MTL - Poor Family-v2 Chapter 1014 caught off guard

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  Chapter 1014 Unprepared

As the sky gradually dawned, the residents of Daming City finally discovered something different. They saw the long-lost Song Army banner, and also saw teams of Song Army patrolling the city. There were firecrackers and gongs and drums everywhere in the city.

The front of the camp of the Song Army was crowded with people who spontaneously came to reward the army. There were more than a thousand people. Many of them were driving carts filled with chicken, duck, fish, countless fine wines, and slaughtered fat. Pigs and fat sheep, Zhong Lie was ordered to receive the people who rewarded the army in front of the camp.

   "Fathers and folks, we are the vanguard of the Song Army. Let me tell you that His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has begun the Northern Expedition. Hundreds of thousands of troops are encircling and suppressing the Central Plains puppet Qi army. Once the Central Plains are regained, the next step is to direct troops to Hebei."

   "May I ask, general, how many troops do you have now, and can you hold Daming City?" A businessman asked worriedly.

  Everyone is chattering, this is their common worry.

Chong Lie smiled slightly, "Please rest assured, we have 20,000 troops first, and the reinforcements are on the way, and they will arrive in a few days. Since we have occupied Daming City, we will never give it up to Jin Bing again. Everyone has given great support in terms of manpower.”

   "We have been looking forward to this day for a long time. As long as the Song Army posts a recruitment notice, I believe there will be a large number of people willing to serve the Song Army!"

Everyone was right. When the Song Army's notice of recruiting civilian husbands was posted in various places in the city, the young and strong in the city immediately flocked from all over the city, and formed a long line in front of the Song Army's camp. On the first day alone, there was a More than 10,000 people signed up for the civil husband.

Yan Qing immediately ordered to help the poor in the city. The Daming Mansion was the most important base of Jin Bing in the Song Dynasty. He collected 400,000 shi of grain and nearly a million tons of fodder in the city. The grain and grass are all in Nancang City in the city. In addition, in Beicang City, there are also a large number of strategic materials such as armor, tents, flags, war drums, kerosene, pig iron and silver. A large cannon.

This discovery made Yan Qing overjoyed. They ordered the craftsmen to carefully inspect the thirty cannons to see if they could be used again. It was very intact, Yan Qing immediately ordered the soldiers to transport the artillery to the top of the city.

Three days later, the enemy's cavalry spies appeared outside the city. There were more than a hundred of them, and they peeped at Daming City from all directions. The Hebei army in famous cities will not be less than 30,000.

  . . . . . . . .

In Qinghe County, Enzhou, an army of 50,000 people is marching along the Yongji Canal. This is the army led by the King of Ji, Gao Qingyi, to recover the Daming Mansion. Without hesitation, he immediately led the army south.

Gao Qingyi was originally a Han from the Liao Kingdom, surrendered to the Jin Kingdom earlier, and has always been highly valued by the Jin Kingdom. He has represented the Jin Kingdom as an envoy to the Song Dynasty many times. He appointed Gao Qingyi as the King of Ji, and temporarily took charge of the Hebei region for the Kingdom of Jin.

  The Jin State’s support for Gao Qingyi was obviously stronger than that of the Qi Army. Not only was it more sophisticated in equipment, but it also provided 20,000 war horses.

  The Daming Mansion is equally important to Gao Qingyi. The Daming Mansion was called the capital of Beijing in the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty spent a lot of effort in building the Daming Mansion, making the Daming City no less than Tokyo’s Bianliang in terms of city size and defense.

Originally, Gao Qingyi wanted to build the royal palace in Daming Mansion, but Wanyan Xie also forcibly occupied Daming Mansion, which made him grieve. However, Gao Qingyi saw a ray of hope, but this ray of hope was snuffed out as soon as it appeared.

   Daming Mansion was captured by an army of unknown origin, which really shocked Gao Qingyi. Is it the Song army or the Liangshan rebels?

  Although on the surface, it should be the Liangshan bandits, but an intuition told Gao Qingyi that things might not be that simple.

On the second night after the fall of Daming Mansion, Gao Qingyi received an order from Wanyan Xieye, ordering him to take back Daming Mansion at all costs. Moved to Daming Mansion, and at the same time considered making him emperor.

  Whether it was the temptation to relocate the palace, ascend the throne as emperor, or his own threat, Gao Qingyi had to make a choice and must take back the Daming Mansion.

Like Liu Yu, Gao Qingyi had an army of 100,000. In addition to the 20,000 troops in Daming Mansion, 50,000 troops were stationed in Hejian Mansion where the Wang Mansion was located, and another 30,000 were stationed in Jingxing Tumen Pass and Xingzhou in Zhending Mansion. Fuyang Pass and Baixing Pass in Hejian Prefecture are strategically important places in Hebei. Thousands of soldiers are stationed scattered on the north bank of the Yellow River, responsible for guarding seven Yellow River piers.

