MTL - Pirates Make Memes: Get Eight Magic Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 168

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Because of this, Yang Ming planned today's scene.

Most of the prisoners in the quarry were killed or injured, leaving only a small number of people. These people will become Yang Ming's staunch supporters. At the same time, due to their great loss of power, they cannot form a hindrance to the plan to reform the Wano country.

Yang Ming deliberately spared the life of Goro Hanazhibing, because he intentionally made him a benchmark, not to become an iconic figure against the Hundred Beasts Pirates and Heitan Orochi, but to become a successful reformer of the New World Co-Prosperity Sphere. iconic figure.

Today, due to the massive deaths of the miners, Hananohiro Goro's anger towards the Hundred Beasts Pirates and Heitan Orochi has reached its peak.

I'm afraid, he would never have imagined in his dreams that the culprit of all this was actually the young general in front of him.

It can only be said that people who play tactics have dirty hearts.

"Old man, please get up quickly, there is no need to be so polite."

"The Hundred Beasts Pirates have done so many evil things that it is difficult to record them. The righteous people of our generation will definitely not stand idly by!"

Yang Ming held up the flower soldier Goro with both hands, making the latter feel like a spring breeze, and was immediately moved to tears.

Just when Goro Hanazhibing was about to say something nice, he suddenly felt a gust of breeze blowing on his face, where was the figure of the young general in front of him?


A gust of wind pierced the air.

Hana no Bing Goro's pupils shrank, shrinking into a needle-like shape.

what did he see

However, Yang Mingfei rushed in front of Nine Ninja and Ten Ghosts, and it was impossible to see when he drew his sword out of its sheath and when he put it back into its sheath. He could only see the shadow of a sword shrouded Nine Ninja and Ten Ghosts.

"Atomic Slash!"

Accompanied by the sound of the blade entering the body, the body covered by the powerful armed color domineering, as fragile as a piece of paper, was easily cut into countless pieces by the blade.

Hananohei Goro was extremely impressed with the two numbered members, Nine Ninja and Ten Ghost, and the other party was not weaker than Babanuki.

It is precisely because of the killing of these two members that thousands of miners are not opponents at all, and they have suffered heavy losses in a short period of time.

It can be said that nearly half of the miners died tragically at the hands of nine ninjas and ten ghosts.

But such a formidable opponent, under the knife of that young general, couldn't walk back and forth, so he received the lunch box smoothly, and died on the spot!

So scary!

Hanazhibing Goro only felt his scalp tingling, and his mouth was dry for a while.

To Yang Ming, beheading nine ninjas and ten ghosts was just an appetizer, not even a warm-up exercise.

Losing the leadership of Nine Ninja and Ten Ghosts, the rest of the pirates are no problem.

Yang Ming raised his right hand, and a huge fireball condensed in his palm, bigger than ever, with a diameter of 50 meters, flying out like a small meteor.

Wherever the fireball passed, all the pirates were burned to the ground, not even a single bit of ashes remained.


At this moment, not to mention the prisoners like Goro Hanazhibing, even the rebels like Kozuki Sukiyaki stopped their movements and turned to look at the figure standing in the sea of ​​flames.

The endless flames crawled under his feet, as if he was paying homage to the great flame king.

On the other side of him, hundreds of pirates have long been annihilated, only the charred traces on the ground seem to be still proving the traces of their existence.

Guangyue Shouxi burned his mind, some careless thoughts in his heart seemed to be burned away with this fire, he no longer dared to think wildly, and followed Yang Ming wholeheartedly.

Everyone's thousands of thoughts came into Yang Ming's eyes.

Yang Ming wanted to reform Wano Country, and Kozuki Sukiyaki, as the former Wano Country General, was naturally unwilling in every possible way, and he was more or less resistant in his heart. He happened to use today's incident to dispel what he shouldn't have. idea.

After the battle, the rebel army cleaned the battlefield, checked for missing pirates, and bandaged the survivors' wounds by the way.

This quarry in Wano Country is of great significance. It is an open-pit quarry with astonishing ore reserves. Once the New Hope Factory acquires this quarry, it will definitely be able to further expand its business scope and provide support for Yang Ming. The forces add bricks and tiles.

At the same time, the armor of Iron Man Mark 2 requires many high-level manufacturing materials. With the current ability of Caesar Courant, it cannot be mass-produced. Only by giving him a large amount of raw materials for research can he It can increase production, and this quarry just happens to solve the urgent need.

Yang Ming sent a navy to the quarry to completely occupy the place to avoid being robbed by people from other forces.

