret to the surface.

If the rebel army wanted to advance eastward and take the capital of flowers, they would have to go through Ximei or Tuwan.

In addition to being blocked by the guards of the "Blood Character" Dazheng Hundred in the Rabbit Bowl area, there is also a huge quarry where people who resisted the rule of the Beast Pirates and Heitan Orochi were imprisoned. If it is passed, it is bound to cause severe staff reduction.

For this reason, Yang Ming had already ordered the clown Bucky, who was undercover in the Beasts Pirates, to act and lead a group of Beasts Pirates members to exterminate the prisoners in the quarry.

As for the Ximei area, the land is vast and sparsely populated, and a large area of ​​land is deserted. It is difficult to get supplies on the march, and it is also a difficult and dangerous route.

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

Just as the rebel army was in full swing in the battle against landlords in Yutian City, the clown Bucky was walking with five people and six people, with a group of younger brothers behind him, rushing excitedly to the quarry in the Rabbit Bowl area.

As early as the farewell to the capital of seven waters, the clown Bucky successfully went undercover in the Beasts Pirates under Yang Ming's secret instruction, and after more than a year, he gained the trust of Kaido the Beasts , and now succeeds Peggy Wan who was imprisoned by Yang Ming, and becomes the new Fei Liubao.

Behind the clown Bucky, followed by a group of younger brothers, among which the two in the front row had the most obvious appearance characteristics. Not only were they extremely huge, but they also looked ferocious.

The person on the left is as tall as a female giant, wearing cool clothing with two points and one line, revealing a large area of ​​fair skin, with the number 9 on her body, she is Jiunin among the numbered people, and no one knows the specific name for a long time.

The person on the right looks like a human-shaped wild boar, with two pairs of barbed horns growing on the top of the head. The needle-like yellow hair runs along the spine of the back. The back is arched high, and the corners of the mouth are open. Rows of fangs and sharp teeth are exposed, and hook-shaped claws protrude from the tips of ten fingers, shining with a cold light. He is the ten ghosts among the numberers, and his fighting style is extremely cruel.

In the Hundred Beasts Pirates, there is a very clear hierarchy.

The Governor, the Big Kanban, Fei Liubao, Zhenda, the giver, the numberer, and other personnel all have clear functional plans for each other and are responsible for different matters.

In addition to the nine ninjas and ten ghosts, the clown Baki also brought more than five hundred pirates behind him.

In the first half of the great route, more than 500 pirates were enough to form a medium-sized pirate group, but in the Beast Pirate Group, it was only the size of a small team.

The clown Bucky has been lurking in the Beasts Pirates for more than a year. He has already figured out that the number of Beasts Pirates is tens of thousands. Grab the strong men and forcefully fill the personnel gap.

This is exactly the huge difference in strength between pirates with a territory and those without a territory.

Pirates who have no territory have to hide and hide on weekdays to avoid being arrested by the navy and wander aimlessly at sea. In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, they need to save money and ensure sufficient food supply for all members as much as possible.

But pirates who have a territory don't need to worry about these things at all, and even the worries about personnel supply are eliminated, so they can flex their fists to their heart's content.

Recalling the information about the Beasts Pirates in his mind, Bucky the Clown's admiration for Yang Ming is like a torrent of water.