MTL - Plane Master Copy-Chapter 5 :Cooperation

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Although his so-called Xiangshu ability convinced Wanciwang, this belief is definitely not firm.

Wu Wuyan knows that this is like when a fortune teller tells you a lot of good words, you are willing to believe, but when a fortune teller says something bad, he will doubt a truth.

Tong Ming could see that Professor X and the Devil Girl were reluctant to help, and Wang Wan's heart was a little bit embarrassed, and even he had some doubts about Wu Yanxiang's ability.

考虑 From the perspective of Professor X and the Devil Girl, it is reasonable that they are unwilling to help. After all, everyone is in contact for the first time and is going to be involved in a battle between mutants?

No matter who it is, I believe it will not be promised so soon.

However, the door of the castle was knocked at this time, but it temporarily relieved the embarrassment of both sides.

I heard the sound outside the door. Professor X got up and opened the door. Sure enough, a mature woman was welcomed in.

"What are these two?" Seeing what it looks like, Mora and Professor X seem to have known each other. Mora who walked in looked at Wu Yan and Wanci Wang and asked.

"They are my friends", heard that, Professor X nodded.

After saying this, thinking of Mora's knowledge of the mutants, after a moment of silence, he said, "Well, they all have the same identity as me."

"Identity like you?" What did Professor X mean by this? Mora certainly understood.

After looking at Wu Yan and Wanci Wang deeply, Mora did not avoid them, and said directly, "I came to ask for your help, something big happened."

"What day is this tonight, so many people are coming to ask for help?", And when she heard Mora's words, she could not help muttering.

"What happened? Speak slowly ..." Looking at Mora's solemn look, Professor X could understand the seriousness of the matter, and his face was right.

Although the mumbled girl's mumbled voice next to her was quiet, the next million magnetic king heard it clearly. After thinking about it, he was ready to leave, leaving him a little upset.

Sure enough, do you still have to rely on yourself for revenge?

既然 Since they are unwilling to help, there is no need for them to slap themselves here. They have serious things to talk about, and sitting here is embarrassing.

"I sneaked into the Hellfire Club and found a man named Sebastian Shaw inside. He controlled the lawmakers to arrange nuclear weapons on the border and tried to provoke a nuclear war between the two countries ...".

Mora came to seek the help of the mutants. Since Wu Yan and Wanci Wang are both friends of Professor X, Mora didn't mean to avoid it, and he just entered the topic.

Magneto King: "...".

The Wanci King who was up was about to say goodbye, but when he heard Mora ’s words, he could not say what he was going to do, but instead stared at Mora seriously, and said, "Who did you just say? Sebasti Ann Shaw? "

"Yes, it's him, do you know him?" Seeing that Wanci Wang stood up, he looked a little excited, and Mora asked something inexplicable.

"I know, of course I know." Suddenly I heard Sebastian Shaw's message. Wanci Wang's face was complicated and he had a deep hatred, said Shen Sheng.

Immediately, Wanci King sat down and motioned to Mora to continue, knowing that Dr. Xiao had news, of course he would not leave.

However, Wan Wan, who sat down, glanced at Wu Yan without looking.

Sure enough, his ability to look at each other is indeed very accurate. Originally, Charles had to reject it. Looking at it now, things seem to be turning for the better?

Although Wan Magnetic's behavior was somewhat unusual, Mora's mind at this time focused on her own concerns, so she did not delve into it, and then she continued to speak, telling everything she had encountered.

He successfully entered the Hellfire Club and found a secret room in which the MP was controlled by Dr. Xiao.

Then, looking at a blood red mutant with his own eyes, he left with the members in an instant.

When he left the Hellfire Club and called to seriously report the matter to the chief, the chief said that the members would speak in the parliament, and he did not believe Mora's words, let alone question the legislators ’proposal to deploy nuclear weapons. Proposal.

Because knowing that this matter is related to mutants, Mora could not help but come to Professor X for help.

After all, Professor X is the only mutant she knows who has research on mutants, and has no hostility to ordinary people.

"The mutant controls the legislator and wants to provoke a nuclear weapons war between the United States and the Soviet Union?" After learning from the mouth of Mora, Professor X's face was very solemn.

当然 Of course he understands the seriousness of this matter. Naturally, it is incumbent on Mora to ask for help.

"We are willing to join in this matter!" After Professor X agreed, Wanciwang naturally took the initiative to express his position.

Although the two sides have different ideas, they are all to deal with Dr. Xiao, Wang Wanci is naturally inescapable.

"That, thank you ...", just when Wanci Wang came to ask for help, he did not agree. At this time, Wanci Wang took the initiative to speak, which made Professor X feel a little embarrassed.

Although he only has the purpose of Wanci Wang's active help, because everyone has a common enemy.

"It's great that you're willing to help. Is there anything you want me to do?"

Mora did not know that this was the first time Wang Wan and Professor X had met. Seeing that they had agreed to help, they were very happy and asked.

"This matter, do not rush, we must discuss from a long-term perspective."

Professor Xie X was not in a hurry to make a plan ~ ~ The eyes immediately fell on Wu Yan, saying: "Mr. Wu Yan, do you have any suggestions?".

Although Professor X has no doubt about Wu Yan's ability to predict the future, he naturally does not have 100% trust.

But at this moment, with the emergence of Mora, things have come to the stage where the two sides have united against Sebastian Shaw. This has given Professor X a little more trust in Wu Yan's ability, so I want to ask Wu Yan's suggestion.

The Magneto King and the Demon-shaped Woman next to the cymbals also put their eyes on Wu Yan.

It is true that both parties had some doubts about Wu Yan's capabilities just now, but now they have more trust in Wu Yan's capabilities.

"This ..." Wu Yan kept watching and didn't mean to intervene. I did not expect that Professor X would suddenly ask his own opinion.

I just thought about it, Wu Yan copied the situation in the original book and replied: "Hellfire Club has some powerful mutants. If we want to fight, we need to find some like-minded partners."

Professor Xuan Wuyan's proposal is also in agreement.

Indeed, if it is a fight between mutants, it will be reasonable to need some like-minded mutant companions.

More importantly, Professor X's dream is to let the mutants and ordinary people live in harmony. If this thing is really successful, if the mutants successfully prevent a war, it may become an opportunity for ordinary people to accept the mutants.

I do n’t need any other suggestions. Wu Yan copied the plot from the original work and suggested that everyone look for cooperation with a government agency, use equipment to expand Professor X ’s mind perception ability, find mutants, and choose a companion.

After discussing for a while, everyone soon has a clear plan ...