MTL - Pirates: One Superpower Per Day-Chapter 140

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Also, why does Foxy with that **** head have the same expression as that bitch!

However, there is another expression on his face than the one named Poki, it seems to be...

Don't take pity on me because I am a delicate flower!

Good guy, this guy doesn't have some weird little habit, does he?

Soon Luffy made a choice, directly ignoring the **** and the girl named Poki, and very willfully chose the shark that pulled Poki just now.

"Hahaha, that guy is quite interesting, the little thing looks really unique."

Indeed, it was also the first time Lin Bei had seen a shark with its own skin and a star-shaped pattern on its body. It was quite interesting, and it should be a rare species.

After choosing the trophies, the second skill battle officially began.

The people playing are Lin Bei, Lu Fei and Sanji, which is also considering that each person can only play twice.

I didn't know what the match was like at the beginning, so I left Sauron for the third match.

You can always trust Sauron.

The second game is about football skills, but it is said to be playing with the ball, but it is actually playing with people.

A person fixes a ball on his head to be the player, and the rule of the game is to hit the opponent's player into the goal.

This goal is a big swimming ring, placed on the ground.

In other words, you have to push the opponent's head into that big swimming ring to be considered a winner.

And the reason why Foxy thinks he can win the second game is also because he sent two giants on the field in the second game!

A little giant covered in green with a shield on his shoulders, a real murloc giant!

The last one is the subordinate who is by Foxy's side, Hamburg, who likes to laugh.

As soon as this combination came on stage, Sanji knew where the previous players had lost.

Even if you win the first game, you will definitely lose the second game!

Because the one who is the ball player is the biggest murloc giant.

On Lin Bei's side, Sanji is the player on the ball.

To put it simply, this game is played between Sanji and the opponent's biggest murloc giant.

Which one is more fun is not obvious at a glance.

So the members watching from the sidelines swept away the haze of the first game and cheered.

Because the person who has already been determined to play cannot be changed, it is impossible to replace Meli now.

"Stomp them flat!"

"Smash them!"

Foxy's pirates yelled loudly, playing away, which could easily affect their mood.

But the three people on the field did not panic at all.

Sanji lit a cigarette

"If there is no accident, this one should still have an accident."

Lin Bei doesn't care

"Then don't treat it like a game, treat it like a fight!

Luffy, here. "

Lin Bei threw out ten kinds of food, and Lu Fei swallowed all three pigs in one mouthful. Afterwards, there were also giants on Lin Bei's side.

The cheers in the field came to an abrupt end after scoring twice.

When the other party was still a little confused, Lin Bei turned into a thunderbolt and rushed to the guy named Hamburg.

"It's started, where are you looking?"

Hamburg's eyes widened, so fast!

"What are you doing with a hammer!"

Lin Bei's sunny smile

"Aren't you a ball?"

"I'm not!"

"I said you are, you are!

go you! "

Chapter 178 Whistle! Knock in! Whistle

Hamburg was directly hammered into the sky, and the other two giants didn't even react.

When the hamburger landed, it landed right in that circle in an upside-down posture.

Hamburg slowly got up and shouted

"I'm not a golfer! You made a mistake!"

Lin Bei turned into a thunderbolt and struck beside him, blasting a small hole in the ground

"Why is the game not over? Didn't I hit the ball into the frame?"

"They say I'm not a ball player anymore!

What's the use of hitting me! "

"Impossible, you are so despicable, you must have transferred the real player, maybe you are the real player!"

Lin Bei's face was full of "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, I don’t listen, I don’t listen, I don’t listen, I don’t listen", one hand held Hamburg’s head and smashed it to the ground.

"Goal! Goal! Goal!"

hamburger yelled indistinctly

"I'm really not a ball player!"

Lin Bei held up the **** hamburger and looked at the host

"Isn't he?"

The host's legs trembled and he said in a trembling voice

"No, it's not.

Please pay attention to the rules of the game, only the one with the ball on his head is considered as the player. "

Lin Bei casually threw the immobile hamburger on the ground

"You should have said earlier, that guy must be that guy, right?"

Lin Bei pointed to the little giant in green clothes.

At first, the little giant had a cruel face on his face, but now he is covered in cold sweat.

Seeing Lin Bei pointing at him, he quickly waved his hand

"It's not me, it's not me, the player is him!"

Lin Bei still shook his head

"Impossible, your captain is too fond of intrigue, too despicable, to listen to your words.


A bolt of lightning struck beside the little green giant. The little giant responded well, and subconsciously hit it with the shield on his shoulder.

His shield can grow spikes!



Does it sound good?

What sounds good is a good head!

At this time, Luffy was fighting with the murloc giant. He and everyone have always been more ink marks, so Lin Bei plans to score as soon as possible.

After hammering the little green-clothed giant into the sky for a short while, Sanji saw the right opportunity, shaved + moon steps into the sky, and then kicked him down with a kick that fell from the sky.

On the ground of the voucher, a hole was smashed out.

Sanji obviously understood Lin Bei's tricks, so he picked up the head of the little giant in green and dragged him towards the opponent's goal.

In front of the goal, Sanji showed a kind smile

"Are you a ball player?"

The little giant in green, like the hamburger just now, shouted in panic

"No! I really am not!"

"Don't be afraid, try it and you will know."

Saying that, Sanji pushed the little giant's head into the pit!

The hole that Hamburg's head smashed just now deepened further!

After smashing it twice, Sanji pretended to be puzzled.

"Hey~ It's strange, why didn't we announce that we won?"

The little giant in green yelled as he collapsed

"Asshole! I told you earlier that I'm not a ball player!"

Sanji is a gentleman, he quickly apologized

"Sorry, it looks like I made a mistake."

Just as the little giant in green was relieved, Lin Bei snatched his head from Sanji's hand

"Sanji! Did you forget!

How cunning these fellows are!

The host must be cooperating with him to deceive us. The host often whistles black whistles. He has always turned a blind eye to his own people.

I hate the guys who whistle and match-fix on the pitch!

Let me try again! "

As he spoke, Lin Bei held down the head of the little green-clothed giant and slammed it into the pit dozens of times.

At the beginning, the little giant was still very stubborn.

"I'm not a ball player! I'm really not!"


"I am! I can do it! Don't smash it!"

Lin Bei and Sanji Michi

"Look, I said he was!

But, why didn't the host blow the whistle for our win? "

At this moment, the host is sitting on a bird flying in the sky and shivering, but he still has a bottom line. He is not a golfer, so he can't blow the whistle of the straw hat team's victory.

The mentality of the little giant in green on the ground has collapsed

"What the **** are you bragging about!"

The host hesitated

"Sorry, we want to be fair and just."

The little giant's eyes widened, and he felt as if he was dying

"I'll go to your fairness!"

Lin Bei sighed