MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1308 Press on the ground and rub!

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What the baby said didn't deliberately lower his voice, and spread it all around clearly.

These remarks were heard by the remaining strong men of various races in the Great Waste City, and they were shocked.

The confidence and courage from Princess Tianxin actually dare to say such a thing? Doesn't she understand that she is facing a supreme power?

The Emperor Tianyuan is very powerful. The suppression of thousands of yuan to the starry sky is overshadowed and he can hardly raise his head, but he is only the level of the emperor. Even if he comes here in person, what means can he use to deal with Wing Zun?

The strong men of all races heard the baby's words, and Yizun naturally heard it.

But there was still no mood swings on his face, it seemed that he did not care at all.

As a supreme supreme powerman, he transcended life and death, and his life was eternal. How could he care about the threat of babies like ants? Even the baby's words could not cause even a trace of his emotional fluctuations!

Although he did not personally meet with the Emperor Tianyuan, through the means of contacting the Emperor Tianyuan twice, Yizun almost understood the details of the Emperor Tianyuan, `` Emperor invincible '', but still not enough in front of his own Supreme!

"You can never see when I die, but you will die soon, and I will soon see what kind of face and face Emperor Tianyuan is after you die, since you are the daughter of Emperor Tianyuan , Not an unknown member, then I will let you die decently, and let all the desert slaves here be buried for you! "

Yizun looked at the baby lightly.

The voice dropped, centered on Wing Zun, but he did not see any movement. A circle of invisible ripples spread to the four sides. Wherever he passed, thousands of desert slaves in the Great Desert City were instantly framed, and then collapsed and died. Turned into black mist and disappeared into the nothingness!

The wing of the supreme strongman, he is just a thought, let all the desert slaves in the deserted city die, and has not yet caught up with any living beings, the method is terrible, it can be said that the means of the supreme strong tip of the iceberg!

After killing all the desert slaves, Yizun looked at the baby, stretched out his right hand, and flicked his finger gently. A black feather appeared out of nowhere, fluttering, seemingly slow, but it was almost flying towards the baby!

"Do not!"

Luo Gang growled and rushed out in front of the baby. The bright sword in his hand split tens of thousands of knives in a split second. Each of the horrible swordsman tore open the void in the deserted city, all chopped in the black feather on.

However, it was useless, tens of thousands of daomangs that could easily kill ordinary imperial powerhouses, all crumbled and annihilated in front of that piece of black feathers, and the feathers continued to move forward. Off!

The feather moved forward again, penetrating Luo Gang's heart gently, his body was fixed, and he turned into a fly ash and disappeared, not even a drop of blood could be left!

That feather was still moving forward, flying towards the baby.

However, at this time, the baby seemed to not see the feather at all, and still looked in the direction of the poplar. He looked at it with a foolish look, and even a smile of happiness was about to pass out in the corner of his mouth.

In the distance, Yu Huayun's body was seriously injured and it was too late to save her, and she could not even say a word, watching the feather fall on the baby.

The reason why the baby smiled happily, because she saw that when she was in distress, the poplar over there was no longer indifferent as before, and no longer cared about herself as before.

There, Bai Yang knew that he was not an opponent of Yizun, but when the baby was in distress, he ran over with his fastest speed. The boots that penetrated the space under his feet were motivated to the extreme. The baby could see Bai Yang behind the space. A figure coming quickly.

"He's worried about me, Big Brother is worried about me, he saw me threatened to rush over without hesitation, it's worth it, everything is worth it, even if I die it's worth it"

The baby whispered to herself, at this moment she felt so happy she couldn't help herself, and everything she did was finally reported.

While happy in her heart, the baby was a bit funny, she murmured to herself, "Fool, you are so stupid, how can you deal with the means of the Supreme, it is too late, fool, I will be fine La"

Human thinking is very fast. In a moment, the baby thinks a lot, and happiness is full of sweetness, just for the poplar's one who came over but made no sense.

Why did Aspen rush here? Doesn't he know that the Supreme is not something he can handle? Doesn't he know that he is too late?

He knew all this, but he still had to come over, even if his actions were meaningless.

Princess Tianxin has helped herself many times without complaint and regret. She is going to die. How can she be indifferent to herself?

Even if her actions are not meaningful at all, but even if there is such a possibility, if she can rush to her side, she can take her back to the earth to save her life!

However, it was too late. Aspen walked through the subspace and could only watch the black feather fall on the baby's head!

This stupid woman, do you hide, no matter what kind of hole cards you have, don't you know that any hole cards are likely to be accidental? If you take a break, it's one thing to avoid it, at least you have to try it?

Bai Yang was so anxious that he looked at the baby standing there stupidly. If he could, he could not help turning the baby over and pulling her ass!

Yizun shot and killed the baby in person, everything seems to be a foregone conclusion, and no one can change the ending of the baby's imminent death.

However, at the moment when the baby was about to die, when the black feathers popped up by Wing Zun were less than half a meter away from the baby, in the eyes of the powerful men of all races in the Deserted City, the entire world time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Poplar's pupils in the subspace opened up a little bit, his expression slowly turned towards extreme horror.

At that moment, the invisible space was twisting like a water surface in front of the standing baby, and the space there seemed to be forced through by some force!

Then, in the twisted space, an old palm slowly stretched out.

It was an old man's hand, with dry skin and thin palms, like chicken feet, looking like the palm of an old man who even held a leaf.

However, the palm that penetrated the boundary of the space appeared in front of the baby, and the hand flexed very slowly, with a flick, and then the black feather that would kill the baby became between the fingers. Fly ash disappeared.

Immediately after that, the old palm was gently touched and pressed downward, then, the hand retracted into the void and disappeared.

The baby was okay, and the twisted void in front of her returned to calm, and nothing seemed to happen.

However, at this moment, the original wing prince who had a pale and light wind changed its color.

The void above his head is twisting. In his eyes, the entire sky is twisting, like a calm and transparent piece of plastic film. Someone pressed it down by hand, so a transparent one appeared in the void above his head. Big mudra.

The big handprint was obviously the palm of an old man, but it became transparent and became countless times larger.

The palm of his hand wants to come down in the future, but some supreme power is hindering him. Yizun knows that it is the power of the top ten gods in the Great Desert City that is blocking the power of that hand. Can't really stop that hand from coming!

He obstructs the barren city's obstruction force to drop down forcibly!

Facing that hand, Yizun felt unparalleled pressure and the sense of crisis from life instinct. He subconsciously turned into a body, a black eagle with wings spreading 30,000 miles.

He turned into the body, the fierce and overbearing breath filled the world, every black feather was like a sword made by the **** iron, cold and deep with a terrible sharp sense of tearing everything!

The breath of the Supreme Strong erupted from him. Except for the remnants of the Great Wild Taoist, almost all living creatures slowly kneel down on the ground subconsciously. No matter how dare they are, they cannot bear the Supreme Strong. The supreme breath of the person will collapse if it resists!

Wing Zun turned into the body and soared into the sky, the cold front flashing in his eyes, he was going to shred that big hand! .

However, Wing Zun just flew up, and the big hand gently fell on his huge body of 30,000 miles against the obstructing power of Dahuangcheng. Then, his huge body was pressed down a little bit by the big hand. He banged on the ground and couldn't move!

Puff puff……

The winged lord who was pressed to the ground was no help no matter how he struggled, and the feathers on his body were broken innumerably and he still could not break free from the old master!


In the end, the body of Wing Zun was almost pressed to the ground and was photographed as a meat pie. There was a crackling sound in the body. The bones did not know how much was broken. Blood was flowing from all parts of the body. It was an incredible look of horror.

But I am the supreme strong, but I ca n’t move by being slapped on the ground?

And still slap in the air, and even slap against the obstacles of the deserted city!

how can that be?

This is the Great Wild City. The strength of the hand that came here through the air was at least weakened by Jiucheng, a ten-grade supernatural soldier of the Great Wild City, before falling on himself. He still pressed himself to the ground and could not move. ?

Who is the other party?

Why is it so powerful, so powerful that you feel powerless as a Supreme Power!

Emperor Tianyuan?

No, how could it be him?

He can't be so powerful, he's just the realm of heaven.

But if not for him, who else?

Wing Zun is not dead. As the Supreme Strong, he is immortal. Although his hand is strong, he cannot kill Wing Zun at least on the premise that his strength is at least ten times weakened by the Great Desert. Even his own body is injured. It doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that Wing Zun was rubbed on the ground under the eyes of everyone!

All this happened in a very short time. The poplar finally penetrated the space and came to the baby, but everything was over.

Wing Zun's body was still lying on the ground softly, his eyes were full of perplexity, his big hands on his back slowly disappeared without trace, and the vitality of his body was recovering from his injuries and stood up.

"Brother Bai, I'm fine, you are so good." The baby didn't care about anything that happened around her. When Bai Yang came to her, she only had him in her eyes. Regardless of everything around her, holding Bai Yang's arm in both hands was unhappy. Said.

At this time, the poplar was in a daze, watching Yizun's head over there blank.

Strong as he was, rubbed on the ground with one hand?

Emperor Tianyuan?

is it him?

He is just a heavenly emperor. How could it be so powerful that it would be so strong that the Supreme Strong would rub against the ground? This is just the power that he separated by tens of millions of miles and distant airspace ~ ~ this When the force forcibly entered the barren city, it was weakened by 90%!

So if Emperor Tianyuan comes down in person, how strong will it be?

"Brother Bai, my father Emperor has shot, and Wing Zun is completely unconcerned, and I tell you, my father is coming soon. Dahuangcheng is a top ten god, and the strength of his father will be greatly weakened. Can you come and cheer for me? "The baby continued to say to Bai Yang.

Seeing Bai Yang still stunned and dreaming, the baby's face looked strange and said, "Want to know why my father emperor is so powerful? It is so powerful that only the Emperor Mirror can press the Supreme on the ground. If you want to know I can tell you about it "

At this moment Poplar finally reacted, and asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Indeed, why is Emperor Tianyuan so powerful? He is just in the realm of Heavenly Emperor, and he can come down in the air with one palm and press the Supreme on the ground. This makes no sense at all. Bai Yang wants to know the real answer.

Faced with the problem of poplar's subconscious, the baby smiled and said, "I tell you, you can't tell others, of course, it's nothing to tell others, anyway, no one is the father's opponent, the reason why the father is so strong is because He ..., alas, the father is here ... "

When Aspen wanted to know the answer, the baby looked forward subconsciously, and forgot to answer Aspen's question.

However, after hearing this sentence, Bai Yang also forgot to ask the question, because the baby said that the Emperor Tianyuan is here!

As for the Emperor Tianyuan, who can't stand the thousands of stars in this world, Poplar is also very curious. After hearing so many legends, he can finally see him ...

When Tianyuan was out, Emperor Tao was sad, Tianyuan was angry, and whoever dared to honor him in the world came here!