MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 676 3 minutes have arrived

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"Putian Mayumi, you stay here." Pei Ziyun said, seeing the bones that had rolled around.

"Hi, I wish you good luck in martial arts." Mayumi Putian carefully saluted and watched Pei Ziyun go deep into it. She knew that after this incident, she was not suitable to follow.

不好 "No, there is something wrong with Takeo Fujiki!"

An underground dark room in the city of Okayama, three men in black robes looked at a huge red dot on the map and disappeared. They suddenly sank and looked at each other, showing an incredible expression.

"No matter how weak Fujimu Takeo is, he is also one of the four heavenly kings. How could he die in such a short time!" A person named Matsushi Asahi Hisaji stood up and said, and Shigeyama Ryoji felt shocked.

"Is Yamada Shinichi so strong?" Toda Misato on the left couldn't believe it and asked, "How long will it take Takeshi Fujiki to solve?"

Li Zhongshan looked dignified, and said cautiously, "If I shoot with all my strength, I'm afraid it will take half an hour to kill."

"But it's only half a moment now." Shigeyama said solemnly: "Including the time that has passed and the necessary time spent, I am afraid that Yamada Shinichi resolved Fujimu Takeo in less than five minutes!"

"That's the case, Yamada Shinichi is stronger than we thought!" Matsushita Koji said also.

"What should I do?" Toda Misato looked annoyed. Of the four heavenly kings, she was the weakest in terms of fighting directly.

"No way, now I can only use enchantment!" Chong Shan Lici sounded loudly, his eyes seemed to penetrate the wall, and he saw the city master Jilu Deshi hidden in the depths.

"The city owner is now busy with the transformation ceremony and has no time to split, but as long as we pass this time, we are done!"

"At that time, no matter how strong Yamada Shinichi, no matter what its origin, it can be resolved!" Shigeyama Ryoji stood up, revealing a dark red body: "In this case, next, Matsushita Yukiji, rely on is you!"

Katsumatsu Asahi Kuriji wiped the pus out of the body with his hands on the floor, chewed a few sticks in his mouth, and nodded. Although there was some food that caused some vague speech, he solemnly said, "Relax, there is no problem!"

"If this enchantment was originally composed of four of us, plus soldiers, it would form an enchantment without flaws!"

"Now that Fujimu Takeo's death, this enchantment has a flaw. The entrant is three times more powerful than us, and it may be broken!"

"But it is impossible for Shinichi Yamada to come here!"

"He really has this strength, he is God, and he won't enter our trap." Song Xu 斎 jiu swallowed 蜈蚣, calmly analyzed.

"It's true." Shigeyama Riji signaled.

"Hi!" Toda Misato emerged with lush green branches, wrapped Shigeyama Ryoji and Matsushita Aya Hisaji, the figure flashed and disappeared.

Several plants suddenly appeared on the city wall, and the trunk split open. Misato Toda, Ryuji Shigeyama, and Koji Matsushita appeared.

Katsumatsu Asahi nodded his head to Shigeyama Ryoji, and opened the black robe, exposing his body covered with crickets and flowing green pus. His mouth also whispered: "Roar, roar!"

With Song Xu's call, the city gates opened, countless walking dead and demons gathered under the ground, divided into six rounds under the guidance of the sound to form a figure.

The heavy black mountain robe fell to the ground, and the whole body turned into wind.

Misato Toda also waved his hand, and dense slender vines appeared on the wall of the city wall. On the vines, tiny barbs with abnormal light flashed.

As soon as Pei Ziyun passed the sentry tower, he noticed abnormal changes not far away.

Looking at the vines that were spreading on the ground, watching the formation of walking dead ghosts not far away, watching the dark clouds growing in the air, frowned slightly, and clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

"This rain is problematic, with corpse gas. This is bad rain, which can keep grass and rice from growing, make people sick, and weaken the enemy's fighting power."

The rain was falling, and the whole city seemed extraordinarily quiet and quiet. Even the sound of rain falling could be heard. Pei Ziyun continued to lift the knife, and the oncoming raindrops gradually became dense, but fell within three feet and rebounded in the past.

"Funny, pretend to be a ghost." Pei Ziyun didn't speak, plunged into it, and took a piece of blood.

He "killed" a demon before attacking, and the wooden sword passed through his chest, spraying a black and red.

