MTL - Portable Space Can be Summoned-Chapter 861 Conquer the Rebels II

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Although there were some twists and turns, the attack on the county seat was considered a complete success.

There must be some casualties. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Military Intelligence, the two rebels who attacked the county seat each suffered about 1,000 casualties.

Most of them were injured, about 60-70%.

However, the rebels have always lacked medical power, and only a few rural cadres do things for them.

They wanted to tie up a few famous doctors to do things for them.

It's a pity that some well-known doctors are in relatively prosperous cities, and it is difficult for the rebels to tie them back.

Moreover, there are some differences between ordinary doctors and military doctors in the army. The wounded soldiers in the army are mostly sword injuries, while ordinary doctors are very good at trauma.

Even if the rebels capture a few doctors with excellent medical skills, it is more likely that they will only serve as special doctors for the high-level rebels.

Ordinary rebel soldiers died in battle or died of wounds are the same, it doesn't matter.

As long as you have food and weapons, you can pull up an army at will.

If it really doesn't work, you can forcibly arrest the strong man.

Most of the hundreds of rebels who were injured when they attacked the county were brought back to the old camp. Although there were not many men in the camp, it was better than staying in the county and being captured by the Qi army.

Even if there is a Langzhong in the Qi army, they will not be able to save them.

As far as generals are concerned, dead rebels are good rebels.

What is the use of living rebels?

It can neither interrogate useful information nor serve as a supplementary force for soldiers.

Do you want to put them all in jail?

Waste food!

It's better to die. Although the credit for exterminating the rebels is a little lower, it's also not a military merit. Accumulating less makes more, and you can make a lot of merit.

Who said that bandits can't become famous generals!

Unless absolutely necessary, there will be no wounded rebel soldiers surrendering to the army.

However, they will not have better results when they return to the rebel camp. They will receive the simplest dressing and treatment.

After drinking a few bowls of general-purpose medicinal soup, the rest can only be left to fate.

Generally, soldiers with minor injuries will do well if they are lucky or not infected, and the rest will go to see Hades in all likelihood!

Therefore, although a lot of people were captured in this siege, the rebels had to rest for a period of time before they could regain their peak strength because of the secret attack of the Ministry of Information and the soldiers lost during the siege.

The rebel leader was not in a hurry to go out to trouble the Qi army, but he just wondered if the Qi army would give them time to regain their strength?

Absolutely not!

Qi Jun's commander is not the father of the rebels, and of course he won't wait for them to regain their peak strength before conquest.

We all know that the rebels seized a lot of supplies after they broke through the county seat. If they don't annihilate them before they regain their strength, when they absorb the gains of this siege, I am afraid that it will be more difficult to annihilate than before.

The other rebels can be released first, and the two rebels who dare to attack the county must be wiped out.

Otherwise, other rebels will learn to make the officers very passive.

Even if not every rebel army has the strength to break through the county, as long as they appear outside the city, it is enough to embarrass the official army.

It is also enough for the big men in the city to find a reason to punish the generals who conquered the rebels.

The Qi army's action was faster than the rebels' guess, but it was similar to the MI Department's guess.

It's just that MISI didn't inform the rebels of their inference.

Eight thousand Qi troops divided into two groups to attack two rebels who intervened and attacked the county seat.

After the MI Division sent the information to the rebels, it disappeared again, which is completely different from the past.

In the past, MI generally sent intelligence and advice to rebel leaders.

But not this time.

The rebel leader looked at the information in his hand with a gloomy expression.

After capturing the county seat, he felt that something was wrong with the people from the country. Today, when he saw the information sent by the people from the country, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

"Take me as a chamber pot! Take it out when you want to use it, and don't know where to throw it when you don't want to!

I will make you all regret it! "

The leader of the rebel army noticed the abnormality of the Ministry of Information, but he did not make a statement. He still needs the help of the Ministry of Information.

However, he had already made up his mind in his heart that when the construction of his intelligence agency was completed, he must make the people of Ganguo look good!

Team Leader Huang also noticed the change in the attitude of the rebels towards him, but he was not worried at all about the danger of his group.

The rebels dare not!

Now Team Leader Huang is not afraid that the rebels will not cooperate with his plan. Even if the rebels want to retreat now, they will not let them retreat easily.

Before you stayed in the mountains honestly, I was not in a hurry to destroy you, but now you have not only come out of the mountains to make a big noise, but you even dared to capture the county seat.

What's more, what makes the MI Department more confident is that the war in Nanhu County is about to end, and Qianguo has also deployed a large number of troops at the border. This is the backing of the MI Department!

Especially since the war in the south is about to end, it doesn't matter if Shenwuwei returns or not, the most important thing is the king's return to the capital.

Only Yang Yuan has the power to decide whether to go to war with Qi.

There are many records of Yang Yuan's speeches and records of Qian Guo's preparations in the headquarters of the Ministry of Intelligence. All signs indicate that the king is preparing to attack Qi Guo.

Yang Yuan felt that he had been entangled with Shunguo for too long.

After two years of development, Qianguo has the strength to carry out double-sided operations.

In fact, Yang Yuan is more willing to destroy Shunguo in one go, build a powerful Qianguo on the basis of Shunguo, and then use the powerful Qianguo to pacify Zhongzhou and the world!

Unfortunately, this is just Yang Yuan's imagination. Qi State will not give Qian State time to pacify Shun State smoothly. Qian State has not launched an all-out offensive against Shun State. Is Qi State already eager to try at the border, ready to attack Qian State at any time?

Can Yang Yuan get used to him?

Certainly not!

If you dare to bark, I will kick all your teeth out!

The Ministry of Military Intelligence was Qian Guo's first kick against Qi. UU reading www.

Judging from the results, this kick was very powerful, and it was kicking at Qi Jun's weakness.

In order to annihilate the rebel army, the Qi army at the border has been mobilized.

It just depends on whether these 8,000 Qi troops can use the fastest speed to wipe out the two rebels who dared to attack the county.

If the expedition goes well, then everything will be fine, and the Qi army on the border will not move easily. Originally, they could not move easily in order to intimidate the country. Later, after the country increased its troops, they dared not move easily.

They were also afraid that Gan Guo would call directly.

The soldiers and horses in the northern part of the Qi state all suffered losses at the hands of the state of Qian. At that time, there was no state of the state, and they were no longer opponents.

Now that the Qianguo Empire is composed of elite soldiers, and has a local army that has undergone strict training, the Qi army will not dare to provoke the Qianguo easily.

The 8,000 Qi army generals who were in charge of suppressing the bandits felt that the burden on him was not light!

The two daring rebels are not so easy to annihilate. If they dare to come out and put on a stance and fight an upright battle, the Qi army leader will jump for joy.

Unfortunately, this is just a wish after all, and the rebels will not come out to fight him easily.

Before they attacked the county seat, the inflated rebels might still want to confront the Qi army head-on. After the county seat was attacked, no rebel army wanted to fight the Qi army head-on.

As a human being, you can't be too inflated. Too inflated can easily explode!


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