MTL - Please Call Me Lord God-Chapter 418 Wan Qian Gui Zong VS5 Star Extinction

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Global free trade, this is the "Golden Emperor" can currently be used to display the big money-absorbing tricks. []

This is enough to call it "the engulfing mountains and rivers, catching the sun and the moon".

Of course, only the golden emperors relying on "US dollar hegemony" can use this type of invincible lore. For some countries with a smaller body size, even if the golden emperors are barely summoned, they are not eligible to perform such acts. Terror forces.

If you do not have the determination and will to destroy your country, once you are determined to use a killer such as "Golden Ball Free Trade", let's not say that you will kill the enemy, you may be dragged down by this immense force for the first time. .

But at least for now, the "Golden Emperor" under the joint control of the American wizard resolutely shot, and clearly does not care about this. At this stage, the United States is also a victorious country in World War II, one of the world's bipolars, and naturally has great strength and huge capital. Don't be afraid of this counter-attack of global free trade.

The golden emperor's huge body stood on the ground, holding up with both hands, condensing the global trade concept drawn from all over the world from all over the world, and converging into a huge light ball like a vital bomb.

-"Wan Qianguizong Free Trade."

This power devours the power of the entire world, integrates the economies of countries of different sizes, and continues to support an increasingly large "dollar hegemony."

For every energy absorbed by the concept of money, the body of the golden emperor swells and becomes larger. The whirlwind conceptualized by the US dollar is entangled on the side of this giant gold giant. Whenever its body swells, the whirlwind of money also Becoming stronger and stronger, in a blink of an eye, the giant gold giant grew hundreds of meters high, close to a height of kilometers.

It is still growing. With every breath of gold, the power of global trade erupts like a volcano in its body. With the passage of time, the golden giant will become increasingly scary and grow into a imaginable existence.

"Not to the golden emperor, you also have great weaknesses in doing so."

Drake did not flinch. He saw through the weaknesses of infinite growth. He always believed that the world of capital had absolute weaknesses, and that global trade could not provide endless energy to the golden emperor.

"The power gained from global trade is just too exaggerated and has no real foundation."

He had a bright heart, holding his fists with both hands, and at the same time, the strength in his body was tumbling and fluctuating, especially his two fists, the energy of two moxibustion heat infused into it, and the body glowed bright red.

"Without a strong support from the real economy, just putting resources into the gambling industry such as the virtual economy, ignoring the actual economic role, will only lead to more and more expansion of itself, but in fact, individuals will only become weaker and weaker."

Because this kind of power drawn from global trade is inherently impure, and good and bad are different. This is also the trouble encountered by the great powers of the United States in the future in the financial crisis.

This kind of foundation without stability and stability, although it can quickly build up its strength in a short period of time, and raise it to an extremely powerful level, but in the end, the sword goes awry.

"But it is undeniable that this guy is really terrible now."

Drake stared at his left and right fists. The clenched fist released a weird wave. One of the "five-star war fists" in his arm was reversed by him. The power that came out was infused. These fanatical forces were the power of letting the Soviet people's consciousness reverse, and turned into a fanatical abnormal power after reversal.

This is the power of the Soviet Union to destroy the world. The "five-star wartime" is the solemn power of the wartime. It is a tactical fist that incorporates the people's will and thought into their own body.

The five-star extinction is at the end of magic, which is the realm of "magic road".

This is a force of destruction that has changed since the reversal. It is a violent mind induced by the zeal of thoughts. It can devour everything and sink the world.

And on his right arm, another force was introduced, which was from the "planned economy".

These two punches merged in the body and blended with each other, and Drake felt a kind of almost flame-like power rising from the inside.

His foothold was lined up by a violent force field, and instantly became a huge valley.

"Oh, the golden emperor!"

Drake opened his horsepower, merged his two fists, and integrated the two major forces. Under his full strength, the kinetic energy from his fist drove the air flow of the entire space, which directly produced a city that could be leveled. The strong wind, the heat emitted from the fist burst is like the heat in the center of the sun.

And all this is just the beginning of this fist. Then when the fist suddenly exploded in front of the fist, the huge roar invalidated people's hearing.

Sky and earth seemed to have experienced a big collision, freeing a dazzling white light from the ground.

The golden emperor on the other side also roared and sacrificed "the free trade of ten thousand dollars." ..

The two extremely incomparable forces are facing each other, just like the tip of a needle against Mai Mang.

——Five-Star War World Planned Economy vs. Ten Thousand Dollars Return to Free Trade. At the same time, these two forces of extermination went violent. At the same time, all the surrounding materials were turned into powder, all kinds of forests, and vanished.


This unprecedented war has no real winner.

Stronger than Drake, the unprecedented level of the Dark Witch King, he lost two-thirds of his body in this battle and had to temporarily fall asleep.

The golden emperor was originally summoned, and in addition to the prohibition of using too powerful a "million dollars to return to the ancestors' free trade", this hit also disappeared.

Its essence is the existence of a concept like an artificial God, and there is no question of life and death, but the result of this blow is devastating ~ ~ Erase it.

And because of the ban on recruiting the golden emperor and the free trade of ten thousand dollars, the US economy collapsed by 70% in an instant, which also caused one of the bipolars in the Cold War, the disintegration of the United States.

In the global world, every part of the free world is like a mourning, like entering the end of the world at the same time.

The ethnic divisions in the United States split and, after disagreement, began to split into two north and south federations.

At the same time, the Native Americans began to demand independence, the Texas separatists began to riot, and the United States gradually became a chaotic country.

On the other side of the European continent, Britain's failed national magic began to release the disaster in the "Pandora's Box".

Although some British wizards such as Dumbledore went all out to face each other, they were unable to resolve the turmoil caused by the "King of the Antichrist" and the "Artificial God", but they eased the arrival of Judgment Day, only by light and darkness The "Apocalypse of the Apocalypse" produced by the Yuan duel still spread outwards and spread to the European continent through the three British islands.