He walked on the walking dead, and instantly turned into a pile of bone marrow and minced meat.

The cricket monster screamed in anger, kept jumping, trying to attack, but slashed in the spot.

But the rain fell into a thin stream, and the corpse slowly squirmed and combined with each other, trying to turn into a giant monster.

Pei Ziyun raised his hand: "Wind and Thunder cut!"

The wooden sword made a slight stroke, and saw an arc moon blasting out. It flew into the air at high speed, and broke into the darkness. The darkness suddenly split into two points, and a series of crackling sounds, not only the giant corpse, but also the A dozen or so corpses were broken in two, and a thick black mist sprayed in front of them.

Only half of the body fell to the ground, and the white flames ignited.

Then, there was a creepy scene in front of the eyes, the disconnected monster got up and picked up, and the dark mist filled up, left for a moment, and the wound was healed.

"Hey, how much defilement and resentment there is." Pei Ziyun did not think that these demons and ghosts could not be killed, but immediately understood that in this city, an enchantment seemed to have formed, and before they ran out of power, these demons and spirits lived again .

"Yamada, don't struggle, this is a large array that we have spent tremendous strength to shape." At this moment, a voice came out in the gloomy street: "Even if it is God, we have to be cautious. "

With the words, it rained more quickly, and the rain became darker and blacker.

"Even if it is a god, how much do you have to be cautious?" Pei Ziyun's wooden sword turned slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly: "This, the six variants of the Buddhist door?"

Pei Ziyun has seen some roots.

The dead corpse was actually dead, but combined with some kind of mythology to generate new monsters-although the newborn monster is not the original one, it is not important.

This kind of monster originally consumes and kills the enemy. Who cares how many times it died, is it the original one?

On the wall of the castle walls, Matsuhisa Matsuhisa looked at Pei Ziyun's helpless look and laughed: "Yamada Shinichi, you have to admit, you are great and fight alone. None of our four great kings is your opponent!"

"But I'm Matsushita Aya Hisaji, and I'm proficient in the art of warfare. Now, in this case, see how you resist!"

He said, the enchantment moved, the vines continued to grow thicker, the barbs were sharper, and there was a faint dark flash on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Pei Ziyun said for a moment: "I still say this, you know nothing about me!"

As the saying goes, he glanced into it, feeling an ominous transmission, and the feeling of God made him clear that under the city, something bad happened to him, which must be resolved quickly.

Thinking of this, Pei Ziyun whispered, "System!"

梅 A plum quickly appeared in front of the eyes, and quickly zoomed into a data frame with a faint light feeling, and quickly found the required item.

"God down-you can call your strength in other worlds, 1 destiny point per minute!"

使用 "Use!" Pei Ziyun pressed heavily.

Hebegan · Greece · United Kingdom

当 "Dang-dang-dang" The bells slowly reverberating over London, passing by chariots, followed by teams of soldiers.

This is not an ordinary soldier. They are all wearing battle robes and holding spears in their hands. It took five minutes for the army to pass and reach the temple directly.

"Respectable King, is it okay for you to come to the temple?" Kassandra was greeted.

"This is a rebel who violates God's parables and royal power. I will be executed in front of the altar." Astyanax said with a serious expression, "and offer a sacrific to God."

A dozen embarrassed people were taken up, and they all looked like savages. Kassandra had no accidents, and the tribe that had surrendered were savages a few years ago.

As soon as He waved his hand, someone pulled up and decapitated him, and after that, he sacrificed a sheep to God.

Suddenly, the deities in the center of the temple flashed a white light.

When Kassandra saw this scene, a look of surprise appeared on her face, and she shouted loudly, "God has come, God of disappearance has come!"

"Asti Anax, my dear king, my nephew, you are doing well, God is pleased."

Others at the Temple also saw this scene and fell to their knees, chanting the disappearing God!

Asti Anax was full of joy. For two years, God did not respond. If Kassandra could feel that God was sleeping, she almost thought it was falling.

I just didn't respond, so those subservient tribes were eager to move, only to be resolved by the thunder, but there were many hidden dangers.

Now God is manifested.

"Long live the King!" Cheers even more clever people.

"Long live the king!" More people echoed.

I went back to the original. Behind Pei Ziyun, a figure radiating with light suddenly appeared. The mist in the air dissipated, the light was bright, and the raindrops disappeared directly.

"Ah!" A terrible wailing sound continued to emanate from the mouth of the walking dead and demon who were illuminated by the light, all of them were dissolving and burning with flames.

The flames could not be extinguished at all this time, and hundreds of walking dead and ghosts instantly turned into candles.

Deep in the main city of Tanjo, he read the unknown mantra of the long-awaited manga, and his expression shook, and he felt a breath. All of him shook, regardless of Naomi Hayakawa in the pool, and immediately stepped out of the door.

Minjiu Luduzhi looked up, looking at the figure of the sky and the burning candle below, and was shocked: "This is God, what is this God, how can it appear here?"

"Is it?"

Minjiu Lushi showed an unbelievable look!

At the moment when the light shone on the walking dead monster, Matsuhisa Ayajiki made a loud "smell", spit out a large mouth of black smelly blood, his expression was slack, his body shrank a little, and he was panicked, and said in his mouth: "How is that possible? How? It may really be God! "

He said, Song Xu Yanjiu turned and fled.

藤 The vines contracted more rapidly on the ground, and quickly turned into Toda Misato. She was full of green smoke, and immediately flew towards the ground, disappearing.

Pei Ziyun only waved a wooden knife, a knife flashed.

Is running towards Song Xu 斎 Jiusi complexion for a moment, feeling great pain, looking down at himself, and found that his half body was separated, cut in half, and the wound was burning with white flames.

"No !!!" Song Xujiu Jiuji screamed and turned into ashes.

远 Mita Toda, who was fast moving through the land, heard the scream, her face twisted, and her mouth said, "Impossible, how could Yamada Shinichi be a god?"

"It's okay, it must be okay, I will definitely run away!" Toda Misato encouraged herself, struggling to move forward.

In the dark ground, a white flame flashed through, without any influence, straight through the land, and landed on the heart of Toda Misato.

"Boom" Toda Misato has not left any last words, and her body is reduced to ashes.

Satoshi Yamashita thoughtlessly and seemed to disappear from the world. As soon as the idol appeared, he used his talents.

Shigeyama Ryoji is a water monster. If you use your talents for yourself, you will be transformed into ordinary rain, and you will not have any sense of the outside world. At the same time, you will not be noticed by anyone. You will not wake up until one day and one night. Come.

This talent was tested by Ryoji Shigeyama, and even the master of the city, Jiedu Shishi, could not detect it.

However, I do not know when another white flame emerged and landed on a raindrop, "bang", this raindrop instantly became a person, and then screamed into ashes.

Pei Ziyun glanced over: "Here, Naomi!"

His body shape flashed, and he suddenly crossed an unknown distance, appearing in the depths of the main city hall. At this time, there was no one in the hall, and only Naokawa Hayakawa closed his eyes in the pool.

With a wave of Pei Ziyun's hand, a "click" tangled around Naokawa Naomi's body, and several chains were broken at the same time ~ ~ without hesitation, immediately reached into the pool, the water of the pool "Ziziz" rang, as if outside For human beings, it is the same as sulfuric acid, but it is impossible for the fingers at this time to hug Naokawa Naomi.

With this completion, the phantom flashed, dim, and then disappeared immediately.

"Three minutes has arrived?" Pei Ziyun frowned. As the statue disappeared, the entire castle became more and more black and bottomless, and countless mists kept rising, turning into a thick black cloud cover.

"Is irritated?"

"It's no wonder that hundreds of walking dead and four seemingly powerful monsters were wiped out, and the whole Okayama castle almost returned to its prototype."

"Now are you desperate for me?"

"Unfortunately, I spent these three fate points, and I have my own calculations. My experience should be enough-the system!"

With the call, Yimei appeared again, and quickly zoomed into a data frame with a touch of light.

任务 "Quest: The legend of literature is not strong, use the flesh and blood of ghosts to reshape the door of legend"

Pei Ziyun pressed without hesitation.


The whole person's body is light, lifted by the wind, and no longer feel heavy.

"Aerobatics: Lightness of the Wind Recovery-Wind is with you at all times."

Then, the copper-colored radiance gradually appeared on the skin, and it had become metallic luster.

"Aerobatics: Iron Cast Copper Irrigation Recovery!"

"I completely restored the iron-cast copper irrigation. I feel that it is stronger than in Greece. It is not clear whether modern weapons can hurt me."