MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 715 Curse [two in one]

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  Chapter 715 Scolding【Two in One】


   The first time I saw this fiery strong man, all the faces of the other party were hidden under the black light. Originally, the three of Chu and Liang couldn't see through them no matter what. But Marquis Zijin, who blurted out this sentence from the other party, made Chu Liang's eyes shine brightly.

Those who knew his disguise that day were nothing more than those few demons and evil spirits, and after the news spread that he was captured by the demon clan in the Far West, returned and killed the master of the demon gate with his sword, they could still believe him. Those who value identity are probably only the Sea-Monster who has no information.

  The eighth-level powerhouse in front of me... the identity is already ready to be revealed.

   Except for Lord Haishi, the leader of the Guixu Sect, there probably won't be anyone else.

   You must know that separated by the vast South China Sea and the secret land of Guixu, the Krakens have almost no channels to obtain information from the outside world. Recently, the Merman Clan has close ties with the Shushan Sect, but it is only limited to Princess Liange, and the rest of the Hai Clan have never left Guixu.

  Master Hai originally had a lot of contact with Yinghuo, and under Yinghuo's lead, he got on the monster clan in the Far West. Originally, these could be used as channels for him to obtain outside information. But recently, the monster clan in the far west is too busy to take care of themselves, and after the riot in the South China Sea last time, the sea clan suspected that the sea master had ulterior motives in colluding with outsiders, so no one from Yinghuo entered Guixu.

   During this period of time, the information of the Navy Division has not been updated.

  Just like many years in the past, Guixu is Guixu, and the world is the world.

  It is true that I have suffered from little knowledge.

  After guessing the identity of the other party, Chu Liang changed his mind and began to consider the current situation. The aura of Mrs. Hongyu has disappeared, and it is unknown whether she is alive or dead. The reason why the sea master made his move was probably for the ancestor of the mayfly in the center of Wudao. The two mysterious men in black robes should come from the Guixu God Sect.

   No wonder he hides his head and shows his tail.

  Now that the enemy is present, once the identity of the righteous way is exposed, the three of them will confess here.

  That's why Chu Liang prepared himself psychologically in the blink of an eye, in order to play a good role as a magician who plays a righteous person.

   This is a role that sounds quite deep, but it is not difficult for Chu Liang. After all, it is difficult for him to play the role of demons and evil spirits, so he has room for development.

   Hearing Chu Liang's voice sink, he said sullenly: "Where is this fellow Taoist, who knows the hidden name of this seat?"

   "This is not a place to talk, come with me!" The sea master flicked his sleeves, and a rumbling black cloud enveloped the three of them, and they left the place like lightning.

   "Hey..." Lin Bei exclaimed, and was about to make a move.

  Including Xu Ziyang on the side, at the moment when he broke through and asked questions, he was at the peak of vigor just like Chu Liang back then. Facing the coercion of this sea monster, there is a hidden intention to draw a sword.

  But Chu Liang stopped the two of them in time, and said with a little deep meaning: "Don't be afraid, this strong Tianyuan is probably one of us."

   Then it is not my own.

   And be afraid.

  Lin Bei and Xu Ziyang were not fools either, and immediately understood what Chu Liang meant.

  Another evil power of the eighth realm, just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den at this moment, it is really overwhelming, but seeing Chu Liang's expression is still calm, he should know it well.

  The two of them kept silent.

   Needless to say, the wind howled all the way.


  The sea master took the three of them back to the attic all the way, and then let them land safely, and then made it to the table alone.

   "These two are..." Hai Shi revealed his figure, and the first thing he did was to look at Lin Bei and Xu Ziyang.

   "It really is you, Master Haishi." Chu Liang smiled slightly, "These two are my new recruits in Shushan."

   "Marquis Zijin is so powerful that he can't help sneaking into Shushan, and he can recruit righteous disciples?" Master Hai said.

   "Under the benefits, there is no one who can't be beaten." Chu Liang slightly raised his chest, and said proudly: "I have money."

   These words are powerful and resounding, but there is no adulteration at all.

   "Hehe, I admire it." Master Hai nodded slightly, and then asked again: "I don't know why Zijinhou went to that Wudao?"

  Chu Liang smiled mysteriously, met Hai Shi's eyes, and asked, "I don't know why Master Hai Shi went to that Kirishima?"

   "Marquis Zijin has a deep understanding of the things in my return to the ruins, even the things about Patriarch Mayfly?" Hai Shi was slightly surprised.

   It took him a long time to investigate this matter before he was able to ascertain it. How could the news about the Marquis of Zijin be so well-informed, and it was definitely difficult for people outside Guixu to understand this matter, which made him suspicious.

"Otherwise, Lord Haishi thinks, why does Shushan have close ties with Zhuhai people recently?" Chu Liang patted Xu Ziyang on the shoulder, "My subordinates come to Guixu frequently, is it because I want to talk to the merman princess? love?"

  Xu Ziyang's eyes flickered, his face seemed to loosen, but he held back after all.

  Master Hai came to a sudden: "So that's the case, the connection between Shushan and the Haizu recently, it turns out that you are the one who promotes it!"

   "The one who really promoted all of this is naturally Master Xuanyinzi." Chu Liang cupped his hands toward the distance, "I am also just a **** in front of the horse."

   At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and the two powerful generals of the Guixu God Sect, Mo Wang and Killer Whale, came over.

  As soon as they saw Chu Liang and the others, the two sea monsters immediately showed vigilance.

   "Master Haishi!" Mo Wang suddenly shouted, "This is the person who injured us together with Mrs. Hongyu!"

   "Huh?" Hai Shi frowned and looked at Chu Liang, "Is my subordinate's injury the hand of Zi Jinhou?"

  The eyes of Lin Bei and Xu Ziyang also became tense. The previous battle to help Mrs. Hongyu guard the Kirishima was a real deal, and for a moment I didn't know how Chu Liang could get away with it.

  Chu Liang glanced at the two sea monsters, his face was calm, even with a sneer, he said loudly: "Not bad!"

   Ah this.

  Is it open?

  When Lin Bei heard this, his eyes jumped twice, and his legs seemed to be going weak. But out of his unconditional trust in Chu Liang, he still calmed down and did not show his feet.

   Master Hai also looked at Chu Liang quietly, not knowing what explanation he was going to make.

"Why did I get into that Blood Mist Villa?" Chu Liang talked eloquently, "Because I made up an excuse to collect Thundercloud Seeds, that's why Mrs. Hongyu took the initiative to bring us into Kirishima. Enter the crypt without injury to rescue the Mayfly Patriarch."

"But at this moment, your two subordinates suddenly came out and attacked my brother." Chu Liang spread his hands, "Under such circumstances, the enemy and friends are unknown, so how can I win Madam Hongyu if I don't make a move?" trust? Master Haishi, we only look at the results..."

   "Will it be yours or mine that finally enters the Catacombs?"

   These words are quite powerful again, there is no way, the result is here.

  Zi Jinhou's plan is obviously more clever, and it sets off his sneak attack so brutally. Of course, the sea master would not admit that there was a problem with his plan, so he glared at his subordinates angrily.

   "Disgraceful!" He scolded, "Almost ruined the good deeds of Marquis Zijin."

   "Master Haishi..." Mo Wang said anxiously: "I..."

  He was about to argue, although the "Marquis of Zijin" in front of him looked evil now, but he was clearly not like this when confronting him, and when he wounded himself, he used pure Zhanxu swordsmanship!

  Before there was a coral barrier blocking it, the sea master did not see Chu Liang and Xu Ziyang's Zhanxu and Jueyun swordsmanship, but only saw the broken coral. But King Mo and Orca knew how powerful Chu Liang's swordsmanship was, and he still used the Demon Slayer Sword!

  He almost had his integrity written on his face!


   But thousands of words came to his lips, but suddenly a faint light that no one could see fell on him.

  Chu Liang on the side secretly raised a finger.

  Magic Mantra!

  The light entered the body, and Mo Wang's complexion was instantly dark and violent, as if a pair of scarlet horns rose from the top of his head.

   "I am ashamed? I am ashamed of my mother!"


   This curse was like a boulder being dropped on a calm lake, causing an uproar in an instant.

  The whole room fell silent.

  Including Haishi himself, he never thought that his subordinate who had been with him for hundreds of years would be so bold that he dared to speak nonsense here, so that he didn't think about how to respond for a while.

   But it doesn't matter, King Mo will continue to output.

"You look like a man, and you have a dog's brain. What you put in there are mud from your mother's ashes, right?" He saw his eyes were red, and his mouth was fragrant: "If you don't understand, don't call me a sea master. Change your name to Sea Dog, which matches your wisdom. You just refuse to admit your failures, and always let us take responsibility for you. When will you be able to take your due responsibilities! If you fail in these years of planning, you will know it. When we vent our anger, isn’t it because you don’t accumulate virtue in ordinary times that we are so unlucky? If you fail in one thing, why don’t you die…”

   "Huh—" Master Hai let out a long breath, just now he only felt his brain humming, and he was short of oxygen for a while, and he was scolded for a long time before he recovered.

  If he cursed for no reason, he wouldn't be so angry. But what King Mo said was obviously the truth that had been suppressed in his heart for many years, and it completely hit the weakness of Master Hai!

  Looking at the subordinate who turned into a demon, but still in front of outsiders, he finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and waved his palms violently!


   This palm is completely deadly. It is useless to keep such a rebellious subordinate. It is better to kill them directly to warn others.

  Even if King Mo is a master in the seventh realm, how can he stop Hai Shi's furious palm? Immediately vomited blood, threw it heavily, and hit the reinforced wall of the attic, causing a loud shock.

   Immediately died here.

  If the attic hadn't been strengthened, he might have survived by breaking through the wall and taking off his strength a bit. It's a pity that the walls of the attic are too hard, and the huge force is returned to his body directly - of course, this is also due to Chu Liang in front of him.

   "Evil barrier." Until he was killed by the palm, the sea master cursed himself.

   "This, this, this..." The killer whale looked terrified, "King Mo is crazy, there is probably something wrong, Master Haishi..."


   Another invisible light fell.

  The killer whale's pupils instantly became bloodshot, and the shadow behind it grew and turned into demon horns.

   "You are a stinky fish eater!"


   This sentence, courtesy before soldiers, directly scolded the sea master again.

  I thought this orca was trying to comfort me, but it turned out to be a relay output?

  Besides, when he was not cultivating, he was once very miserable, and he could only pick up some rotten smelly fish on the edge of the ruins to feed his hunger. It was indeed the darkest time in his life that he couldn't tell about.

   At this moment, he was stabbed severely.

"If it weren't for your cultivation in the eighth realm, do you think the two of us would mess with you? I would have chopped you into eighteen pieces and fed them to thirty-six different sharks!" The killer whale said fragrantly: " King Mo has worked for you for so many years, if you scold you a few words, you will kill him? Have you ever treated us as human beings? Is he wrong? After all these years, you have not looked like the leader of the sect. The Guixu God Sect is in your hands Sooner or later, it will be destroyed! You'd better sleep with your eyes open tonight, otherwise, even if I can't kill you, I'll have to soak in the heat at the door of your bedroom, and make you wake up tomorrow morning and eat shit..."


   Passion lasted only a moment, and then there was another muffled sound.

   In the blink of an eye, the two generals of the Guixu God Sect were killed and Haishi's subordinates. He was so angry that his hands trembled, and he sat back on the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

   "These two evils have been with me for hundreds of years, but I never thought they'd been secretly rebellious." His voice was still mixed with anger, "It made me laugh."

   "Master Haishi, why bother..."

  Although Chu Liang was the instigator, he never expected that the sea master would attack so hard, and the two seventh-level powerhouses died in the blink of an eye.

  If he hadn't been fooled by this, he and Senior Brother Xu would have been killed if they worked together. It doesn't matter if I have a clone. If I lose some equipment at most, what will Xu Ziyang and Lin Bei do?

   "If your subordinates are rebellious, they are more hateful than the enemy." Sailor Hai didn't even look at the dead bodies on the ground, and said, "If you tell them to reveal today's news, and Wu Chao hears it, you and I will suffer."

   "Wuchao..." Chu Liang blinked when he heard the words, "So powerful?"

   "Alas!" Master Hai sighed, "If it wasn't for him, why should I be so tolerant in my way? This South China Sea Guixu, I would have been alone in the world!"

   "If I hadn't rescued the Mayfly Patriarch this time, it would be really difficult for me to end." Hai Shi said again: "It must be that you demon cultivators are more proficient in doing bad things."


  The expressions of Chu Liang and the three froze together.

   Rescued Patriarch Mayfly?

   Hearing Hai Shi's greeting: "Old Ancestor, please show up."

   Before the words finished speaking, Lin Bei, Chu Liang, and Xu Ziyang saw tiny sparkling red glows appearing from the three of them at the same time, which was smaller than the starlight of the mayfly, just like the egg body of the mayfly.

  These tiny red glows grew more and more, gathered together, and finally condensed into an old human figure.

   "I thought I was cheating, hehe." The figure was obviously the Patriarch Mayfly. He turned around and looked at the three of Chu Liang, "So you came here specially to save me."

"Eh..." Chu Liang looked at the situation in front of him, and instantly guessed the truth. No wonder the Mayfly Patriarch tried his best to send them out. It turns out that they can escape only by possessing their bodies. No wonder Mrs. Hongyu wanted to intercept them together on Wudao within.

  This fellow's sorcery is really hard to guard against.

   After a little hesitation, he raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It's still the ancestor who has great powers."

   "I dare not call you Patriarch." Mayfly Patriarch remained humble, bowed and said, "It is hard to repay the kindness of getting out of trouble, why don't I kneel down and kowtow to the three of you..."

   "Don't, don't, don't..." This guy can't bear to kowtow so often, the three of Chu and Liang hurriedly stopped him: "No, no."

   "I want it, I want it." Mayfly Patriarch still guards the road of politeness.


Master Hai looked at the side in a daze, so he couldn't help getting up and said: "Old Ancestor, I am the current leader of Guixu God Sect, and I want to ask you to help us deal with Wuchao together. You and I will join forces, and I am going to invite you to move." The monster clan in the far west will definitely overthrow the Wuchao. At that time, you and I will work together to rule the South Sea God Market, and the sea clan will bow their heads and obey orders, how about it?"

  Hearing his sincere invitation, the extremely humble Mayfly Patriarch turned his head and glanced at him, his eyes suddenly burst into a cold light, and the sea master was stunned on the spot when he opened his mouth.

  The ancestor Mayfly said to him viciously: "You die!"

good evening.

   Ah, it's too late, I'm really sorry. Now 59,994 are all subscribed, and this chapter will drop points after it is published, and it is estimated that it will rise to 60,000 tomorrow, thank you in advance.

   Tomorrow I will strive to restore the normal two-chapter update, and earlier!



  (end of this chapter)