MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 732 Tiankeng

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"If you can, I hope you can help take care of my loved ones, including sister-in-law and Naomi." Yuanzi wanted to help, of course, Pei Ziyun thought about it and said so.

"This is a trivial matter." Yuanzi responded immediately: "I have always been protected by Ling Zun, with me and with the Bando Group, there will be no harm to your family and friends."

"This is my duty as a friend, believe in Yijun, why don't you just say something else?"

Pei Ziyun understands that he did not make any other request. There was a Shinto hall to draw the shogunate, and he was afraid that the shogunate would be a little uneasy. When he thought of it, he smiled, "I'm welcome, then the money is not in short supply."

According to scientific analysis, a person has an annual income of 100 million yuan (6 million yuan), and the quality of life is already at the top, except for luxury consumption just to express his taste and status.

Many people want to make hundreds, billions, tens, and tens of billions, but it doesn't make sense for Pei Ziyun.

"Then there is some faith. It doesn't need to be many. There are tens of thousands of believers." Pei Ziyun said, no matter whether it is Tao Jun, the Greek deity, or the Fusang deity in this world, the deity is not just a belief casting, but always It's a big addition.


It really took some planning to achieve this, but this requirement did not exceed the psychological expectations of Ban Dongyuan Zi. Ban Dongyuan Zi responded lightly: "There is no problem with this, I will discuss with the shogunate to promote the gods with the shogunate Things are not difficult. "

"Then there is nothing else." Pei Ziyun waved her hand to stop her asking again.

Ban Dongyuanzi pouted and smiled: "Xinyi, you still make such a decision, and you have a sense of proportion."

She really appreciated it, and Pei Ziyun smiled and said nothing.

Yuan Dongyuan looked at Xunzi again. From the conversation between the two just now, Xunzi followed the guard posture. Although she didn't speak, she had a strong sense of existence.

"Xunzi's strength has also improved, congratulations," she said, feeling in her heart.

Not long ago, although Xunzi was a master, she did not give her such a powerful feeling, but now she can clearly feel that Xunzi ’s strength has increased greatly, and when she went to observe, there was a layer of mist covering her to spy. This kind of mist is also somewhat familiar, which makes Ban Dongyuanzi confused.

Pei Ziyun understands that this is because Xunzi was once the inner prince and has been acknowledged. At least until now, Xunzi has been infected with a little cause and effect of the deities.

According to legend, the Japanese royal family was originally a descendant of God, possessing the blood and care of many gods. For many great monsters who have been struggling to obtain divinity throughout their lives, they are enough to make them envious.

Otherwise, the legendary Yuzao wouldn't pretend to be a good girl and run into the palace to become the female lord.

Although Xunzi and Ban Dongyuanzi knew each other, she was not very familiar. She praised herself. She immediately thanked her, and took a little grace in the action, which made Bandong Yuanzi who had met her sister a while ago more surprised. .

Thinking of the different world that Yamada Shinichi had visited with his sister-in-law not long ago, Ban Dongyuanzi felt that Xunzi should have the chance.

"Unfortunately, my identity made me hesitate to alienate this man as soon as he hesitated." Ban Dongyuanzi felt a little sad, and then the phone rang.

Just after answering the phone, after listening only a few words, Ban Dongyuanzi's face was hard to look.

"I'll be right there." I cut off the phone and Ban Dongyuanzi bowed deeply to Pei Ziyun. I was very sorry and said, "Xin Yijun, I'm very sorry. I failed your trust. Your father Yamada Kazuhiko happened. Please follow me. Rush to the hospital immediately. "


Pei Ziyun's smiling face also cooled down and said to Xunzi, "You stay, I will go out with Miss Yuanzi."

It has just been perfected, so it's better to leave it here.

Although Xunzi also wanted to follow, but Pei Ziyun said this, she naturally obediently obeyed.

Pei Ziyun took Ban Dongyuanzi out of the shrine and saw several cars parked outside the door.

"Please." Ban Dongyuanzi opened the door in person and let Pei Ziyun sit in.

Pei Ziyun was also not polite, and immediately sat down. Ban Dongyuanzi sat in, the car started, and drove out.

Everyone looks at what Ban Dongyuanzi just did, and naturally pays more attention to this young man Yamada Shinichi. There is nothing on the road. When he got to the private hospital where Yamada Kazuhiko was staying, a few cars stopped as soon as they stopped. Many people's attention.

Pei Ziyun didn't have time to pay attention to these gazes. After getting out of the car, he was led by Ban Dongyuanzi and led a group of people to walk quickly towards the emergency building of the hospital.

The rescue room is located on the second floor. When you go upstairs, just turn one corner and you see Yamada Izumi and Yamada Nanako sitting on the corridor lounge chair.

The two looked pale and stared at the closed door of the rescue room. It wasn't until Pei Ziyun came over that Yamada Izumi had the backbone. He got up and grabbed Pei Ziyun's hand. It's finally here, your dad is inside! "

"What happened to Dad's injury?" Pei Ziyun patted his mother's hand and asked.

Yamada Izumi shook her head: "I and Nanako arrived just after they heard the news. They only knew that your father was seriously injured and was being rescued. No one even saw it, let alone why it was hurt."

