MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 703 Man close to god

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Hundreds of people swallowed up the soul of the entire building instantly. The vortex over the building suddenly expanded and suddenly "swallowed" the whole building under the horror of a few people such as Bandong Ayako, Naomi, and Chana.

"No, the building is shaking!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Don't squeeze! Orderly back, back!"

The police downstairs were frightened by the movement, and the cadres felt bad, hissing loudly, and ordered the people present to evacuate backward.

Almost at the same time, the two entourage members could not help but say that they supported Togawa Jiuxing and retreated.

Togawa Jiuxing was pulled back by his entourage. His social experience was rich. Naturally, at this time, he couldn't bother his subordinates. He was silent for a while, stopped talking, but did not forget to look up, and saw the towering building, which was visible to the naked eye. Swing up.

This magnitude is scary, just like a small toy being swayed by a naughty boy.

Obviously there was no blasting, and the building that was quiet and lonely the moment before, such a sudden change, it was trembling, but there are many buildings and even civilians in the vicinity!

"How is this going?"

Togawa Hisako felt ridiculous. When he suspected that this change might be related to Shinichi Yamada, but was unwilling to think about this terrible possibility, Watanabe Building collapsed under his watch.

"Boom, boom"

A dozen-storey high-rise building that collapsed instantly, and some of the buildings that were crooked fell to the ground nearby.

Although the Watanabe building had been evacuated for a long time, there were still some people, especially the reporters who stayed. Among them, there were reporters who had been standing in front of the windows of the next tall building, using a telescope to try to spy on the situation inside the building. Smashed, frightened.

"Do not!"


With the heavy smashing down, part of the building of this building also shook, the screams were covered in the rumbling noise, the dust raged, and a piece of gravel fell from the sky, smashing into the side of Hayakawa Naomi. Just smashed her down.

But Naomi stood up and rushed inside: "No, Yamada-kun is in danger!"

Bandong's sister-in-law was agile, so she grabbed her and shouted, "You're crazy. It's so dangerous inside. You can't run around!"

The collapse caused chaos in the streets, and the citizens screamed in panic. Fortunately, they had run out of education, and it was considered orderly.

"Yamada-kun is okay, you can't give him trouble!" Ayako Banto couldn't help but say, pulling her arm to run to a safe place

Hayakawa Naomi struggled: "But Yamada is in danger, and we can't ignore it!"

The voice was so screaming that it made Chanel uncomfortable.

But in this case, they can only go to a safe place and stay, but they just die.

Even the godwife is helpless, and can only comfort: "Trust me, Yamada is not dead yet-he is not dead!"


"Hold me tight."

Pei Ziyun ran forward with his sister-in-law. At this moment, the hall was filled with fallen rubble and scraps. He protected his sister-in-law with his body. He saw that the building would collapse in an instant, and he could not help but glance at it.

"The way out is blocked."

The vortex in the sky gathers energy in a frenzied rotation. Pei Ziyun stares firmly at the vortex, the depth of which is difficult to predict, but the tractor is three big demon.

"Killing these three monsters, or one, will definitely break this bond." At the moment, it will be called at any cost: "I have not enough power now, but I can transport power."

Just thinking about it, just hearing a "snap", a lightning fell, sweeping the collapsed building, and Bai Guang exploded.

"Oh!" Pei Ziyun waved his sword subconsciously.

Tamba Country

Dajiang Mountain is a continuous group of mountains, the highest of which is only 832.5 meters. When you reach the summit, you can see Wakasa Bay and Tango Peninsula. When the visibility is good, you can see the Bingshan, Baishan and Atago mountains.

It wasn't too high, and it was winter at this time, but at this time there was a cloud and mist, which was out of season. It was the place where the monsters were engulfed, and the air was filled with blood.

The big demon in the middle frowned, raised his head subconsciously, and the blood dripped down, and in its arms was a young girl with a loose hand, she fell softly under her feet, and her chest was not undulating. Although a pair of beautiful eyes are wide open, there is no longer any glory.

"His Royal Highness is just a human being. Even if you are about to become a god, you will certainly have no resistance if you join forces with two adults."

"I ’m here today, if you like it, if you like it, let's have a new drink from the human city and let them dance for you?"

A monster who professed to have a little face in front of Jiu Tun Tong, seeing that Jiu Tun Tong's face changed and frowned, he wanted to persuade him to relax.

This is the most normal thing. Swallowing a boy's stomach with wine, usually facing provocation by his subordinates, will not necessarily open the killing ring.

The monsters sitting underneath all drank and talked freely. Since the King returned smoothly, there is nothing to worry about. This is his base camp. Even the Emperor of Beijing, do n’t hide in the palace. Going out easily?

The aristocracy of mankind relied on nothing more than the enchantment of the capital, but something changed, and now the connection world is no longer the existence of the monster.


When the monster pushed the cup to change a cup, they screamed, making them move in a rigid manner, turning their heads to look at it, could not help but widen their eyes.

how come?

When I saw the monster who had approached to drink just now, he had made two cuts. He was not dead for a while. He screamed on the ground and immediately made the monsters present quiet.

In the end, it is a big monster. Even if it is peaceful, it is moody.

In this stiff atmosphere, a female monster sitting on one side looked relaxed and smiled slightly. "What's wrong, can't you even grasp your emotions?"

"In this case, how can you become the Lord of the Demon Kingdom?"

Although Yamada Shinichi's strength is also somewhat unexpected, but this alone can not make the alcohol swallow boy to such a degree.

The booze boy frowned and was a little annoyed.

I was in a state of shock just now and had not returned to my mind. When I felt something close to myself, I subconsciously cut it down.

By the time he was awake, this normally loyal subordinate had been hacked to death.

At this time, saying that he did not intentionally, he lost the majesty of the big monster, and simply recognized the fact that the monster thought it was moody.

But Yuzao opened her mouth, and the situation was different. Now she laughed loudly, licked her canine teeth with the tip of her tongue, and exuded a slight **** gas. She reached out and said, "Just a moment ago, we have returned to our standard, and The only thing that keeps the door is the phantom of power, but I see you ... "

Dayuemaru, who hadn't talked, squinted his eyes and saw the hand stretched out by the boy, a thin scar, and a sleeve was cut off.

Yuzao immediately awakened, and her face changed slightly: "You mean, if he cut your phantom, it is tantamount to grabbing your body?"

This is the reason for the drunken boy to lose his mind, frowning fretfully: "Yes, I just feel close to it, I was locked and hacked, this is ..."

"God's authority."

"Yamada Shinichi, away from God, really only half a step away."

The three monsters looked at each other for a long time, before Yuzao smiled reluctantly: "However, just now I sensed that we stayed behind and separated him from the little human girl. That little girl is his weakness, and we should catch it as soon as possible. She is. "

"It's just a human girl. We don't need to go out and do it ourselves. We should be prepared and ready to face the real enemy." Dayakuma said.

"Dayakomaru only talks about strength, not people's hearts, but it doesn't last long." Yuzao teased in front of her, and she frowned, "Oh?"

"what happened?"

Under the gaze of the two great monsters, Yuzao opened the folding fan in front of it and blocked it: "No, nothing, you are right, we ca n’t do it alone, and we will use all the power between the monster and the human world. Otherwise, we will die. "

It was a man only half a step away from God, and even that little girl disappeared somewhere.

That was the power she used to know and fear.

Does Gao Tianyuan attach so much importance to this man's weakness?

She lifted her head and watched Xue hang from the sky.

The fine snow fell from the dark sky, making the road a little clearer whether it was dirt or dung.

Pei Ziyun, wearing a bucket hat, walked by, but suddenly he stopped and said to the middle-aged man following him, "Yamazaki, do you see the city in front?"

The identity of the middle-aged man is a samurai, Ichiro Yamazaki.

If this is the usual time, only the sun has just set, but it has been raining and snowing for several days, making it very dark.

Yamazaki Ichiro was one of the accompanying samurai who accompanied Yamada Shinichi to Heiankyo, but the role was not small, because Yamada Shinichi had never been to Heiankyo, and he was fortunate to enter the Beijing with the transfer of banned food. A few years ago Have been here.

The so-called banishment rent grain is the grain that Gongtian delivers to Ping'an.

Originally, the rent-banned grains were only delivered by the sealed-off widowers, and Yamazaki Ichiro could naturally serve, but this time it was the order of the Secretary of the State and Izumi Mori, who sent the letter to his wife.

Mrs. Izumi-style is the elegant daughter of Echizen Shou Oe. Even if she is a messenger, she is naturally an ordinary warrior. Therefore, she is mainly composed of Yamada House Yamada House Yamada House with 550 stones, and identifying the direction to follow. Only with the help of Ichiro Yamazaki.

It is a pity that the road is not safe right now. There were originally three people, but now they are only two.

Just looking at the outline of the city in the distance at a glance, Yamazaki Ichiro immediately surprised and said, "Yamada Hall, that is Heian Jing ~ ~ We finally arrived before the gate closed!"

Trekking along the way is not easy, and a person was damaged by a robber on the road, and finally arrived at his destination. How can he not be happy?

It seemed that Yamada Shin was not happy, and frowned slightly as he looked at the city.

"Yamada, but what's wrong?" Yamazaki Ichiro asked a little puzzled, took the knife handle, and watched with vigilance.

Pei Ziyun smiled, looked at Ichiro Yamazaki, smiled, and shook his head: "No, nothing, let's go!"

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Chapter 703 A Man Near God (Page 1/1)

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