The New Hope factory also immediately sent engineers to survey the terrain and collect raw data from the quarry, and when everything was ready, they recruited a large number of miners for mining.

At that time, it will surely solve the employment problem of a large number of low-level ordinary people.

From this level alone, it can be seen that there is a huge gap between Yang Ming and Beast Kaido.

Beast Kaido escorts all potential threats to the quarry for mining, which is regarded as waste utilization.

However, these miners work passively, with low efficiency and low output, and Anza personnel are always guarding here to avoid miners' rebellion, which will not only tie down part of the manpower, but also aggravate social conflicts.

Yang Ming's thinking is completely different.

He uses industrial development to drive the common people to common prosperity, so that the common people can get rich through hard work, get a better life through hard work, and thus gain a sense of happiness.

In the Kingdom of Dressrosa, the Kingdom of Prodence, Sky Island, the Capital of Seven Waters, and the Kingdom of Flowers, Yang Ming walked step by step in this way.

Perhaps many people will not understand his approach, and may even think that his approach is too pedantic and secondary, it is better to just fight and kill.

But it was precisely because of this "benevolent government" that Yang Ming was able to lay a solid foundation and at the same time gather the hearts of the generals.

Those naval soldiers working under Yang Ming's hands are not cold data, let alone NPCs in the game, but real people.

It is human nature to yearn for a better life. Most of the families of these navy soldiers are relatively poor, otherwise they would not have joined the army. When they see Yang Ming’s sphere of influence and people can live a decent life, these navy soldiers will naturally Arrange the family members into Yang Ming's sphere of influence, so that they can live a good life without having to live a life of worry and fear.

Ordinary people don't have much lofty ambitions, and they don't have much ambition. They all know that their abilities are limited, and they only hope that their families are safe.

Within Yang Ming's sphere of influence, all criminals such as bandits, mafia, pirates, and human traffickers have almost disappeared, and the New Hope Factory, Dinosaur Chamber of Commerce, and Carrera Company can provide a large number of employment opportunities, and the salary is higher than that of the average Jobs are much higher, and there are schools specially provided for children of workers.

This kind of life can't be seen anywhere else!

In this way, loyalty is naturally cultivated!

If you don't accumulate steps, you can reach thousands of miles.

If there is no accumulation of small currents, there will be no rivers and seas.

In places under Yang Ming's governance, the common people live in peace and well-being, without fear of evil forces, and live with dignity, so they can gradually form a surging trend.

No, just a few days after Yang Ming and the rebel army took over the quarry, Dazheng, known as "Blood Letter" in the Tuwan area, led his guards of more than 200 people to join him.

Dazheng, with a big belly, was dressed in an open gown and kimono, showing a broad chest. After arriving at the naval station, he quickly handed over a letter to the soldiers blocking the way, and said with a smile:

"Master, I'm here to join General Shura, and please pass on this letter from me to General Shura."

Before coming to visit, Dazheng obviously knew about the master-slave relationship between the rebel army and Yang Ming, and knew that Yang Ming was the real master behind the rebel army, so he came to see Yang Ming immediately.

The soldiers blocking the way did not bully others. They carefully checked the letter and found no such thing as smeared with poison before turning around and walking into the garrison.

Not long after, the soldiers walked out again.

"Admiral Shura welcomes you."

"This military master." Da Zheng took out a handful of Baileys from his pocket, tried to hand them to the soldiers, and said with an apologetic smile: "This is a little respect, please accept it, I am a little unfeeling, and I want to... "

Chapter 245 Give You Ten Seconds To Live

Seeing that the "Blood Letter" Dazheng insisted on stuffing money into his hands, the gatekeeper's face turned serious, he blocked it with his hand, and said coldly:

"That's not necessary. If you have anything to say, you can communicate with the general face to face."

Dazheng was a little taken aback.

In Wano Country, a country that is closed to the outside world, one must pay attention to one's sophistication in everything, otherwise it will be difficult to get along.

And this so-called sophistication of the world often opens the way with money.

Dazheng has been able to hang out with the underground world of the country for so many years, and he has already been very familiar with this set of human relationships, but he did not expect to be defeated at the gate of the naval station.

But after thinking about it, Dazheng suddenly realized something.

As the saying goes, one raging soldier, one raging general.

Even the soldiers guarding the gate have such a decent style and can clearly define their responsibilities. It is conceivable what kind of person that General Shura is!

Before coming to visit Yang Ming, Dazheng had already learned about the life of General Shura through his network.

