MTL - Portable Space: The Group Favorite Milk Bag Brings the Whole Family To Open and Hang-Chapter 805 A good master with a bowl of water

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  Chapter 805 A good master with a flat bowl of water

   Xinbao stretched out his small hand, took Hao Huashi's hand, then pulled him closer to Xue Xuanji, and took his hand.

Then she raised her face and said to them: "Huashi, Xuanji, when Xinbao accepted you as apprentices, he didn't treat you. This is because Xinbao was still a child at that time, and he was ignorant and didn't know about such things. I can still treat guests... It's not because Xinbao doesn't love you, and it's not because Xinbao loves you more than Qingju. Xinbao is a good master who loves every student equally."

   Both of them were stunned.

  A tiny milk dumpling with black grape eyes, long eyelashes flickering, and a serious expression.

   What kind of fairy little master is this! !

  Hao Huashi was so moved that his nose hurt for a moment, he bent down suddenly, hugged the little master, and kissed him a few times: "Master, master, master!! Xinbao is so cute! I love you so much!"

  Xue Xuanji was not as open-minded as he was, but his eyes were red. Taking advantage of the little master being dazzled by the kiss, he also leaned over and kissed him. It was so soft and slippery that his heart almost melted.

  He said softly: "Master, disciples understand. Disciples won't think too much about it."

  Lin Qingju was behind, smiling slightly.

  He thinks these people are all very cute.

  Since his eyes recovered, everything he saw in the world was so beautiful beyond his imagination.

   As a competent little master, Xinbao hasn't forgotten to pay that person's flowers for his apprentice.

   The flower that Bai Gusheng broke is a kind of chrysanthemum, called Yaotai Yufeng.

   There are too many flowers here in Xinbao, and there are also Yufeng in Yaotai, but these are not very precious species.

  So Xinbao compensated him with two pots of Yaotai Yufeng, and also gave him a pot of ten-foot curtains and a pot of green clothes and red clothes.

  The man was originally from a noble family. Although he opened a garden, this kind of garden is not an ordinary restaurant, and ordinary people cannot enter it.

  He is not short of money, but loves flowers, and he was really moved when he received the flowers from the little princess.

  How many years have you stayed in the capital, where have you seen such a reasonable nobleman? ?

  Obviously the number one celebrity before the emperor, but so well-behaved and reasonable, if he said he would pay, he would really pay!

   So the news spread quickly, and it became an anecdote about the princess that everyone talked about.

   At this time, the locust plague in Guanzhong finally ended.

  It has been exactly ten days since the locust swarm came to an end in the middle of July. Although there are still a few sporadic ones, it is no longer a cause for concern.

  Emperor Ming Pei accepted the note, and ordered the sixth son of the emperor, Yan Youyi, to stay and preside over the replanting of autumn grain, and ordered the prince's family, Yan Shirong and others to return to the court immediately.

  Because Xinbao is still in the transitional period and Yeye is still a favorite, so I haven't had time to miss other family members. Emperor Ming Pei was afraid that she was looking forward to it, so he didn't tell her.

  So, on an ordinary afternoon, Xinbao was eating fruit and chatting with Yeye, when someone reported that the prince and grandson had returned.

  Xinbao opened her eyes wide: "...??"

  Who is back? Can you say that again?

  The next moment, Yan Qingshan came in with his son.

  Xinbao let out an ah, quickly got down from the stool, and accurately hit the second brother who hadn't seen... the most delicious meat and potatoes.

  Yan Shirong didn't turn black.

  Ancestral cold white skin, not afraid of the sun at all!

  So she is still so good-looking, but after some experience, the whole person is more calm, with a restrained edge, and a pace of advance and retreat.

  Emperor Ming Pei was very satisfied.

  Yan Qingshan reported in a deep voice, and Xinbao was whispering to his brother beside him.

In fact, everything is written in the booklet, and there is nothing to report, so soon a few people sat down to drink tea, and Xinbao's voice became louder: "I miss my brother every day! I miss it so much, I don't think about tea or food. ..."

