MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 62 : The Eerie Bone Tower

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After the hostile Genggui helped his loyal subordinates to lift the curse and get out of danger, the big stone that Orina had been pressing on her heart for the past two days finally fell, and her mood improved a lot. At this time, I heard Ryuzaki Shinji's She did not refuse the invitation, and nodded to Ryuzaki Shinji.

A few minutes later, in the camp where the shadow team is located, with the fire pit where the leaders of both sides are located as a boundary, the shadow team and desert rose and others sit up apart from each other, because they are in their own land, in order to fulfill the friendship of the landlord, Ryuzaki. Shinji also instructed Christina and Aya to continue making some cooked food to greet Desert Rose and the others who had not eaten dinner yet.

"I just wiped out a group of vultures that don't have long eyes in the daytime. The roast chicken in front of me is made of vultures of the quasi-king's peak level. The taste and nutritional value are absolutely great. If you don't mind, try it. "Ryusaki Shinji put a large roast chicken leg on a clean plate and put it in front of Christina with his super power. Then, he cut a piece of meat from the roast chicken with a knife and put it in his mouth to eat. Lose.

After seeing Ryuzaki Shinji eating the grilled chicken first, Orina was not pretentious, she took out a clean handkerchief and wrapped the exposed bones of the chicken thigh, then opened her cherry mouth and slowly tore off the grilled chicken thigh. Eat up.

The members of the Shadow Team and Desert Rose saw their leader start to eat dinner. He (she) also picked up the knives, and then began to chat and laugh with their teammates to destroy the dinner in front of them.

While everyone was tasting dinner, Ryuzaki Shinji began to close his eyes, and a powerful mental fluctuation appeared on his body. Soon, a superpower shield appeared from him, and then quickly spread around. .

"This guy's mental power is really terrifying. He has reached the category of advanced superpowers. I don't know which superpower family came from. He has reached such high achievements at a young age. Fortunately, I have The source imprint protects the body, otherwise there is no capital to get close to him." Ryuzaki Shinji just moved, Orina also stopped, and her mind moved, and the four flight origin imprints appeared on her body, with a look of alertness. looking at the masked man in front of him.

However, after Orina discovered that Ryuzaki Shinji was not malicious, she also quietly hid the origin imprint of the flight system and continued to eat the delicious food in front of her in small bites.

Although the members of Desert Rose are all young and beautiful women, it is strange that none of them know how to cook, so the usual food is relatively simple and unpalatable.

Basically, it is a dry food that is easy to store and carry, such as sun-dried cured meat. As for cooking delicious dishes with elf ingredients, that is something you can't even think about.

"Okay, okay, I have used my superpower to cover the range within 50 meters. Now in this range, except for our people, no one can hear our conversation clearly, you can Feel free to tell the precious information you know." After more than ten seconds, Ryuzaki Shinji opened his tightly closed eyes and used telepathy to respond to Orina, who had already eaten half of a chicken leg.

"Then take a look at this map first. This is what I drew after detecting the terrain of the Death Basin in the past two days. Basically, all the terrain of the Death Basin has been recorded." Orina heard the words and nodded. He immediately put the chicken leg in his hand back into the basin, then took out a map from the space bag on his body and handed it to Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji was also welcome. After taking over the map, he began to carefully record all the information on the map in his mind. Relying on the powerful mental power of the high-level superpower, he only spent two seconds. Print all the information of the entire map in your mind.

The whole map is very carefully drawn, the various horizons and topography are very detailed, obviously carefully crafted, and various technical terms are marked on it.

When Ryuzaki Shinji heard that Orina made it herself, she couldn't help but admire the iceberg beauty in front of her. The other party was obviously a scholar and someone with a higher education.

Ryuzaki Shinji silently analyzed the entire map in his heart and came to the following three conclusions.

The first point is that the entire death basin is very large, with an area of ​​at least more than 300,000 square kilometers, and the terrain inside is not just a basin full of bones, but also has mountains, rivers, Complex terrain such as deep forests and lakes.

Coupled with the obstruction of the fog of death, it is very easy to get lost, and if there is no special physical recovery method, even if you know the route to the destination, you may have exhausted yourself before reaching the destination.

The second point is that the risk factor division of the Death Basin is also very reasonable. The deeper you go into the center, the risk factor will gradually increase, and the division of forces is also more obvious. Except for a small part of the central area, the southeast and northwest are divided by four major It is guarded by the ghost-type elves of the high-level king level.

The east is the pumpkin paradise ruled by the king-class pumpkin monsters, the south is the death forest ruled by the king-class dead wood monsters, the west is the nightmare world ruled by the king-class dream demons, and the north is the undead cemetery ruled by the king-class flower rock monsters.

The central area is an unknown area because Orina has not yet entered, but it is clear that the area that even Orina, an intermediate-level Heavenly King trainer, dare not go into, must be an extremely dangerous place.

The third and most important point is that the giant white bone tower that Ryuzaki Shinji and others have seen before is not fixed. Judging from the map given by Orina, it has appeared separately in the past two days. In the white bone cemetery ruled by the Tianwang-level flower rock monster and the death forest ruled by the Tianwang-level dead wood monster.

"How is it possible, can such a large white bone tower still run with long legs? It will appear in different places, UU reading You read it right? Miss Orina." A skull representing the giant tower of white bones, Ryuzaki Shinji took a deep breath and said to Orina with a solemn expression.

If the information given by Olina is correct, then the difficulty of this adventure will definitely skyrocket, and a moving target will be too difficult to find.

Even if he is very large, it is nothing if it is placed in the entire death basin. With the obstruction of death fog, trying to find it in the death basin is equivalent to looking for a needle in a haystack.

"In fact, this is the case. If you have no special skills, I advise you to withdraw from the exploration of the White Bone Pagoda. Of course, it is also very good to just take risks in these four areas, and the resources inside are also very good. Rich, the two ghost-type origin objects just now were also obtained from these areas, as long as you are strong enough, it is not difficult to grab a few origin objects from the powerful elves inside."

In the face of Ryuzaki Shinji's questioning, Orina first wiped her mouth with a clean handkerchief, put the chicken legs with only bones back into the pot, and then looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with beautiful big eyes and said.

To be continued...