MTL - Pirates: One Superpower Per Day-Chapter 146

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Fortunately, Lin Bei waved his hand and said

"Don't worry, there will be no accidents today."

Everyone fell asleep in peace.

And Lin Bei, who was still calling Kun just now, is sitting on the bed motionless, checking his super power

[Today's Super Power: Captain Teemo is wicked~]

[Super ability introduction: Every five minutes, an invisible explosive mushroom can be planted. The power of the mushroom explosion is equivalent to a normal firecracker, but after each mushroom explodes, it will randomly give the lucky person who stepped on it a negative status. Negative status lasts for 10 minutes.

Note: Exploding mushrooms have a certain explosion range. If there are many people in the range, each person will be given a different negative status, all random. 】

[Today's task: Please let 100 lucky people experience the fun of stepping on mushrooms together. 】

Lin Bei frowned, how could such an honest gentleman like him do such wicked things!

But, why does the corner of the mouth rise unconsciously!

That night, Lin Bei slept with a smile on his face...

When the next morning came, everyone went to the deck to wash up.

Sanji brushed his teeth and asked curiously

"Lin Bei, what superpower did you get last night?"

Lin Bei had no idea at first, but Sanji asked this question!

Lin Bei raised his eyebrows

"Do you want to see it?"

"I want to~"

Because this is a daily performance, everyone gathered together.

It's just strange that Lin Bei didn't show it immediately, but counted people

"One, two, three..."

"Hey Lin Bei, what are you counting?"

Lin Bei smiled brightly

"It's nothing, if you're all here, then I'll start~"

The ignorant crew shouted excitedly

"Let's start~"

"It's great to see Lin Bei's performance again~"

I saw Lin Bei casually throwing it at a few people, and then said

"Okay, the show is over."

Question marks are popping up in everyone's mind


"You didn't perform anything."

"That's right, he made a gesture of throwing something at us."

When everyone complained, suddenly, Luffy took a step forward, and heard a small explosion, and several people felt a purple mist enveloped them.

[Current mission completion: (7/100)]

In the next second, Luffy felt as if he had been hit by a slow light, and his speech, movement and even his brain were ten times slower!

The whole person looked as if he had entered slow motion, like a sloth lightning.

And Sauron, who was beside him, was clutching his stomach with a strange expression, and a few drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Lin Bei, you bastard, what did you do to me again!

Sooner or later I will kill you! "

Chapter 185 A Stimulating Negative Buff

Lin Beixiang stepped back a bit, secretly remembering:

"Luffy should be slowing down or slowing down, Zoro...couldn't be diarrhea again, so lucky?

There are others..."

Lin Bei observed the past one by one, and found that Sanji was constantly stepping on his feet, as if his feet were very uncomfortable.

"Sanji, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know, just after the fog just now, my feet are inexplicably itchy!"

Saying that, Sanji couldn't help but took off his shoes.

Lin Bei understood at a glance


Sanji widened his eyes


"Don't worry, it will only last ten minutes.

Next is..."

Nami and Robin, both of them are in a strange state.

One widened his eyes and tightened his legs.

One also stared wide-eyed, but covered fiercely.

Could it be?

Both rushed back into the cabin.

After a while, Nami came out of the cabin, and she changed a pair of pants.

With shame and anger on his face, he punched Lin Bei on the head

"What kind of wicked ability are you!"

"What's the matter, what's the matter, I'm recording the negative state produced by this ability, make a record."

Lin Bei didn't care about the big bag on his head, and asked Nami curiously.

Nami gritted her teeth

"That, come early."

A group of straight men next to him are still wondering what the **** is coming.

Lin Bei understood.

"Continue to bleed!

What about Robin? Wouldn't it be? "

Robin came out soon, but changed his clothes.

Her face was as calm as usual, but the trembling voice betrayed her heart.

"I... have entered the period after giving birth ahead of schedule."

Straight men still don't understand, but Lin Bei understands again.

Dina status!

Good guy, are the negative states given to girls so stimulating!

Turning his head, Sauron was already in so much pain that he couldn't stand up.

Judging by his appearance, he is not about to squirt, but other negative states.

The hair all over his body has grown 10 times, and Chopper, who has become a flowing handsome man, hastily dragged himself to Zoro.

After checking, Chopper said

"It's the appendix! Zoro has appendicitis!"

"Bastard Lin Bei, if you believe me in the future, I will be Luffy!"

There were profuse beads of sweat on Sauron's forehead.

"Well, Chopper, why don't you come and see me too, I feel that my state is so strange.

Since just now, you have changed color in my eyes. "

Lin Bei hurriedly asked

"what colour?"

"That is, you have become black and white."

"Are you colorblind...

There are so many different kinds of negative states~"

Lin Bei sighed, and it was at this time that the ten-minute negative state time had come.

Everyone returned to normal, and then surrounded Lin Bei with red lights in their eyes.

"What are you doing!"

"You guys made me act! I'm innocent! I, oops..."

Nami bit his arm, and the others also gave Lin Bei a hammer.

Five minutes later, Lin Bei was sitting on the deck with his head full and pouting.

"Is there anyone who treats heroes like this!

I bled for the Straw Hats! "

Nami punched him again angrily.

"I've flowed too!"

Robin didn't even hold back, and angrily hit Lin Bei with a stick, thinking to himself, I'm still bleeding!

It has to be said that the longer the time he joined the Straw Hats, Robin's aloofness was gradually assimilated into a sand sculpture...

"Everyone~ I saw a strange creature ahead."

Usopp yelled

Luffy rushed to the bow immediately

"Where is where?"

Generally speaking, Chopper would be the first to go forward when encountering such a thing, but this time, Sauron was shearing him.

Other people's negative states disappeared on the spot, but the hair he grew could never shrink back.

Lin Bei also looked into the distance, and sure enough, there really was a strange creature.

It was a big toad. At first glance, Lin Bei thought it had traveled into Hokage.

Who summoned Toad Bunta!

I saw this toad squatting on the surface of the sea, wanting to touch the roaring sea train!

As long as this is a normal frog, it will be crushed.

As for him, he was just knocked into the air.

No shit, I can still swim freestyle out of here.


"No, why is a toad swimming freestyle instead of breaststroke!"

"Is it just me who noticed that strange steamship just now?

Can that kind of ship sail on the sea? "

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts