MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 7 Clever

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Peach Blossom View

She said that Pei Ziyun went out, and the women's crown instructed the girl Tao to set up Ye Suer. The outer half of this view seemed ordinary. After arriving at the private garden in the back, Ye Suer couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw a corridor forming a turnover. The trees, mountains and stones were exquisite. In the middle was the hall. There were five upper rooms, all of which were carved with beams and paintings. They entered their own room and were elegantly decorated. The walls were lined with mulberry paper. "You rest, I will call you at mealtime."

Speaking out, I saw that the women's crown had been put down at this time, but there was a pale red rune paper in front of it, a small piece of light on it, but a figure, someone was saying to the light: "Shimei rarely uses Fuying communication, What is it for? "

"Sister, Zhao Ning at Songyunmen wrote a letter to protect me." The female crown smiled and said in a few words: "So I sold a small favor."

"This matter is very small, sister and sister are sheltered, it is not worthwhile, sister and sister use a rune to tell me, right?" The other figure was silent and said.

"Sister knows me, you read this article, this is done by Pei Ziyun within five steps, only the text is worth it, you see the description inside-"

Speaking, the women's crown was read aloud. This Taohuayuanji was only 395 words. After reading it for a while, it immediately silenced the opposite figure for a long time, and then said: "This Taohuayuanji, although it is only a few hundred words, but its The description is like a world of paradise. "

"It looks like a blessed land, and it is a bit of a description of Xiaodongtian."

"This Pei Ziyun is a disciple?"

The female crown chuckled and smiled: "If I was a Damon disciple, what am I surprised?"

"I know this person. Zhao Ning, Songyunmen, was looking for a reincarnation master. He was in Woniu Village. He noticed this at the beginning. Later, he found that he was too heavy-minded, and only studied Confucianism to get his name. Put it down-I don't know the secret of the door. "

"And this blessing of Dongtian describes that although the disciple is not known to the entry disciple, only the disciple who knows the truth knows that Zhao Ning will never tell it."

"Is that Dao Genhui's bones?" The other figure was silent for a while, and then said: "Fu Ying is about to run out, and you can't elaborate. In this case, I will come and see for myself."

Speaking, "snap", a small circle of light on the rune paper went out, and the women's crown did not think it was strange, and smiled with a sleeve: "Haha, I didn't expect me to study here. Work. "

I was very happy, and commanded: "Today, let Li Yan serve more dishes and tell her that there will be one more person in the future!"

The girl agreed, without any difficulty. Although the Taoist temple is not small, they are all women, and the master is not willing to enter the kitchen every day. Therefore, the usual meals are provided by a nearby restaurant. At this time, just say one more thing. It's a few extra dollars.

It is naturally not a big deal for me to have these two coins.

Lai Wo Niu Village

Pei Ziyun thoughtfully returned. At this time, at about noon, he had to figure out things, and people still had to use rice. Therefore, the whole village was covered with cooking smoke. When he reached the door, he subconsciously drew his nose ... The room was filled with a faint plant ash and rice scent.

"Mother, are you back?"

Pei Ziyun looked at it, but her mother, Pei Qianshi who had gone out yesterday, had returned home and was cooking.

This is only a woman in her thirties, but after a long period of exhaustion, she looks like a forty woman, and her hard work has caused her mother to cough and cough.

There was a little heat in Xu's heart, and Pei Ziyun hurried forward and gently carried her back. Pei Qianshi looked back and saw that he was his own child, dressed in a blue shirt, who had just returned from the outside, and his frowns also eased.

Pei Qianshi grabbed Pei Ziyun's clothing corner and asked, "My son, I went home this morning, I didn't see you, and I heard the old lady in the village said privately that Heifeng stole the village last night to ask for food. I didn't see my child. I was very worried. , Now seeing my son is fine, I'm relieved. "

After I finished speaking, I cried.

母亲 The mother of the previous life is also the same. In order to always cry easily, Pei Ziyun can't help but feel a pain in her heart.

At this time, Pei Qianshi got up and saw the firewood burning in the furnace. The hot flames licked the bottom of the pot. The porridge came out from under the lid, but it was barren in the house, and the kitchen was short. Without a chimney, the smoke came out of the pot.

It turned out that the mother was embroidering a little fabric to subsidize the family while she was congeeing, and coughed because of the smoke. Pei Ziyun discovered the reason for her mother's cough.

"Mother, I will let firewood go!" Pei Ziyun pushed gently, Pei Qianshi could not bear his son, so he had to keep on embroidered fabric.

"Ye Suer, I have always been a good friend. I am a man of good looks and can also keep a house." The mother weaved and said with a smile, but did not know that the black wind robbed yesterday for the beauty in the village.

"I know you and Ye Suer are young childhood friends. No matter what you do, you have to be kind to her. I do n’t think you two are so good at it. After you become a family, my mother will be at ease." When the porridge is cooked, he is ready to come forward and take the bowl.

The mother and son drank porridge with pickles. Pei's family was very strict. So was Pei's mother. When she was eating, she said nothing unless something happened.

