MTL - Powerful Skull in The Last Days-Chapter 10 Zombie vs Skull

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"I found it. It's about nine o'clock on the left, about 20 meters away from our current position, but there are too many Tenman blocks in front." With the buffer of the small skull, Gao Shuo accurately found the core of Tenman. Location.

"Such a long distance!" Sun Yang frowned, trying to avoid the overwhelming Tenman, but also to accurately find the root of the bloodthorn and kill it in one fell swoop, which was too difficult in the fog of the sky .

The little skull sat on the ground with a rump, and looked at them together boringly. The younger brother did not give power but was trouble. Previously, in the necropolis world, this was the same every time he encountered a strong enemy. The boss stood in front of him. Fighting later, all the rest will only be crooked or meat shields, but the only difference is that the boss at that time was probably stronger than him.

There was a very unknown breath in the mist, and it seemed that this breath could threaten himself. The little skeleton was a little uneasy. He couldn't wait to rush up immediately, and shattered this claw that could threaten his existence. Things, to do everything possible to break.

Thinking about it this way, the little skull removed the third rib on his chest and held it tightly in the palm of his hand. This was the hardest bone in his whole body and the sharpest, comparable to an artifact.

There was a little looseness under the ground. Without everyone paying attention, some Tenman quietly approached the crowd from under the ground, closer and closer, they approached quietly, and they were approaching the prey, the little skull. His feet slammed on the ground, and a "click" sounded a warning.

Gao Shuo immediately responded and yelled, "Hurry back!"

Suddenly, countless Tenman emerged from the gap below the ground, and the group of snakes flew toward the crowd. This time Tenman was obviously different from the previous one. It turned out to be dark red with barbs on it. It was extremely hard. Sun Yang was not aware of it for a while, and was wrapped around his neck by a Tenman. The feeling of softness immediately spread from the ankle to the whole body. Sun Yang was so soft that he was about to be dragged into the fog by Tenman. in.

Gao Shuo rushed forward immediately, quickly pulled out the knife in the waist and jumped in a volley, severely chopped on Tengman, and issued a crisp sound, the star and spark appeared at the junction of the knife and Tengman. As soon as Shuo Yi turned, he flipped in the air and quickly changed positions, avoiding Tenman from behind him, and reached out to grab Sun Yang.

At this time, Tenman dumped Sun Yang directly. Seeing that Sun Yang was in danger, Yu Kun rushed over to rescue him. At this moment, Tenman was wrapped around Gao Shuo's waist, and a barb on Tenman Penetrating the flesh directly, the anesthetic contained in it spread all over the body immediately, and it was awful, Gao Shuo was completely soft and was dragged directly into the mist by Tenman.

The whole process is said to be slow, but it happened in a flash, and it was too late to rescue.

"Boss!" Cheng Feifei shouted and rushed forward, trying to grab his hand, but took a slow step. When Gao Shuo entered the mist, more Tenman jumped out immediately.

"Boss!" Yu Kun, carrying Sun Yang, wanted to rush in, but was fussed by Teng Man, he couldn't get close to the fog.

The little skull saw that Gao Shuo was taken away by Tenman, and rushed up immediately. He responded quickly, and immediately rushed in. Tenman felt the existence of the little skull and immediately tangled up. The little skull grabbed the ribs with his right hand, as if holding one. Shake the sharp sword with his hand in the air and stroke through the bone shadows, slashing the Tenman to pieces.

It's a pity that Tenman is too many. He repeatedly attacked him repeatedly. The little skeleton tried to approach Gao Shuo several times and was blocked by Tenman. He growled, and made a terrible clicking sound in his mouth. A pair of claws were raised high and quickly spun up in place.

As he turned, a huge wind swirled in the flat bottom, bouncing high, like a drill bit, straight through the fishnet-like Tenman to Gao Shuo, and a rib went down and wrapped around Tenman on Gao Shuo cut off.

Gao Shuo fell lightly and fell to the ground. His luck immediately began to resist the toxins in his body. The blood began to boil. He was poisonous, but he slowly turned the poison in his body into energy, but it was very slow. He laughed bitterly, he didn't expect that the blood spikes here would be so powerful.

When I came to investigate before, it was clear that there was only a third-order mutant plant. Now it seems that it is clearly a fifth-order mutant plant. Otherwise, how could he not have any way? How could it mutate so quickly in only five days? What happened?

Turnman found that the target he wanted to absorb was rescued, waving his tentacles madly, and more dark red Turnman attacked the little skull. The little skull raised his head and roared silently, and a powerful and powerful explosion broke out all over him. The momentum, clearly did not make a sound, but a hissing sound came out, turned into a violent wind, and went away to Tenman.

For a time, Tenman in the sky was torn into pieces by the wind, and the bloodthorn was sore, it made a strange noise, and the earth suddenly began to tremble, like an earthquake, and the bloodthorn's body began to rise. Innumerable soils scattered with its movements.

When it finally stopped, it turned into a zombie. This is a large zombie, it looks as if it is the combination of three or four zombies. Countless Tenman fluttered above it. As if it was his hair, the zombie's huge eyes were glowing red, staring at the little skull, opening his mouth violently, and spitting out countless dark black things like water arrows.

The little skull scoffed at Gao Shuo, who was still lying behind him, and did not directly avoid it. He waved the impervious air of the ribs and blocked the water arrows directly. When he stopped, he was surprised to find that his beautiful skull frame There were actually a few cracks on it.

"Ka Ka Ka!" Little Skeleton's jumpy feet, this is the thing, he felt it as soon as he came, this is his nemesis, can not panic, the boss said that when you are afraid of something you must be calm, destroy it, must To destroy it.

The little skull jumped abruptly from the ground, and exerted his speed to the utmost. He disappeared in situ in an instant. The next second he had already appeared in front of the zombies. The ribs were sharp like a knife, and they were cut off. Only one arm of the zombie.

"Roar!" The zombie was in pain, and he shot it with a savage palm, as if he was slicing Huashan. The small skull flashed quickly. The Tenman on the zombie's head rushed all at once and aimed directly at the small skull. The small skull still in the air was ripping around.

The little skull disintegrated itself into five parts, and the zombies spewed a black water when they saw it. Seeing that this black thing was about to spray on the little skull's head, a huge ice shield appeared in front of the little skull. Blocked the attack.

The small skeleton quickly assembled itself, stabbed at the head of the zombie fiercely, and the zombies could not avoid it. The head suddenly enlarged, and opened their mouths directly. The small skull couldn't brake, and plunged into the mouth of the zombie.

"Hey! Little Skeleton!" Gao Shuo, who had already recovered, screamed in exclamation, where there was no time.

I don't know what happened, the zombies screamed and began to shrink, as if they had suffered great pain, and suddenly fell straight on the ground, and Gao Shuo walked over and flipped the zombies over. But found nothing.

Did the little skeleton die? 2k novel reading network