MTL - Plane Source Code-~ Contact Queen Nabu

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Said here pineapple said with a serious face:

"This is only possible if everything goes well. We must keep in mind that there is still a hostile task force. Their goal is unknown, but since they are hostile, they may be protecting the Sith Emperor and guaranteeing Anakin access. The Jedi Temple also guarantees the existence of a trade union.

That is to say, it will not be known whether the trade alliance will finally attack the Nab planet and cause fact control, but here they have two choices. One is to help the alliance quickly attack the Nab planet, and the other is to let the trade alliance suddenly retreat,

Of these two choices, more than half of the members of this squad must be around Naboo, and some, one or two stayed beside the Sith Emperor, and the rest would go to Tatooine to protect Anakin.

So everyone is not absolutely safe, but as long as you seize the opportunity, don't hesitate to kill the opponent. You can think of any tricks you can implement, and survival is most important to us. "

Tang Shen suddenly asked:

"Isn't it bad luck to protect Anakin's enemy squad questers? Unless they also have a transfiguration that can hide next to Padme, they may be exposed to you, and it is easy for you to kill him."

Pineapple touched his chin and nodded and said:

"This one needs to be prepared. If the other party is also hiding, it is really a big trouble not to deal with it."

After deliberation, the time has come to enter the mission world. A group of people just blinked, and then appeared on the edge of a tree-lined square.

This square is very large, surrounded by small woods, and various aliens shuttle in and around the square, looking peaceful.

There is a huge building not far from the square. Before the building, many soldiers holding weapons guarded against death, Pineapple glanced and nodded:

"It looks like the palace is there. Let's go. Remember to be careful."

Tang Shenshen and others have implanted geomagnetic reflective communication devices in their ears. This is a special communication device built on the planet created by the Red Queen in the mummy world. It can conduct team calls within one hundred meters from the surface of the planet to the ground and has a quantum encryption system. There is almost no possibility of interference and eavesdropping.

It's just that this system is only used within the planet. If you want to use it remotely, you need to use an over-frequency quantum communicator. Everyone sets off, and pineapple also chats with some leisurely aliens on the square, chatting for a while, and he also gets a lot of usefulness. News.

As in the movie, the entire galaxy is managed by a large republic ’s parliament. There are thousands of members in the joining countries, large and small, but according to everyone, although these people represent each country, in fact, one by one is almost like trade. A large trade organization such as the Alliance has bought it.

Nabu, as the capital star of Nabu ’s constellation, is on the key node of the trade channel. Many merchant ships will pass here, so Nabu ’s economy is very developed. As for Queen Amirada, he has just come to power and soon, this is also the trade union meeting. The reason for the initiative.

Just three days ago, the Fleet of the Trade Union was close to the Naboo Starfield and asked Nabu to give the Trade Union the most preferential treatment. As for this treatment, of course, it is free to do business and exempt taxes.

For Nabu, as long as he agrees, with the huge resources and funds of the trade union, no one in Nabu will care about the existence of the queen within a few years.

The two sides have been confronting each other for three days. Just three hours ago, Nabo invited the master of the Jedi Temple, Kui Gang and Samurai Obi-Wan, to go to the alliance spaceship to investigate. At this time, they should be in negotiations. Pineapple tidy up their clothes and walked towards the palace. Previously, as he walked past a large tree, the black smoke caused by the fluctuations in the air disappeared instantly, and pineapples appeared in a palace on the third floor of the palace.

At this moment, the hall was empty, and pineapple turned into a guard. He walked along the passage. Just after walking behind the hall, a beautiful girl with a playful mole on his cheek called him:

"Hey, who are you? Don't you know this is a restricted area?"

Pineapple was wearing a guard costume and no weapon on her body at this time. The girl was not afraid or surprised, but was surprised that a male guard arrived at the accommodation area.

Pineapple hugged and laughed:

"My name is Pineapple, the new guard here, all right, I'll see if the route here is good for crisis management? Right, what's your name, why do you stand here alone?"

The girl giggled and said:

"I'm a maid here. My name is Padme. It turns out you're on a safe route. Why do you think there will be danger?"

Padme, Pineapple looked at each other, and she was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She looked very playful and cute, but the moment she said that she was a maid, Pineapple knew that the other party was also guarding the people around her.

Pineapple pretended not to know that Padmé was Queen Amilada, he went to the passage window and looked at the sky and said:

"The Trade Union has been confronting Nabu for many days. Nabu does not have large warships, only some planetary fighters protect it. Once Master Kuigang and the Trade Union collapse, they may soon attack Nabu.

Little sister, if you are Nabo's defense officer, do you think Nabo's defensive capabilities are the counterpart of the trade union fleet? "

Padme was stunned. She was also worried that the situation had been changed into a maid's clothing in advance. Nabu has always been developing business contacts. For the military, they have always depended on the protection of the Republic's army. With the arrival of the alliance's fleet, the officials above and below Nabu realized that relying on others to protect them was useless in an emergency, and money was useless at this time.

Looking at the eyes with a stunned pineapple, Padme had a smile in her mouth. She patted the two maids and walked over. She whispered in their ears. The maid quickly turned back to a large room, and after a while the two helped out a woman with a weird hat wearing a red robe with white paint on her face.

"Meet the Queen."

Seeing a woman dressed like this, Pineapple also had to salute. The woman said with expressionless eyes coldly:

"Listening to Padme, you have already seen the crisis in Nabu, but unfortunately did not meet you earlier, so what do you say about a special situation?"

Pineapple plummeted:

"Her Majesty, if there is a real crisis, you should promptly leave this place to inform Parliament, otherwise, once you are under control, the entire Nab will surrender.