MTL - Porter of Two Worlds-Chapter 1313

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In today's world, according to Wingzun, it is clearly recorded that there are eight living supreme strongmen, two human races, Lengong and Taihao, six alien races, wing respect, insect emperor, stone emperor, barbaric ancestor, dragon **** and Corpse King.

Now Yizun died in the hands of the Great Desolation Taoist Remnant, and it seems that there are only six remaining Supremes.

In fact, otherwise, as long as the power of the supreme level is not killed by an enemy, it is immortal, and no one knows how many old monsters of this level dormant in a corner since endless time.跶 Come out one or two.

Now there are three supreme strongmen and one emperor Tianyuan in the wilderness.

The strength of the four peerless figures stands at the pinnacle of the world, and their every move can destroy Xinghe and master the lives of all the heavens.

But at the moment, when these four peerless figures are facing the lingering thoughts of the Dahuang Dao, they don't have a relaxed look at all, their faces are dignified, and their eyes are even frightened.

Dahuang Taoist, that is the Supreme Strong who lost nearly 100,000 yuan. When she killed her, she sent out more than ten Supreme and Ten Thousand Heavenly Saints. Now, her lingering thoughts have recovered!

Although it is just a lingering thought, her power is still there, especially under the premise of being provoked, a little attention will be a world disaster!

How terrible is the destructive power at the level of the Great Wilderness? For a simple example, she probably needs only one slap to destroy the boundless starry sky of the total area of ​​the solar system. She has worked hard to spend some time so that the entire galaxy can be destroyed by her!

Just because she knew the terribleness of the Dahuang Taoist, at this time, including the Emperor Tianyuan, she felt only a lot of pressure in the face of her anger.

"Seniors, juniors, etc. have no intention of alarming you, but please be angry ..."

The woman of the worm king was the first one who could not withstand the pressure from the great wasteland master to stand up and apologize.

At this moment, here, only people like Emperor Tianyuan have the right to talk with the Dahuang Taoist. As for Bai Yang, these so-called arrogant men, the so-called sharpness of their bodies in front of such a person as Emperor Tianyuan is simply an empty sun It's just a dim star.

The Dahuang Taoist apparently heard the words of the insect emperor, but she did not look at the insect emperor at all, a loneliness and solitude appeared in her cold face, and she looked down slightly at the ancient well beside her.

"It's worse. I originally wanted to wait for your return and use it to reshape your body so that I can have children with you, but it doesn't matter, it will be fine soon. I was with you in this city. I met and broke my soul in this city again. I buried myself here, waiting for this lonely city to wait for you to return, hope to return, hope to return, but when you can return, I will go if you do not come I'm looking for you, and I'll be with you when I'm complete. For this day, I've been preparing for this day, and soon I will be a complete person, and then continue to look for you, even if I have to Find you and stay with you and never leave ... "

The entire Wilderness City was silent at this time, but the Great Wilderness Taoist muttered to himself.

I do n’t know why, including Emperor Tianyuan, when I heard the words of the Dahuang Taoist master, I felt cold all over, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in my heart.

The Dahuang Taoist still looked at the lively ancient well whispering around for a moment, then raised his head gently and looked at the boundless starry sky above his head.

Then, in the surprised eyes of all parties, the Dahuang Taoist stretched out his long and good-looking right hand, and spread his fingers openly toward the boundless starry sky!

Attracted by the inexplicable actions of the Dahuang Taoist, Poplar looked subconsciously toward the starry sky towards her movements, and then his heart was half cold.

I saw that in the middle of the Great Desolation, the starry sky, at least hundreds of stars instantly became dim, then collapsed and turned into cosmic dust!

Even the endlessly distant starry sky, Aspen can really see it, the hundreds of stars have been completely destroyed, the original existence of endless souls above, and the ancient civilization, can be destroyed in an instant!

After the destruction of the hundreds of stars, the essence of life of the endless beings on the stars turned into a ray of light across the endless starry sky, fell into the deserted city, was pinched by the deserted Taoist master, and was then gently thrown into Inside the ancient well.

When the desolate Taoist thoughts threw the essence of life contained in the endless lives of hundreds of stars into the ancient well, the green beam of light in that ancient well instantly brightened more than a hundred times, the glory of the sky, the endless life breath surging, but he was killed There is no trace of the shackles of Gu within the ancient well.

This is the Great Desolate Taoist who even talked about the supreme strong person. When she woke up, she destroyed hundreds of stars and endless souls with her hands. The means is to destroy the starry sky with her hands!

Witnessing what the Dahuang Taoist did, even though Emperor Tian Yuan and others had expected her resurgence to bring endless disasters, she did not expect to come so quickly and suddenly that she had no chance to stop it.

After doing this, the desolate Taoist Master nodded and seemed to nod his head with satisfaction, and then looked up and looked at the Emperor Zhuangdan indifferently: "The fountain of life is almost complete. I am beyond the bounds of heaven and earth, which is exactly what I want. Since you are the first one who wakes up to talk to me, I will use you as a medicine to guide ... "

Hearing the words of the Dahuang Taoist, Zong Huang changed his face immediately, without even thinking about it. He quickly retreated and shouted in horror: "No, you can't do this, senior, please let me go ..."

The Emperor Zong's heart was terrified, and she thought that she could not bear the pressure and only said a word, which brought her the disaster.

However, the Dahuang Taoist did not listen to the Emperor Zong's begging for mercy, looked at her lightly, with a cold face on his face, and stretched out his hand to gently scratch her.

Hum ~!

Suddenly, the worm emperor's body turned into a human form, as if there was an invisible big hand pinching her, deforming her body, and pulling it towards the direction of the Dahuangdao master.

The desolate Taoist mind is so decisive to kill himself. The insect emperor fights for his life. She growled: "Dahuang, you have been dead for so many years, and now you have only a trace of disillusionment. Does it mean that I am really afraid? about you!"

While talking, the voluptuous body of Zonghuang's humanoid state began to twist, soaring into the sky when the body was about to be crushed, the green light on his body rose, and it turned into a horrible bug nearly 100,000 miles long!

It was a veritable meat worm. Its huge body was chubby like a silkworm baby magnified countless times. The surface was covered with green poisonous slime, which could corrode the void.

Who would have thought that the enchanting woman in the humanoid state was actually such a veritable ugly bug?

Her strength is beyond doubt. After being transformed into a body, her body is highly toxic and erodes the void, and she will escape as soon as she twists into it!

Her mouth said that she was not afraid of the Dahuang Daozhu's words, but she was very honest in her escape.

But did she escape?

The hand stretched out by the Dahuang Dao never dropped, and once again held in the air, the whole world twisted and shivered. A larger, invisible big hand pinched the body of the Emperor Huang, and pulled it out of the void!

Not only that, under the invisible power, the body of the worm emperor pinched by the big hand, the poisonous slime is becoming dry, the body is turning into flying ash, and the essence of life is continually condensing. Faster, it seems that when it falls into the hands of the Dahuang Taoist Master Wan Nian, it will completely turn into a fly ash and die, leaving only the essence of pure life.

In the face of the Dahuang Taoist, the Emperor Zhuang only felt ten times more horrible than the face of the Emperor Tianyuan. At least she could deal with it in the presence of the Emperor Tianyuan. However, facing the Dahuang Taoist, it was simply crushed, even a little resistance. Can't do it!

"What are you doing? Before you do it, she has destroyed hundreds of stars. After my death, you thought you would be better?"

In desperation, the Emperor Zhuang could only use the threat of the Dahuang Taoist to force several others to help himself.

Shi Di, the ancestor and Emperor Tianyuan looked at each other and saw the worry in the other side. The Dahuang Taoist was too powerful. From her previous eyes, everyone saw that once the Dahuang Taoist was busy with his affairs, he waited for himself. She will never let go!

"Senior, now that you are dead, why have you created infinity killing again, so please rest in peace!"

The Emperor Shi solemnly opened his face, his body was infinitely elevated again, and turned into an eternal giant, holding a stone mottled axe, like a pan-grand opening to the Dahuang Taoist.

The Dahuang Taoist in a long red dress was unmoved at all, and still used her weird and terrifying means to destroy the insect emperor to condense the essence of life.

Facing an axe split by Shi Di, her toes were slightly on the ground.

Suddenly, the endless Great Waste City shook, and the distant horizon, a roaring water roar came from outside the Great Desert City walls ~ ~ Then the water flowed from the Quartet world, like a chain. Stone Emperor, with the axe in his hand, entangled the bondage, making it impossible to fall.

The water that binds Shidi is clearly the weird lake outside the desert city.

"The Dahuang Taoist himself wants to destroy the Insect Emperor, and his mind manipulates the Shihuang Emperor to restrain Shidi. Now is the best opportunity to kill her!"

The ancestor roared loudly, holding a half-fanged mace stick and flashed behind the host of the Dahuangdao, without any hesitation, sticking it with a stick!

However, the Dadao Taoist was still unmoved. Her right hand kept the action of pinching the worm emperor, and she reached out with her left hand, pinching the mace sticking near her, holding her five fingers gently, and pinching the mace immediately. It was broken, and then the palm was lightly touched. The invisible force acted on the barbaric ancestor, pressing him to the ground and unable to move.

"Tianyuan, what are you waiting for? At this time, the master of the Great Wilderness Road controls the Great Wilderness City, and the left and right hands cannot be vacated. This is the best time." Shi Di, who was bound by the current, said hard.

The old Emperor Tianyuan stepped solemnly, a chaotic book appeared in his hands, and walked towards the Dahuang Taoist said, "You shouldn't exist in the world ..."