MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 846 Full occupation of Nanhu County 16

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Liu Jiwu was also a little hesitant at this time. Should he add more troops to the former battalion or let the former battalion and the central army converge and go south together?

It seems that neither of them is a good solution.

However, he had to choose one, otherwise the former battalion would be wiped out by the dry army sooner or later.

Be faster.

Perhaps while he was thinking, the dry army launched another attack on the former battalion.

If not to say that Liu Jiwu is a handsome, his guess is accurate.

Just as the general of the former battalion was anxiously waiting for Liu Shuai's reply, Shen Quan decided to launch an attack on the former battalion.

"After this attack, don't move today, let the brothers rest, tomorrow we will move Liu Jiwu's central army!"

The commander of the guard battalion looked at the high sun, and thought that there was time to launch another attack in the evening.

The battle for a while can be over in two quarters at most. Counting the time for retreat and rest, the guard battalion can recover its combat strength after two hours.

Let alone two, there is time for three attacks.

However, Shen Quan ordered, and he did not raise any objection. He took half a day off after half a day's rest. After so many days of fighting, he couldn't take a rest!

Knowing that it was the last battle today, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard Battalion treated the Shunjun Front Camp very enthusiastically.


"Quick fight, don't rush too hard, you'll have to wait to meet you later!"

"Brothers, rush north together and drive the Shun army back to Sanchakou!"

Of course this is just a slogan.

Shen Quan never thought of driving Liu Jiwu back to Sanchakou.

He knew that even if Liu Jiwu died on the spot, he would not be able to withdraw to the north.

But it's okay for the soldiers of the guard camp to shout, but the slogan has to be louder.

Otherwise, how can you deter the enemy?

The soldiers in the former battalion of Shunjun did not know that the guard battalion was just bluffing. Seeing that they were more vicious than before, they thought that what they were shouting was true.

Shunbing: Even if it's not true, Gan Jun also wants to bring us back to the position of the central army.

Well, it must be so!

In order to avoid more casualties, the former battalion general decisively ordered to withdraw to the north and move closer to the Chinese army.

Now that's all right, without Liu Jiwu's painful choice, Qianying gave him the answer.

Liu Jiwu: "Okay, that's it, come back when you come back."

He looked at the former battalion general who was kneeling in front of him, and said helplessly.

At this time, we can't drive him out again!

The former battalion general knelt on the ground, but there was a burst of excitement in his heart.



When he saw the guard camp outside the camp the next day, his heart collapsed!

Can you let me go!

I have come to meet Liu Shuai, why didn't you let me go?

I won't scold you anymore. I promise I will never scold anyone in the future!

Be a good man with high quality!

It's a pity that he couldn't speak his heart out in public, otherwise Shen Quan wouldn't mind attacking from another position.

Just a little bit.

The soldiers of the former battalion who had just joined the Chinese army were attacked as soon as they put down their jobs.

Want to cry without tears!

Now they think it is the previous abuse that attracted Gan Jun's target.

Otherwise, the queue on the road is so long, why did we choose the road section where we are.

Bully people!

It's just that now they are suffering beyond words.

Did you explain to them that we didn't scold you on purpose when the guard camp came over?

Let's discuss whether we can change the location to attack?

Isn't that nonsense!

Since there is no reconciliation, then go all out!

If you can't solve the misunderstanding, then solve the person who misunderstood you!

Although this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, the soldiers of the Shun Army can only comfort themselves with this reason.

In fact, the Imperial Guard Battalion did not deliberately target the soldiers of the former battalion. It can only be said that God's will is like this, and the line drawn by God is not easy to cut.

It is estimated that this "bad relationship" can only be solved after one party is eliminated.

Former battalion general: Needless to say, so euphemistically, you can just say that we will be wiped out by the dry army sooner or later!

Shen Quan didn't target the former camp, but he wanted to destroy all the Shun troops, so the general of the former camp was right, they were all targets to be eliminated.

After several days of fighting, the soldiers of the Guard Battalion not only did not show fatigue, but everyone was in good spirits and had an amazing fighting spirit.

They were originally the highest-ranked and most powerful warriors drawn from the imperial soldiers. After a few days of fighting, their combat experience increased a lot, and some senior warriors were on the verge of promotion.

How can you not be active if you can get promoted after a few more games?

The soldiers of the Guard Battalion now have no resistance to fighting, they are all eager.

Let's make the battle more fierce!

Half an hour later, a sudden group of guard battalions rushed out of the Shunjun army formation, climbed the hillside and disappeared from the Shunjun's sight.

After all the previous arrangements failed, the Shun Army has now given up its plan to intercept and pursue the Imperial Guard battalion.

Several times before the Shun Army took advantage of the guard battalion to rush to kill in the army, people set up ambushes on the hillsides on both sides. As a result, it is conceivable that the guard battalion still appeared here intact. Got nothing.

Well, it's not that there are no results. The Shun Army itself has added a lot of casualties, which has also reduced the frequency of attacks on the Imperial Guard Battalion.

Before the ambush, the Guard battalion launched three or four attacks a day, and after the ambush, the Guard battalion launched a maximum of two attacks a day.

The effect is still remarkable.

Then why didn't you do it?

Very simple, but too expensive!

Every time they set up an ambush on the hillside, the Shun army would suffer from as few as several hundred to as many as 1,500 or 600 casualties, which was even greater than the casualties caused by the imperial guard battalion rushing into the army formation!

After three or five times, even Liu Jiwu couldn't bear it, so he could only give up this kind of behavior with little benefit but huge cost.

Now Shunjun can only watch the guard camp leave easily.

Although a little embarrassed, many soldiers, including generals, were relieved.

Liu Jiwu always had only one goal, to withdraw to the south of Nanhu County.

It was within his expectation to suffer some casualties, but the actual casualties were larger than he expected. UU reading

But Liu Jiwu never gave up on his goal and went south.

He suffered heavy casualties and headed south.

Now his biggest test is not to deal with the attack of the Guard Battalion, but how to appease the soldiers under him.

He took the guard camp as a temporary solution, unless he could trap the guard camp in a closed terrain and use the number of people to kill them!

Liu Jiwu didn't have the time or energy to find such terrain, and then made a plan to put the guard camp in it.

He has few choices, and going south may be the only way to survive.

The Shun Army was swiftly marching southwards, suffering huge casualties every day.

According to the current casualties, when they reach the central cities, there will still be 10,000 soldiers left, so there is nothing to be satisfied.

Of course, the reality is not data speculation. Although Liu Jiwu and a number of Shunjun generals tried their best to appease him, many Shunjun escaped every night.

This was unimaginable before.

None of the generals liked deserters, but this time, the Shunjun generals including Liu Jiwu did not kill them all.

"Let them go, it's fine if you can run out."

Shun Jiang said so, but in his heart he didn't think they would be able to escape.

Qian Jun has a very powerful spies, will they let those deserters leave safely?

Whether they can run out depends on their luck!

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