No fear of the rich and powerful, overpower the pirates, outwit the powerful enemies, slay the drought, level the West Sea, and cleanse the evil spirits!

It can be said that this Asura general is a walking legend.

Before seeing Yang Ming's deity, Dazheng felt reverence in his heart.

When he walked into the naval station, came to Yang Ming's office, and saw the old man standing beside him, Dazheng suddenly became excited.

"Uncle Bing, are you here too?"

Immediately, Dazheng realized where this place was, and immediately stopped talking, but the excitement on his face did not hide it.

In the underground world of Wano Country, Hananohei Goro can be called a godfather-level existence and is admired by countless people, including Daizheng naturally.

Dazheng turned his head to look at the young general behind the desk, and immediately bowed to salute, with a little more sincerity in his tone, and said:

"I led more than 200 guards under my command to come and defect, and I hope the general will take him in."

Yang Ming was noncommittal, and did not respond immediately. Instead, he took out a document.

The intelligence content of this document was collected by the clown Baki in the Akatsuki organization, and compiled by the personal secretary Kalifa. It records the life of Dazheng and the actions of his forces over the years.

"Dazheng, originally a street vagrant, was adopted by the Fujima Liu family as a adopted son. He learned martial arts since he was a child, and formed cliques as adults to form an underground world force. He lived by collecting protection fees from street vendors. There is no abuse. The act of killing innocents, on the contrary, during the rule of Heitan Orochi, he repeatedly acted chivalrously to protect the lives and property of innocent people..."

I'm afraid even Dazheng himself can't remember all these things so clearly.

But when Yang Ming explained everything in detail, Dazheng felt a sense of suffocating oppression on his shoulders, he was puzzled, and secretly said:

"This General Shura is too terrifying. He has only been in Wano Country for a few months, and he has collected such detailed information. This person really has no plans. Fortunately, I don't have any criminal record, otherwise today It is to take the initiative to send it into the tiger's mouth."

After reading the last word, Yang Ming put down the document in his hand, crossed his hands and fingers on his chin, his deep eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts.

"Since you are well received in the Rabbit Bowl area, and you have never committed any crimes against women, I allow you to join the rebel army."


When Dazheng walked out of the office, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he felt weak all over, as if he had fought against the enemy for three days and three nights.

Raising his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, Dazheng and Hananobei Goro who came out together said:

"Uncle Bing, that Asura general is truly extraordinary!"

In this regard, Goro Hanazhibing deeply felt the same, and said quite meaningfully:

"The sky of Wano Country is about to change!"

The "Blood Letter" government defected to the rebel army, as if it was some kind of signal.

When it was learned that Hana no Bing Goro was still alive and was now serving as a staff officer of the rebel army, the powerful families who originally responded to Heitan Orochi's New Deal suddenly had huge differences.

Quite a number of people came to join the rebel army. Tsunagoro from the Baiwu area, Atie from the Suzugo area, and Ya Taibei from the Nozomi area were all representatives of them.

Under Yang Ming's instruction, Guangyue Shouxiyao strictly screened the people and forces who came to join him. Anyone who bullied the common people or committed crimes by women would be slaughtered on the spot without mercy.

Even if they pass the screening, they will have to go through some ideological remolding before they can truly become a member of the rebel army.

During this process, not everyone would agree with Yang Ming's ideas and choose to quit the uprising army halfway.

After being integrated in this way, the size of the rebel army still swelled to as many as 800 people. If it was not strictly controlled, it would probably swell to more than 5,000 people just like the original book.

It seems that the number of people is not as good as in the original book, but the rebel army has a unified mind, a unified leadership, a clear program of action and a battle plan, and the 800 people are one body, which is much stronger than the more than 5,000 people in a mess.

The rebel army was led by veterans, and the recruits took a shorter time to integrate into the rebel army. After only one month of integration, they completely digested these foreign forces.

Even the leaders of the underground world, such as Dazheng, Tsunagoro, and Atie, have shed the old clothes of the old society, put on the uniform gray uniform of the rebel army, and even learned to sing the military songs popular in the rebel army .

"Arise, hungry and cold slaves!"

"Arise, sufferers of the world!"

"My blood is already boiling, and I must fight for the truth!"

"The old world is in ruins, slaves rise up, rise up!"

"Don't say we have nothing, we want to be the masters of the world!"

"This is the final struggle, unite until tomorrow!"

"There has never been any savior, nor does it depend on a fairy emperor."

"It is up to us to create human happiness!"

The rebel army sang military songs loudly, crossed the Zimu River with great arrogance, and marched all the way to the capital of flowers!

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts