MTL - Please Kill the Demon-Chapter 726 I am also fluent [single update]

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  Chapter 726 I am also fluent [single update]

  In the early morning, the mist on the holy mountain still persists.

  A group of men and horses wearing black cloaks has already climbed the mountain in a hurry, which is particularly eye-catching and chilling in the whiteness of the Wannian Snow Mountain.

   "Master Prime Minister, you are here very early."

  Some bald-headed Zen master Wu'e stood in front of the mountain gate, waiting for the visitors and greeting them with a smile.

   "Your Majesty has a call, and I dare not neglect it." The leader of the men in black responded lightly: "As soon as His Majesty orders, I will leave overnight."

  The person who came was none other than Su Qian, the prime minister of the Yu Dynasty, followed by a group of people who were also guards of masters from the eight sects under his command.

  As he said, the whole group is full of dust.

"Your Majesty cares about the people of the Kyushu, and the Prime Minister has worked tirelessly." Zen Master Wu'e turned around and led a group of people up the mountain, and said at the same time: "His Majesty has been in seclusion for many years, and he almost never sees guests, so he will not come out to greet the Prime Minister." .”

   "I understand." Su Qian shook his head indifferently.

When he came to a separate courtyard next to the main hall, Zen Master Wu'e said again: "The meaning of your lord is that our holy mountain only hopes for peace in the world, so we recommend it for you. Everything that the prime minister will talk to people later will be with us." It doesn't matter. Whether it succeeds or not, it doesn't need to look at His Holiness's face."

  Su Qian responded, and Zen Master Wu'e pushed open the courtyard door for him. A group of subordinates wanted to enter afterward, but Su Qian turned around and said, "You guys wait here."

   "Prime Minister..." Someone was slightly worried.

   "This is the Holy Mountain of the Northern Territory, what do you think it is?" Su Qian left the sentence and walked in alone.

  Zen Master Wu'er, who also stayed outside, kept smiling and said, "On the holy mountain, you don't have to worry about anyone's safety."

  The Prime Minister of the Yu Dynasty came to the courtyard, but he saw an unexpected person.

   "Master Huyan?" Su Qian was a little surprised.

  Since the destruction of Taotie City, Hu Yandong and his son have lost news, and everyone in the world thought they were murdered.

   I didn't expect it to be on this mountain.

  If this is the case alone, it won't surprise Su Qian. In fact, he came here today because the court was invited by Venerable Wanfa to have peace talks with Mang Shantu.

  Thinking that what I saw would be the murderer, I didn't expect to see the victim first when I came in.

   "My humble servant, Hu Yandong, is no longer a city lord." The middle-aged man in the courtyard stood up to greet him, and said with a salute, "I have met the Prime Minister."

   "We have known each other for many years, why should we be so polite?" Su Qian sat down with a smile, "I thought you had encountered an accident, but now that nothing happened, it seems that the Mangshan disciples really want to talk with each other sincerely."

"This is natural." Hu Yandong also said: "The Mangshantus are just a group of victims who are about to starve to death. Now, thanks to the prime minister, you have welcomed back the fairy rice and rescued the people from danger. The famine has receded, and they also have the heart to do good. "

  What he said was that the last time Su Qian in Yunque Temple auctioned back the fairy rice, he was also in charge of the test planting and promotion after that. The reason for this trip was full of travel and dust, because the prime minister was still promoting the cultivation of fairy rice in the southern region yesterday.

  This famine, because the emergence of this immortal rice seed has eliminated the greatest crisis, it can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

   "The famine can be receded, but your Gluttonous City can't come back." Su Qian asked suddenly: "City Lord Huyan really speaks for the Mangshan disciples?"

   "It's true." Hu Yandong confirmed: "It was after they kidnapped my father and son, and under my advice, that I aroused the desire to change my ways."

   "If that's the case, the Lord Huyan's merits are boundless." Su Qian continued.

"Don't dare, I just want to protect myself." Hu Yandong said with a smile: "Speaking of business, it is impossible for today's Mangshan disciples to return to that barren land. They want to stay in the northern region and build their own city. Can be recognized by the court."

   "That's all?" Su Qian's eyes turned around, "As long as they don't rebel and give them a city to live in, how difficult is it?"

  Hu Yandong smiled even more when he heard this.

   It really is "want to be an official, murder and set fire to be recruited", when Mangshantu struggled for many years in the barren land of the southern region, he was never recognized. Now that there is a lot of trouble, the court's attitude is relaxed at once.

   "It's just that if they repeat and do unrighteous actions again..." Su Qian said seriously: "Even if there is a venerable guarantor, the imperial court will not hold back."

   "You can rest assured." Hu Yandong hurriedly said: "These poor people have a place to live, so why bother to rebel? But...they still have one more appeal."

   "Please tell me." Su Qian said without any surprise.

  He knew that things would not be so simple.

  Because the current situation is not that the imperial court besieged the Mangshan disciples and asked them to surrender. It was the mangshan disciples who came and went like the wind in the land of Kyushu, and the court couldn't catch them at all. They came to contact the peace talks by themselves.

  The negotiation situation must be a little passive.

  As long as the other party's conditions are not particularly excessive, for the sake of the newly settled world, they can all be satisfied.

  But what Hu Yandong said next made Su Qian's complexion change.

   "They want to build a fairy gate by themselves, and hope that the imperial court can recommend them to participate in the general election of the ten sects."


  After the matter of the sects of the ten lands was resolved, Chu Liang could be considered to be free for the time being.

  Just wait a few days for the talisman plate to be made, and the refining of talismans will be as fast as snowflakes, and then it will be a business with a lot of money.

  Chu Liang also did not lie to Huan Leisheng at all. Naturally, there is no way for the Talisman Sect to compete in the ten places, but spreading their reputation will naturally be of great benefit to the expansion of the Talisman business.

  In contrast, helping Shushan solve the voting problem is only secondary.

  Originally building a house was a big business, but because Zhenxingdao was stuck with an important mine vein, the project of the civil engineering hall was delayed.

  Chu Liang didn't find any quick solution either. After all, Penglai was behind him. Now Shushan has made many friends, but the relationship with Penglai and its henchmen has become more and more rigid.

  Nine Heavens' power cannot suppress others, so he can only wait patiently.

   After all, Zhenxingdao’s outrageous price increase is impossible to raise the price of its family, otherwise, as long as any fairy sect can buy Zhenshan Stone at a low price, Chu Liang can increase the price.

  As long as Zhenxing Island is hoarded for a long time, it will inevitably cause a shortage of town stones in the entire world of cultivating immortals, and then the pressure from all directions will naturally gather.

  They will always be overwhelmed.

  Even if Penglai is the father, he wouldn't be filial to the point of disregarding life and death, right?

  Now Chu Liang is trying to be patient with them.

  At this point in time, he came to the orchard of Silver Sword Peak.

   For a long time before, golden berries were his important source of income. It’s just that with the vigorous development of Cotton Tree Peak in the past few years, the proportion of orchards has been getting lower and lower, and then they were simply closed, so that Silver Sword Peak would not have to receive many tourists.

  Now the golden-patterned berries are only sold in gift boxes, not in large quantities, and have become real high-end spiritual fruits. During the holidays, all the immortals are proud to be able to send a few boxes of golden-patterned berries.

  And a large part of the orchard has been opened up to plant all kinds of natural materials and treasures, and the growth is better than Dandingtang's own plantation.

  Because under this land are buried the bones of the master and apprentice who had been beheaded by two mighty men.

Both Emperor Feng and Chu Liang uphold the enthusiasm of helping people "enter the earth for peace". Even the bad guys were brought back to be buried, and they sprinkled spiritual plant seeds as a memorial service. Fan... Of course, it is mainly sprinkled.

  Nowadays, the growth of Tiancaidibao here is gratifying, and this place can also be called the place with the strongest spiritual energy in Shushan.

  Chu Liang came here because he wanted to test the strength of the Immortal Embryo.

   At that time, after beheading the sea master, this treasure was released, but Chu Liang hadn't tried it yet. At that time, his first reaction was to try to copy the White Tower with the magic treasure spirit embryo, but unfortunately there was no response, maybe it was because the White Tower no longer had a physical body.

   After he came back, he was busy for a while, so he was free to come here.

  Take out the magic treasure spirit fetus and carefully hold it in your hand, just like holding a colorful stone, it doesn't look strange.

  But as long as the true energy is activated, this stone tire will immediately turn into a cloud of colorful mist, and if the mist gets on any magic weapon, it can be copied, which is hard to guard against.

  Chu Liang took out the Zhaoyao treasure brick, and then urged the mist to cover it.


  Seeing the mist passing by, and then the brilliance turned, it actually really gathered into half a gold brick in a burst of golden light.

  Hold it in your hand and look carefully, even the lines on it are exactly the same, there is no difference at all.

   "Not bad." Chu Liang was overjoyed.

  Regardless of quality or power, there is no flaw in the duplication of Magic Treasure Spirit Embryo. I just don't know if it will have the same effect if a more powerful magic weapon is copied.

  Chu Liang wanted to copy it to the Demon Slayer Sword and try it out.

   But after a quarter of an hour, the magic treasure spirit fetus returned to its appearance as a stone tire, but it was no longer colorful, but a gray stone. There seems to be veins on the stone body drumming and drumming, spreading some colored mist to the whole body one after another, like breathing in and out again and again.

  Chu Liang urged him with true energy, but there was no response.

   "I see." Chu Liang finally understood.

  The information at that time did not specify how often it could be used once, and it was thought that it could be used unlimitedly, but it turned out that it could only be used after the spiritual energy was fully stored.

  Looking at the speed of the stone tire, it is estimated that it will take at least two or three hours to fully absorb it.

   I don’t know if the aura it consumes once used is fixed, or if it increases according to the strength of the duplicated magic weapon. In that case, it would take two or three hours to charge just a demon-shouting treasure brick, but it would take a few months to copy a demon-slaying sword?

   If the artifact was copied, Chu Liang would not dare to think about it.

  During the waiting time, Chu Liang only felt idle, and suddenly remembered his Transformation Talisman.

  Because of poor cultivation at the beginning, getting this precious talisman celestial master inheritance can only be used to enlighten some melons, fruits, mountains and rocks, and serve as security for the orchard. Later, the lifespan of those security guards was quite short, and they all died out normally within a year or so. I don't know whether it was due to the limitation of their own spiritual power or the lack of Chu Liang's cultivation.

   Now that he has been promoted to the seventh realm, his Qi Sea cultivation base is far better than before, so he should have the strength to enlighten the magic weapon, right?

  Thinking about this, Chu Liang glanced at the Yao Zhao Brick in his hand.

   How about… try?

   Dare to think and do it, he immediately sacrificed the metamorphosis talisman, and a talisman was reprinted on Brick's body.


   Immediately, the brilliance soared, a burst of white light flickered, and the charm of the Yaobao brick suddenly became active, as if it really possessed the spirit of a weapon.

  If the magic weapon has the spirit of the weapon, it will be quite different.

   "Zhaoyao Treasure Brick..." Chu Liang was so excited that he didn't care to replenish his overdrawn qi, and asked aloud, "Do you have a weapon?"

no respond.

  Chu Liang asked again: "Are you unable to speak? Or have I failed?"

   Still no response.

  Chu Liang asked again: "If you are really spiritual, you should be able to hear my voice immediately, right? Back then, even after the fruit was enlightened, you could speak human language... and you are still fluent."

   After a pause, there was still silence.

  Chu Liang sighed slightly: "It seems to have failed... just don't know why?"

  The experiment failed, his own true qi had already bottomed out, and the magic treasure spirit fetus was also filled with spiritual qi. Chu Liang went back to the cabin first, and practiced for a while.

  For a seventh-level expert, it is very difficult to reach the bottom of his cultivation. In terms of consuming true energy, the metamorphosis talisman is just terrifying.

  After practicing for about an hour or two, Chu Liang suddenly noticed a strange movement in the White Tower, so he probed into it with his divine sense.

  I saw Zhaoyao Baozhuan flashing light on the ground, making a dull and slow voice, and speaking words with a moment interval between each sentence.

   "There is..."

"I would say…"


good evening.

   It is said to be a single update, but in fact the number of words is gradually increasing. Today, if there are five hundred more words, I dare to call it two in one.



  (end of this chapter)