MTL - Pokemon Dark Giant-v3 Chapter 74 : night breeze

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Ryuzaki Shinji is the backbone of the shadow team, but due to the fact that he has been in a coma recently, the entire shadow team is in a state of leaderless. , they also gradually sprouted some different thoughts in their hearts.

Due to Ryuzaki Shinji's deterrent power, these people didn't dare to attack at first, but after Ryuzaki Shinji was unconscious for a week, their behavior began to be a little blatant.

In order to obtain the ancient token and huge wealth that are still in Ryuzaki's second hand, these people began to pester Christina, who is the only one who can freely enter Ryuzaki's room, trying every means to get out of her mouth. Find out about Ryuzaki Shinji's condition.

Because Christina didn't cooperate, when they got to the back, these people actually wanted to use force to force Christina to speak, and they also wanted to forcefully break into Ryuzaki Shinji's room.

Fortunately, Christina is very loyal to Ryuzaki Shinji, and Yan Kai, a trainer who has successfully advanced to the Heavenly King level, is also loyal to Ryuzaki Shinji, Daye, Electromagnetic and Angela are all three. Loyal people, all shot to protect Christina.

In addition, the Abo Monster, the savage Genggui, the golden clay doll giant and Dianxi are extremely powerful and guard Ryuzaki Shinji at all times, so these people have not been able to successfully obtain any information about Ryuzaki Shinji. .

In the end, in order to achieve their goals, they decided to betray Ryuzaki Shinji, and they did not hesitate to collude with outsiders to kill Ryuzaki Shinji, who was unconscious. Sell ​​a blood alliance, and then connect a large number of blood alliance members to attack the ruins, and even two heavenly king-level trainers came to help.

However, the ruins guarded by the Mud Puppet Legion are a copper wall and an iron wall. After a fierce battle, they have suffered heavy losses before they can even reach the temple area. , Golden Clay Giant, Dianxi and Strong Shield Sword Monster, the five Heavenly King-level elves shattered, and in the end they had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

"Really, did Pierce, Sinor, and Card all choose to betray? What about them, Yan Kai, do you know where they are now?" Ryuzaki Shinji, who put on the mask again, replied calmly. Yan Kai, who was kneeling on one knee below, asked.

To be honest, Ryuzaki Shinji was not at all surprised that Pierce and Sinor would choose to betray him when he was in distress, but it was somewhat surprising that Card chose to betray.

Pierce simply wanted to hug his thigh, and he was also a very ambitious person, but when his thigh was unreliable, betrayal became his inevitable choice.

Sinor was forced to join by him, and he also took away the hope of making his desert dragonfly advanced to the heavenly king level. He said that he was not with him in his heart, and Ryuzaki Shinji himself did not believe it, but just took this photo. His strength is only reluctant to submit. When he is in trouble, it is not strange that he chooses to fight back.

And Kad chose to betray, which made Ryuzaki Shinji feel a little bit incomprehensible. In all fairness, he is not bad for Kad, not only helping him escape the control of the Desert Fang, but also giving him shelter with resources, and finally helping him. Catch a fire camel with outstanding talent, so that he can return to the level of a quasi-celestial king smoothly with his own time.

If Pierce and Sinoll choose to betray it is reasonable, then Card’s choice to betray is because this person has a problem, and he is a wolf-hearted and ungrateful villain. Although Ryuzaki Shinji himself is similar, it does not mean that he likes this kind of thing. People, on the contrary, hate this kind of guy very much.

But this is not important anymore. Since they are traitors, they should all be damned. At this moment, Pierce, Sinor, and Card are all on Ryuzaki Shinji's must-kill list.

"As far as I know, they should be in the base camp of the blood alliance now, Ryuzaki Shinji, your body is still very weak, please don't be impatient for the time being, waiting for you to recover, it will be easy to kill them again, not at all. In a hurry." Yan Kai raised his head and respectfully persuaded Ryuzaki Shinji.


The next day, at night, a small oasis in the northeastern part of the desert. This oasis surrounded by many man-made buildings was originally the base camp of the Desert Fang, but now it has become the second base camp of the Blood Alliance. Trainer Pierce and Tenno-class trainer Saburo Murakami guard it.

Even though it was already late at night, this oasis was still brightly lit and full of people.

A large number of members of the blood alliance built simple barbecue stalls around the lake of the oasis.

In this environment that is far away from human society and full of dangers, it can be said that it is very good to be able to perform this level of entertainment, so these blood alliance members are drinking and eating meat. All show enjoyment and joy,

On a few empty sandy areas not far from the barbecue stall, some people who started arguing because of drunkenness directly came to a real battle of elves, plus the people in the barbecue stall deliberately coaxed onlookers, the whole The atmosphere at Base Camp was full of violence and joy.

However, there are still a large number of sentinels hidden in this base camp, which now seems to be unorganized and undisciplined, like a gang of bandits.

In the mid-air of the oasis, a few hundred meters in radius, a group of Boeing bats and big-mouthed bats, led by a cross-shaped bat at the peak of the quasi-day king, continued to circle the entire base camp, and they kept releasing ultrasonic waves. Conduct meticulous reconnaissance at every corner of the oasis.

Under the ground of the oasis a few hundred meters, a large number of black-eyed crocodiles and mixed crocodiles, led by a rogue crocodile of the quasi-king peak level, patrol the oasis underground like swimming. People walking on the ground conduct surveillance investigations.

With the help of these sentinels in the sky and the ground, the guard and defense of the entire blood alliance's base camp can be said to be extremely tight. If someone wants to sneak into the oasis, just relying on ordinary concealment methods, I am afraid that they will be caught within 100 meters of the oasis. Find.

The fate of being discovered was either the sand crocodile or the vampire bat being fed by the blood alliance people.

In the early hours of the morning, the noise in the oasis finally The entire oasis began to fall into a brief silence. At this time, except for a few blood alliance members who were performing patrol tasks, most blood alliance members The members are already in dreamland.

The night wind in the desert came as soon as it was said. Suddenly, a night wind that was blowing towards the oasis due to the temperature difference between day and night appeared. However, today's night wind lasted much longer than before.

It's just that the sentinels, the patrolling blood alliance members, and some blood alliance members who haven't fallen asleep in the middle of the night seem to not care about these usual things, and they don't care at all.

Time passed by, and the night wind had not stopped.

Suddenly, the sound of "Puttong~" appeared, and a Boeing bat with insufficient strength fell from the sky for no reason, and this was just the beginning, a series of "Puttong~" sounds appeared, and those blood-sucking sentries in the sky The bats fell from the sky one after another like dumplings.

At this time, the blood alliance members who were patrolling the oasis also fell to the ground one after another, unconscious.

Under the moonlight, a huge UFO was suspended in mid-air, a few hundred meters away from the west of the oasis, and on its back stood a man in black with a pale mask.

"The moon is so beautiful, but unfortunately there are no clouds, but today's night wind really helped me a lot." The man in the black mask raised his head and looked at the bright cold moon, his eyes glowing with purple awns were also extremely cold. .

To be continued


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