At this time, a group of people had come over, and they bowed and saluted to Pei Ziyun and Ban Dongyuanzi neatly: "Hi, I'm Takeshita Takeshita, the dean of the hospital."

Speaking, she said very thoughtfully: "Yamada Mura, the patient has multiple fractures, the ribs are inwardly folded, and the injury is relatively serious. You can watch it in the transparent room."

"However, you need to change clothes."

"No need." In most cases, Pei Ziyun will follow the rules, but at this time, he has no intention to spend energy on this aspect, saying, "Neither me nor my wife will carry germs."

Speaking, go straight in, and Ban Dongyuanzi followed.

"Hey, Yamada-kun, this ..." A nurse stunned, and found that the dean, Takeshita Takeshita, waved at her. The nurse had to close the door and isolate the eyes from the outside.

Pei Ziyun, who had already entered, soon saw Kazuhiko Yamada lying unconscious on the operating table.

Vice President Takeshita Takeshi, who asked Pei Ziyun to come in, obviously knows his identity with Ban Dongyuanzi. After all, it is a private hospital of the Bandong Group, and is responsible for the daily affairs of the private hospital. It is natural to know some inside information. .

Seeing Pei Ziyun's grim face looking on the operating table, Takeshita Takeshita could not help sweating.

But she was very confident about the operation and immediately came to the two and said, "But please rest assured that the operation is equipped with the best doctors in our hospital, which can guarantee success, and now it has come to an end and can be completed soon."

In this case, the two did not make their faces look better. Ban Dongyuanzi wanted to speak, but Pei Ziyun waved his hand to stop them and went out.

Ban Dongyuanzi called in a few words and followed.

"I just want to know how he was injured." In the corridor, Pei Ziyun said.

Ban Dongyuanzi was ashamed. Just then a call came in. She immediately answered the call and said to Pei Ziyun, "People are here. Would you like them to report immediately?"

Talking, glancing around.

Pei Ziyun didn't want Yamada Izumi to know too much about Yamada Nanako, lest she should be concerned, and said, "We used to talk."

Ban Dongyuanzi nodded and took Pei Ziyun to a reception room. Two staff of the Bandong Group hurried to them, covered with sweat, and reported the two carefully to the two, as well as data and photos.

The final conclusion: "It is basically ascertained that no one was assassinated. It was Mr. Yamada who took a person to inspect the construction site, and suddenly the ground was hollowed out and trapped them."

"Three people died on the spot. Only Mr. Yamada was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital. The pit has been detected by our people and is a naturally formed tiankeng."

"Naturally formed tiankeng?" Pei Ziyun groaned. He didn't speak for a while, and Ban Dongyuanzi was not sure. She knew that there were many things that could be done "naturally."

However, after thinking about it, she said, "Xin Yijun, if it is intentional, he will not leave Yamada's life, let alone give us a chance to calm down."

"Besides, we didn't feel any abnormality (breath) just now!"

This is reasonable, Pei Ziyun nodded slightly, and at this moment, the rescue room opened not far away.

Several doctors came out with the nurse, including the dean.

"The operation was very successful, and the patient is not life-threatening." Takeshita Takeshita wiped the sweat from his forehead and told Yamada Izumi.

Yamada Izumi had a sigh of relief, holding her daughter: "Great, your father is fine."

Bowing and thanking the doctor and nurse again, Pei Ziyun's expression was uneasy, but it was even colder.

"Take me to see this tiankeng." Pei Ziyun shook the corners of his mouth: "I was just undergoing surgery and was under anaesthesia without careful investigation. Now I find that some souls are gone. Even if the operation is successful again, I am afraid it is a vegetative. It can never be such a coincidence. "

Not only did he think so, Ban Dongyuanzi noticed that it was too coincidental.

Although natural disasters and man-made disasters happen from time to time, a **** who has just completed his godhead suddenly encounters unexpected accidents and apparently has problems.

"I will go with you. Mr. Yamada and the three are all employees of the Bando Group. As the chairman, I must find out the truth." Bando Yuanzi said coldly.

When the car arrived again at Tiankeng, the police had already arrived. After all, three lives were involved, which is no small matter.

This place is not remote, and there is a lot of traffic. The police have long set up interception lines to protect the scene, and experts are investigating inside. These experts are one step behind Ban Dongyuanzi's people.

When an expert climbed up ~ ~ and told the police, "This pit was caused by a sudden depression on the ground, not artificial." Pei Ziyun and Ban Dongyuanzi were not surprised.

But after checking it myself, I found that things are more troublesome than I thought.

"Strange." Ban Dongyuanzi squatted down, touching the land, convinced that she did not feel the curse: "Is it really a naturally formed pit?"

Yamada Kazuhiko is just unlucky?

"Yuanzi, no matter what, find the soul first," Pei Ziyun said.

"I will go too." Ban Dongyuanzi felt that she had an inescapable responsibility in this matter. Not long ago, she said that she could ensure the safety of family members and friends of the Yamada family. It happened in a flash and it was a shame.

Pei Ziyun also did not object. She was a **** anyway. She would not hinder her if something happened. She was an assistant.

The two returned to the car, left the place without driving, and closed their eyes.

"Boom!" Ban Dongyuanzi closed her eyes when she felt herself, and the whole person sank and appeared in one place.