MTL - Please Start Your Show-Chapter 108 108th Raiders:

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In view of Brother Lu's performance in the show, he took for granted that he once again became a key figure in the fight between mother Lu and Yaoma. It was so easy for her mother who had some advantages because her son became younger. Overtake. What can she do? Can only call to yell at his son.

Drug problem: "..." What did I do wrong?

"You're growing too fast!" After making sure that his son can grow back to a normal che: n-g person, the medicine mother no longer cares about the situation where medicine is safe. She loves her son right, but her son is already in his twenties and is about to be thirty years old, and there is another cohabitant who is about the same age as him, even if the son needs to grow up again now, She couldn't take care of him like she did when she was a kid. Of course, the point is, presumably her son didn't want her to take care of him like that. Otherwise, it would be super embarrassing for the son to recover his memory.

In fact, because of the drug-free disease, the drug mother had a special period of overprotection for her son. This over-care eventually ended with a sudden outbreak of drug-free disease.

For Malk □ ian patients, any bit of stress can be the source of their collapse.

Parents do not love their children, obviously, but too much care may not be appropriate. This medicine mother groped for many years and finally found this point.

To be honest, sometimes the medicine mother is jealous of Lu Jianyan, because no matter what Lu Jianyan does, the medicine can be completely accepted. He is special, unique, and even unscientific beyond his pathological limits. But at the same time, how jealous Mommy is, she loves him so much, because he is the only person who can make her son more like a normal person, even if that person is not her mother, she is willing to accept it.

It ’s a bit far away. In short, the medicine mother is less concerned about the fact that the medicine is safer and smaller than Lu Jianyan imagined. She has become so used to getting along with her son. Will be administered without stress and cause stress.

Yao Xiaozhan really eats his **** set, and even flattens his mouth: "Then what do you think of me? Put me back in the oven and rebuild it? That's really sorry, even when I was fifteen years old, Is there no way to be more adorable than a guy who is the best at twenty years old but still sells cute? "

Lu Jianyan was holding the coffee cup aside and had to cough softly.

Yaoyao quickly turned his head and put on an innocent and innocent look: "Sorry, Yan Yan, I'm not malicious to your brother. You know, your brother is my brother, and I think he is super cute. "

"I mean, one of the things women don't like to listen to is," What do you think of me? "" Lu Jianyan didn't mind the part of the drugmaker's mother-child conversation about his brother. Brother Lu said behind the medicine The bad news is even more terrible. Lu Jianyan's ears have formed an automatic filtering system.

"Thank you." The medicine mother expressed her gratitude to Lu Jianyan who did not enter the mirror. This is one of the reasons why she likes Lu Jianyan more and more. He is more mature, considerate and respectful to women than her son. To the reason to hate him.

Then, it turned out that Lu Jianyan and Yao's mother had a good talk, and Yao's illness was completely left aside.

If there is a major medical problem here, he must be happy about this, because it shows that it is not just that he is trying to find ways to please Father Lu and Mom Lu. Lu Jianyan is also working silently; but for the lack of patience, he cannot think too long As far as medicine is concerned, the most important thing he wants to do now is with Lu Jianyan, and he is naturally hostile to all people or things that can steal Lu Jianyan's attention.

But no matter how sorrowful Yao Yao's eyes are, Yaomu and Lu Jianyan insisted, and after almost chatting, they ended politely. "Brother Lu will not be a holographic star in the future, but it is certain What's more, he has become a new Internet celebrity. For the self-proclaimed family, this is a big step forward.

When Lu Jianyan hung up the phone, waiting for the small medicine patient on the side was like a fish out of the water, and urgently needed Lu Jianyan's rescue.

"You're finally done talking!" Yao Xiaowen didn't mind expressing his true heart thoughts. "Thank you for remembering that today is our two-person time."

"Emmmmm ... In fact, I have to go home." Lu Jianyan got up apologetically. If it weren't for the appointment with Sister Lu, Lu Jianyan wouldn't necessarily end her conversation with Yaomo, who is a very traditional country C woman, but also full of wisdom and charm.

"..." The drug dwarf that originally thought Lu Jianyan could finally play with himself.

Then, the little drug patient did something that neither the small patient nor the big patient dare to do, but he was surely eager for. He fell to Lu Jianyan, bullied himself, and used his whole body to control the other side.

"Don't want to go anywhere!" Yao Xiaowen announced.

Lu Jianyan was unprepared to be overthrown by a drug victim, but he was also a little aggressive. Looking up at the medicine without a problem, gave him a new perspective to understand each other, like the value of the medicine without a problem is 360 degrees without dead ends, when looking from the bottom up, his distinctive pupil color will be even more Deeper, like the eyes of a wolf, is full of unbelievable wildness and charm.

But, that's all for now, Wushangwu is still a teenager.

Although, cough and medicine are proved by actual actions, he has matured somewhere and is more mature than many adults, so he can properly consider becoming a glorious novice driver.

When Lu Jianyan returned to his cage rationally, he almost exhausted his body and pushed the medicine away, and fled.

Because of the disease without medicine, Lu Jianyan has always taken care of him as a younger brother Lu as a child, or in other words, he and medicine without medicine seem to have entered the life of the elderly in advance. Their every move is in the eyes of the other party. They have a tacit understanding and enjoy not getting embarrassed even if they do not speak, but their lives lack some stimulation, some ... sexual tension.

This is not to say that there is something wrong between Wushangyao and Lu Jianyan. Everyone is unique, and their favorite couple model is also unique.

In light of Lu Jianyan's past and his medicines, their indifference is the best choice, at least this way it will not become more awkward when the task person jumps out.

Over time, they have become like this, there is no Mars splashing at any time, anywhere, only the warm and timelessness of cuddling each other.

And this is exactly what Lu Jianyan and Yao Wuren need to have a life that is too exciting. At least in their home, they are quiet, like the calm water, comfortable and cozy.

Lu Jianyan used to think seriously for a long time that this was the life he wanted.

Then, the drug-free disease suddenly turned back into a drug-free disease, and his growth trajectory completely accorded with the most distinctive characteristics of each age, from cute children, to the emotionally sensitive secondary disease, to ... impulsive adolescence.

Lu Jianyan originally thought that he would be very uncomfortable with this, but now he finds that he seems to be over-adapted. He almost broke the law just because of an impulse.

Damn, when will the medicine grow up? !!

When Lu Jianyan finally drove the car out of the garage, it was already fifteen minutes later, until his face, ears and somewhere were no longer hot and hot, he was willing to go on the road and drive safely.

As a result, Lu Jianyan saw that Fifth Yi had stepped out of the next door before the car had left.

Lu Jianyan pressed the window and greeted, "Hey, didn't you go out today?" Lu Jianyan had a good memory. In the morning, he clearly heard the sound of the car starting next door.

"Go out, come back and check Chuchu halfway." Fifth Yi Yi calmly, still smiling with wickedness.

Lu Jianyan no doubt nodded his head, and after a few more words with Fifth Yi, he drove away. When I was half a car away from the Mid-level Villa, I received a call from Fifth Yi, and the next moment I connected, there was a very loud noise in the car.

"Where are you, so noisy?" Lu Jianyan just asked casually, but did not expect to get such a magical answer.

"Of course I'm in the company lobby, killing for you two, remember? The task of finding Mr. An." Fifth Yi's voice was full of tiredness and temper.

"... in your company?" Lu Jianyan asked cautiously.

At this point, the traffic in the city center must be congested to an incredible degree. In almost the same time, Lu Jianyan, who had left early or was driving to the suburbs, had only walked less than half the distance. At that time, he was not in the car and headed for the traffic jam center. Has already arrived at the company?

"Oh, I'm just waiting here." Fifth Yi suddenly changed his mouth.

The Lou family naturally has a branch office in City B. Since Lou Wuyi and Wuyi Yi settled in B city with their daughter, the nominal head of the branch company has been replaced by this unskilled Lou family. However, Lou Rarely set foot there.

"You go to the company waiting for your time, Father Cha'an?"

"It's close to home, so I can go back and check Chu Chu at any time." Fifth Yi ’s answer was dripping and tight, “I said my villain ’s heart is okay, I always do n’t worry about those nannies, and there is no place for monitoring, A surprise inspection will allow them to take better care of my daughter. "

Lu Jianyan nodded, no more questions.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Jianyan turned around at the next intersection and galloped back home. By the way, don't forget to call the drug patient who is at home in advance: "Go and see next door."

Something is absolutely wrong!

At the same time, Fifth Yi once again dialed a call that is familiar to the heart and would never be recorded on the mobile phone. When he first came up, he screamed, "You went to see my daughter again ?!"

"You asked me to stay away from the building and I did it. I think I need some reward."

"Did you know that you stole the sweet candy last time, and how much trouble happened at home? It was almost a matter of doubt! This time, Lu Jianyan saw you directly!"

"I saw 'you'." The voice on the other end of the phone was still so stubborn. "I just tested to see if he was suspicious of me. At present, everything looks normal. When Ye Bei comes out, we can start. Plan, you will soon be able to get rid of me, are you happy? As long as you cooperate well, they don't even need to know that I ever existed. "

Fifth Yi breathed countless times, still couldn't hold back, and asked, "Have you been so annoying?"

"You should be the one who likes to constantly attract the attention of others. You know, when you lose everything, you will always become a little strange. Believe me, you will, you will. We are never good people. . "

"Assure me, there will be no next time!" Almost every word of Fifth Yi popped out of his teeth.

"Sorry, I can't do it."