After lunch, take a short break, Pei Ziyun will meet with Mr. Ye today, and disappeared to Ye Suer, one by one. When it comes to giving money to his husband, and let him go to the government to test, Pei mother listens to this and puts down With the work in hand, he talked.

"Your dead father, was originally raised in the former dynasty. At that time, the court was no one, so he was transferred to the county boss to suppress the rebellion, but was killed by thieves."

"This is a puppet country. I don't want to be framed by others, saying that it was a thief and died."

"How can we argue in the chaos? I fled with you. This soldier is in trouble, and the road is not smooth. Your 舅舅 is protecting me, and my old wounds recur in the escape, and my life is whimpering."

"Because of the confusion during the escape, I only had time to take a little savings with me. When I came to the village, I could only buy some homework. After you were born, I spent a lot of money and my life was getting harder. In addition to the scientific books left behind, the rest of my family business was also They were all mortgaged out. Fortunately, I will still embroider craftsmanship, which will barely make a living. "

"The new dynasty stands up and the world is getting safer. A few years ago, Mr. Zhao came here. After being poor, I asked you to worship him as a teacher. I often taught my mother and son to teach you daily."

"Today you said that you have accomplished your studies. My family will eventually be able to honour our ancestors. Your father will also be able to rest under Jiuquan. You will have a reputation in the future. Don't forget Mr. Zhao's help to my family."

With the mother's remarks, Pei Ziyun could not help but return to the room. This is a small room with small wooden windows. A wooden couch occupies half of the room, and the couch is neatly stacked with white cloth quilts On the wall, there is a bookshelf with densely packed books on it. These are the books that her mother Pei Qianshi fought hard to bring, without any gold or silver.

This is the root of reading.

The books on the rafters have all been read by the original owner, and the quill pens are placed on the small wooden case.

Pei Ziyun sat on a bench under the couch, glanced around, feeling heavy and somewhat dreamy, remembering the systematic tasks, and realized a little.

It seems that the original owner was not completely pedantic. This Pei family was originally a family of officials and princes. The father died, choked to death, and the mother and child were partners. Pei Qianshi was originally a lady in the county. How much hardship and tears she shed for the sake of her son's name. , How can the original owner be merciless and meaningless and abandon everything to cultivate immortality?

And this system was originally transformed by the original master Lingbao. It is neither omnipotent nor very concerned about other places. The released tasks are related to the original owner's regrets. Therefore, the first task is to save Ye Suer, and the second is to obtain the name of the work, and the name of the work. Most of them are for the mother who has gray hair and wrinkles in her forties.

Pei Ziyun spread the rice paper, rubbing the ink for a while, the ink is a little sticky, pick up the pen, and try to write the article.

I just wrote it for a while, but I only tasted the article carefully. The more I read, the more wrong I was.

The quality of the original owner is not high. At this point in time, the past was not counted. After spending five years, I finally barely won the talent. Although I inherited the original owner's memory, the memory is not equal to talent. In short, it is the same as reading other people's books.

Now, although I have memories, I can't find Xiucai in articles written by me.

Of course, with memory, I can save a few years to study, but I have to cultivate to the original talent level, and I am afraid that it will take another few years. UU Reading Book

How many years can you and Pei Qianshi wait?

Master Sugawara remembered that Pei Qianshi became ill seven years later.

I thought about this, and was silent for a long time. I picked up the article donated by the master, tasted it, and sighed for a long time: "This article is not as good as the next few years."

"That can only cheat."

"The original owner has a pedantic spirit, and he is secretly afraid of his golden fingers, but I am not afraid."

"The system just promulgates missions and unlocks permissions. In fact, according to the original owner's memory, the function of this plum blossom is to steal spirits and Taos!"

Pei Ziyun was in the room, and the window opened to the south. At this moment, the window was half-open and half-covered, and a peach blossom outside the window was in full bloom.

"The plum blossom of Meixin has been opened. Although it is not possible to steal the Taoist machine, it is already possible to steal the spiritual machine that does not contain supernatural power. At this time, you can look for the spiritual machine."

"This has a wonderful effect, it can quickly increase your knowledge, and if you want to be a talent, you must start from there."

"I remember Mr. Zhao, as a Taoist, Mingli is teaching in Mongolia, and I have collected a lot of books."

"According to the original owner's memory, printing and general transcription, even if the recorded content is Tianshu Jinlu, it cannot be stolen, because it does not contain spiritual wisdom and rhyme."

"Only a scholar or a Taoist who has devoted all his life to writing and personally entrusting their spiritual wisdom, can they be stolen and entrusted to me."

"Mr. Zhao has a bookcase, or one of them has his own needs. Today, Mr. Zhao is in trouble. He should not go again. He can go tomorrow."

"And I fought at night, I was very tired, so I took a day off."

Thinking this way, Pei Ziyun settled down, suddenly feeling mentally and physically tired, rolled in, fell on the wooden couch, and soon fell asleep.