The 50,000 army marched southward, accompanied by more than 600 cargo ships, which were responsible for transporting food and supplies. These were all the cargo ships on the Yongji Canal, all of which were confiscated by the Kingdom of Jin, and they had been docking in Zhuozhou, Yanshan Prefecture. In order to support Gao Qingyi, Wanyan Xie also generously lent all 600 cargo ships to Gao Qingyi.

Two days later, 50,000 Hebei troops entered the territory of Daming Mansion. At this time, spies came from various places to report that the enemy had moved all the people of Daming Mansion into the city. Everywhere was lifeless.

   "What kind of army is in the city?" Gao Qingyi asked looking at the faintly visible city in the distance.

  A spy leader bowed and said: "I can't be sure about the lowly position, but the banner on the top of the city is a banner of justice for the sky. It should be Liangshan bandits?"

"should be?"

  Gao Qingyi was a little dissatisfied: "Didn't you ask the released prisoners of war, they should know the inside story!"

   "I've asked about it. Some people say it's the Song Army, but others say it's the bandits. There are all kinds of theories."

   "What about the other party's weapons and equipment?" Gao Qingyi asked.

   "The weapons and equipment are relatively sophisticated. Like us, it seems to be equipped with a god-armed crossbow. It's just that the Liangshan Army also had a god-armed crossbow in the past, so..."

Gao Qingyi also knew that what the spies said was reasonable, and it was not possible to conclude that the opponent was the Song army only from the weapons and equipment, unless there was conclusive evidence, such as the information obtained from Lin'an, for example, this army used unique equipment that the Song army only had, like the thunder of thunder. kind.

   None of these evidences appeared, and they were unable to judge the real situation in the city.

   "Father, could it be that Song Jun came by sea?" Gao Jian, the second son of Gao Qing, whispered.

  Gao Qingyi didn't speak for a long time. This is an extremely bold guess, but it is very possible. If the army in the city is really the Song Army, of course the Song Army will not fly here, so they can only come by sea.

   But this possibility is a bit scary to think about. Song Jun can go to the Yellow River by sea, so he can go to his old nest, Hejian Mansion. He doesn't have much defense in Hejian Mansion! There are only 5,000 people left to guard the city. What will happen if the palace falls?

  It’s just that it’s not realistic to withdraw the troops now, so Gao Qingyi could only sigh and said, “Take Daming City as soon as possible!”

The seven wharves built by Jin Guo on the Yellow River are Shanghe Wharf, Gaotang Wharf, Liaocheng Wharf, Chaoyang Wharf, Puyang Wharf, Liyang Wharf and Jixian Wharf. The largest wharf is Liaocheng Wharf, followed by Liyang Wharf. Next is Puyang Wharf.

In just five days, the Ruan brothers have destroyed Shanghe, Gaotang, Liaocheng and Chaoyang Wharf, burned more than 300 ships, captured 200 large ships, and increased their fleet from the initial 50 ships to 250. Ten ships, a large number of boatmen and anti-gold martyrs also joined their team, and their strength reached 5,000.

The Ruan brothers divided their troops into two groups. One was led by Ruan Xiaoqi, who continued to lead more than a hundred warships to Puyang, and the other was led by Ruan Xiaowu, who continued to block the banks of the Yellow River in Daming Mansion to prevent the 30,000 Jin soldiers from going south. Kill back.

At this time, Jinan Prefecture, Yunzhou, and Jeju were already in chaos, and the support ships were burned. Wanyan Zongqian had to order to find food and horse fodder on the spot. Jinbing began to plunder food from house to house. Raping, burning and killing, more than a dozen counties in the three places were suddenly plunged into a miserable storm.

  In just a few days, the Jin soldiers looted nearly 100,000 shi of grain and 20,000 shi of black beans, and they arrested the peasants to mow the grass everywhere, so that the cavalry could barely hold on.

  The Jinbing camp was just outside Xucheng County. They carried thousands of tents and barely sheltered 30,000 soldiers from the wind and rain. However, most of the tents were destroyed, and it was impossible to live comfortably.

   Just before the arrival of the Jin soldiers, Zhang Rong led 20,000 soldiers to retreat into Liangshanpo. After the Jin soldiers arrived in Yunzhou, they could not find the enemy and their morale was frustrated.

  Wan Yan Zongqian was really upset. He had received clear news that their transport ships had not followed up, and the Liaocheng Wharf was on fire, probably attacked by enemy troops.

  Without a boat, this made him face a cruel fact that they could not go back, unless the Yellow River freezes over at the end of the year, and there is still more than half a year to go!

  (end of this chapter)