   "Don't think about tea or rice?" Yan Shirong laughed and said, "When I entered the door just now, weren't you eating?"

   Xinbao paused, looked at the table, wiped his mouth again, and blinked: "This, this is fruit!"

   Not tea nor rice!

  Yan Shirong smiled, and was about to speak again when he received more than one slash...

  Yeah, Daddy, and the unlucky brother's eyes all have similar meanings written in them.

   "You're the only one with a long mouth!"

   "My sister reads you a short composition, so you just listen carefully!"

   "Hmph, if you get a cheap deal, you'll be a good boy! You'll bully my sister!"

  Okay, I get it, he is hated by everyone in this family...

  So Yan Shirong silently hugged back: "Xinbao, brother also misses you, and I don't think about tea or food..."

  The two hugged affectionately for a long time.

  Yan Shichang said sourly: "Xinbao, how long are you going to hug?"

  Xinbao looked at the third brother and thought for a while: "Hold for another half an hour."

  She hugged her for another half a quarter of an hour, and continued to tell her brother how she missed her. When the time came, she finished on time and threw herself into the third brother's arms without looking back.

  Yan Shirong: "..."

   It can be said that it is very fair.

  He turned around and talked to Emperor Ming Pei.

  The first time he went out on business, he really had a lot to say to Yeye.

  What you see, hear, think, and get...all urgently need Yeye's praise and guidance.

  He spoke urgently and quickly, with bright eyes. Until then, he looked like a young man.

  Emperor Ming Pei was also very patient, listening quietly and saying a few words from time to time.

  After speaking, Yan Shirong seemed to have been opened up to the two channels of Ren and Du, and his whole body was relaxed and carefree.

   Then he remembered and said: "Yeah, my grandson has an article, please read it."

  He took it out of his sleeve and offered it with both hands.

  Emperor Ming Pei took it for a closer look, Xinbao became curious and stretched his neck to look from his father's arms, Emperor Ming Pei casually took her into his lap.

  The article comes from a scholar in Guanzhong.

  This person has experienced two locust plagues before.

  The first time he was six years old, he watched the locust plague devour his homeland, devouring all the vegetation.

  They left their hometowns and fled all the way, traveling thousands of miles, even the bark of the tree was eaten away.

  The family starved to death one by one, and in the end, only he, grandfather and father were left.

  The second time, when he was thirteen years old, he experienced another locust plague. His grandfather, father and stepmother all died, and their hard-earned family business disappeared overnight again.

  He couldn't even bury his family members, so he had to flee again in a hurry. Later, he survived after being rescued by kind people, married a wife, naturalized in Guanzhong, and passed the examination of scholar.

   This time, after Yan Shirong arrived, he was seriously ill when he heard that there was another locust plague. He desperately tried to persuade his benefactor, wife and family to flee as soon as possible, but they were reluctant to leave their ancestral home and fields.

   Then Yan Shirong began to lead people to kill the locust eggs, taking various measures.

   On the one hand, he has nightmares and cannot forget the previous lessons, but on the other hand, he has hope, thinking that maybe this time he can really defeat the locusts.

   Then when Yan Shirong passed by them, he heard about him and asked him to help.

  He was originally suffering from heart disease, but he really did things down-to-earth, and his health gradually improved.

   Just like this day by day, when the locusts rise...

  Seeing locusts again, he was so afraid that he trembled and lost his composure in public, and passed out. After waking up, he was supported by someone to see the situation outside.

   There is no sky and sun, no red ground, and no panic-stricken people.

  Everyone was just talking and laughing and busy, as if the locusts were no big deal at all.

  He was in a dream, he couldn't believe it.

Then Yan Shirong pulled him to the fire and handed him a bunch of roasted locusts. He slowly ate the bunch of roasted locusts bit by bit, weeping and gnashing his teeth, as if he had been entangled with him for half his life. The nightmare also ate bit by bit.

  He wailed and burst into tears of gratitude.

  (end of this chapter)